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Text File | 1996-05-30 | 71.5 KB | 1,516 lines |
- D X F I X
- =========
- An open, programmable application permits translation of ASCII or
- binary DXF files to input compatible with any release of AutoCAD.
- by John Walker
- Revision 2 by Duff Kurland -- February 18, 1991
- R13->R12 conversion additions by Gary Scott -- March 9, 1995
- Of one power even God is deprived, and
- that is the power of making what is past
- never to have been.
- -- Aristotle, 340 B.C.
- Ever since the first incremental update to AutoCAD(R), the issue of
- downward compatibility has been raised by users. Unlike many software
- products, AutoCAD has always taken great pains to maintain 100% upward
- compatibility from release to release--any drawing made with an
- earlier release of AutoCAD can be edited with any subsequent release.
- The converse, however, is not the case. Once a drawing is edited with
- a given release of AutoCAD it cannot be loaded by a prior release. In
- fact, prior to Release 10, DXF(tm) files written by a later version of
- AutoCAD could not be loaded into an earlier version without manual
- modification.
- In Release 10, we introduced code in DXFIN to ignore header variables,
- symbol tables, and entity fields not defined by the version of AutoCAD
- loading the DXF file. While this fixes many of the problems
- encountered in loading DXF written by a later release of AutoCAD,
- experience has proven it inadequate; Release 10 still cannot read DXF
- written by Release 11 without manual editing of the file.
- This shouldn't be surprising. Solving the problem of downward
- compatibility in a general way is extremely difficult since it
- requires the developer, in essence, to anticipate the future direction
- of product development. Further, the need to maintain downward
- compatibility with products already in the field may encourage bad
- design decisions in new product development, burdening those products
- with inefficiencies and unneeded complexity. While it's easy to
- omit entire objects that aren't recognized when loading a DXF file,
- coping with the subtler differences between releases of AutoCAD such
- as new bits denoting variants of Polylines, changes to text alignment,
- and the like cannot be reasonably done at the DXF input level. (The
- introduction of AUDIT in Release 11 will go a long way toward
- detecting and discarding undefined information received from later
- releases of AutoCAD. But that, of course, doesn't help users of
- releases prior to 11. Further, AUDIT will never be able to translate
- entities in subsequent releases into their equivalents in the release
- on which it's running.)
- With the end approaching for support of various venerable AutoCAD host
- machines (e.g., the 8086 and 8088 in Release 11), the need arises to
- allow users of those machines to load, albeit with some loss of
- information, drawings made by AutoCAD Release 11 and, ideally,
- releases after that. The fact that information may be lost
- down-converting a drawing may not be as serious as it appears at first
- glance--the user of an obsolete machine is, in all likelihood, using
- it for pretty basic 2D drafting work. Having the polyface meshes and
- registered application name tables purged from a drawing is unlikely
- to bother such a user, particularly when the alternatives are either
- not being able to edit the drawing at all or having to junk his
- computer.
- The most straightforward way to provide this compatibility is by
- translating a DXF file written by a new release of AutoCAD into one
- that can be loaded by an earlier target system. Prior to the
- introduction of binary DXF in Release 10, this was a very painful
- process since DXF files were huge, took forever to read and write, and
- forced a tradeoff between file size and accuracy of the numbers in the
- file. With binary DXF, however, nothing is lost in exporting and
- transferring a drawing via DXF, and the file sizes and I/O times are
- comparable to regular drawing (.dwg) files.
- What we need, then, is a DXF converter program--one that reads DXF
- from Release 11 and emits DXF compatible with Release 10. Ideally,
- such a product should be configurable so changes made in future
- releases do not require continual modification of the DXF converter.
- Indeed, the converter should be *programmable*, so that it can
- translate DXF from ANY release of AutoCAD into that of any other.
- Best of all would be a converter that was open, programmable by the
- user, one that could perform any transformation on a DXF file.
- DXFIX(tm) (Drawing eXchange File Inter Xlator) is precisely such a
- tool. Incorporating the FORTH-based Autodesk Threaded Language
- Application System Toolkit (ATLAST (tm)), DXFIX is an open system that
- can be used, without speed penalty, for the simple task of converting
- DXF from Release 11 to Release 10, or programmed by anybody with
- access to this documentation to perform arbitrary translation of DXF.
- Running DXFIX
- -------------
- To convert a Release 11 DXF file to Release 10, use the command:
- dxfix [options] infile outfile
- where "infile" is the input DXF file name (an extension of .dxf is
- assumed if no explicit extension is given), and "outfile" is the
- output DXF file name (.dxf is also added to this name if no extension
- is present). The input DXF file can be either binary or ASCII format;
- binary format is much faster to process and maintains full accuracy of
- drawing objects, but if you supply an ASCII DXF file, DXFIX will
- process it without difficulty. DXFIX reads binary DXF files written
- in AutoCAD portable format regardless of the system on which it is
- running, and ASCII DXF with any of the end of line conventions
- recognized by AutoCAD.
- The "outfile" is written, by default, in binary DXF format. When
- transferring data to AutoCAD Release 10, this format is preferable by
- far as it is much faster to write, generally smaller, and preserves
- full accuracy. If you want ASCII DXF output instead (for example, if
- the DXF is intended for an AutoCAD prior to Release 10 that only
- supports ASCII DXF, or is being sent to a non-Autodesk DXF processing
- program that requires ASCII), specify the "-Adigits" option, where
- "digits" is a number giving the precision, in decimal places, to which
- numbers should be edited in the ASCII DXF file.
- For example, to convert a Release 11 DXF file named "house11.dxf" to a
- Release 10 DXF file named "house10.dxf" (writing "house10.dxf" in
- binary format), use:
- dxfix house11 house10
- To perform the same translation, but generating an ASCII output file
- with six decimal places of precision, use:
- dxfix -a6 house11 house10
- The actual translation relies on specifications given in the file
- "dxfix.dxt", which is assumed to reside in the current directory.
- Alternatively, you can use the "-Tname" option to specify a different
- location or name for the translation specifications file. For
- instance:
- dxfix -a6 -t\dxfix\11_to_10 house11 house10
- tells DXFIX to find its translation specifications in the file
- "\dxfix\11_to_10.dxt". Note that the extension .dxt is assumed if
- none is supplied.
- Release 11 to 10 translations
- -----------------------------
- The following Release 11 to Release 10 translations are specified by
- the standard "dxfix.dxt" file provided with this version of DXFIX.
- Deleting new header variables
- The following drawing header variables, added since Release 10, are
- deleted. (The names in the DXF file are preceded by dollar signs;
- we give the base names here, as they are more familiar.)
- DIMCLRD Dimension line colour
- DIMCLRE Dimension extension line colour
- DIMCLRT Dimension text colour
- DIMGAP Dimension block gap
- DIMSTYLE Current dimension style
- DIMTFAC Dimension text vertical position
- MAXACTVP Maximum active viewports
- PELEVATION Paper elevation
- PEXTMAX Paper maximum extents
- PEXTMIN Paper minimum extents
- PINSBASE Paper insertion base
- PLIMCHECK Paper limit checking
- PLIMMAX Paper maximum limits
- PLIMMIN Paper minimum limits
- PUCSNAME Paper UCS name
- PUCSORG Paper UCS origin
- PUCsXDIR Paper UCS X direction
- PUCSYDIR Paper UCS Y direction
- SHADEDGE SHADE command edge rendering mode
- SHADEDIF Shading diffuse illumination factor
- TILEMODE Tiled viewports mode
- UNITMODE Drawing unit mode bits
- VISRETAIN Layer/viewport visibility retention
- Flattening Z extents
- The drawing extents, output as the $EXTMAX and $EXTMIN header
- variables, contain Z extents for the first time in Release 11.
- Earlier releases report an error when encountering an unexpected Z
- coordinate, so the Z coordinates are removed from these variables.
- Trapping zero $DIMSCALE
- In Release 11, the DIMSCALE dimensioning variable can be set to zero
- for paper space scaling. If a zero is detected, it is changed to
- 1.0.
- Deleting new symbol tables
- The following new symbol tables were added in Release 11. They are
- deleted in their entirety from the TABLES section.
- APPID - Registered application table
- DIMSTYLE - Dimension style table
- Handling new LAYER table flag bits
- The 70 (flags) group of the LAYER table entry has a few new bits.
- The "frozen by default in new viewports" bit has no meaning in
- Release 10 and is zeroed. If any of the "dependent symbol" bits are
- set, the entire layer entry is discarded.
- Deleting new entities
- All VIEWPORT entities, used by the multiple view facility of Release
- 11, are deleted whenever encountered in the ENTITIES or BLOCKS
- section.
- Deleting new entity fields
- The following fields, representing features added in Release 11, are
- deleted from the entities in which they appear.
- BLOCK entity:
- The 1 (Xref path name) and 3 (block name) groups are deleted.
- In addition, all Xref-related bits of the 70 (flags) group are
- zeroed. If the BLOCK was an Xref, it becomes a dummy BLOCK.
- DIMENSION entity:
- The 3 (dimension style), 52 (obliquing angle), and 53 (text
- rotation angle) groups are deleted.
- Deleting new common entity fields
- The following fields, which can occur on any entity in the database,
- are deleted wherever encountered.
- Extended entity data:
- Extended entity data (entity attributes) has group codes in the
- 1000 to 1100 range. All groups in that range are deleted,
- stripping all extended entity data from the drawing.
- Paper/model space indicator
- A new common property of all entities, the paper/model space
- indicator, is represented in DXF by a 67 group, where:
- 0 = model space
- 1 = paper space
- All other values are reserved for future use. Since versions of
- AutoCAD prior to Release 11 don't support paper space, DXFIX
- deletes all entities whose 67 group is nonzero. If the 67 group
- is zero, just that group is deleted.
- Adjusting text vertical alignment
- In Release 11, general specification of the vertical alignment of
- Text, Attribute Definition, and Attribute entities was implemented.
- Earlier releases provided general horizontal alignment, with one
- special case providing both horizontal and vertical centering. The
- new-style "MCenter" specification is translated into the
- near-equivalent "MID" form accepted by versions prior to Release 11.
- All other instances of vertical alignment cause the text to be reset
- to left/baseline justification. In such cases, a warning message
- informs the user of the loss of alignment information, and the
- justification point (group 11) is deleted. In all cases, the
- vertical alignment group (73 in a Text entity, 74 in an Attribute or
- Attribute Definition) is deleted.
- Exploding polyface meshes
- In Release 11 a new variant of the Polyline entity, the polyface
- mesh, was introduced. Consisting of a table of vertices and faces,
- it is a far more compact representation of tiled surfaces than the
- 3Dface entities used prior to Release 11. However, any polyface
- mesh can be represented by a collection of 3Dface, Line, and Point
- entities. If the mesh is EXPLODEd prior to DXFOUT, the resulting
- file can be loaded into Release 10 without difficulty. To eliminate
- this requirement (and to demonstrate by a flashy but convenient tour
- de force the ATLAST-derived power of DXFIX), polyface meshes present
- in the DXF input file are automatically transformed into the
- equivalent collection of individual entities. This is done by
- saving the vertices in a temporary file, then replacing each
- polyface entity with the corresponding simple entity. Invisible
- edge specifications are converted from the negative-vertex form used
- in polyface meshes to the invisible edge bits used in 3Dfaces. The
- temporary file, "$pface.$ac", is deleted at the end of DXF file
- translation.
- Translation specifications
- --------------------------
- Most customers who use DXFIX to convert Release 11 DXF to Release 10
- need know nothing more about the program than the information above:
- how to run it and what information is lost in the process of
- converting a drawing. DXFIX is, however, far more than a Release 11
- to Release 10 DXF translator. In fact, it knows nothing about the
- contents of either Release 11 or Release 10 DXF. DXFIX is actually an
- ATLAST-based, general purpose, open architecture DXF translator. As
- long as no fundamentally new data types are added to DXF (and the
- extended entity group codes and binary chunks of Release 11 were the
- first additions to the format in 5 years and 6 releases), DXFIX will
- be able, given suitable specifications, to translate DXF from any
- AutoCAD of the future to any AutoCAD target system of Release 2.0 or
- later. (Earlier versions of AutoCAD used a totally different form of
- DXF, and while DXFIX could even be made to generate that format, it
- would hardly be worth the bother.)
- The transformation of a DXF file by DXFIX can be controlled at several
- different levels, provided by the natural layering of an ATLAST
- application. Each will be discussed in turn.
- Layer 0: Translation file selection
- ------------------------------------
- The transformations performed by DXFIX are defined in a "translation
- specification file", which is actually an executable ATLAST program
- loaded by DXFIX to perform the translation. If no translation
- specification file is named on the DXFIX command line, the default
- file named "dxfix.dxt" is used. The version of "dxfix.dxt" furnished
- with the initial version of DXFIX performs Release 11 to Release 10
- translation. It is intended that when DXFIX is shipped with an
- AutoCAD release, it will normally be accompanied with a "dxfix.dxt"
- file that converts DXF from that release to the immediately prior one.
- If you wish to use different translation specifications, specify the
- "-Tname" switch on the DXFIX command line, where "name" is the
- translation specification file name. If no extension is specified,
- ".dxt" is automatically appended. For example, if you had a file
- named "r11_r9.dxt" that converts Release 11 DXF to input compatible
- with Release 9, you could translate a DXF file called "chair11.dxf"
- with the command:
- dxfix -tr11_r9 chair11 chair9
- Since Release 9 cannot read binary DXF, the "r11_r9.dxt" file would
- automatically select ASCII output format, even though the user
- specified no "-Adigits" switch on the command line. (We'll see later
- how the translation specifications can control that and much, much
- more.)
- Layer 1: Object processing specifications
- -----------------------------------------
- Since much of the process of translating a DXF file consists of simply
- deleting material added in later releases, much of a translation
- specification file consists of statements that specify what is to be
- deleted, which bits should be turned off in mask fields, and the like.
- The ability to define new data types and methods in ATLAST is
- exploited to make these specifications simple and readable. To
- understand the bulk of the specifications in the "dxfix.dxt" file, you
- must first understand the hierarchy of a DXF file and the nomenclature
- DXFIX uses to designate different levels and objects in the structure.
- The overall structure of a DXF file is as follows:
- Sections Subsections Objects Groups
- --------- ----------- ------- ------
- Variables
- Groups
- Entries
- Groups
- Entries
- Groups
- Entries
- Groups
- ...
- Entities
- Groups
- Entities
- Groups
- Processing of different parts of this hierarchy is specified by a
- "structure name" that selects the portions(s) of the hierarchy to be
- processed. Each structure name begins with the characters "DXF:"
- followed by the path through the hierarchy with wild-card selection
- available by specifying the "*" character at various places.
- To illustrate the use of structure names, we'll use the most common
- declaration in a translation specification file, the "remove"
- statement. All objects that match the structure name are deleted, in
- their entirety, from the DXF file. Here is how "dxfix.dxt" deletes
- the paper space extents header variables from Release 11 DXF.
- remove dxf:header:$pextmax
- remove dxf:header:$pextmin
- The structure name "dxf:header:$pextmax" specifies the HEADER variable
- section, object $pextmax (recall that all header variable names are
- prefixed with a "$" in DXF files). When this variable is encountered
- in the DXF file, its action, "remove", is executed, thereby deleting
- the variable from the output file. To delete additional header
- variables, just add "remove" statements naming them.
- To demonstrate the generality of this approach, let's examine how the
- new Release 11 DIMSTYLE (Dimension Style) table is deleted. The
- specification that accomplishes this is just:
- remove dxf:tables:dimstyle
- Unlike the HEADER variables section, the TABLES section can contain
- multiple objects in each table--in this case any number of dimension
- styles. The structure name triggers, however, when it matches to the
- end of the name specification, so this "remove" statement will be
- executed for each entry in the DIMSTYLE table. Since each execution
- has the effect of deleting the current item (and since the table start
- and table end items are also matched as part of the table), this
- single statement deletes the entire dimension style symbol table from
- the output DXF.
- As part of the multiple view plotting facility in Release 11, a new
- VIEWPORT entity was added to the database. All of these entities must
- be removed when converting a DXF file for use with Release 10. Since
- VIEWPORT entities can appear in either the ENTITIES section or, if
- part of a Block Definition, in the BLOCKS section, we can remove them
- from both sections with the statements:
- remove dxf:blocks:viewport
- remove dxf:entities:viewport
- The "remove" declaration isn't the only action we can take when a
- section name is matched. The "ditchgroup" statement causes the named
- group (which must be specified to the group level) to be deleted from
- the current object. For example, three new groups were added to the
- Dimension entity in Release 11. To remove these, we can use the
- statements:
- ditchgroup dxf:*:dimension:3
- ditchgroup dxf:*:dimension:52
- ditchgroup dxf:*:dimension:53
- The first statement matches the 3 group of objects (entities) named
- DIMENSION appearing in any section of the DXF file (effectively just
- the BLOCKS and ENTITIES sections, since DIMENSION objects appear only
- there). The action of "ditchgroup" causes the 3 group to be deleted
- wherever it appears within a Dimension entity. The statements that
- follow similarly delete the 52 and 53 groups.
- Extended entity data (entity attributes) were introduced in Release
- 11. These are written to DXF files with group codes between 1000 and
- 1100, and must be removed when translating DXF for earlier versions of
- AutoCAD. We can remove all extended entity data, wherever present in
- the DXF file, with the statement:
- ditchgroup dxf:*:*:1000-1100
- In this case we're wild-carding both the section and the object type
- and taking advantage of the ability to specify a range of group codes
- to be selected. If we wanted to select the polyface vertex fields in
- a Vertex entity, we could use "dxf:*:vertex:71-74".
- If special processing is specified at more than one level (for
- example, a given group might be selected by a global group
- specification, as a group of an entity of that type, or as a member of
- an object of that type), processing is done with the most specific
- (group) first to the most general (item) last.
- Layer 2: Translation programming
- ---------------------------------
- What appears at first glance to be a data file that specifies the
- changes to be made to a DXF file is, in actuality, an executable
- ATLAST program. The program has access to all the usual ATLAST
- facilities and, in addition, a set of primitives provided by DXFIX
- that allow easy manipulation of objects in the DXF file. The key to
- understanding how DXFIX and ATLAST work together is the structure name
- specifications described in Layer 1 above. Each structure name
- specification is actually an executable ATLAST definition
- automatically invoked when a matching component of the DXF file is
- encountered. The ability to potentially run a user-defined program
- for every component of the file permits DXFIX to perform arbitrary
- transformations on the DXF files it processes. The quickness with
- which DXFIX can determine if special processing is requested for a
- component of the DXF file (by pre-scanning the ATLAST dictionary for
- the "DXF:" definitions and building a hierarchically-organized table
- of processing requests, it is just a matter of a few pointer and
- integer comparisons), and the inherent speed of executing precompiled
- ATLAST code in an already-looked-up definition, result in DXFIX being
- able to perform substantial user-specified processing while running at
- essentially the same speed as a simple DXF copy program written
- entirely in C.
- To understand how DXFIX and ATLAST are woven together into a unified
- general purpose translation tool, let's start with the DXF processing
- primitives added to ATLAST by DXFIX. Many of these primitives will
- rarely be used in any but the most ambitious DXF translation projects
- (far more complicated than converting Release 11 to Release 10), but
- they're available if you need them. Key to understanding the DXFIX
- primitives is the "current item". DXFIX is always working on one item
- (structure delimiter, header variable, symbol table entry, or entity)
- from the DXF file at a time. This current item is implicitly
- referenced by all of the item and group manipulation primitives.
- Item primitives
- ---------------
- The item primitives operate upon entire items (lists of groups forming
- the fundamental objects in the DXF file).
- CLEARITEM All groups of the current item are deleted. You'd only
- use this if you intended to build a new item from
- scratch using ADDGROUP. The stack is not affected.
- ITEMPOS The position at which the current item began in the DXF
- file is placed on the stack. This is the line number
- of the first group of the item if the input file is
- ASCII or its byte number if the input is binary. Both
- lines and bytes are numbered from zero.
- PRINTITEM All groups of the current item are printed on the
- output file specified by the top of the stack. You can
- use the predefined and automatically opened streams
- STDOUT and STDERR to send output to the user. For
- example, if an Arc is the current entity, the
- statement:
- stdout printitem
- might generate the following output:
- 0: "ARC"
- 8: "0"
- 10: (3, 2, 0)
- 40: 1
- 50: 0
- 51: 90
- READITEM The next item is read from the DXF file and becomes the
- current item. If the item is read normally, -1 is
- placed on the stack; if end of file or a read error
- occurs, 0 is placed on the stack. When the item is
- read, all special processing declared by structure
- names that match the item and/or groups within it is
- automatically performed BEFORE the item is made
- available to the caller of READITEM. If the previous
- current item has not been written to the output file
- with WRITEITEM before READITEM is called to read the
- next, it will be lost--deleted from the output file.
- WRITEITEM The current item is written to the output file, unless
- marked for deletion. If the item is written normally
- or is to be deleted, -1 is placed on the top of the
- stack. If an error occurs attempting to write the item
- to the output file, 0 is returned on the stack top. If
- the DELITEM (delete item) shared variable is nonzero,
- the item is not written to the output file, and the
- DELITEM variable is cleared to zero. If the DELCITEM
- (delete complex item) shared variable is nonzero, the
- item is not written to the output file and, if the item
- is a Sequence End entity, the DELCITEM variable is
- cleared to zero.
- (Added for R13->R12 conversion)
- SETUPSPLINE This primitive was added to allow Spline entities to
- be converted into more primitive entities. It is
- used just prior to calling the EVALSPLINE
- primitive below and again just after. The first
- call before EVALSPLINE should pass the following
- values on the stack:
- Top of stack -> true (integer)
- Order of spline (integer)
- Number of weights (integer)
- Weight_0 (floating point)
- ...
- Weight_M (floating point)
- Control point Z_0 (floating point)
- Control point Y_0 (floating point)
- Control point X_0 (floating point)
- ...
- Control point Z_M (floating point)
- Control point Y_M (floating point)
- Control point X_M (floating point)
- Number of knots (integer)
- Knot_0 (floating point)
- ...
- Knot_N (floating point)
- Note that the number of weights is equal to the
- number of control points.
- After EVALSPLINE is called, SETUPSPLINE should be
- called again with only the value 'false' on
- top of the stack. This frees up any memory
- allocated during the initial call.
- (Added for R13->R12 conversion)
- EVALSPLINE This primitive was added to allow Spline entities to
- be evaluated after setting up the parameters with
- the SETUPSPLINE call above. It uses a Cox-de Boor
- B-spline function to return a 3D point given a
- certain parameter value. For example, the R13->R12
- translator varies the parameter from the value of
- the first knot to the last knot over an equaly
- spaced interval.
- -> 23.45 evalspline f. f. f.
- 6.78 9.01 2.34
- Group primitives
- ----------------
- The group primitives provide access to the individual data fields that
- make up an item. In the following descriptions of primitives, assume
- that the current item is a Line entity on layer 0, from coordinates
- (1,1,0) to (2,2,0). This item would be displayed with the sequence
- "stdout printitem" as:
- 0: "LINE"
- 8: "0"
- 10: (1, 1, 0)
- 11: (2, 2, 0)
- Groups within an item can be identified either by group code or by
- their position within the item. Regular AutoCAD item fields are
- always unique and may be identified simply by their group codes.
- Extended entity data, however, uses the same group code for all fields
- of a given type, so group codes are not necessarily unique. A
- positive number used to designate a group chooses the first occurrence
- of that group code in the current item. A negative number of the form
- -(10000 + n), where "n" specifies the position of the group within the
- item (with the first group numbered zero), selects the nth group in
- the chain of groups composing the item and may be used to uniquely
- specify extended entity groups that appear more than once in an item.
- PRINTGROUP The group identified by the second item on the stack is
- printed on the output stream specified by the top of
- stack. For example:
- -> 10 stdout printgroup
- 10: (1, 1, 0)
- -> -10001 stdout printgroup
- 8: "0"
- GROUPCOUNT Places the number of groups in the current item on the
- top of the stack.
- -> groupcount .
- 4
- (Added for R13->R12 conversion)
- GROUPCOUNT2 Places the number of a particular group in the current
- item on the top of the stack. This is useful, for
- example, in MText entities to find out how many 3
- groups are in an item.
- -> 10 groupcount2 .
- 1
- (Added for R13->R12 conversion)
- ITEMPOS2 The zero based index at which the specified group began
- in the current item is placed on the stack. This
- is useful, for example, in a Spline entity to
- determine where to start requesting the control
- point groups (10 groups) using the -(10000 + n)
- technique mentioned above.
- -> 10 itempos2 .
- 2
- GROUP? If the group with group code given by the top of the
- stack is present in the item, -1 is placed on the top
- of the stack. If the group does not appear in the
- item, 0 is returned.
- -> 10 group? .
- -1
- -> 40 group? .
- 0
- DELGROUP The group on the top of the stack is deleted from the
- item, if present. If the specified group is not
- present, DELGROUP is simply ignored.
- -> stdout printitem
- 0: "LINE"
- 8: "0"
- 10: (1, 1, 0)
- 11: (2, 2, 0)
- -> 8 delgroup
- -> stdout printitem
- 0: "LINE"
- 10: (1, 1, 0)
- 11: (2, 2, 0)
- GROUP The value of the specified group, in whatever form is
- appropriate for it, is placed on the top of the stack.
- Integers are stored as single stack items; real numbers
- and angles as pairs of stack items representing their
- floating point values; coordinates as triples of pairs,
- each giving a floating coordinate with Z at the top of
- the stack, Y next, and then X; strings as the address
- of a temporary string buffer containing the text; and
- binary chunks as a length, in bytes, on the top of the
- stack and the address of the chunk data, stored in a
- temporary string buffer, next on the stack.
- -> 10 group f. f. f.
- 0 1 1
- ADDGROUP A group with the type given by the top of the stack is
- added to the end of the item. The value field of the
- group is cleared to zero, and may be then set with
- -> 62 addgroup
- -> stdout printitem
- 0: "LINE"
- 10: (1, 1, 0)
- 11: (2, 2, 0)
- 62: 0
- SETGROUP Sets the value of the group specified by the top of the
- stack to the values below it (in the same form as the
- results returned by GROUP). Removes the group
- specification and the values from the stack.
- -> 3 62 setgroup
- -> 3.0 4.0 5.0 10 setgroup
- -> stdout printitem
- 0: "LINE"
- 10: (3, 4, 5)
- 11: (2, 2, 0)
- 62: 3
- Diagnostic primitives
- ---------------------
- DUMPSPECIAL The hierarchy of the DXF file is printed, including all
- items named by structure name declarations (whether
- seen in the DXF file or not) and those actually
- encountered in processing the input file so far. Those
- items for which special processing is requested are
- identified with the legend "(Special)". At the end of
- the listing, wild-card specifications are listed. Here
- is the output from DUMPSPECIAL after the first few
- header variables of a DXF file are processed when using
- the standard Release 11 to Release 10 "dxfix.dxt"
- specifications.
- -> readitem readitem readitem readitem
- -> dumpspecial
- START (Special)
- $DIMCLRD (Special)
- $DIMCLRE (Special)
- $DIMCLRT (Special)
- $DIMGAP (Special)
- $DIMSTYLE (Special)
- $DIMTFAC (Special)
- $MAXACTVP (Special)
- $PELEVATION (Special)
- $PEXTMAX (Special)
- $PEXTMIN (Special)
- $PINSBASE (Special)
- $PLIMCHECK (Special)
- $PLIMMAX (Special)
- $PLIMMIN (Special)
- $PUCSNAME (Special)
- $PUCSORG (Special)
- $PUCSXDIR (Special)
- $PUCSYDIR (Special)
- $SHADEDGE (Special)
- $SHADEDIF (Special)
- $TILEMODE (Special)
- $UNITMODE (Special)
- $VISRETAIN (Special)
- $EXTMAX (Special)
- $EXTMIN (Special)
- $DIMSCALE (Special)
- APPID (Special)
- DIMSTYLE (Special)
- LAYER (Special)
- VIEWPORT (Special)
- VIEWPORT (Special)
- BLOCK (Special)
- END (Special)
- Group range actions:
- DXF:*:*:1000-1100
- DXF:*:TEXT:73
- DXF:*:*:67
- Command line primitives
- -----------------------
- The following primitives provide access to the command line used to
- invoke DXFIX. They can be used by advanced translation programs to
- obtain parameters from the command line. The following primitive
- descriptions assume that DXFIX has been invoked with a command line
- of:
- dxfix -i -v11 -y=NO dxin dxout
- OPTION Tests whether a command line option letter, prefixed by
- a minus sign, is present. If that option is not
- specified, 0 is placed on the top of the stack. If the
- option is present, a pointer to the text that follows
- the option letter is placed on the top of the stack
- (the pointer is guaranteed to be nonzero). Note that
- if no text follows the option letter, the pointer will
- still be nonzero indicating the option was specified.
- The pointer will point to a null string, in that case.
- -> "v" option type cr
- 11
- -> "x" option . cr
- 0
- -> "Y" option type cr
- =NO
- ARGCOUNT Places the number of command line arguments, including
- the zeroth argument that gives the program name itself,
- on the top of the stack.
- -> argcount
- 6
- ARGVALUE Given a number from 0 to ARGCOUNT-1 on the top of the
- stack, returns a pointer to a temporary string buffer
- containing a copy of that command line argument. If
- the number is less than 0 or >= ARGCOUNT, 0 is placed
- on the top of the stack.
- -> 2 argvalue type cr
- -v11
- -> 6 argvalue . cr
- 0
- -> : targs argcount 0 do i argvalue type
- :> cr loop ;
- -> targs
- dxfix
- -i
- -v11
- -y=NO
- dxin
- dxout
- Shared variables
- ----------------
- A number of shared variables serve to exchange information between
- DXFIX and the ATLAST translation specification program. These
- variables are all integers (with the exception of OFILE and
- IFILE), and have the following meanings.
- DELITEM DELITEM causes the current item to be deleted rather
- than being written to the output DXF file when
- WRITEITEM is invoked. You can set DELITEM from any
- structure name definition to cause the item that
- invoked that definition to be deleted from the output
- file.
- DELCITEM DELCITEM causes the current item, and all subsequent
- items up to and including the next Sequence End entity
- to be deleted from the output DXF file rather than
- being written to it by WRITEITEM. A structure name
- definition may set DELCITEM when processing the header
- of a complex entity (for example, a polygon mesh, when
- generating DXF for a version of AutoCAD prior to
- Release 10) which should be deleted in its entirety.
- INBINARY If the input file is binary, INBINARY has the value -1.
- If the input file is ASCII, it's 0.
- OUTPREC The OUTPREC variable specifies the mode of the output
- file and, if ASCII, the precision of floating point
- numbers written to it. If the output file is binary,
- OUTPREC is set to -1; if this default has been
- overridden with a "-Adigits" specification on the DXFIX
- command line, OUTPREC will be set to "digits". If the
- value of OUTPREC is set by a DXF:START definition in
- the translation program, the value specified will
- override the default or the value from the command
- line.
- DUMPINPUT If DUMPINPUT is nonzero, each item read from the input
- DXF file will be dumped to standard output.
- DUMPOUTPUT If DUMPOUTPUT is nonzero, each item written to the
- output DXF file will be dumped to standard output.
- SPECIALDONE When an item matches multiple structure name
- definitions, each is normally executed in sequence. If
- a structure name definition performs an action that by
- its very nature completes the processing of the item
- (for example, setting DELITEM to delete it from the
- output file), it may set SPECIALDONE. Once this
- variable is set nonzero by a structure name definition,
- no other structure name definition triggered by the
- item will be processed. This is particularly handy
- when you wish processing of a certain group of an
- entity to replace the default handling of entities with
- that group missing.
- DXFTRACE If the translation program sets DXFTRACE nonzero, all
- invocations of structure name definitions are printed
- on standard output. Here is the output generated by
- translation of a Release 11 DXF file with DXFTRACE set
- to 1.
- Invoking DXF:START
- Invoking DXF:*:SEQEND
- Invoking DXF:*:TEXT:73
- Invoking DXF:*:DIMENSION:3
- Invoking DXF:*:POLYLINE:70
- Invoking DXF:*:SEQEND
- Invoking DXF:*:SEQEND
- Invoking DXF:*:TEXT:73
- Invoking DXF:*:*:1000-1100
- Invoking DXF:*:*:1000-1100
- Invoking DXF:*:*:1000-1100
- Invoking DXF:*:*:1000-1100
- Invoking DXF:*:*:67
- Invoking DXF:END
- (Added for R13->R12 conversion)
- REWIND If the translation program sets REWIND nonzero,
- traslation will be rerun from the beginning after
- the current translation is complete. This is used
- to update the handle seed value when new entities
- are added to the output dxf file (for example,
- when an ellipse is decomposed into a polyline).
- (Added for R13->R12 conversion)
- OFILE This stream is made available to directly access
- the output file. It is used in R13 conversion to
- directly write new entities to the output file.
- (Added for R13->R12 conversion)
- IFILE This stream is made available to directly access
- the input file. It is not currently used in R13
- dxf conversion but is supplied here to complement
- the OFILE stream.
- Missing Z coordinates
- ---------------------
- Some versions of DXF files contain two dimensional as well as three
- dimensional points. Unfortunately, these objects are distinguished
- only by the absence or presence, respectively, of a 3x group in the
- DXF file. They cannot be told apart by group code alone once
- assembled into composite structures with group codes from 10 to 19.
- To allow translation programs to determine whether a Z coordinate was
- supplied in input and to control whether a Z coordinate is written
- when a point group is output, a special floating point variable named
- MISSING_Z is defined. The variable has a value of -1*(10^308), which
- should never occur in a valid AutoCAD database. If the Z coordinate
- of a point group tests equal to MISSING_Z, no Z coordinate was present
- in the DXF input file. If you set the Z coordinate of a point group
- to MISSING_Z, only X and Y coordinates will be written for that point
- when it is output. See the definition of DROP_Z in "dxfix.dxt" for an
- example of MISSING_Z being used to discard an unwanted Z coordinate.
- Structure name execution
- ------------------------
- As each item is read from the input DXF file, DXFIX matches it against
- the structure words (such as DXF:ENTITIES:LINE) defined in the
- translation program. When a match occurs, that definition is
- executed, allowing it to perform whatever operations it wishes upon
- the current item. Two kinds of structure names can be specified. The
- first contains no wild cards or group number and is triggered by an
- entire item in the input; it will be executed only once per item. The
- second form of structure name does contain wild cards and/or a group
- number or range of group numbers. This form of structure name is
- triggered at the individual group level; note that a structure name
- with a wild card and no group range is triggered for EVERY group in
- the item (if you don't want this to happen, simply specify a group
- code known to appear only once in the item, or set SPECIALDONE to
- avert further processing of structure names for the item). The two
- forms of structure names are executed in different ways as well. The
- following examples should make the distinctions clear.
- Item level structure names
- --------------------------
- Examples of item level structure names are DXF:HEADER:$EXTMIN,
- DXF:TABLES:APPID, and DXF:ENTITIES:VERTEX. Each of these denotes a
- definition triggered when an object with that sequence of names
- appears in the DXF hierarchy. The test for the presence of an item
- level structure name is extremely fast, as DXFIX knows at all times
- where it is in the hierarchy and does not need to search a list of
- definitions.
- When an item just read from the input file triggers a structure name,
- the definition for that name is run. Nothing is placed on the stack
- before executing the definition, and the definition should leave no
- result on the stack. Since the definition can examine and manipulate
- the current item with the primitives provided for that purpose,
- there's no need to pass data on the stack.
- Suppose we want to delete the UNITMODE header variable. This can be
- accomplished with the following definition:
- : dxf:header:$unitmode
- 1 delitem !
- ;
- Now when the $UNITMODE item is encountered in the HEADER section, this
- definition will be run. It stores 1 into the shared variable DELITEM,
- which causes DXFIX not to emit the item to the output file,
- accomplishing the objective of the definition.
- Another example of an item level structure name is provided by this
- definition that deletes the Xref information from Release 11 block
- definitions:
- : dxf:blocks:block
- 70 group? if
- 70 group 3 and 70 setgroup
- then
- 1 delgroup
- 3 delgroup
- ;
- When triggered by each BLOCK entity in the BLOCKS section (the only
- place they appear), this definition obtains its 70 group flags, clears
- the Xref bits if set, and stores the revised flags using SETGROUP. It
- then uses DELGROUP twice to delete any 1 and 3 Xref groups present in
- the BLOCK entity. Since DELGROUP does nothing if the group is absent,
- the definition need not use GROUP? to test whether those groups
- exist.
- Group level structure names
- ---------------------------
- Group level structure names contain wild card specifications, group
- numbers or ranges, or both. Group level structure names are matched
- and executed at the group level, and are passed the group code that
- triggered them on the stack when invoked. Examples of group level
- structure names are DXF:*:*:1000-1100 which is triggered by any group
- with a code between 1000 and 1100, wherever found in the input file;
- DXF:TABLES:STYLE:70, executed for the 70 group of each entry in the
- STYLE table of the TABLES section; and DXF:*:TEXT:73, activated
- whenever a 73 group is encountered in a TEXT item anywhere in the file
- (of course, TEXT items appear only in the BLOCKS and ENTITIES
- sections).
- Checking for the presence of a group level structure definition is
- somewhat less efficient than determining if an item level definition
- exists. You should use group level names only when you need the wild
- card selection and group identification they provide.
- In translating Release 11 DXF to Release 10, we want to delete all 52
- groups from Dimension entities. These entities can appear in either
- the BLOCKS or the ENTITIES section. We can accomplish this with:
- : dxf:*:dimension:52
- delgroup
- ;
- Since this is a group level structure name definition, the group code
- that invoked it (in this case 52) is placed on the top of the stack
- before our definition is executed. Knowing it's there, we need only
- execute DELGROUP to remove the group from all DIMENSION items.
- Actually, we want to get rid of both 52 and 53 groups in Dimension
- entities. This requires only our specifying the range of groups:
- : dxf:*:dimension:52-53
- delgroup
- ;
- Again, since the group code that triggered the structure name is
- placed on the stack, the definition does not need to "know" what group
- caused it to be run.
- An extreme example of a group range is provided by a definition that
- removes all extended entity data from a DXF file.
- : dxf:*:*:1000-1100
- delgroup
- ;
- Here we delete all groups between 1000 and 1100 in any section of the
- file. (We should only find such groups in the BLOCKS and ENTITIES
- section, but no harm is done by this more general specification.)
- We can do anything we like with groups, not just delete them. Suppose
- we wished to guarantee that the 4 bit was never set in the 70 group of
- a Vertex entity (it's never supposed to be set anyway, but what the
- heck). The following definition will clear any erroneously set 4
- bits.
- : dxf:*:VERTEX:70
- group 4 not and
- 70 setgroup
- ;
- When this definition is activated, we use the group code on the stack
- to obtain the current value of the field. We then push the constant 4
- for the bit we wish to clear and use NOT to complement its bits. AND
- gives us the value with the 4 bit guaranteed to be off. We then push
- the group code of 70 (we could have copied the version on the stack
- originally, but since this definition is only executed for 70 groups,
- using the constant is simpler and faster) and use SETGROUP to store
- the masked value back into the group.
- The only limits on the amount of processing you can do when triggered
- by a group are your ambition in writing code and your patience waiting
- for it to execute. Take a gander at the definition of DXF:*:VERTEX:70
- actually used in "dxfix.dxt" to translate polyface meshes into simple
- entities for an idea of where the deep end begins.
- Layer 3: Structure defining words
- ---------------------------------
- "But hey!", you say, "Those definitions you just showed me don't look
- anything like the 'remove' and 'ditchgroup' statements you told me
- about that are used in 'dxfix.dxt.'"
- Right you are. In "dxfix.dxt" we took advantage of one of the most
- powerful aspects of ATLAST to make the translation specifications
- compact, readable, and efficient. ATLAST allows you to create
- "defining words" which can subsequently be used to declare new data
- types complete with method code to be executed when the data type is
- referenced. If the motive of ATLAST is "every product programmable",
- its means are "every token executable". When you say "2 3 +" in an
- ATLAST program, you're EXECUTING the literal 2 (in the implementation
- as well as conceptually), which has the effect of placing 2 on the
- stack. You next EXECUTE the literal 3, placing it on top of the 2
- already there. Finally, you EXECUTE the primitive "+", which adds the
- two numbers and leaves their sum, 5, on the stack.
- Not only can you add definitions which are executed just like system
- primitives, you can also define new data types by creating definitions
- called "defining words" that allocate and initialize storage and
- specify a runtime method. I took advantage of this facility to create
- the REMOVE statement, defined as follows:
- : remove
- create
- does>
- drop
- 1 delitem !
- ;
- When you specify:
- remove dxf:entities:viewport
- you are actually EXECUTING the definition of REMOVE. This definition
- performs a CREATE, which causes the next token to be defined an a new,
- executable definition. Following the CREATE one can allocate and
- initialize storage for the definition (what are called "instance
- variables" in object-land). This definition requires no data, so
- CREATE is followed immediately by DOES>, which introduces the method
- to be executed when the new definition is itself executed. Whenever a
- definition made with CREATE is executed, the address of its storage
- area (instance variables) is passed to it on the stack--how can you
- know what you need to do if you don't know who you are? Since our
- definition doesn't need this address, we discard it with DROP. That
- taken care of, we need only set DELITEM to 1, thereby deleting the
- current item, and we're done. Recall that REMOVE is declaring a new
- EXECUTABLE word. When we use it to declare a DXF structure name,
- we're automatically registering the processing defined by its method
- to be done whenever that word is triggered. Thus the user can simply
- write "remove statements", oblivious of the underlying mechanism.
- We can exploit instance variables to create more sophisticated
- defining words. Here is a definition that allows us to AND arbitrary
- groups in a DXF file with any mask we wish:
- : maskfield
- create ( Define Data Type: )
- , ( Compile bitmask )
- does> ( Runtime Method: )
- over ( Duplicate group index )
- group ( Extract value of group )
- swap ( Bitmask address to top )
- @ ( Get value of bitmask )
- and ( Mask value of field )
- swap ( Get group code on top )
- setgroup ( Update group in item )
- ;
- We can use this definition to clear the 4 bits in Vertex entities,
- rather than the less readable explicit definition we used before:
- 4 not maskfield dxf:*:vertex:70
- When this is executed we push 4 on the stack, invert its bits to get
- our AND mask, and then execute MASKFIELD. It performs a CREATE to
- define the following token (in this case our structure name), and uses
- the comma primitive to remove the value from the top of the stack (the
- AND mask) and store it in the next instance variable field of the word
- we're defining.
- When DXFIX encounters a 70 group in a Vertex entity in the input file,
- it will push the group code, 70, then execute DXF:*:VERTEX:70. The
- definition pushes its instance variable address and runs the method
- that follows the DOES> in the definition. That method, in turn, grabs
- the group index from the second item on the stack (OVER), gets its
- current value (GROUP), moves the instance variable address, where the
- mask used by this word has been stored to the top of the stack (SWAP),
- loads the mask from that location (@), logically ANDs the mask with
- the value from the group, moves the group code to the top (SWAP), and
- updates the group in the current item (SETGROUP).
- Once a defining word like this has been created, the user can use it
- to simply list the masks and field names to which they should be
- applied without thinking about how it's all really working.
- You can create defining words with arbitrarily complicated methods.
- An example is the definition of TEXTVADJ in "dxfix.dxt", which
- declares the special processing of Release 11 text vertical alignment
- groups. Since these groups appear in three different kinds of
- entities (Text, Attributes, and Attribute Definitions), and bear
- different group codes in Text and the Attributes, this defining word
- allows concise declaration of where the changes are to be applied.
- Interposition processing (hooks)
- --------------------------------
- A translation program can, by defining specified words, interpose its
- own code before processing of the DXF file commences, supplant the
- standard loop that processes items from the file, and perform closeout
- actions after processing of the file is complete.
- DXF:START If DXF:START is defined, it is executed before the
- first item is read from the input file. The INBINARY
- and OUTPREC shared variables are set based on the
- properties of the input file and the command line
- arguments. The DXF:START definition can override the
- OUTPREC setting at this point to, for example, force
- an ASCII output file for input to AutoCAD versions
- prior to Release 10.
- DXF:TRANSLATE If DXF:TRANSLATE is defined, it is invoked instead of
- the standard loop that reads items from the input
- file and writes them to the output file. A
- DXF:TRANSLATE definition that performs the same basic
- functions as the standard loop is as follows:
- : dxf:translate
- begin
- readitem while
- writeitem drop
- repeat
- ;
- DXF:END If DXF:END is defined, it is called after all items
- in the DXF file have been processed, just before the
- input and output DXF files are closed. If the DXF
- translation program has, for example, created
- temporary files, this is an excellent opportunity to
- close and delete them.
- Interactive operation
- ---------------------
- To ease debugging of translation programs, you can run DXFIX in an
- interactive mode where you're "talking" directly to the ATLAST
- interpreter. If you specify the "-I" switch on the DXFIX command
- line, DXFIX will pause and display the prompt "->" after opening the
- input file, running the DXF:START definition (if any), and opening the
- output file. At this point you can enter any primitive provided by
- ATLAST or DXFIX or invoke any definition in the translation program
- file. When you enter an end of file character (CTRL-Z followed by
- RETURN on DOS, CTRL-D on Unix), DXFIX runs the DXF:END definition (if
- any), closes the input and output files, and exits.
- Summary
- -------
- DXF files have developed a well-deserved reputation for being easy to
- read but difficult to process. DXF has always permitted one, in
- theory, to convert all mutually representable objects between any two
- versions of AutoCAD, but the reality of the process was often much
- more difficult and time consuming than the easily-uttered, "You can
- always edit the DXF..." would lead one to suspect.
- DXFIX meets the immediate need for converting Release 11 DXF so
- Release 10 can load it. With little or no additional development time
- over that required to write a dedicated program for that task, DXFIX
- can, given proper specifications, perform any DXF translation or
- modification job that can reasonably be done in a serial scan of the
- file. Inheriting most of its generality and flexibility merely by
- including ATLAST, DXFIX provides a textbook case of how open
- architecture, programmability, and data driven organization can
- expedite the development and reduce the life cycle costs of even a
- small utility with a modest charter. The implementation of DXFIX
- provides a worked example of how ATLAST can be applied to more
- ambitious products and projects.
- DXFIX Primitives: Alphabetical Reference
- ----------------------------------------
- ADDGROUP gcode -- Add group to item
- Adds a new group of type "gcode" to the
- end of the current item.
- ARGCOUNT -- n Command line argument count
- Places the number of command line
- arguments, including the zeroth argument
- giving the command name, on the stack.
- ARGVALUE n -- s Command line argument string
- Places the address of a temporary string
- buffer "s" containing a copy of command
- line argument "n" on the stack. If "n" is
- less than zero or greater than ARGCOUNT-1,
- 0 is returned.
- CLEARITEM -- Clear current item
- All groups of the current item are
- deleted.
- DELGROUP group -- Delete group
- The group selected by "group" is deleted
- from the current item.
- DUMPSPECIAL -- Dump structure name table
- The table of structure names selected for
- special processing and DXF objects
- encountered so far in the file is printed
- on standard output.
- GROUP group -- value Group value
- The value of the group in the current item
- selected by "group" is placed on the top
- of the stack. The value is stored as an
- integer, a floating point value, a triple
- of floating point values for coordinates,
- the address of a temporary string buffer,
- or the address of a temporary string
- buffer with a binary chunk length on the
- top of the stack depending on the group's
- data type.
- GROUP? group -- flag Test group present
- If the designated "group" is present in
- the current item -1 is placed on the top
- of the stack. If no such group appears in
- the current item, 0 is returned.
- GROUPCOUNT -- n Number of groups in item
- The number of groups in the current item
- is placed on the top of the stack. This
- number can be used in conjunction with the
- -(10000 + n) group specification to scan
- streams of extended entity data groups
- with identical group codes.
- (Added for R13->R12 conversion)
- GROUPCOUNT2 group -- n Number of particular groups in item
- The number of particular groups in the
- current item are placed on the top of the
- stack.
- ITEMPOS -- n Current item position
- The location in the input DXF file at
- which the current item began is placed on
- the top of the stack. This is a byte
- number if the input file is binary or a
- line number if it is ASCII. Both bytes
- and lines are numbered from zero.
- (Added for R13->R12 conversion)
- ITEMPOS2 group -- n Current item index in group
- The zero based index at which the specified group began
- in the current item is placed on the stack. This
- is useful, for example, in a Spline entity to
- determine where to start requesting the control
- point groups (10 groups) using the -(10000 + n)
- technique.
- OPTION s1 -- s2 Command line option
- If a command line specification of the
- form "-xspec" is present, where "x" is the
- same as the first character of string
- "s1", compared without regard to letter
- case, "s2" is returned as a pointer to a
- temporary string buffer containing the
- balance of the option specification. If
- nothing follows the option letter, "s2"
- will be a pointer to a null string. If
- the option selected by "s1" is not
- present, 0 is returned.
- PRINTGROUP group -- file Print group
- The value of the specified "group" of the
- current item is printed on "file".
- PRINTITEM -- file Print current item
- All groups of the current item are printed
- on "file".
- READITEM -- flag Read next item
- The next item from the input DXF file is
- read and becomes the current item and all
- processing specified by structure name
- definitions is performed. If the item was
- read normally, -1 is placed on the top of
- the stack; if the end of file is reached
- or an error is encountered reading the
- item, 0 is returned.
- SETGROUP value group -- Set group value
- The selected "group" is set to the "value"
- that precedes it on the stack. The form
- of the "value" depends on the group's data
- type; see the GROUP primitive for details.
- WRITEITEM -- flag Write item
- The current item is written to the output
- DXF file unless marked for deletion by the
- setting of DELITEM and/or DELCITEM. If
- the item was written successfully or
- deleted, -1 is placed on the stack. If an
- error occurred writing the item, 0 is
- returned. DELITEM is cleared to zero, and
- DELCITEM is cleared if the current item
- was a Sequence End.
- (Added for R13->R12 conversion)
- SETUPSPLINE Set up parameters for Spline
- Called before EVALSPLINE with the
- stack shown below. The top stack item
- should be 'true'.
- Kn ... K0 #knots Xm Ym Zm ... X0 Y0 Z0 Wm ... W0 #Weights Order t/f --
- Called again after the last call to
- EVALSPLINE with one stack item,
- 'false' to free up memory allocated
- during spline evaluation.
- (Added for R13->R12 conversion)
- EVALSPLINE p -- x y z Evaluate a Spline for given parameter
- Called repeatedly with a floating
- point parameter 'p' which usually
- varies from the value of the first
- knot to the last.
- Known Problems
- --------------
- Under certain memory conditions, DXFIX may freeze while transforming a
- drawing that contains a polyface mesh. If you experience this problem,
- EXPLODE the mesh before creating the DXF file. Refer to the section
- earlier in this document, "Exploding polyface meshes".
- Running out of disk space will result in a zero-lenght output
- file.
- AutoCAD is a registered trademark of Autodesk, Inc.
- DXF, DXFIX, and ATLAST are trademarks of Autodesk, Inc.