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- /* INT2QH.C
- *
- * Author: Kai Uwe Rommel
- * Date: Sun 07-Oct-1990
- * Update: Sat 20-Oct-1990
- * Update: Sun 11-Nov-1990 Ralf Brown
- * Update: Ralf Brown (added Bent Lynggaard's INT2GUID enh)
- * Update: Sat 23-Apr-1994 Ralf Brown (updated for compat. w/ INTER41)
- *
- * Compiler: MS C 5.00 and newer / compact model, or TC 2.0 / compact model
- * System: PC/MS-DOS 3.20 and newer, OS/2 1.0 and newer
- *
- */
- #define LABEL "int2qh.c"
- #define VERSION "1.4"
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #define divider_line(s) (strncmp(s,"--------",8)==0)
- FILE *input, *output, *topics, *subtopics;
- char line1[128];
- char line2[128];
- char category[128];
- char parent[128];
- char infilename[14] = "interrup.lst";
- #define infileExt 9
- int splitInfile = 0;
- int sub;
- void diskFull(void)
- {
- fputs("\n\nDisk full\n", stderr);
- fcloseall();
- unlink("topic.tmp");
- unlink("subtopic.tmp");
- exit(1);
- }
- int _fputs(char *line, FILE *stream)
- {
- char buffer[128];
- int cnt = 0;
- while ( *line )
- {
- if ( *line == '\\' )
- buffer[cnt++] = '\\';
- buffer[cnt++] = *line++;
- }
- buffer[cnt] = 0;
- return fputs(buffer, stream);
- }
- char *_fgets(char *s, int n, FILE *stream)
- {
- char *ptr;
- ptr = fgets(s, n, stream);
- if ( (ptr==NULL) && (stream==input) && splitInfile )
- {
- fclose(input);
- infilename[infileExt]++;
- input = fopen(infilename, "r");
- if ( input != NULL )
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", infilename);
- ptr = fgets(s, n, input);
- }
- }
- return ptr;
- } /* _fgets */
- void Initialize(void)
- {
- input = fopen(infilename, "r");
- if ( input == NULL )
- {
- infilename[infileExt] = 'a';
- infilename[infileExt+1] = 0;
- input = fopen(infilename, "r");
- if ( input == NULL )
- {
- fputs("Cannot open input file (INTERRUP.LST or INTERRUP.A)\n", stderr);
- exit(1);
- }
- splitInfile = 1;
- }
- #ifdef __MSDOS__
- setvbuf(input,NULL,_IOFBF,8192) ;
- #endif
- fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", infilename);
- output = stdout;
- topics = fopen("topic.tmp", "w");
- subtopics = fopen("subtopic.tmp", "w");
- fprintf(topics,
- ".context List Categories\n.list\nInterrupt-List\n"
- ".context Interrupt-List\n.context INTLIST\n.topic Interrupt-List\n.list\n"
- );
- }
- void Cleanup(void)
- {
- fclose(topics);
- fclose(subtopics);
- fputs("Cleaning up\n", stderr);
- topics = fopen("topic.tmp", "r");
- subtopics = fopen("subtopic.tmp", "r");
- while ( fgets(line1, sizeof(line1), topics) )
- if ( fputs(line1, output) == EOF )
- diskFull();
- while ( fgets(line1, sizeof(line1), subtopics) )
- if ( fputs(line1, output) == EOF )
- diskFull();
- fcloseall();
- unlink("topic.tmp");
- unlink("subtopic.tmp");
- }
- void CopyFile(char *name)
- {
- FILE *temp = fopen(name, "r");
- if ( temp == NULL )
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Could not open %s\n", name);
- fputs("Information was not available\n", output);
- }
- else
- {
- while ( fgets(line2, sizeof(line2), temp) )
- _fputs(line2, output);
- fclose(temp);
- }
- }
- void StartTopic(char *name, char *desc)
- {
- fprintf(sub ? subtopics : topics, "%s %s\n", name, desc);
- fprintf(output, ".context %s\n.category %s\n.topic %s\n", name, parent, desc);
- }
- void StartList(char *name, char *desc)
- {
- fprintf(topics, "%s %s (list)\n", name, desc);
- fprintf(subtopics, ".context %s\n.category %s\n.topic %s\n.list\n", name, parent, desc);
- strcpy(category, desc);
- strcpy(parent, name);
- sub = 1;
- }
- void EndList(void)
- {
- strcpy(category, "Interrupt-List");
- strcpy(parent, "INTLIST");
- sub = 0;
- }
- char *NextID(void)
- {
- static char ID[32];
- static unsigned long CurrentID = 0;
- CurrentID++;
- sprintf(ID, "IL%04ld", CurrentID);
- return ID;
- }
- int RecognizedTopic(void)
- {
- char *ptr, topic[64], desc[128];
- if ( _fgets(line2, sizeof(line2), input) == NULL )
- return 0;
- if (strncmp("INT ",line1,4) != 0)
- return 0;
- ptr = line1 + 6 ;
- while (*ptr == ' ')
- ptr++ ;
- *--ptr = 0;
- strcpy(topic, line1);
- *ptr = ' ';
- if ( topic[strlen(topic) - 1] == 'h' )
- topic[strlen(topic) - 1] = 0;
- if ( strcmp(category, topic) && sub )
- EndList();
- strcpy(desc, line1);
- desc[strlen(desc) - 1] = 0;
- for (ptr = line2 ; isspace(*ptr) ; ptr++)
- ;
- if ( (!strncmp(ptr, "AX =", 4) ||
- !strncmp(ptr, "AH =", 4) ||
- !strncmp(ptr, "AL =", 4))
- && !sub )
- StartList(NextID(), topic);
- StartTopic(NextID(), desc);
- _fputs(line1, output);
- if ( !divider_line(line2) )
- _fputs(line2, output);
- return 1;
- }
- void CopyTopic(void)
- {
- if ( divider_line(line2) )
- { /* kludge for one-line interrupts */
- _fgets(line1, sizeof(line2), input);
- return;
- }
- for (;;)
- {
- if ( _fgets(line1, sizeof(line1), input) == NULL )
- break;
- if ( !divider_line(line1) )
- _fputs(line1, output);
- else
- {
- if ( _fgets(line2, sizeof(line2), input) == NULL )
- break;
- if ( strncmp(line2, "INT ", 4) )
- {
- _fputs(line1, output);
- _fputs(line2, output);
- }
- else
- {
- strcpy(line1, line2);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void main(void)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "\nINT2QH %s - (c) Kai Uwe Rommel/Bent Lynggaard - %s\n", VERSION, __DATE__);
- Initialize();
- EndList();
- StartTopic("HEADER", "Overview of the Interrupt List");
- CopyTopic();
- StartTopic("MEMLIST", "BIOS Memory List");
- CopyFile("memory.lst");
- StartTopic("PORTS", "I/O Ports") ;
- CopyFile("ports.lst") ;
- StartTopic("CMOS", "CMOS Memory Locations") ;
- CopyFile("cmos.lst") ;
- StartTopic("CPUBUGS", "Bugs in various CPUs") ;
- CopyFile("86bugs.lst") ;
- StartTopic("Primer ", "What is an interrupt?");
- CopyFile("interrup.pri") ;
- StartTopic("Glossary", "Terminology used in the List") ;
- CopyFile("glossary.lst") ;
- StartTopic("INTERRUP.1ST","How to get/update the Interrupt List");
- CopyFile("interrup.1st") ;
- while ( RecognizedTopic() )
- CopyTopic();
- Cleanup();
- exit(0);
- }
- /* End of INT2QH.C */