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- The program INT2QH converts the raw Interrupt list file into an input
- file for the Microsoft HELPMAKE program to create a QuickHelp database
- (also known as Microsoft Advisor Help files).
- When running, INT2QH reads interrup.lst and memory.lst from the current
- directory and writes the created Quickhelp source file to standard
- output (it creates two temporary files topics.tmp and subtopics.tmp
- during that process in the current directory).
- From the 5/90 list, it creates a 1.1M source file for HELPMAKE which
- then creates a help database of about 610k. You can use QH2HLP.BAT for
- running HELMAKE.
- The created help database has two levels of hierarchy (for the INT 10,
- INT 13 etc.) and the correct parent-connections. Only cross-references
- from the Interrupt list are not intepreted because this would require a
- lot of effort (symbol table).
- All topics get a running number to remove ambiguities from the database.
- You will see this numeric topic names like "IL123456" only in topic
- lists.
- The help database can be accessed from within the Microsoft Programmer's
- Workbench, the Microsoft Editor 1.2 or the stand alone QuickHelp
- program.
- Kai Uwe Rommel
- rommel@lan.informatik.tu-muenchen.dbp.de