home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- You can edit and then print this file using Windows Notepad (select File
- and then Print).
- This file describes how to upgrade or register your copy of IM. (Users
- who purchased IM from a dealer or the WWW must register with Stiller
- Research.)
- You can order IM upgrades when they become available, or you can arrange
- for us to automatically ship the latest versions of Integrity Master
- when they become available.
- ------------------------------
- For 12 months from purchase, registered users of Integrity Master can
- download the evaluation (shareware) version from our web site
- (http://www.stiller.com), internet ftp sites, CompuServe (visit our
- forum by using the command GO STILLER), AOL, MSN, or many larger BBSes.
- The license information stored in IM.PRM will allow the evaluation
- version to work as the registered version. You can extend these
- "electronic upgrades" by 12 or 24 months for a small fee.
- When you download the evaluation version, just unzip it into the \IM_Home
- directory (if it is .zip file). If you download the version with our Windows
- installer self installer, just run the .EXE file and everything is automatic.
- You do NOT need to rerun SetupIM. You MUST keep your old IM.PRM file since
- this contains your license information and allows the downloaded software
- to act registered. If you have any problem with this, copy IM.DAT from
- your latest IM diskette and execute "SetupIM /U" (this updates the
- license information in your IM.PRM file.
- ====================================================================
- New versions of Integrity Master fall into two categories:
- Upgrades:
- ---------
- Integrity Master is constantly being improved. We place a high priority
- on adding those features and capabilities requested by our customers.
- (Please let us know what changes YOU would like to see!) Approximately
- every 60 to 150 days we issue an update.
- 12 month extension of electronic (BBS) upgrades
- -----------------------------------------------
- You may extend your ability to download Integrity Master from our
- support BBS or any other BBS carrying the evaluation versions of
- Integrity Master for 12 months. This includes a diskette with the
- latest version of IM and any updated manuals we've released as well as
- an additional 12 months of tech support.
- Major upgrades:
- ---------------
- When we have added enough features or make a major addition to Integrity
- Master's capabilities, we release a new major version. New major
- versions are only occasionally produced. We expect the next version
- (version 5) of Integrity Master to be available between September 1998
- and December 1999.
- What you will get if you upgrade:
- --------------------------------
- We will send you the latest version of Integrity Master at whatever
- interval you select. You will receive one copy of the latest version
- on diskette plus a new copy of the book/users guide if enough changes
- have been made to warrant this.
- All automatic upgrades will automatically upgrade you to any new major
- versions of Integrity Master released during that time period.
- All upgrades include extension of the 12 month Stiller Research
- technical support which comes with the initial license. This extension
- is effective until six months after the last upgrade is shipped.
- Shipping and Handling:
- ----------------------
- Prices for automatic shipment of Integrity Master include shipping and
- handling. Since only a single copy will be mailed, you don't need to
- pay more shipping or handling even if you are licensing multiple copies
- of Integrity Master.
- Quantity:
- ---------
- If you have Integrity Master licensed to be used on more than one PC, you
- need add only the small $4 charge at the bottom of the order form for
- each additional PC on which are you are using IM. THIS APPLIES ONLY
- Copying this file your to printer (or entering: "IMPRINT UPGRADE") will
- produce this documentation plus the following order form and mailer.
- Please see file ORDER.TXT, if you want to license Integrity Master for
- use on additional PCs.
- If you have a continuous form type printer, make sure your printer is
- positioned at the top of page before you print the order form (do a page
- eject).
- To order quickly, call ASG at 1-800-788-0787 (toll free) or (outside the
- US) +1-314-256-3130 or fax to 314-966-1833 with VISA or MasterCard. See
- our list of authorized agents in file ORDER.TXT. Please mention your
- serial number when upgrading.
- Payment by Check
- ----------------
- If you are outside the United States, you can order directly from us or
- contact any of our agents (see order.txt for a list of agents).
- Our agents usually accept orders by telephone or mail using Visa and
- MasterCard/Eurocard. Your copy of Integrity Master will be air-mailed
- directly from us here in the U.S. or from our agent, so you can be
- assured of getting the very latest release. We accept checks
- payable in non-US funds from the following countries:
- Australia Japan
- Austria Malaysia
- Belgium Netherlands
- Canada New Zealand
- Denmark Norway
- England Philippines
- France Portugal
- Germany Singapore
- Greece Spain
- Hong Kong South Africa
- India Sweden
- Indonesia Switzerland
- Ireland Thailand
- Italy United Kingdom
- ** Please use the current exchange rates for purchase of dollars to
- determine how much of your currency to write a check for.
- ** We can NOT accept checks in US dollars written on non-US banks.
- __________________________________________________________________________
- | Mail to: Stiller Research Dept U401 (or mail to any |
- | 1265 Big Valley Dr. agent in ORDER.TXT) |
- | Colorado Springs, CO 80919-1014 USA |
- |__________________________________________________________________________|
- | U P G R A D E O R D E R F O R M (Please fill out completely) |
- | |
- | Name:_________________________________ Title:___________________ |
- | |
- | Company:_________________________ Email adr: ____________________ |
- | |
- | Date:____/____/____ Current Version of Integrity Master: V4.01a |
- | |
- | Address:____________________________ City:___________________ |
- | |
- | State:___________ Zip/Postal code:_________ Country:___________ |
- | |
- | Disk: 5-1/4" ___ 3-1/2" ___ Original serial # ______________ |
- |__________________________________________________________________________|
- |(The following prices include shipping but may change with new releases) |
- |__________________________________________________________________________|
- | DESCRIPTION | Price | Total |
- | | each: | (US $)|
- |________________________________________________________|_________|_______|
- | Please upgrade my license (one time upgrade) to the | | |
- |( )* Next upgrade ($18 + $4 S&H) | $22.00 | |
- |( )* 12 month extension of electronic upgrades | $25.00 | |
- |( )* 24 month extension of electronic upgrades | $40.00 | |
- | * all include extended support and download access. | | |
- |________________________________________________________|_________|_______|
- | Automatic shipment of each new upgrade | | |
- | US and Canada (price includes shipping): | | |
- | for 12 months: | $45.00 | |
- | for 24 months: | $80.00 | |
- | Overseas (price includes shipping): | | |
- | for 12 months: | $60.00 | |
- | for 24 months: | $110.00 | |
- |________________________________________________________|_________|_______|
- | | | |
- | Registration only -- check here -----------> [ ] | | |
- | (if you purchased IM from a dealer) |No Charge| |
- |--------------------------------------------------------|---------|-------|
- | If you're using IM on more than one PC, add $4 for each| | |
- | license beyond the first. (After first year only) | $4.00 | |
- |--------------------------------------------------------|---------|-------|
- | SUBTOTAL -----------------------------------------------------> | |
- |__________________________________________________________________|_______|
- | Colorado residents add local sales tax: | |
- |==========================================================================|
- | TOTAL ENCLOSED (Payment must be in US dollars unless you are | |
- | sending a check from one of the counties listed above. | |
- |__________________________________________________________________________|
- ------- Separate or fold near here, on continuous form printers-------------
- 1) Please place the upgrade order form on the back of this page, then fold
- both pages together as indicated.
- 2) Insert your check or money order then staple or tape both ends.
- 3) Stamp and mail. Orders are normally shipped within 24 hours of receipt.
- T H A N K Y O U F O R Y O U R O R D E R !
- -------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------- Fold here first -------------------------------
- -------
- | Place |
- | stamp |
- | here |
- -------
- Stiller Research - Dept U401
- 1265 Big Valley Dr.
- Colorado Springs, CO 80919-1014
- U.S.A.
- ---------------------------- Fold here last ---------------------------------
- T
- T a
- a p
- p e
- e
- h h
- e e
- r r
- e e
- (or staple here)