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- Integrity Master(tm) ordering information:
- To order upgrades please see file UPGRADE.TXT. If you have any questions
- or need a special quote feel free to call our cental number at
- +1 719-533-1879 (8AM to 5PM Mountain time).
- To order quickly, call PsL at 1-800-2424-PsL (toll free) or
- 1-713-524-6394 or fax to 713-524-6398 with VISA or MasterCard or see
- our list of authorized agents below.
- On CompuServe, you can order easily; just enter "GO SWREG" at any prompt.
- Order Registration ID 373 inside the US or Canada, and Registration ID 374
- in other countries.
- One handy way to order is to visit our Web site: http://www.stiller.com
- and visit our order page and click on the link to Alberts Ambry for
- online ordering.
- This file contains all the information you need to register your copy
- of Integrity Master. For license and warranty information, please read
- information provided when you execute SETUPIM or read file I-M.TXT.
- If you wish to use Integrity Master on more than one PC, you must
- license multiple copies. There are two ways to do this.
- 1) One way is to simply purchase more than one copy; you will get a
- price reduction on multiple copies. In this case, you will get
- complete packages including the book and disk.
- 2) The other way is to purchase a site license for the extra copies.
- In this case, you do not get extra copies of the book and diskettes
- unless you specifically order them, but you pay a lower price than
- if you had ordered the complete package.
- Benefits of Purchasing Integrity Master
- 1) The latest licensed version direct from Stiller Research with availability
- of automatic mailed updates or 12 months of free downloads from the
- internet, CompuServe, AOL, BBS's around the world, or from our support BBS.
- 2) The 144 page professionally printed book: "Defeating Viruses and Other
- Threats to Data Integrity." This is a complete guide and reference manual
- for IM as well as a guide on data integrity and viruses. It now includes
- expanded information on: details of common viruses, macro viruses, how
- viruses mutate, the virus underground, using advanced anti-virus tools,
- guidelines for consultants, stealth viruses, and why people write viruses.
- 3) Information on installing and safely using DoubleSpace DriveSpace,
- SmartDrive (applies to all other compression and cache programs). It
- contains the tips and step-by-step directions gained from helping 100s of
- users.
- 4) Special offers, including a FREE introductory CompuServe subscription
- ($39 value) with up to 2.5 hours of connect time. (This may be a time
- limited offer so order today)
- 5) Exclusive three year virus updates (see file 3YEAR.TXT for details)
- 6) Twelve month free technical support for IM, which includes direct
- assistance (from Stiller Research) with virus attacks (if needed).
- 7) Add on utilities to supplement the capabilities of Integrity Master:
- A) Stiller Research's own high speed automatic run utility. This
- program will allow you run IM (or any other program) at specific
- intervals. This allows you to place IM in your AUTOEXEC.BAT
- file and have it run only once a day, once every X days, or
- even only on specific days of the week or month.
- B) For a limited time we're including free PC hardware and
- configuration analysis software. It analyzes your PC's
- configuration (base memory, extended/expanded memory, ports, CPU,
- BIOS, video and drives). This is great for tracking down hardware
- and configuration problems.
- 8) The good feeling knowing that you are supporting low cost, high quality
- software, where the $$$ go into development not into expensive marketing.
- Copying this file your to printer (or entering: IMPRINT ORDER) will produce
- this documentation plus the following order form and mailer. You can
- print just the order form and mailer by copying file ORDER.FRM to your
- printer or entering the command:
- If you have a continuous form type printer, make sure your printer is
- positioned at the top of page before you print the order form (do a page
- eject).
- __________________________________________________________________________
- | Mail to: Stiller Research Dept I401 (or mail to any |
- | 1265 Big Valley Dr. agent in ORDER.TXT) |
- | Colorado Springs, CO 80919 U.S.A. |
- |__________________________________________________________________________|
- | O R D E R F O R M (Please fill out completely) |
- | |
- | Name:_________________________________ Title:___________________ |
- | |
- | Company:_________________________ Email adr: ____________________ |
- | |
- | Address:____________________________ City:_______________________ |
- | |
- | State:__________ Zip/Postal code:__________ Country:______________ |
- | |
- | Date:____/____/____ Type of PC: ___________ Op Sys Version:____ |
- | |
- | Disk: 5-1/4" ___ 3-1/2" ___ Telephone: ____________________ |
- |__________________________________________________________________________|
- | DESCRIPTION |# | Price | Each | Total |
- |_____________________________________________|__|________|________|_______|
- | Integrity Master Package (first copy) | 1|$45.00 | $49.50 | $49.50|
- | Shipping and Handling | | $4.50 | | |
- |_____________________________________________|__|________|________|_______|
- | Additional copies (includes book + disk) | | | | |
- | $$ from multiple copy table in QUANTITY.TXT | | | | |
- |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -| |--------| | |
- | Shipping and Handling (per copy) | | $4.50 | | |
- |_____________________________________________|__|________|________|_______|
- | Multiple PC usage (site license) | | | | |
- | (see site license table in quantity.TXT) | | | | |
- |---------------------------------------------|--|--------|--------|-------|
- | (Extra books/disks only for site license) | | | | |
- | Enter # of additional books and disks | |$10.00 | | |
- |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -| |--------| $14.50 | |
- | Shipping and handling (per copy) | | $4.50 | | |
- |_____________________________________________|__|________|________|_______|
- | Outside the U.S./Canada, add $5 additional | | | | |
- | per package(each book and disk for shipping)| | $5.00 | | |
- |------------------------------------------------------------------|-------|
- | Add $6 for non-prepaid purchase orders ------------------------> | |
- |------------------------------------------------------------------|-------|
- | SUBTOTAL: (use current exchange rate if non-US currency) ------> | |
- |__________________________________________________________________|_______|
- | Colorado residents add local sales tax: (3 - 7%) -------------> | |
- |==========================================================================|
- | TOTAL ENCLOSED: (We accept checks in currency of all major | |
- | countries--please see the list countries near the end of file | |
- | ORDER.TXT. No US $ checks from non-US-banks please.) ---------> | |
- |==========================================================================|
- | Where did you get your copy of Integrity Master? (V4.01a)|
- | Download from: ____________________________ |
- | other: ____________________________ |
- |__________________________________________________________________________|
- | Comments: (Suggestions, what you like, don't like etc.) |
- | _______________________________________________________________________ |
- | _______________________________________________________________________ |
- | _______________________________________________________________________ |
- |__________________________________________________________________________|
- ------- Separate or fold near here, on continuous form printers---
- 1) Please place the order form on the back of this page, then fold both
- pages together as indicated.
- 2) Insert your check or money order then staple or tape both ends.
- 3) Stamp and mail. Orders are normally shipped within 24 hours of receipt.
- Reminder: Did you include $4.50 shipping/handling for each copy of IM that
- includes a book and disk? If you are outside of the U.S. or
- Canada, did you include the extra $5.00 for overseas shipping as
- well as the $4.50 (basic shipping) for each copy?
- T H A N K Y O U F O R Y O U R O R D E R !
- -------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------- Fold here first -------------------------------
- -------
- | Place |
- | stamp |
- | here |
- -------
- Stiller Research - Dept I401
- 1265 Big Valley Dr.
- Colorado Springs, CO 80919-1014
- U.S.A.
- ---------------------------- Fold here last ---------------------------------
- T
- T a
- a p
- p e
- e
- h h
- e e
- r r
- e e
- (or staple here)
- ------- Separate near here, on continuous form printers-------------
- One handy way to order is to visit our Web site: http://www.stiller.com
- and visit our order page and click on the link to Alberts Ambry for
- online ordering.
- A u t h o r i z e d A g e n t s:
- ----------------------------------
- Note, at present, Stiller Research will air-mail Integrity Master
- directly to you so you can be assured of getting the most current
- version. Some of our agents will shortly be shipping directly. In this
- case, we electronically transmit the latest software to that agent to
- make sure your copy is the very latest version.
- Integrity Master can be ordered from the following sources:
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Argentina:
- RALP (Ruben Arias)
- 1ro de Mayo 2312
- (1879) Quilmes Oeste
- Tel: (0054-01-)308-0350
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Australia:
- Contact our agent in New Zealand
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Brazil:
- Dispro Software Ltda. (Roger Versteeg, President)
- Rua Funchal, 538
- 7 Andar - Conj. 75
- 04551-060 Sao Paulo, SP
- Brazil
- Phone: (5511) 820-1422
- Fax: (5511) 822-3527
- BBS: (5511) 536-0741
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Central America
- Contact our agent in Guatemala (with offices expected in El Salvador,
- Honduras, Costa Rica , Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, and Mexico)
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Czech Republic
- P.O. Box 57
- 37004 Ceske Budejovice
- Czech Republic
- ________________________________________________________________________________
- France:
- WinShare KillerApps Edition
- 46-48 route de Thionville
- 57140 Woippy
- Tel.: +33
- Fax: +33
- Henri Mbella
- Tel: (33) (1) 47 99 40 49
- Fax: (33) (1) 47 99 39 51
- email: hmbella@club-internet.fr
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Germany (Deutschland):
- WinShare KillerApps Verlag
- VerbindungsBÜro Deutschland
- PostFach 10 05 43
- Mainzerstrasse 116
- 66005 SaarbrÜcken
- Tel.: + 49 0681 9963 0
- Fax.: + 49 0681 9963 111
- e-merge GmbH
- "Integrity Master"
- Bohlweg 36
- D-48147 Muenster
- Phone +49-(0)251-43 0 00
- BBS +49-(0)251-43 0 51
- Fax +49-(0)251-43 0 52
- ISDN +49-(0)251-43 0 53
- CompuServe 100543,1515
- Fido 2:2449/508
- DiscoverWare GbR
- Nordstrasse 10/1
- D-75392 Deckenpfronn
- Tel/Fax: +49 711 - 687 49 11
- Email: DiscoverWare@T-Online.de
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Guatemala (Central America with offices in El Salvador, Honduras,
- Costa Rica , Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, and Mexico)
- PSI/TecSys
- 7 Av 14-44 Zona 9
- Oficina #15
- Guatemala City,Guatemala
- Fax: (502)361-3220
- Tel: (502)334-0362
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Italy:
- L'Agora' S.r.l.
- C.so Vittorio Emanuele 15
- 20122 MILANO
- Italy
- Tel: +39 2-781000
- Fax: +39 2-780472
- CompuServe: 100022,602
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Japan:
- Mikio Shimojo.
- Personal Data Factory
- Shimoueki-cho 451-3,
- Isesaki-shi,
- Gunma-ken 372 JAPAN.
- TEL:0270-21-1423
- FAX:0270-21-1423
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Luxembourg:
- Yves Boden
- B.P. 1887
- L-1018 Luxembourg
- Tel: +352 47 96 25 65
- Fax: +352 42 36 26
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Malta:
- First International Ltd.
- Multi-Tech Centre
- Regonal Road
- MSD 13
- Tel: (356) 484458 or 483819
- Fax: (356) 483820
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Netherlands:
- CopyCats Software & Services
- Postbus 1088
- 1700 BB Heerhugowaard
- The Netherlands
- Tel / Fax: +31 (0) 72 5745993
- CompuServe: 100121,1562
- Payment accepted by: Cheque, bank/giro,
- op rekening (overheid, grootbedrijf)
- ________________________________________________________________________________
- New Zealand:
- P.O. Box 74414
- Market Road
- Auckland 1130
- New Zealand
- Phone: (09) 360 7651
- Email: aval@clear.net.nz
- ________________________________________________________________________________
- Philippines:
- E & J Global Enterprises
- MCPO BOX 2336
- Fax: (632) 817-5410
- Telex: 14895
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Poland:
- P.O. BOX 40
- PL-80-816 Gdansk 16
- Tel: +48-58-57-96-42
- Fax: +48-58-57-88-22
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Singapore:
- Online Technology
- 134, Jalan Besar
- #03-00
- Phone +65-298-8634
- Fax +65-299-6007
- CompuServe: 71413,3330
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Spain:
- WinShare KillerApps
- Ediciones Espaqa srl
- Ruiz de Alarcsn 7
- 28014 - MADRID
- Tel.: + 34 1 360 51 15
- Fax.: + 34 1 523 36 42
- Juan Melian Alvarado 32
- 35017 Las Palmas G.C.
- (Spain)
- Fidonet: 2:340/25
- Internet: a1649@correo.dis.ulpgc.es
- BBS +34-28-355414
- FAX +34-28-355414
- VOICE +34-28-353589
- payment possible via funds transfer to:
- Bank: La Caja Postal
- Office: 1302.5000.6
- Account: 29-91.070.660
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Sweden:
- Karahldata
- Box 7136
- 907 04 UMEA
- Sweden
- Tel: 0708 - 103 407
- Fax: 0708 - 103 749
- e-mail: Karahldata@aol.com or 100554.2356@compuserve.com
- (Betalning sker mot postforskott)
- _________________________________________________________________________
- United states:
- Public Software Library (PsL) (Visa, MasterCard, Discover or Amex.)
- P.O. Box 35705
- Houston, TX 77235-5705
- Tel: 800-2424-PsL (US toll free)
- Tel: 713-524-6394
- Fax: 713-524-6398
- email: (credit card orders) CompuServe: 71355,470
- Internet:71355.470@compuserve.com
- Stiller Research (checks in US dollars on US banks or from
- 1265 Big Valley Dr. countries below and on order form)
- Colorado Springs, CO 80919
- U.S.A.
- On CompuServe, you can license single copies.
- Just enter "GO SWREG" at any prompt.
- Order Registration ID 373 inside the US or Canada,
- and Registration ID 374 everywhere else.
- _________________________________________________________________________
- N O N - U. S. O R D E R S :
- -------------------------------
- If you are outside the United States, you can order directly from us or
- contact any of our agents. Our agents usually accept orders by
- telephone or mail using Visa and MasterCard/Eurocard. Your copy of
- Integrity Master will be air-mailed directly from us here in the U.S.
- or from our agent, so you can be assured of getting the very latest
- release. We can now accept checks payable in non-US funds from the
- following countries:
- Australia Japan
- Austria Malaysia
- Belgium Netherlands
- Canada New Zealand
- Denmark Norway
- England Philippines
- France Portugal
- Germany Singapore
- Greece Spain
- Hong Kong South Africa
- India Sweden
- Indonesia Switzerland
- Ireland Thailand
- Italy United Kingdom
- ** Please use the current exchange rates for purchase of dollars to
- determine how much of your currency to write a check for.
- ** We can NOT accept checks in US dollars written on non-US banks.
- In all other countries, please contact one of our agents or send payment
- only in U.S. dollars. Checks must be payable in dollars through a U.S. bank.
- We do accept postal money orders made out in dollars.
- If you send cash, please register your letter to confirm delivery; we can
- not be responsible for cash lost in the mail. Please do not sent currency
- other than US dollars in the form of cash.
- Q u a n t i t y o r d e r s a n d S i t e L i c e n s e s :
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Please read file QUANTITY.TXT if you want to use Integrity Master on
- multiple PCs.