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- | Mail to: Stiller Research Dept I401 (or mail to any |
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- | Colorado Springs, CO 80919 U.S.A. |
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- | DESCRIPTION |# | Price | Each | Total |
- |_____________________________________________|__|________|________|_______|
- | Integrity Master Package (first copy) | 1|$45.00 | $49.50 | $49.50|
- | Shipping and Handling | | $4.50 | | |
- |_____________________________________________|__|________|________|_______|
- | Additional copies (includes book + disk) | | | | |
- | $$ from multiple copy table in QUANTITY.DOC | | | | |
- |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -| |--------| | |
- | Shipping and Handling (per copy) | | $4.50 | | |
- |_____________________________________________|__|________|________|_______|
- | Multiple PC usage (site license) | | | | |
- | (see site license table in quantity.doc) | | | | |
- |---------------------------------------------|--|--------|--------|-------|
- | (Extra books/disks only for site license) | | | | |
- | Enter # of additional books and disks | | 10.00 | | |
- |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -| |--------| $14.50 | |
- | Shipping and handling (per copy) | | $4.50 | | |
- |_____________________________________________|__|________|________|_______|
- | Outside the U.S./Canada, add $5 additional | | | | |
- | per package(each book and disk for shipping)| | $5.00 | | |
- |------------------------------------------------------------------|-------|
- | Add $6 for non-prepaid purchase orders ------------------------> | |
- |------------------------------------------------------------------|-------|
- | SUBTOTAL: (use current exchange rate if non-US currency) ------> | |
- |__________________________________________________________________|_______|
- | Colorado residents add local sales tax: (3 - 7%) ------------> | |
- |==========================================================================|
- | TOTAL ENCLOSED: (We accept checks in currency of all major | |
- | countries--please see the list countries near the end of file | |
- | ORDER.DOC. No US $ checks from non-US-banks please.) ---------> | |
- |==========================================================================|
- | Where did you get your copy of Integrity Master? (V4.01a)|
- | Download from: ____________________________ |
- | other: ____________________________ |
- |__________________________________________________________________________|
- | Comments: (Suggestions, what you like, don't like etc.) |
- | _______________________________________________________________________ |
- | _______________________________________________________________________ |
- | _______________________________________________________________________ |
- |__(with credit card call PsL at 1-800-2424-Psl or fax to +1 713-524-6398__|
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- well as the $4.50 (basic shipping) for each copy?
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- Stiller Research - Dept I401
- 1265 Big Valley Dr.
- Colorado Springs, CO 80919-1014
- U.S.A.
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