PC World Komputer 1996 September
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A read.me file has been provided to describe the new features and
enhancements of this version of CUPL software. The following are
the requirements and steps for installing CUPL on a system.
The following are the minimum requirements in order to install and
run CUPL properly:
An IBM PC, PC/XT, or PC/AT (or equivalent) with at least
512K of RAM.
PC-DOS version 3.3 or higher (or MS-DOS 3.3). A hard disk
At least one double-sided floppy disk drive.
Installing CUPL requires these steps.
Run the INSTALL program contained on the diskette labelled
"DISK 1".
Build the library.
Set the 'Configuration' of the computer so that CUPL will have the
setup that it needs.
Set the 'Environment' of the computer so that the system will
function properly.
The INSTALL program has been provided to quickly and easily install
the CUPL software. It creates the appropriate directory and copies
the original diskettes onto the hard drive. If the install
procedure is interrupted, it may be resumed without starting over.
For example, if Disk 3 was completely installed, resume by inserting
disk 1 and typing install 4. If disk 3 was partially installed
resume by inserting disk 1 and typing install 3.
This installation procedure assumes that CUPL is being installed
from drive A: to C:\CUPL. If your computer will use a different
setup then replace the examples with your particular setup. To run
the INSTALL program, follow the steps below:
1. Place the "DISK 1" diskette in drive A. Change the current
drive to drive A by typing:
2. Type install [Enter]
3. Follow the prompts on the screen. The program suggests
default values at each prompt; for example, it supplies CUPL
as the directory name. Press [Enter] to accept the default
name or type a different name and then press [Enter].
4. CUPL needs to access its device library CUPL.DL. This file
must be created on the hard disk. To do this, run build while
in the CUPL subdirectory. This is a batch file which creates
the library and puts the required information into it. A
batch file is simply a text file which contains a series of
DOS commands which can be executed by typing in the batch
file name. Before running build, make sure that there is 1.2
Mb of disk space available.
If Surface Mount Technology parts are to be used, then an
additional step is required to add these to the library.
Before running buildsmt, make sure that there is .7 Mb free
space on the disk.
5. When a DOS computer starts up, it executes commands that are
contained in a file called AUTOEXEC.BAT if it is present on
the disk. Some additional commands must be added to the
AUTOEXEC.BAT file for CUPL to function most efficiently. If
there is no AUTOEXEC.BAT file on the computer, then create
one and add the following information to it:
path <drive>:\<subdirectory>
set LIBCUPL=<drive>:\<subdirectory>\cupl.dl
path c:\cupl
set LIBCUPL=c:\cupl\cupl.dl
This lets the computer know where to find the CUPL Program
and Library.
The computer may already have an AUTOEXEC.BAT file. In that
case, it should be modified as follows.
Add CUPL to the path command.
If the current path command reads:
path <drive>:\<subdirectory>;
path c:\dos;c:\bin
Change it to:
path <drive>:\<subdirectory>;<drive>:\<subdirectory>;<drive>:\cupl
path c:\dos;c:\bin;c:\cupl
Add this set command to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file:
set LIBCUPL=<drive>:\<subdirectory>\cupl.dl
set LIBCUPL=c:\cupl\cupl.dl
This example assumes that CUPL is installed in a directory called
CUPL on Drive C of the computer.
.c3.Specifying the Configuration
Each time the system is booted, the disk operating system (DOS)
configures the system for a specified number of buffers and files.
A buffer is a block of memory that DOS uses to hold data being read
from or written to disk when the amount of data being transferred is
not an exact multiple of the sector size. The number of files for
which the system is configured determines how many files can be open
at one time during program operation. A CONFIG.SYS file in the root
directory instructs DOS on how to configure the system. If there is
no CONFIG.SYS file, DOS sets default values for the configuration.
CUPL requires 20 buffers and 15 files to ensure proper operation.
Verify that the system has a CONFIG.SYS file in the root directory
and that it contains the following two commands:
If the system does not have a CONFIG.SYS file, create one using the
an editor in non-document mode. Type in the following:
If the system has a CONFIG.SYS file, but the buffers are less than
20 or the files are less than 15, change the values to 20 and 15
respectively. If the CONFIG.SYS file on the system specifies
buffers greater than 20 and files greater than 15, leave the file
intact. Other programs that are running may require more buffers or
files than CUPL does. If a CONFIG.SYS file has been created or
altered, or if the AUTOEXEC.BAT file was changed according to the
instructions in the previous section, press Control-Alternate-Delete
to reboot the system and put the new commands into effect.
.c3.The CUPL Menu System
There are two ways to run the CUPL program. The program may be
executed using the DOS command line, or, the optional menu system
may be used.
The CUPL menu system is called MCUPL. It is entirely menu driven
and can be learned in a few minutes. This section will describe
MCUPL is available for MS-DOS computers only.
Although it may not be explicitly stated on the screens, the
Escape key can be used to cancel a choice or to go back to
the previous screen or menu.
The menu system uses information stored in a file called
"MCUPL.CFG". This file permits the following information to be
Machine ID: This can be set to "PC" or "AT". If using a computer
with an 8088/8086 processor, then select "PC". If using an 80286 or
better, then select "AT". The specification is done with the
following syntax:
"set mid PC" or "set mid AT".
The editor being used must be specified. If this is not done, then
MCUPL will use the default editor, EZEDIT. Specifying the editor is
done as follows:
"set editor me" if "me.exe" is the editor being used.
"set editor ws" if "ws.exe" is the editor being used.
MCUPL uses a working directory where it reads and writes files. Any
file created by the user or by CUPL should be stored here. Set the
working directory with the following syntax: "set wdpath pathname",
where pathname is a directory path name. Example:
"set wdpath c:\cupl\files".
MCUPL.CFG contains specifications for screen colors of the menus.
Use "set color area color", where area is the area of the screen,
such as MCFG (Message Center Text), MCBG (Message Center
Background), MCBC (Message Center Border), UIFG (User Input Text),
UIBG (User Input Background), UIBC (User Input Border), MMFG (Main
Menu Text), MMBC (Main Menu Border) and MMBG (Main Menu Background).
The color attribute determines what color the area will have, such
as Black, Blue, Green, Cyan, Red, Magenta, Brown, Yellow, Darkgrey,
Lightgrey, Lightblue, Lightgreen, Lightcyan, Lightred, Lightmagenta
and White. Example "set color MCFG Lightblue" will make the message
center text appear light blue. .i.function keys;.i.Menu:function
keys;The function keys F6 to F10 can be user-defined. Since the
menus can be operated either by using the arrow keys or by typing
the first key of the desired menu selection, the menus can be used
normally or a function key can be defined to perform a specific
action by having it type a series of keys. The following example
defines F10 (F0) to quit MCUPL by typing 'Q' to select quit and then
'Y' to confirm the action. Example:
"def F0 QY"
Start the menu system as follows. Start up the computer. At the
prompt, type:
mcupl[Enter] The startup screen will appear, followed by the main
menu with 18 items on it.
<E>dit Design Entry Edit or convert a design file.
<C>ompile CUPL file Prompts for a .PLD file then
compiles it.
<L>ook at DOC file View the Documentation file.
<R>eview error LST file View the error listing file .
<J>EDEC file editor View or edit a JEDEC file.
Ed<I>t Simulation Input Create or edit a simulation
input file (.SI).
<S>imulate CUPL file Simulate the PLD design using
the .SI file.
<V>iew simulation results View simulation output file
<D>evice Selection Choose a device from a list,
giving device type,
manufacturer, and other
<B>uild/view Device Library Build or view a user device
<P>ALASM to CUPL This allows user to convert
PALASM source file to CUPL
source file.
<H>elp (CUPL Quick Reference) The online quick reference guide
for CUPL.
<T>utorial for PLDs Executes the Programmable Logic
User's guide demonstration.
Design E<X>amples Display PLD design examples
description .
<U>ser's Editor Create or edit any text file
e. g .
<A>dditional Product Information Provide further in formation
about CUPL and other Logical
Devices products .
S<Y>stem Information Show system information .
<Q>uit Return to DOS.
Only one menu item can be highlighted at a time. While an item is
highlighted, a description of the action performed is displayed in
the message center window. To initiate the action associated with
the menu item, press [Enter]. The action may also be initiated by
pressing the first letter of the menu item.
The keyboard can be used to select from the menu by typing the first
letter of the menu item name. This has the same effect as using the
arrow keys and pressing the return key for that item. Some menu
selections simply cause another menu to appear. Selecting items
from sub-menus is the same as selecting from the main menu. To
return to the previous menu, press the ESC key.
The Device Information File(DEVHELP.TXT) Format
A large number of devices are supported by CUPL. MCUPL provides a
device information file (DEVHELP.TXT) to help users to look up or
add application notes for certain devices.
From the Device Selection Menu,highlight the desired device and
press F1 to review additional information on this device. If no
additional information for this device is contained in DEVHELP.TXT,
the following message will appear:
No information for
this device.
DEVHELP.TXT can be modified for your own purposes. This file is
composed of several discrete units. Each unit is comprised of three
main parts, a header, a body and an end marker. The header is a
line that begins with a percent(%) sign and is followed by a unique
keyword (device mnemonic).
The body is comprised of two parts. The first part is the title
which is any text on the first line of the body. The second part is
the text of the body itself. This information can span as many lines
as necessary. The end marker is a double percent sign(%%) on a line
by itself.
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.c3.The EZ Edit Editor
The EZ Edit editor is the stand-alone editor used by MCUPL, unless a
different editor is specified in MCUPL.CFG. EZ Edit is a simple
text editor.
When using EZ Edit, the insert key is used to alternate between the
insert and overwrite modes. The Alternate-X [Alt-X] key is used to
exit the editor. When exiting, the editor will ask for the filename
to which changes should be saved (only if there were changes).
The following are the keystrokes and commands available when using
the EZ Edit editor:
Key Action
Up Arrow Cursor up
Down Arrow Cursor down
Left Arrow Cursor left
Right Arrow Cursor right
Home Beginning of line
End End of line
PgUp Page up
PgDn Page down
Ctrl-Home Top of screen
Ctrl-End Bottom of screen
Ctrl-PgUp Top of file
Ctrl-PgDn Bottom of file
Backspace Deletes a character
Ctrl-Backspace Deletes a line
Alt-X Exits EZ Edit