PC World Komputer 1996 September
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CUPL's Quick Reference Guide
CUPL and CSIM input and output files
│ Device │
┌───────────────┤ Library ├───────────────┐
│ └─────────┘ │
│ │
┌────┴────┐ ┌────┴────┐
│ ├──────────── .ABS ────────────│ │
.PLD ──│ CUPL ├───────────────────┬──────────│ CSIM │── .SI
│ ├───────────┐ │ ┌────┤ │
└─┬─┬───┬─┘ │ │ │ └────┬────┘
│ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ .JED │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │
.LST ───┘ │ │ │ │ │ └─── .SO
│ │ .HL │ .JED
│ │ │ │ │
.DOC ───┘ │ │ │ │
└─ .HEX ─┐ │ │ │
│ │ │ │
│ Logic Programmer │
.ABS - absolute file needed for simulation
.DOC - documentation file
.HEX - HEX download file
.HL - HL download file
.JED - JEDEC download file with or without test vectors
.LST - Listing file with errors
.PLD - Logic source file
.SI - Simulation source file
.SO - Simulator output with errors
The PTOC program converts PALASM source files into CUPL source files. To
convert one or more PALASM source files into CUPL format, type
PTOC filename1 filename2 ... <RETURN>
For example:
produces the CUPL file
and, if the original PALASM file contained function table information, it
would also produce the file
The preprocessor program operates on the CUPL source file before compiler
operations actually begin. Preprocessor capabilities include:
String Substitution
$DEFINE argument1 argument2
where argument1 is replaced with argument2 until
$UNDEF argument1
is encountered.
File inclusion
$INCLUDE filename
where filename becomes part of the specification at the compile time. The
file must be in the current directory.
Conditional Compilation
Portions of the source specification can be compiled or not depending on
whether or not the argument has been defined using the $DEFINE command.
The formats are
$IFDEF argument
... statements ...
... statements ...
or, if not defined:
$IFNDEF argument
... statements ...
... statements ...
In the main menu, select Compile CUPL file. Select the PLD file that you
want to compile. A list of CUPL compiler option flags will appear. Choose
the needed flags for your design.
A design can be described with a combination of three formats: state
machine, truth table, or boolean equation.
State Machines
When implementing a design with a state machine, use the following format
╓─────────╖ Condition ╓─────────╖ ╓─────────╖
┌───║ State 0 ║───────┬──────║ State 1 ║────────────║ State 2 ║
│ ╙────┬────╜ │ ╙─────────╜ ╙─────────╜
│ │
└─────────┘ output
!Input variable
SEQUENCE name_of_sequence {
PRESENT state0
IF input_condition NEXT state1 OUT output_variable ;
PRESENT state1
NEXT state2 ;
The simple, flexible syntax allows variations in the IF NEXT OUT or DEFAULT
NEXT OUT formats to properly represent any element of a state machine.
IF NEXT Conditional Next State
IF NEXT OUT Conditional Synchronous Output
NEXT Unconditional Next State
NEXT OUT Unconditional Synchronous Output
OUT Unconditional Asynchronous Output
IF OUT Conditional Asynchronous Output
DEFAULT NEXT Default Next State
DEFAULT OUT Default Asynchronous Output
DEFAULT NEXT OUT Default Synchronous Output
Truth Tables
When logic is best described in tabular form, use the format in the
following decoder example:
FIELD input = [in1..0] ;
FIELD output = [out3..0] ;
TABLE input => output {
0 => 'b'0001 ;
1 => 'b'0010 ;
2 => 'b'0100 ;
3 => 'b'1000 ;
High-Level Equations
output(s).EXT = expression ;
Logical operators
& = Logical AND
# = Logical OR
$ = Logical XOR
! = Logical NEGATION
Free Form Comment Structure
/* = Start Comment
*/ = End Comment
Variable Extensions
.D D input of D-type flip-flop
.L D input of transparent latch
.J J input of JK-type flip-flop
.K K input of JK-type flip-flop
.S S input of SR-type flip-flop
.R R input of SR─type flip-flop
.T T input of toggle flip-flop
.DQ Q output of D-type flip-flop
.LQ Q output of transparent latch
.AP Asynchronous preset of flip-flop
.AR Asynchronous reset of flip-flop
.SP Synchronous preset of flip-flop
.SR Synchronous reset of flip-flop
.CK Programmable clock of flip-flop
.OE Programmable output enable
.CA Complement array
.PR Programmable preload
.CE CE input of enabled D-CE type flip-flop
.LE Programmable latch enable
.OBS Programmable observability of buried nodes
.BYP Programmable register bypass
.DFB D registered feedback path selection
.LFB D latched feedback path selection
.TFB T registered feedback path selection
.IO Pin feedback path selection
.INT Internal feedback path selection
.CKMUX Clock multiplexor selection
.OEMUX Tristate multiplexor selection
.IMUX Input multiplexor selection
.TEC Technology-dependent fuse selection
Node Declarations
NODE variable_name ; /* Single node, as when used for */
/* complement_array: in IFL devices. */
NODE [variable_list] ; /* Multiple nodes, as when used for */
/* buried state bits. */
The Distributive Property (from Boolean Algebra)
A & (B # C) is replaced by A & B # A & C
where & operations are performed before # operations.
DeMorgan's theorem: (from Boolean Algebra)
!(A # B) is replaced by !A & !B also
!(A & B) is replaced by !A # !B
NOTE: This symbology tends to create large numbers of product terms.
Macro Substitution
You can arbitrarily create and define a symbolic name as follows:
where MEMREQ does not appear as a pin variable name.
MEMREQ can then be used in expressions for other variables. The value
"MEMW # MEMR" will be substituted wherever MEMREQ is used.
The List Notations
You can represent groups of bits to be equal to a single symbolic name as
FIELD IOADR = [A7..0] ;
where IOADR can then be used in expressions for [A7..0].
Equality and Address Range
The : operator compares a bit field with a hex constant value or list of
constant values. For example
The latter statement will be true for addresses in the range of 10 hex
through 3F hex, inclusive.
NOTE: Hex constant values must contain the proper number of nibbles to
include the most significant bit of the bit-field variable list.
You can also use the : operator to operate on a bit-field variable list, as
IOADR:& replaces A7 & A6 & A5 & A4 & A3 & A2 & A1 & A0
IOADR:# replaces A7 # A6 # A5 # A4 # A3 # A2 # A1 # A0
CSIM is a stimulus/response function table oriented simulator that compares
each expected response with that which the logic in the associated .PLD
file would produce given the specified stimulus. The simulator input file
(filename.SI) must contain the same header information as the associated
logic source file (filename.PLD). Also, CUPL must have been previously run
for the .PLD file with the -A option flag to produce an absolute file
(filename.ABS), and also with the -J flag if you would like CSIM to append
the function table test-vector information to your .JED file to produce a
.JED file with both fuse and testing information.
The general format for the .SI file is:
"Header Information"
var1, var2, . . . , varN ;
Stimulus pattern1 Response pattern1
Stimulus pattern2 Response pattern2
. .
. .
. .
Stimulus patternN Response patternN
Within the vector table, inputs are defined with 1 (+5V), and 0 (GND),
while outputs are defined with H (+5V), L (GND), and Z (high impedance).
"Don't Cares" are represented by an X. An * in the response field causes
the simulator to determine the output according to the logic definition
contained in the .ABS file, which was derived from your .PLD file.
To run CSIM, select Simulate CUPL file in the main menu. Select the .SI
file that contains the test vectors for your design. A list of CSIM option
flags appear. Choose the needed flags for your design.