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- Revision History For POPIt Mail Notifier
- This is the revision history of the POPIt Mail Notifier program displayed
- in reverse chronological order with the most resent changes at the begining
- and the first Beta release at the end.
- Shareware Release
- ______________________
- Version 1.85 (Released 4/4/98)
- - Changed: Stopped forcing lower case on file names and paths.
- - Fixed: Problem in File Find dialog sometimes using a previous command line parameter.
- - Fixed: Bug that prevented proper message retrieval in InsatView after InstaScan is closed.
- - Fixed: Canceling a large message being read in InsatView causing Out Of String Space.
- Version 1.84 (Released 3/27/98)
- - Fixed: Bug prevented new evaluations.
- Version 1.83 (Released 3/27/98)
- - Added: "Delete All" option in InstaScan multiple message deletion confirmation.
- - Added: Timezone (GMT offset) to date stamping of outgoing messages.
- - Improved: Increased size of Address List box in InstaReply/Note for ease of use.
- - Improved: Messsage deletion notice now BOLDLY indicates deletion from server.
- - Improved: Attachment file creation error indication in message body.
- - Improved: Better detection of COMM FAILURE, LOGIN FAILED, or MAILBOX LOCKED.
- - Changed: InstaScan does not go away when InstaView is opened.
- - Changed: Use the Win95 registry to hold the program information (replaced POPIT.INI).
- - Changed: POPIt icons no longer and "X" (error) on program start.
- - Fixed: SPAM-X Button in InstaView was not cueing the spam mail for detection.
- - Fixed: SPAM-X was not always detecting numeric From addresses.
- - Fixed: Message deletions terminated if Delete Log could not be written.
- - Fixed: URL Trap on "launching" non HTTP URLs.
- - Fixed: Errors writting attachments are not erased from message window now.
- - Fixed: False "New Mail" notification after communication error.
- Version 1.82 (Released 2/9/98)
- - Added: Browse for the Personal Folder in the Configuration dialog.
- - Improved: Login error correction and detection.
- - Changed: Context sensitive "Online Help" in configuration dialogs.
- - Fixed: SPAM-X Button in InstaView was not cueing the spam mail for detection.
- - Fixed: Long File Name bug with the signature and spammer list files.
- - Fixed: Bug in NT 4.0 preventing POPIt from launching the email application (MS KB Q172982).
- - Fixed: Windows beep on menu click (was leftover de-bug code!)
- - Fixed: Tasktray icon not returning to front position.
- Version 1.81 (Released 1/31/98)
- - Added: Long File Name Support!!!
- - Added: "Feedback" button in About box to easy contacting me!
- - Added: "No SPAM" animated icon added to Taskbar when sending SPAM Reply or Report.
- - Improved: Communications to minimize LIST ERROR messages.
- - Improved: SPAM Reports and Replys now send the message header as an attachment.
- - Improved: New Mail sycronization and CHeck Now! reading.
- - Improved: InstaViewing of mail messages with HTML bodies.
- - Improved: Decoding of TEXT/ type files with Microsoft MIME "=" codes.
- - Improved: Decoding of RFC822 messages attachments.
- - Improved: Decoding of HTML messages as attachments for viewing in a browser.
- - Improved: HelpTip for DISABLED mailboxes.
- - Changed: "User Storage Folder" To "Personal Folder".
- - Changed: "SPAM MAIL" popup visual notification.
- - Changed: "SPAM MAIL" reply/reports now go to abuse@domain as well.
- - Fixed: Wordwrap of sender's with long address / names in InstaScan.
- - Fixed: Popup menu disappearing when right clicking on icon if POPit window has focus.
- - Fixed: "Transfere Interrupted" message after registration.
- - Fixed: Configuration/Save required after registration to update mailboxes.
- - Fixed: "SPAM-X Mini Wizard" now only allows configuration of corrective Reply OR Report.
- Version 1.8 (Released 1/1/98)
- - Added: SPAM-X(TM) mail filtering! Filter on address, domain, or numeric spammer account names!
- - Added: SPAM-X(TM) mini-Wizard for adding new spammers to the users spammer list.
- - Added: SPAM-X(TM) mail notification, auto deletion, reply, and report to postmaster@offendingdomain.
- - Added: Multiple select for message deletion in InstaScan(TM)!
- - Added: InstaScan(TM) title bar reflects the number of selected messages.
- - Added: Multiple recipients now available for InstaReply(TM) and InstaNote(TM) message sending!
- - Added: Connection Timeout parameter for POP3 and SMTP servers.
- - Added: Save your messages to an easy to use text file in MMDDYY.TXT name format!
- - Added: Text log files to indicate messages sent (old INOTE/IREPLY.LOG), saved, and deleted.
- - Added: Individual user's storage folders to hold saved, deleted, sent messages and file attachments.
- - Added: Open any of the folders above from the POPIt menu w/ password protection.
- - Added: Independent delete confirmation for each mailbox.
- - Added: Message size indication in InstaScan(TM)!
- - Added: Indication of Urgent messages in InstaScan(TM).
- - Added: Indication of messages with attachments in InstaScan(TM).
- - Added: "Urgent" priority option for InstaNote(TM) and InstaReply(TM) message sending.
- - Added: InstaView(TM) now has a dynamic "Octets" display to show current bytes received.
- - Added: Headers are conveniently saved between different sessions of POPIt.
- - Added: Included a starting list of know spammers for use by SPAM-X(TM).
- - Removed: "CC: Self" from InstaNote(TM) and InstaReply(TM).
- - Improved: Reorganized configuration screens.
- - Improved: User Dialog and description with online information.
- - Improved: Increase RAS timeout to 90 seconds.
- - Improved: "To:" and "CC:" fields now accept <> delimited formatting.
- - Improved: Expanded MIME attachment decoding capability including for MS Exchange Servers.
- - Improved: Message viewing with MIME encoded text attachments.
- - Changed: ADDRESS.LST name changed to ADD_BOOK.LST.
- - Changed: SMTP send only if DOD is enabled when RAS configured.
- - Changed: "Message Access Security Password" from "Message Security Access Password".
- - Changed: All POPIt temporary files now reside in the TEMP directory.
- - Fixed: Unintentional re-enabling of a mailbox after TCP/IP re-established.
- - Fixed: "File Not Found" decoding MIME attachments that don't use 8.3 name convention.
- - Fixed: "File Not Found" sending MIME attachments if file is "in use" during send.
- - Fixed: Problem with the automatic addition of addresses to the address book.
- - Fixed: <no subject> now displayed in InstaScan(TM) if there is no subject.
- Version 1.73 (Released 9/2/97)
- - Fixed: Hung termination of Windows while "Shutting Down POPIt" bug.
- - Changed: When no messages - "InstaScan Warning" to "InstaScan Notice"
- - Improved: Attachment "purge" handling.
- Version 1.72 (Released 8/15/97)
- - Fixed: Perpetual "Shutting Down POPIt" bug.
- Version 1.71 (Released 8/11/97)
- - Fixed: Dial-On-Demand problems that wouldn't dial ISP the first time.
- - Fixed: SMTP send problems when connected to high speed networks.
- - Fixed: POPIt windows now retain the Focus.
- - Improved: SMTP communications and error detection / correction.
- - Improved: Increase Dial-On-Demand timout to 60 seconds from 30.
- - Improved: Removed delay before first Dial-On-Demand starts.
- - Improved: Message PasswordBox dialog text improved.
- - Added: InstaScan Warning when no messages are available.
- - Changed: Message PasswordBox now protects InstaScan, and it works smoother.
- - Changed: "Disable Checking" option now over-rides the "Check On Startup" option.
- - Changed: InstaView is no-longer dismissed when InstaReply is opened.
- Version 1.7 (Released 5/18/97)
- - Added: MIME decoding of received attachments.
- - Added: Launch and Purge attachments from within InstaView.
- - Added: Protection from loosing in-process InstaNote/Replys when opening configuration.
- - Added: Help Tip now displays the time of last mailbox check.
- - Added: Discrimination between User / Password login errors and mailbox locked.
- - Added: Menu option to close the pop-up menu if no other choice desired.
- - Improved: Look of button controls on all windows by placing them on "button bars"
- - Improved: "URL Trap" label is "disabled" if no URLs are present.
- - Improved: Mailbox identification first by Nickname, Reply To, and finally email address.
- - Improved: No MIME attachment UUEncode information displayed in message text.
- - Improved: GPF in USER.EXE when globally enabling/disabling check all.
- - Improved: InstaView title now displays which message number is viewed.
- - Changed: Help Tip doesn't display user name if Nickname defined.
- - Changed: "User Name" and "Authorization Code" to "Licensee / User" and "Authorization".
- - Changed: "Interrupted By User" to "Transfer Interrupted By User" message.
- - Changed: Removed the "Received from" display in InstaView
- - Fixed: InstaReply/Note dials with configured RAS even if Dial-On-Demand is disabled.
- - Fixed: "Check On Startup" was not working if "Automatic Checking" was disabled.
- - Fixed: False "new" mail notification sometimes after message read or delete.
- - Fixed: Newest header not read if a message is deleted at same time as one is received.
- - Fixed: Remain on-line if deleting messages and RAS configured.
- - Fixed: InstaReply referring to the wrong client profile sometimes.
- - Fixed: File Find dialog would error if file chosen from root directory.
- Version 1.62 (Released 4/9/97)
- - Fix: Erroneous "Server Timeout Error" that occurs on Check Now.
- Version 1.61 (Released 4/8/97)
- - Fix: Erroneous "Server Timeout Error" that occurs after only a few seconds.
- - Fix: "File Not Found Error" due to Dial-Up networking not installed.
- - Fix: TabStop locations in the configuration dialogs.
- Version 1.6 (Released 4/6/97)
- - Added: Dial-On-Demand RAS features (Win95/NT4.0 only).
- - Added: Check for new mail on startup option.
- - Added: Option for message deletion confirmation.
- - Added: Successfull registration notification.
- - Added: "Message Print Complete" notification.
- - Change: Registration codes now in WIN.INI to help retail when upgrading.
- - Change: Client Profile Configuration form now uses "tabs".
- - Change: POPIt Mailbox Security to POPIT Message Security.
- - Improved POP3 and SMTP communications and error detection.
- - Improving Icon animation.
- - Decreasing system (CPU) usage.
- - Fix: Message Parsing "Illegal Function Call".
- - Fix: Icon Double-Click "Illegal Function" error.
- - Fix: Modal Window error when attempting to register before saving a profile.
- Version 1.51 (Released 2/26/97)
- - InstaView Password now protects Deleting as well.
- - Change: "InstaView Password" now "Security Password" for InstaView and Deletions.
- - Change: "Browse" for files in Configuration Form now "Find".
- - Change: "CLIENT x CONFIGURATION" in Configuration Form now "CLIENT PROFILE x".
- - Change: DISABLE / ENABLE Checking in Configuration Form now a checkbox.
- - Fix: "HEADER ERROR" if message contained "-err" in the text or header.
- - Fix: SMTP server first response timeout error detection.
- Version 1.4 (Released 2/20/97)
- - Added: UUEncode File Attachments in InstaReply and InstaNote.
- - Added: Message index numbers in InstaScan.
- - Added: CC: field for InstaReply and InstaSend.
- - Added: View unlimited number of headers.
- - Added: Screen locations for InstaScan, InstaView, InstaReply/Note now remembered.
- - Added: Mailbox Locked vs Bad User/Password error detection.
- - Fix: GPF that occurred in VBRUN300.DLL after mailbox checks. YES! YES! YES!
- - Fix: Evaluation installation problem with dual boot operating systems.
- - Fix: InstaScan remembering "old" headers when mailbox emptied using another program.
- - Fix: "To:" address list was not being built properly.
- - Fix: Sometimes a crash on Exit.
- - Change: NOTE OUR NEW DOMAIN NAME: PRO-PRO.COM (all references changed).
- - Improved system performance (decreased CPU usage) by adding more DoEvents.
- - "Browse" functions in Configuration now defaults to the last defined directory.
- - Increased Address List to 250 entries from 50.
- - Faster About Box by checking VER.DLL instead of USER.EXE
- - Improved progress bars (rectangles instead of lines).
- - Improved About stats.
- - Improved Midnight transistion.
- Version 1.3 (Released 1/14/97)
- - URLTrap pulldown is disabled if there are no URLs embedded.
- - InstaScan / InstaView window remain open when deleting messages.
- - InstaView / InstaScan now displays "Connected" when connected to server for delete.
- - Improved connection "closed" detection.
- - Improved Midnight transition (timer).
- - Improved Foreground color in InstaScan.
- - Change: InstaScan Scollbar now takes the correct "large" steps.
- - Fix: Object Unloaded error when selecting NO to Resend.
- - Fix: InstaScan remembering "old" headers when mailbox emptied using another program.
- - Fix: InstaReply/Note "To" history may not add some new entries.
- Version 1.2 (Released 12/13/96)
- - Fix: Wrong DNS Error Icon.
- - Fix: False printer error reported after printing.
- - Improved the "Highlight" colors used in InstaScan.
- - POPIt16: Fixed "icon tray" size problem.
- Version 1.1 (Released 12/12/96)
- - Ported to a Windows 3.11 / NT 3.50 version!
- - Improved compatibility for non-compliant POP3 servers (TOP).
- - Improved compatibility and speed for header and message reading.
- - Better menu response.
- - Improved mailbox change detection.
- - Check Now! preempts other client actions.
- - Intelligent POP3 timeouts allow slow TCP/IP connections.
- - Message "To:" now in caption of InstaView.
- - Kludge: About box CPU detection for 486/586.
- - Fix: POP3 and SMTP command in upper case characters to support some proxy servers.
- - Fix: Port settings didn't work.
- - Fix: Increased License Window display size to better fit text.
- - Change: Configuration Form - "Miscellaneous" to "Client Options".
- - Change: Configuration Form - Moved WWW Browser option out of Client Options
- - Change: Configuration Form - "WWW Browser" to "WEB Browser"
- - Change: Popup menu - Moved Online Help to below About.
- Version 1.0 (Released 11/28/96)
- - Intitial Commercial Release!
- - Added: About box.
- - Improved message counting.
- Revision 1.0 Beta
- ______________________
- Build 86 (Released 11/27/96)
- - Fix: Inaccurate message counting.
- - All "Tips" now use Nickname if available.
- - Increased Address History List to 50 addresses.
- Build 85 (Released 11/26/96)
- - Added: Address drop-down list for InstaNote.
- - InstaReply and InstaNote not preepmt POP3 communications.
- - Improved mailbox change notification.
- Build 84 (Released 11/24/96)
- - New CALL32.DLL version fixes problems with two apps using CALL32 at the same time.
- - Added: WWW Browser field for the browser to use with Online Help and URL Trap.
- - Minor Configuration Form changes.
- Build 83 (Released 11/23/96)
- - Added: Automatic re-registration when Hard Drive Serial Number changes.
- - Change: Automatic Checking Disabled and User Interruption icons
- - Fix: URL Trap and Online Help may not function using ShellExec.
- Build 82 (Released 11/22/96)
- - Fix: Bug in "URL Trap" that only trapped first URL.
- Build 81 (Released 11/21/96)
- - Added: "URL Trap" to catch and launch you to URLs in messages.
- - Added: Personalized Help Tip, InstaScan and InstaView titles using nickname.
- - Fix: Erronious notification problem.
- - Fix: Bug in registering a user with a capitol "K" in the name.
- - Improved Preemptive communication termination.
- - Improved InstaView Password Box.
- Build 80 (Released 11/17/96)
- - Added: Monitor up to ten (10) POP3 servers!
- - Added: Configurable POP3 and SMTP ports.
- - Added: Return Address field for use with InstaReply/Note.
- - Added: PREV / NEXT buttons in InstaView.
- - Added: "Return Receipt Requested" in InstaReply/Note.
- - Fix: Bug in registering a user with a capitol "Z" in the name.
- - Fix: GPF in VBRUN300.DLL when exiting from Configuration Form.
- - Fix: Signature file problem.
- - Fix: If Notify WAV played while another WAV was playing POPIt could hang.
- - Change: Bold InstaView / InstaReply font.
- - Change: InstaReply/Note window now automatically closes when mail is send.
- - Less delay in InstaView or deleting when another mailbox is being checked.
- - Configuration and Registration forms now modal.
- - Better attachment handling / truncating.
- Build 79 (Released 11/10/96)
- - Fix: Problem in configuration screen with large fonts.
- - Added: Nickname field for registered users to personalize return mail.
- Build 78 (Released 11/09/96)
- - Added: Programable pop-up message notification.
- - Added: Programable continuous WAV play until new message acknowledge.
- - Added: Progamable option to Auto-launch Email program on new mail.
- - Added: Password protection for InstaView.
- - Added: Signature File option for use with InstaReply / InstaNote.
- - Added: Global command Check All Mailboxes.
- - Added: Global command Disable / Enable All Checking.
- - Added: License Agreement confirmation box.
- - SMTP mail to POPIt List-Serve ONLY on registration.
- - Improved InstaView and InstaReply/Note with Courier New font.
- - Form cosmetics.
- - Change: POP SERVER to POP3 SERVER in Configuration Window.
- - Fix: POPIt GPF in Winsock.DLL when exiting AFTER TCP/IP terminated.
- - Fix: Problem on sending long files from InstaReply or InstaNote
- - Fix: Illegal function after SMTP delivery failure.
- - Fix: Enable checking didn't change icon till next check.
- - Cleanup on Unload.
- - Improved SMTP routines.
- - Trap error of Log file not found (Network).
- - New Configuration Form design.
- Build 77 (Released 10/25/96)
- - Added: Print message from InstaView.
- - Added: Now supressing the "octets-stream" attachments in InstaView.
- - Change: Support PROXY with the "#" character.
- - Fix: Out of memory errors.
- - Fix: Wasn't freeing all icons from memory.
- - Fix: Divide by Zero error on SMTP send.
- - Fix: Would "Beep" even if none programmed.
- - Fix: Problem where CPU usage is high with no POPIt activity.
- - Use system Highlight color for InstaScan header highlighting.
- - Change: ISEND.LOG to INOTE.LOG
- - Progress bar fix in InstaReply/Note sends.
- - Disable scroll-bar in InstaScan when Delete pressed.
- Build 76 (Released 10/20/96)
- - Added: InstaNote for on-the-fly message sending!
- - Added: Copy self from InstaReply.
- - Added: log files for InstaReply and InstaNote
- - Added: Menu option to Disable / Enable mailbox checking.
- - Added: Menu option for Online Help.
- - Added: Subject editing in InstaReply.
- - Added: Individual POP3 and SMTP servers can be configured.
- - Fix: POPIt Exit GPF.
- - Fix: InstaReply "To:" erronious address.
- - Fix: Problem on From send if User name had "," in it.
- - Improved InstaReply "From" name.
- - Menu improvements (separators).
- - Improved progress bar on InstaReply/Note sends.
- - Improved SMTP communications.
- - Change: Unregistered users name now "POPIt User" from "EVALUATION COPY"
- - No Splash Screen for Registered Users.
- - Detection of No Server DNS Entry.
- - Cleaned up querey routine.
- Build 75 (Released 10/12/96)
- - Better header STAT reception.
- - FIX: GPF if closing POPIt after ISP disconnected.
- - FIX: POPIt detection of loss of TCP/IP.
- - Don't expire BETA until November 30th.
- Build 74 (Released 10/10/96)
- - Added: InstaReply now available!
- - Improved POP3 error handling.
- - Better "Received" information in InstaView.
- - If POP3 does not send the "octets", then use the receive length.
- - Improved SMTP communications.
- - Improved InstaView display.
- - Close InstaView window on EMail application Launch.
- - Fix: Now supports playing WAVs with long file names.
- Build 73 (Released 10/3/96)
- - Major Bug Fix: problem with POPIt starting before ISP connected.
- - Bug Fix: "Invalid Property Error" in InstaView
- - Bug Fix: De-select header and InstaScan buttons on scroll-bar change.
- - Added: Browse for WAV files.
- - Added: Launch EMAIL Program with browse!
- - Change: "LOGOFF ERROR" no longer changes the icon to error icon.
- - Change: Checking interval now in "minutes" instead of "seconds".
- - Improved Icons; new icon for "NO TCP/IP CONNECTION"
- - Improved TCP/IP connection speed (new VBX).
- Build 72 (Released 9/22/96)
- - Bug Fix: problem with InstaView while another POP3 is checked
- - Five minute wait after "SERVER NOT RESPONDING"
- - Added: Delete messages
- - Added: Compatibility with Windows NT 4.0!!
- - Added: Minimize InstaScan and InstaView windows.
- - Buttons disabled in InstaScan and InstaView windows after Delete selected.
- - Name change: "POP3 Mail Client" to "POP3 Mail Notifier"
- - Name change: "POPIt Home Page.URL" to "POPIt Online Docs.URL"
- - Icons now in a custom DLL.
- Build 71 (Released 9/10/96)
- - added the ability for five (5) POP3 servers.
- - Improve detection of number of headers.
- - Improved communications through better error detection.
- - Fix OK button enable after one server configured (no, really).
- - Change: "Check Mail" menu to "Check Now!"
- - Change: "InstaView" is now "InstaScan" for headers.
- - Added: "InstaView" message text viewer.
- - Modifided "InstaScan" form to allow clicking on header to view.
- - Allow manual mail check after expiration.
- - Check if incomming > 64K and limit to prevent error.
- - Don't expire BETA until October 30th.
- Build 70 (Released 8/29/96)
- - Verified / modified help balloon tips.
- - Corrected displayed icon when 0 messages.
- - Fix OK button enable after one server configured.
- - Pop-up menu with right click!
- - Modify read Header / Message for fast server connection.
- - Cleaned up Header / Message parsing.
- Build 69 (Released 8/19/96)
- - Fix InstaView problem after OK in CFG.
- - CRLF before NO SUBJECT
- - Fix Header detection if keywords are in CAPS (SUBJECT, DATE, FROM)
- - Upto 150 headers from 100; no out of string space
- - Installation date reformatted.
- - AuthCode encrypted when built for eval or after license revoked.
- - If BAD PASSWORD, send user and pass ONE MORE TIME!
- - Envelope icon is yellow until new received headers are viewed.
- - POPs configure included in SMTP send for return mail.
- - Headers form now centered.
- Build 68 (Released 8/8/96)
- - Fix user bug
- Build 67 (Released 8/8/96 - Initial Release)
- - Enable OK as soon as a server is entered.
- - Discriminate from auto register and manual in SMTP.
- - Improved the Registered Name display in the Splash and Config forms.