Labels:dialog box | fence | monitor | plant | road | sky | trade name | web site | window OCR: DynaText File Edit Book Collection Journal Yiew Window Help shutte Press Ktute t 26 Space Shuttle ulission Additionally. the Fluids Expe riment (MLE) middeck Apparatus (FEA) pl Mesoscale Lig htning Experiment Press Kii expe riments puE Air Force Maui Optica Site (AMOS). Buop vith Detaled Test Objectives DTO) DUE Detailed Overview OT STS-30 Sepudoas Obiectives DSO ill be performed during the + Preparations andi aunch iight + Magellan The objectives of the Magellan mission are to ob tain Jeper 1+ Other Experiments images of mo than 70 percent of Ven us surface. pqp6-Jeau topog rap hic and near-glebal g ravity field NASA Proaram elep The mission pnous help develop understanding Hanauement of the planet evolution, particulary its density distrib ution PUE Facts and Figures Launch :ae Apfl 28 1 ...