Labels:dialog box | fence | monitor | sidewalk | sky | trade name | web site | window OCR: DynaText File Edit Book Collection Journal Yiew Window Help Shuttle PrEss Ktute t Space Shuttle ulission Press Kit Press Notes Overview of STS-30 NASA Select Television Transmission General Releaae Preaa Nota The schedule for1 television transmissions from the Public Affaira Contacta orbiter puE for the change-of-: s hift b riefings from Johnson ceds Center, Houston, will be available Quick Look during the mission Kennedy Spac Center Fla. + Prepar ations and aunch Mars hall Spa0 Flight Center, Huntsville Johnson Space Center, Houston; pue NASA L+ Magellan Headq uarte rs Was hington. D. The television + Other Experiments schedule xill be to reflect changes by r mission operations NASA Select NASA Proaram Manauement television i: available F-2R. Transponder 3 located degrees west t longtitud ...