20504 Enumerated value is out of range for function
20505 Negative value encountered in function
20506 Invalid DataWindow row/column specified
20507 Unresolvable external %s when linking reference
20508 Reference of array with null subscript
20509 DLL function not found in current application
20510 Unsupported argument type in DLL function %s
20511 Object file %s is out of date, must be converted to current version
20512 DataWindow column type does not match GetItem type
20513 Unresolved property reference
20514 Error opening DLL library %s for external function
20515 Error calling external function %s
20516 Maximum string size exceeded
20517 DataWindow referenced in DataWindow object does not exist
20518 Function doesn't return value
20519 Cannot convert %s in Any variable to %s
20520 Database command has not been successfully prepared
20521 Bad runtime function reference
20522 Unknown object type: %s
20523 Cannot assign object of type %s to variable of type %s
20524 Function call doesn't match its definition
20525 Double or Real expression has overflowed
20526 Field %s assignment not supported
20527 Cannot take a negative to a non-integer power
20528 VBX Error: %s
20529 Non-array expected in ANY variable
20530 Cannot find data type %s
20531 Cannot 'create' autoinstantiate user object %s
20532 Name not found calling external object function %s
20533 Invalid parameter type calling external object function %s
20534 Incorrect number of parameters calling external object function %s
20535 Error calling external object function %s
20536 Name not found accessing external object property %s
20537 Type mismatch accessing external object property %s
20538 Incorrect number of subscripts accessing external object property %s
20539 Error accessing external object property %s
20540 Mismatched ANY data types in expression: %s, %s
20541 Illegal ANY data type in expression: %s
20542 Specified argument type differs from required argument type at runtime in DLL function %s.\n (invalid stack pointer on return from function call)
20543 Parent object doesn't exist
20544 Function has conflicting argument or return type in ancestor
20545 Internal table overflow. Maximum number of objects exceeded
20546 Null object reference cannot be assigned or passed to a variable of this type
20547 Array expected in ANY variable
20548 Size mismatch in array to object conversion
20549 Type mismatch in array to object conversion
20550 Distributed Service Error: %s
20551 Bad argument list for function/event: %s
20552 Distributed Communications Error: %s
20553 The server '%s' could not be located. It is probably not started.
20554 The server '%s' is rejecting new messages. It is in the process of shutting down.
20555 The request caused an abnormal termination, the connection has been closed.
20556 A message was not fully transmitted.
20557 This connection object is not connected to a server.
20558 Object instance does not exist
20559 Invalid column range
20560 Invalid row range
20561 Invalid conversion of %d dimensional array to object
20562 The server '%s' is busy and not accepting new connections.
20563 Function/event with no return value used in expression
20564 Object array expected in left side of assignment
20565 Dynamic function not found. Possible causes include:\npass by value/reference mismatch
20566 Invalid subscript for array index operation.
20567 NULL object reference cannot be assigned or passed to an autoinstantiate
20568 NULL object reference cannot be passed to external DLL function %s
20569 Function %s cannot be called from a secured runtime session
20570 External DLL function %s cannot be called from a secured runtime session
20571 General protection fault occurred
20572 '%s' failed with an operating system error code of '%x'
20573 Reference parameters cannot be passed to an asynchronous shared/remote object method
20574 Reference parameters cannot be passed to a shared object method
20575 The server has forced the client to disconnect
20576 Passing NULL as a parameter to external function %s
20577 Object passed to shared/remote object method is not a nonvisual user object
20578 Listen can only be done in Enterprise version of PowerBuilder.
20579 The argument to %s must be an array.
20580 The server has timed out the client connection
20581 Function argument file creator must be a four character string,
20582 Function argument file type must be a four character string,
20583 Attempt to invoke a function or event that is not accessible
20584 Wrong number of arguments passed to function/event call
20585 Error in reference argument passed in function/event call
20586 Ambiguous function/event reference
20587 The connection to the server has been lost
20588 Cannot ask for ClassDefinition Information on open painter: %s.
20589 5.0 style proxy objects are not supported. Copy the new style proxy that was generated at migration time.
20590 Cannot assign array of type %s to variable of type array of %s
21001 Error creating a named pipe server
21002 An error was encountered read a named pipe, error code %i.
21003 An error was encountered writing to a named pipe, error code %i.
21004 A device error occured while connecting to a named pipe.
21005 An error occured connecting to a named pipe, error code %i.
21006 The pipe specified in the connection parameters was not found.
21007 No pipe instance is available for the connection.
21008 An Error occurred while allocating a message buffer.
21009 Adequate connection information was not provided.
21010 A Named Pipe cannot listen on the Windows 95 Platform.
21300 Library Manager
21301 Fatal disk error, retry?
21302 Out of space on disk, retry?
21303 Could not find resource file '%s', Continue?
21304 This is the unlimited Server Connection for PowerBuilder Version 2.0 from Powersoft Corporation
21305 Error creating exe: Out of disk space or stub size has changed, Continue?
21999 Named Pipe Error
25000 Application reference could not be resolved
25001 Failure loading dynamic library
25002 Missing ancestor object %s
25003 Missing ancestor object %s in %s
25004 Conflicting ancestor object %s in %s and %s
25005 Window close occurred processing yield function
25006 Database Interface does not support Remote Procedure Calls
25007 Database Interface does not support Array variables (function %s)
32314 is not marked as supporting self-registration.\nHowever, the function "DllRegisterServer" was found.\n\nDo you wish to attempt to register this file as a control?
32315 is not an OLE control supporting self-registration.
32316 is not an OLE control supporting self-unregistration.
32317 is not an OLE control supporting self-registration, registeration procedure not found.
32318 is not an OLE control supporting self-unregistration, unregistration procedure not found.