1 Cannot open icon file '%s'. 2 File '%s' is not a valid icon. 3 Cannot open cursor file '%s'. 4 File '%s' is not a valid cursor. 8 File '%s' is not supported. Only monochrome cursors supported. 10 Format is valid. 11 Format too large. 12 Invalid color specified in format. 13 Too many sections specified in format. 14 Bad character in format. 15 Unknown key specified in format. e.g. [xxx] where xxx is unknown. 16 Too many periods found in format. 17 Unexpected end of format string. 18 Invalid format. 19 Month should be specified using m, mm, mmm or mmmm. 20 Yes 21 No 23 left 24 right 25 center 26 Any 27 UPPER 28 lower 29 pb PowerBuilder 30 dw DWBuilder 31 im InfoMaker 80 string 81 number 82 date 83 time 84 datetime 100 Day should be specified using d, dd, ddd or dddd. 101 Year should be specified using yy or yyyy. 102 Hour should be specified using h or hh. 103 Seconds should be specified using s or ss 104 Minutes should be specified using m or mm 105 Time should be specified using AM/PM, am/pm, a/p or A/P. 106 Microseconds allows up to nnnnnn. 107 Release %d.%d 108 This feature is currently not supported on this platform 130 CheckBox 131 DropDownDW 132 DropDownListBox 133 Edit 134 EditMask 135 RadioButtons 136 DBMS %s requires enterprise edition of PowerBuilder. 137 DBMS %s is not supported in your current installation. 138 Invalid copy of %s. 139 Please Enter the Primary Key Name 140 Internal error occurred during conversion. 141 . 142 , 143 144 GROUP BY 145 ALL 146 ASC 147 WHERE 148 ORDER BY 149 DESC 150 DISTINCT 151 UNION 152 SELECT 153 FROM 154 \n 155 ( 156 ) 157 and 158 null 159 HAVING 160 HOLDLOCK 178 Error invoking transaction server method 179 Database does not support the transaction server 200 Invalid retrieval arguments. \n \n'%s' 201 Could not open pipeline '%s'. 202 Error Message 203 %d columns exceeds the maximum limit of %d columns. 204 Internal Error, Bind parameter mismatch. 205 Select error: Column lists do not match. 206 Maximum error limit has been reached. 207 Invalid retrieval argument(s). 300 Sunday 301 Monday 302 Tuesday 303 Wednesday 304 Thursday 305 Friday 306 Saturday 307 WTABN 310 Ready 311 All Files (*.*),*.*, 312 Transaction not connected 315 FrameBar 316 SheetBar 317 StyleBar 318 ColorBar 319 Invalid entry name 320 Microsoft Windows NT version 3.50 \nor greater is required for execution 321 Microsoft Windows version 3.10 or \ngreater is required for execution 322 English 325 PowerBuilder 500 Regular 501 Italic 502 Bold 503 Bold Italic 510 AaBbYyZz 511 This is a True Type font. This font will be used on both your screen and your printer. 512 This is a screen font. The closest matching printer font will be used for printing. 513 This is a scalable printer resident font. The image on screen may not match the printed output. 514 Select Pointer 515 Pointer(.cur)|*.cur| 516 Select Drag Icon 517 Drag Icon(.ico)|*.ico| 520 Arrow! 521 IBeam! 522 HourGlass! 523 Cross! 524 UpArrow! 525 Size! 526 Icon! 527 SizeNWSE! 528 SizeNESW! 529 SizeWE! 530 SizeNS! 531 No! 532 AppStarting! 533 Help! 540 Application! 541 None! 542 Rectangle! 543 Error! 544 Question! 545 Warning! 546 Information! 547 WinLogo! 550 Select Icon 551 Icon(.ico)|*.ico| 552 Select Picture 553 Bitmap(.bmp)|*.bmp|RunLengthEncode(.rle)|*.rle|Windows Metafile(.wmf)|*.wmf| 554 PICT(.pct)|*.pct|Bitmap(.bmp)|*.bmp|RunLengthEncode(.rle)|*.rle|Windows Metafile(.wmf)|*.wmf| 555 Select Rich Text Format File 556 RichTextFormat(.rtf)|*.rtf|Text Files(.txt)|*.txt| 557 Select Image 558 Bitmap(.bmp)|*.bmp|RunLengthEncode(.rle)|*.rle|Windows Metafile(.wmf)|*.wmf|Pointer(.cur)|*.cur|Icon(.ico)|*.ico| 559 PICT(.pct)|*.pct|Bitmap(.bmp)|*.bmp|RunLengthEncode(.rle)|*.rle|Windows Metafile(.wmf)|*.wmf|Pointer(.cur)|*.cur|Icon(.ico)|*.ico| 560 Select Library 561 PB Libraries (*.pbl)|*.pbl| 562 Select Resource File 563 Resource Files (*.pbr)|*.pbr| 564 Select File Template 565 All Files (*.*)|*.*| 566 Select Image 567 Bitmap(.bmp)|*.bmp|Pointer(.cur)|*.cur|Icon(.ico)|*.ico| 568 Select Bitmap 569 Bitmap(.bmp)|*.bmp| 570 PB ANSI Libraries (*.pbl)|*.pbl| 600 Black 601 White 602 Red 603 Fuchsia 604 Lime 605 Yellow 606 Blue 607 Aqua 608 Maroon 609 Purple 610 Green 611 Olive 612 Navy 613 Teal 614 Gray 615 Silver 616 Mint 617 Sky 618 Cream 619 Medium Gray 620 Custom 621 Transparent 622 AppWrkSpc 623 WndText 624 ButtonFace 625 WndBkrnd 700 APR 701 APRIL 702 AUG 703 AUGUST 704 DEC 705 DECEMBER 706 FEB 707 FEBRUARY 708 JAN 709 JANUARY 720 JUL 721 JULY 722 JUN 723 JUNE 724 MAR 725 MARCH 726 MAY 727 MAY 728 NOV 729 NOVEMBER 730 OCT 731 OCTOBER 732 SEP 733 SEPTEMBER 734 Jan 735 Feb 736 Mar 737 Apr 738 May 739 Jun 740 Jul 741 Aug 742 Sep 743 Oct 744 Nov 745 Dec 746 January 747 February 748 March 749 April 750 May 751 June 752 July 753 August 754 September 755 October 756 November 757 December 758 Sun 759 Mon 760 Tue 761 Wed 762 Thu 763 Fri 764 Sat 765 Sunday 766 Monday 767 Tuesday 768 Wednesday 769 Thursday 770 Friday 771 Saturday 772 The Unicode font substitution has been set or changed. Please reboot for these changes to take effect. 773 Unicode Font Substitution 800 JAN 801 FEB 802 MAR 803 APR 804 MAY 805 JUN 806 JUL 807 AUG 808 SEP 809 OCT 810 NOV 811 DEC 900 on 901 devices 902 .DRV 903 windows 904 device 905 DEVICEMODE 1020 Properties for 1021 Close 1022 WTABCCCN 5191 [General] 5192 Arial 5193 (None) 5200 Left 5201 Center 5202 Right 5300 (None) 5301 45 Degrees Left 5302 90 Degrees Left 5303 45 Degrees Right 5304 90 Degrees Right 5700 Solid 5701 Dash 5702 Dot 5703 Dash-Dot 5704 Dash-Dot-Dot 5705 (None) 8001 Device-Independent Bitmap 8002 a Device-Independent Bitmap 8003 Metafile 8004 a Metafile 8005 Bitmap 8006 a Bitmap 8007 PBLICENSEKEY 8008 PBOLEPROPERTYDATA 8009 PowerBuilder 8010 Control Properties 8011 CLSID\{6454C819-C1FA-11ce-8891-00805F70D324} 8012 PowerBuilder Property Page 8013 InprocServer 8014 InprocServer32 8015 PBOCXSTREAM 8016 PBOCXSTORAGE 8017 propertyrequestedit 8018 propertychanged 8019 externalexception 8020 error 8021 Facility Information:\n %d - %s!\n\nUser Information:\n%d 8022 Facility Error:\n %d - %s!\n\nUser Error:\n%d 8026 Browse Control 8027 Typelib Error 8028 Insertable Objects 8029 OLE Custom Controls 8030 Programmable Objects 8031 OLEControl 8032 OLECustomControl 8033 OLEObject 8034 ProgID 8035 .object 8036 OLE Control Register 8037 OLE Control Unregister 8038 Create New 8039 Create From File 8040 Insert Control 8041 Insert Object 8042 OCX_ 8043 _pb_internal_oleauto 8045 REGEDIT4 \n;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; \n; \n; Registry entries for 8046 \n; \n; CLSID = 8047 \n; \n; PowerBuilder Generated Registry File \n;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; \n \n; Version independent entries: \n 8048 \n; Version specific entries: \n 8049 \n; CLSID entries: \n 8050 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ 8051 CLSID 8052 NotInsertable 8053 Programmable 8054 CurVer 8055 = 8056 ProgID 8057 VersionIndependentProgID 8058 InProcServer32 8059 PowerBuilder\ClassName 8060 PowerBuilder\LibraryList 8061 PowerBuilder\BinaryType 8062 PCODE 8063 MCODE 8064 AppID 8065 \n; Type Library Registration entries: \n 8066 TypeLib 8067 Type Library for 8068 Win32 8070 PowerBuilder 8080 Functions 8081 Events 8082 Properties 8083 Class Information 8084 Microsoft Word 9000 Empty 9001 NULL 9002 short 9003 long 9004 real 9005 double 9006 currency 9007 datetime 9008 string 9009 IDispatch 9010 error 9011 boolean 9012 variant 9013 IUnknown 9016 signed char 9017 unsigned char 9018 unsigned short 9019 unsigned long 9020 signed 64 bit integer 9021 unsigned 64 bit integer 9022 int 9023 unsigned int 9024 VOID 9025 HRESULT 9026 Pointer 9029 UserDefined 9030 LPSTR 9031 LPWSTR 9032 OleObject 9033 any 9064 filetime 9065 blob 9072 ClSID 9073 Enum int 9100 REF 9101 [] 10001 Initialization failed 10002 Termination failed 10003 Maximum number of tasks exceeded 10004 Task not initialized 10005 Storage Manager 'Begin' failed 10006 Storage Manager 'New Pool' failed 10007 Storage Manager 'Allocate' for Application failed 10008 Invalid Parameter - Null PBROICONTROL Pointer 10009 Storage Manager 'Allocate' failed in PBAPPLICATION::GetDefaultStorage() 10010 Invalid Parameter - Null PBROISTORAGE Pointer 10011 Invalide Remote Object Type 10012 Initialization of subsystem failed. 10013 PBROISTORAGE::SetName Allocate for name string failed 10014 PBROISTORAGE Constructor failed 10015 PBROISTORAGE::HasChanged Null parameter 10016 PBROICONTROL::Constructor failed 10017 PBROICONTROL::GetNextInStorage Null parameter 10018 PBROICONTROL::AppNotify No notify function Available 10019 PBROICONTROL::Window Error returned by user notify proc 10020 PBROICONTROL::FrameWindow Error returned by user notify proc 10021 PBROICONTROL::Rectangle Error returned by user notify proc 10022 PBROICONTROL::ScrolledRectangle Error returned by user notify proc 10023 PBROICONTROL::IsMDI Error returned by user notify proc 10024 PBROICONTROL::ClippingRectangle Error returned by user notify proc 10025 PBROICONTROL::InPlaceAccelerators Error returned by user notify proc 10026 PBROICONTROL::FrameRectangle Error returned by user notify proc 10027 PBROICONTROL::WindowRectangle Error returned by user notify proc 10028 PBROICONTROL::CheckFrameBorder Error returned by user notify proc 10029 PBROICONTROL::CheckWindowBorder Error returned by user notify proc 10030 PBROICONTROL::SetFrameBorder Error returned by user notify proc 10031 PBROICONTROL::SetWindowBorder Error returned by user notify proc 10032 ControlPasteLink Paste link not supported by object 10033 There is no data on the clipboard 10034 PasteSpecial format not supported 10035 Null stream 10036 Stream is not open 10037 Error reading stream 10038 Error writing stream 10039 Error seeking on stream 10040 Error getting stream info 10041 ROISTORAGE::Open Invalid share mode 10042 ROISTORAGE::Open Invalid read mode 10043 ROISTREAM::ROISTREAM Invalid read mode 10044 ROISTREAM::ROISTREAM Invalid read mode 10045 ROISTREAM::Create Allocate failed 10046 ROISTORAGE::OpenStream Open failed 10047 ROISTREAM::ROISTREAM Constructor failed 10048 Stream is not open 10049 Invalid stream name 10050 Access denied 10051 A stream or substorage already exists with that name 10052 No stream exists with that name 10053 Stream is already open 10054 PBROISTREAM Object is either destroyed or is in the destructor 10055 PBROISTREAM::Seek Invalid seek type 10056 PBROICONTROL::DoDragDrop Drag drop not implemented 10057 PBROICONTROL::OpenFile Invalid format 10058 Unable to convert from OLE 1 format to OLE 2 format 10059 Storage::Save Storage is not open 10060 Storage member not found 10061 Duplicate storage member name 10062 Storage - insufficient system resources 10063 Storage access denied 10064 Invalid storage state 10065 Parameter error on function call 10066 Unknown storage error 10067 Storage::MemberExists Invalid name 10068 Storage::MemberExists Call error 10069 Function is not implemented 10070 File is not a storage 10071 Control Open (from storage) storage not open 10072 Null PBROIDISPATCHER pointer 10073 Control Open Source type not implemented 10074 Null pInfo parameter on call 10075 PBROIDISPATCHER::EnumMethods NULL Listbox handle 10076 PBROIDISPATCHER No dispatchable object here 10077 PBROIDISPATCHER::Invoke NULL method name 10078 PBROIDISPATCHER::Invoke Invalid method name 10079 PBROIDISPATCHER::Invoke Method call failed 10080 PBROIDISPATCHER::Invoke Parameter type not supported 10081 PBROIDISPATCHER::SetProperty NULL method name 10082 PBROIDISPATCHER::SetProperty Invalid method name 10083 PBROIDISPATCHER::SetProperty Set call failed 10084 PBROIDISPATCHER::SetProperty Parameter type not supported 10085 PBROIDISPATCHER::GetProperty NULL method name 10086 PBROIDISPATCHER::GetProperty Invalid method name 10087 PBROIDISPATCHER::GetProperty Get call failed 10088 PBROIDISPATCHER::GetProperty Parameter type not supported 10089 PBROISTORAGE::Open Parent storage is not open 10090 Storage object is of a different type 10091 Control object is of a different type 10092 Stream object is of a different type 10093 Dispatcher object is of a different type 10094 PBROICONTROL::Insert file not Found 10095 PBROICONTROL::Insert Item not found 10096 OLE is not supported 10097 PBROIDISPATCHER::Invoke Parameter array pointer is null 10098 PBROIDISPATCHER::Invoke Expected parameter not found 10099 PBROI_StorageSaveAs Parent storage provided is not open 10100 PBROI_StorageSaveAs Invalid storage name 10101 PBROI_ControlInsertClassName Invalid class name 10102 PBROIDISPATCHER Call not valid. Object is attached to a control 10103 PBROISTREAM::Open Parent storage is not open 10104 PBROICONTROL::GetDoc Error Getting Document Window 10105 PBROICONTROL::xxxxx No data object here 10106 PBROICONTROL::Activate Cant do verb now 10107 PBROICONTROL::Activate Invalid verb 10108 PBROICONTROL::Activate No verbs supported 10109 PBROICONTROL::Activate Verb not implemented 10110 PBROICONTROL::Activate DoVerb error 10111 PBROICONTROL::PasteSpecial Dialog error 10112 PBROISTORAGE::SaveAs File already exists 10113 PBROISTORAGE::SaveAs Insufficient memory 10114 PBROISTORAGE::SaveAs Too many open files 10115 PBROISTORAGE::SaveAs Access denied 10116 PBROIDISPATCHER::OpenNew Class Name not found 10117 PBROIDISPATCHER::OpenNew Object create failed 10118 PBROIDISPATCHER::OpenNew Could not connect to dispatcher 10119 PBROIDISPATCHER::Open Class Name not found 10120 PBROIDISPATCHER::Open Object create failed 10121 PBROIDISPATCHER::Open Could not connect to dispatcher 10122 PBROIDISPATCHER::Open Can't connect to active object 10123 PBROIDISPATCHER::Open File name not valid 10124 PBROIDISPATCHER::Open Can't bind to file 10125 PBROIDISPATCHER::Open Persistant files not supported by object 10126 PBROICONTROL::Open Error converting file to current version. File not found 10127 PBROIDISPATCHER::ClassNameListBox Can't access class name service 10128 PBROIDISPATCHER::ClassNameListBox Can't allocate a needed work buffer 10129 PBROICONTROL::SetProperty Subscript error 10130 PBROICONTROL::SetProperty Data type error 10131 PBROICONTROL::GetProperty Subscript error 10132 PBROIDISPATCHER::CallMethod Incorrect number of arguments 10133 PBROIDISPATCHER::CallMethod Incorrect type for one or more parameters 10134 PBROIDISPATCHER Internal error converting to Variant Type 10135 PBROICONTROL::UpdateDispatcher Ole 1 Object - Automation not supported 10136 PBROICONTROL Open failed for a document file 10137 PBROISTORAGE::SaveAs Name copy failed 10138 PBROISTORAGE::MemberDelete Name copy failed 10139 PBROISTORAGE::MemberRename OldName copy failed 10140 PBROISTORAGE::MemberRename NewName copy failed 10141 PBROISTREAM::Open Name copy failed 10142 PBROIDISPATCHER::Open Name copy failed 10143 PBROICONTROL::LinkItem Allocate Name failed 10144 PBROICONTROL::SaveToStorage Allocate Name failed 10145 PBROICONTROL::SaveToFile Allocate Name failed 10146 PBROICONTROL DataObject Allocate Name failed 10147 PBROIDISPATCHER::OpenNew Allocate Name failed 10148 PBROIDISPATCHER::Open Allocate Name failed 10149 PBROICONTROL Can't deactivate 10150 No TypeLib guid was specified in Registry for the control. 10151 Load of TypeLib failed for the control. 10152 TypeLib for the control specified no TypeInfo interface. 10153 PBRO_SetUpErrorNotificationEvents Alloc name string failed 10154 PBROICONTROL::IsDesignMode Notification error 10155 PBROIDOCWINDOW Control not found 10156 PBROIAPPLICATION::AddDocWindow Can't allocate Doc Window reference table 10157 PBROIAPPLICATION::AddDocWindow Allocate Doc Window failed 10158 PBROIAPPLICATION Doc Window not found 10159 PBROIDOCWINDOW::AddControl Can't allocate control reference table 10160 PBROIAPPLICATION::GetMasterRuntime FN_RuntimeCreate failed 10161 PBROIAPPLICATION::GetMasterRuntime Invalid EXE type 10162 PBROIAPPLICATION::GetMasterRuntime begin_stg failed 11001 This program requires a newer version of OLE 11002 This program requires a newer version of the OLE Libraries 11003 OLE library initialization failed 11004 Insert Dialog returned an error 11005 Insert From File is not supported 11006 Insert Link is not supported 11007 Create Document File failed 11008 Storage Manager 'Allocate' for OLEDATAOBJECT failed 11009 OLEDATAOBJECT constructor failed 11010 OLEDATAOBJECT OleCreate failed 11011 OLEDATAOBJECT Allocate for IClientSite failed 11012 QueryView failed 11013 Storage Manager 'Allocate' failed for OLECONTROL 11014 OLEDATAOBJECT Allocate for iAdviseSink failed 11015 Invalid parameter - Null OLEDATAOBJECT pointer 11016 OLEDATAOBJECT OleCreateStorage failed 11017 Storage Manager 'Allocate' for OLESTORAGE failed 11018 OLESTORAGE OleCreateDocFile failed 11019 OLESTORAGE OleOpenDocFile failed 11020 OLESTORAGE constructor failed 11021 OLESTORAGE File is not a storage 11022 Storage Manager 'Allocate' for OLESTORAGE.Name failed 11023 OLECONTROL Already has an object 11024 OLECONTROL No object here 11025 OLEDATAOBJECT OleCreateStorage failed 11026 OLESTORAGE Storage has no name 11027 OLEDATAOBJECT Doesn't support save 11028 OLEDATAOBJECT Save failed 11029 OLEDATAOBJECT Allocate name failed 11030 OLEDATAOBJECT Reopen failed 11031 OLEDATAOBJECT Open Substorage failed 11032 OLEDATAOBJECT OleLoad Failed 11033 OLECONTROL OleSetClipboard Failed 11034 OLEDATAOBJECT Object Copy Storage failed 11035 OLEAPPLICATIONDATA Constructor failed 11036 OLEAPPLICATIONDATA::CreateFormatEnum Create failed 11037 OLEDATAOBJECT::GetObjectDescriptor Error on OleStd call 11038 OLEAPPLICATIONDATA::GetData Format mismatch 11039 OLEAPPLICATIONDATA::GetData GlobalAlloc failed 11040 OLEAPPLICATIONDATA::GetData Storage CopyTo failed 11041 OLEAPPLICATIONDATA::GetData Unknown format requested 11042 OLEAPPLICATIONDATA::GetData Format not supported 11043 OLEAPPLICATIONDATA::GetDataHere Format mismatch 11044 OLEAPPLICATIONDATA::GetDataHere GlobalAlloc failed 11045 OLEAPPLICATIONDATA::GetDataHere Storage CopyTo failed 11046 OLEAPPLICATIONDATA::GetDataHere Unknown format requested 11047 OLEAPPLICATIONDATA::GetDataHere Format not supported 11048 OLESTORAGE::SaveAs IStorage::QueryInterface for Root Storage failed 11049 OLESTORAGE::SaveAs IRootStorage::SwitchToFile failed 11050 OLESTORAGE::SaveAs IStorage::CopyTo failed 11051 OLESTORAGE::SaveAs IStorage::Commit failed 11052 OLESTORAGE::Save IStorage::Commit failed 11053 Feature not implemented yet 11054 OLECONTROL::GetOleStorage No Storage for Control 11055 OLEDATAOBJECT::Activate Invalid Activate Code 11056 OLECONTROL::Activate No data object 11057 OLEDATAOBJECT::CreateFromClipboard OleGetClipboard failed 11058 OLEDATAOBJECT::CreateFromClipboard OleCreateFromData failed 11059 OLEDATAOBJECT::ClipboardCopy QueryInterface on copy failed 11060 OLEDATAOBJECT::ClipboardCopy OleSetClipboard failed 11061 OLECONTROL::SaveTo No data object here to save 11062 OLECONTROL::SaveToStorage No data object here to save 11063 OLECONTROL::SaveToStorage No target storage 11064 OLECONTROL::SaveToStorage No target OLE storage 11065 OLECONTROL::SaveToStorage CreateSubstorage failed 11066 OLECONTROL::SaveToStorage Storage copy failed 11067 OLECONTROL::SaveToStorage Commit failed 11068 OLECONTROL::SaveToFile No data object here to save 11069 OLECONTROL::SaveToFile CreateDocfile failed 11070 OLECONTROL::SaveToFile Storage copy failed 11071 OLECONTROL::SaveToFile Commit failed 11072 OLEDATAOBJECT::Open File is not a storage 11073 OLEDATAOBJECT::Open OpenDocFile failed 11074 OLEDATAOBJECT::Open OleLoad failed 11075 OLEDATAOBJECT::CreateFromDialog Create substorage failed 11076 OLEDATAOBJECT::CreateFromDialog CreateDocfile failed 11077 OLEDATAOBJECT::CreateFromDialog OleCreate failed 11078 OLEDATAOBJECT::CreateFromClipboard Create substorage failed 11079 OLEDATAOBJECT::CreateFromClipboard CreateDocfile failed 11080 OLEDATAOBJECT::GetControl NULL control 11081 OLECONTROL::OnSetIsDropTarget GetWindow Error 11082 OLEDATAOBJECT::CreateFromClipboard Allocate file name failed 11083 OLEDATAOBJECT::SetHostNames No embedded object 11084 OLECONTROL::PasteSpecial Dialog error 11085 OLEDATAOBJECT::DoDragDrop QueryInterface for IDataObject failed 11086 OLEDATAOBJECT::ConvertOle1FileToOle2 File not found 11087 OLEDATAOBJECT::ConvertOle1FileToOle2 Create temp storage failed 11088 OLEDATAOBJECT::ConvertOle1FileToOle2 Create file storage failed 11089 OLEDATAOBJECT::ConvertOle1FileToOle2 Copy storage failed 11090 OLESTORAGE::MemberListBox Storage->EnumElements failed 11091 OLESTORAGE::MemberExists Storage->EnumElements failed 11092 OLESTORAGE::MemberExists Name parameter is NULL 11093 OLESTORAGE::MemberExists Result parameter is NULL 11094 OLEDISPATCHER Constructor failed 11095 OLEDISPATCHER Destructor is active 11096 OLEDISPATCHER::Create Allocate storage for dispatcher failed 11097 OLEDISPATCHER::Open ProgID not found 11098 OLEDISPATCHER::Open OLE create storage failed 11099 OLEDISPATCHER::Open OLE create failed 11100 OLEDISPATCHER::Open dispatch not supported by object 11101 OLEDISPATCHER No dispatchable object here 11102 OLEDISPATCHER Type information not available 11103 OLEDISPATCHER GetTypeAttr call failed 11104 OLEDISPATCHER::VTTypeAsString No output buffer provided 11105 OLEDISPATCHER::VTTypeAsString Output buffer too small 11106 OLEDISPATCHER::GetProperty Name parameter is NULL 11107 OLEDISPATCHER::GetProperty Invalid name or property not found 11108 OLEDISPATCHER::GetProperty Dispatch->Invoke failed 11109 OLEDISPATCHER::VariantToObData String allocation error 11110 OLEDISPATCHER::VariantToObData Type not supported 11111 OLEDISPATCHER::Assign(LPDISPATCH) QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown) failed 11112 OLEDISPATCHER::VariantToObData Allocation of PBOLEDISPATCHER failed 11113 OLEDISPATCHER::ObDataToVariant Unsupported data type 11114 OLEDATAOBJECT::CreateFromTemplate Ole Create/Link failed 11115 OLEDATAOBJECT::CreateFromData QueryInterface for IOleLink failed 11116 OLEDATAOBJECT::CreateFromData Create/LinkFromData failed 11117 OLEDISPATCHER::Open GetActiveObject Failed 11118 OLEDISPATCHER::Open CreateBindCtx Failed 11119 OLEDISPATCHER::Open Invalid File Name 11120 OLEDISPATCHER::Open BindToObject failed 11121 OLEDISPATCHER::Open QueryInterface for IPersistFile failed 11122 OLEDISPATCHER::Open PersistFile->Load Failed 11123 OLEDATAOBJECT::ClassLongName IOleObject->GetUserType() failed 11124 OLEDATAOBJECT::ClassShortName IOleObject->GetUserType() failed 11125 OLEDATAOBJECT::CreateFromBlob GlobalAlloc() failed 11126 OLEDATAOBJECT::CreateFromBlob GlobalLock() failed 11127 OLEDATAOBJECT::CreateFromBlob OleStdCreateStorageOnHGlobal() failed 11128 OLEDATAOBJECT::CreateFromBlob OleLoad() failed 11129 OLEDATAOBJECT::CreateFromBlob StgCreateDocfileOnILockBytes() failed 11130 OLEDATAOBJECT::CreateFromBlob StgIsStorageILockBytes() failed 11131 OLEDATAOBJECT::CreateFromBlob StgOpenStorageOnILockBytes() failed 11132 OLEDATAOBJECT::SaveToHGlobal StgCreateILockBytesOnHGlobal() failed 11133 OLEDATAOBJECT::SaveToHGlobal StgCreateDocfileOnILockBytes() failed 11134 OLEDATAOBJECT::SaveToBlob GlobalLock() failed 11135 OLEDATAOBJECT::CreateFromClassName Create substorage failed 11136 OLEDATAOBJECT::CreateFromClassName Create docfile failed 11137 OLEDATAOBJECT::CreateFromClassName OleCreate failed 11138 OLEDATAOBJECT::SubClassIPWindow GlobalAlloc failed 11139 OLEDATAOBJECT::SubClassIPWindow GlobalLock failed 11140 PBOLEDISPATCHER::ObDataToVariant Allocate name failed 11141 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::GetIDataObject QueryInterface(IID_IDataObject) failed 11142 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::ClassIDAsString GetUserClassID failed 11143 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::ClassIDAsString Allocate PSCPPSTRING failed 11144 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::FreeOleMemory CoGetMalloc failed 11145 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::ClassIDAsString StringFromCLSID failed 11146 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::SetUpOCXProperties QueryInterface(IID_IDispatch) failed 11147 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::SetUpOCXProperties pOleDispatch->GetTypeInfo() failed 11148 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::SetUpOCXProperties pTypeInfo->GetTypeAttr() failed 11149 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::InitOCX QueryInterface for IConnectionPointContainer failed 11150 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::InitOCX FindConnectionPoint for events IPropNotifySink failed 11151 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::InitOCX FindConnectionPoint for events IDispatch failed 11152 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::SetUpOCXEvents QueryInterface for IProvideClassInfo failed 11153 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::SetUpOCXEvents GetClassInfo for object failed 11154 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::SetUpOCXEvents GetTypeAttr for object failed 11155 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::SetUpOCXEvents GetTypeInfo for events failed 11156 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::SetUpOCXEvents GetTypeAttr for events failed 11157 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::BuildOCXEventMap Allocate PSCPPREFTABLE for event map failed 11158 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::BuildOCXEventMap Allocate PBOLEEVENTENTRY failed 11159 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::BuildOCXEventMap Allocate PSCPPSTRING for event name REFTABLE failed 11160 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::BuildOCXEventMap GetTypeAttr for typeinfo failed 11161 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::BuildOCXEventMap GetFuncDesc for typeinfo failed 11162 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::BuildOCXEventMap GetImplTypeFlags for typeinfo failed 11163 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::BuildOCXEventMap CoGetMalloc failed 11164 PBOLE_DeleteOleTaskMemory Unable to get task IMalloc 11165 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::LoadOleObject OleLoad Failed 11166 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::CreateNewStorage pStorage->CreateStorage(MemberName...) failed 11167 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::CreateNewStorage StgCreateDocFile failed 11168 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::LoadOleControl Allocate of string for license key failed 11169 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::LoadOleControl Read license key failed 11170 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::LoadOleControl Storage->Stat call to get CLSID failed 11171 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::LoadOleControl CoGetClassObject failed 11172 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::LoadOleControl ClassFactory->CreateIntanceLic failed 11173 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::LoadOleControl QueryInterface(IID_IPersistStorage) failed 11174 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::LoadOleControl IPersistStorage->Load failed 11175 PBICLASSFACTORY::Create Allocation of new ClassFactory Failed 11176 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::ShowPropertyFrame QueryInterface(IID_ISpecifyPropertyPages) failed 11177 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::ShowPropertyFrame ISpecifyPropertyPages->GetPages failed 11178 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::ShowPropertyFrame Allocate GUID array failed 11179 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::ShowPropertyFrame Allocate caption failed 11180 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::RegisterPropertyPageClassFactory Alloc key string failed 11181 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::RegisterPropertyPageClassFactory Alloc value string failed 11182 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::RegisterPropertyPageClassFactory Create Key failed 11183 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::RegisterPropertyPageClassFactory Set class name failed 11184 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::RegisterPropertyPageClassFactory Set InprocServer(32) failed 11185 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::SetObjectData QueryInterface(IDataObject) failed 11186 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::SetObjectData GlobalAlloc failed 11187 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::SetObjectData GlobalLock failed 11188 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::SetObjectData SetData() failed 11189 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::GetDataBinary GlobalLock failed 11190 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::GetDataBinary shBinaryAlloc failed 11191 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::GetDataString GlobalLock failed 11192 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::GetDataString ob_alloc_string failed 11193 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::GetObjectData QueryInterface(IDataObject) failed 11194 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::GetObjectData GetData failed 11195 PBOLEDISPATCHER::GetNativePointer No data 11196 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::LoadOleControl OleCreateDefaultHandler failed 11197 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::InsertOleControl Create Failed 11198 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::InsertOleControl QueryInterface(IPersistStorage) failed 11199 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::InsertOleControl pPersist->InitNew failed 11200 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::InsertOleControl OleRun failed 11201 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::InsertOleControl QueryInterface(ICache) failed 11202 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::InsertOleControl pCache->Cache Failed 11203 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::LoadOleControl OleLoad() failed 11204 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::UpdateDispatcher QueryInterface(IDispatch) failed 11205 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::InsertOleControl QueryInterface(IOleObject) failed 11206 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::InsertOleControl IDataObject::InitCache failed 11207 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::CreateOCXStorage m_pOleStorage is NULL 11208 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::CreateOCXStorage CreateSubStorage Failed 11209 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::OpenOCXStorage m_pOleStorage is NULL 11210 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::OpenOCXStorage OpenSubStorage Failed 11211 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::CreateOCXStorage Allocation of pMemberName failed 11212 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::OpenOCXStorage Allocation of pMemberName failed 11213 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::SaveOCXProperties GetData failed 11214 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::LoadOCXProperties SetData failed 11215 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::AddPropertyToNotificationList Allocate name list failed 11216 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::AddPropertyToNotificationList Allocate property entry failed 11217 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::AddPropertyToNotificationList Allocate property name string failed 11218 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::SetUpOCXPropertyNotificationEvents Allocate event name string failed 11219 PBOLEARRAYITERATOR::AllocateVectors No dimensions in array 11220 PBOLEARRAYITERATOR::AllocateVectors Allocate index array failed 11221 PBOLEARRAYITERATOR::AllocateVectors Allocate bounds array failed 11222 PBOLEARRAYITERATOR::CopyFromObArrayToSafeArray No Ob Array 11223 PBOLEARRAYITERATOR::CopyFromObArrayToSafeArray No obThis 11224 PBOLEARRAYITERATOR::CopyFromObArrayToSafeArray No SafeArray 11225 PBOLEARRAYITERATOR::CopyFromObArrayToSafeArray SafeArrayPutElement failed 11226 PBOLEARRAYITERATOR::CopyFromSafeArrayToObArray No Ob Array 11227 PBOLEARRAYITERATOR::CopyFromSafeArrayToObArray No ObThis 11228 PBOLEARRAYITERATOR::CopyFromSafeArrayToObArray No SafeArray 11229 PBOLEARRAYITERATOR::CopyFromSafeArrayToObArray SafeArrayGetElement failed 11230 PBOLEARRAYITERATOR::CreateObArray No SafeArray 11231 PBOLEARRAYITERATOR::CreateObArray No obThis 11232 PBOLEARRAYITERATOR::CreateObArray Create failed 11233 PBOLEARRAYITERATOR::CreateSafeArray No ObThis 11234 PBOLEARRAYITERATOR::CreateSafeArray No Ob Array 11235 PBOLEARRAYITERATOR::CreateSafeArray Alloc SAFEARRAYBOUND failed 11236 PBOLEARRAYITERATOR::CreateSafeArray CreateSafeArray failed 11237 PBOLEARRAYITERATOR::Get(POBDATA) No Ob Array 11238 PBOLEARRAYITERATOR::Get(LPSAFEARRAY) No SafeArray 11239 PBOLEARRAYITERATOR::Set(POBDATA) Not an array 11240 PBOLEARRAYITERATOR::Set(POBDATA) NULL array ID 11241 PBOLEARRAYITERATOR::Set(LPSAFEARRAY) Not an array 11242 PBOLEARRAYITERATOR::Set(LPSAFEARRAY) SafeArrayGetLBound failed 11243 PBOLEARRAYITERATOR::Set(LPSAFEARRAY) SafeArrayGetUBound failed 11244 PBOLEARRAYITERATOR::CreateSafeArray Can't get application object 11245 PBOLEARRAYITERATOR::AllocateVectors Can't get application object 11246 PBOLEARRAYITERATOR::Set(VARIANT) Input is not a variant 11247 PBOLE_CoerceVTypeToPBType Cant convert variant to PB type 11248 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::UpdateDispatcher NULL Object Interface 11249 PBOLEPOWERBUILDERSESSION::PBOLEPOWERBUILDERSESSION Can't allocate PSCPPREFTABLE m_pObjects 11250 PBOLEAPPLICATIONDATA::PBOLEAPPLICATIONDATA Can't allocate PSCPPREFTABLE m_pClassFactory 11251 PBOLEPOWERBUILDERSESSION::StartRuntime rtRuntimeCreate failed 11252 PBOLEPOWERBUILDERSESSION::PBOLEPOWERBUILDERSESSION Can't allocate PSCPPSTRING m_pAppName 11253 PBOLEPOWERBUILDERSESSION::PBOLEPOWERBUILDERSESSION Can't allocate PSCPPSTRING m_pLibListEntries 11254 PBOLEINBOUNDAUTOMATIONOBJECT::PBOLEINBOUNDAUTOMATIONOBJECT rt_create_obinst failed 11255 PBOLEINBOUNDAUTOMATIONOBJECT::Create Can't allocate PBOLEINBOUNDAUTOMATIONOBJECT 11256 PBOLEINBOUNDAUTOMATIONOBJECT::SymbolSearch Can't allocate compare string 11257 PBOLEINBOUNDAUTOMATIONOBJECT::BuildSymbolTable Can't allocate symbol table 11258 PBOLEINBOUNDAUTOMATIONOBJECT::SymbolSearch No symbol table 11259 PBOLEINBOUNDAUTOMATIONOBJECT::BuildSymbolTable Can't allocate array vector 11260 PBOLEPOWERBUILDERSESSION::CreateObjectInstance(CLSID) Can't convert clsid to a string 11261 PBOLEPOWERBUILDERSESSION::CreateObjectInstance(CLSID) Can't open registry key 11262 PBOLEPOWERBUILDERSESSION::CreateObjectInstance(CLSID) Missing or invalid library list 11263 PBOLEPOWERBUILDERSESSION::CreateObjectInstance(CLSID) Missing or invalid object type 11264 PBOLEPOWERBUILDERSESSION::CreateObjectInstance(CLSID) Missing or invalid class name 11265 PBOLEPOWERBUILDERSESSION::UpdateLibraryListMembers Allocate library list pointer array failed 11266 PBOLEPOWERBUILDERSESSION::UpdateLibraryListMembers Allocate null terminated copy of library list failed 11267 PBOLEPOWERBUILDERSESSION::SetLibraryList No input string 11268 PBOLE_GenGUID Generation of GUIDs is not supported in this version 11269 PBOLE_GenGUID LoadLibrary for RPCRT4.DLL failed 11270 PBOLE_GenGUID One or more of the procedures required were not found in RPCRT4.DLL 11271 PBOLE_GenGUID Convert UUID to string failed 11272 PBOLE_GenGUID Create UUID failed 11273 PBOLE_GenGUID Create UUID failed because it was unable to obtain the network address 11274 PBOLEPOWERBUILDERSESSION::WrapobInst Allocate name string failed 11275 PBOLEPOWERBUILDERSESSION::StartRuntime Begin storage failed 11276 PBOLEINBOUNDAUTOMATIONOBJECT::BuildSymbolTable rtRoutineCount failed 11277 PBOLEINBOUNDAUTOMATIONOBJECT::BuildSymbolTable rtRoutineInfo failed 11278 PBOLEDATAOBJECT::AddProperyToNotificationList Allocation of property names failed 11279 PBOLEINBOUNDAUTOMATIONOBJECT::MemberIDSearch No table 11280 PBOLE_LoadRegTypeLibFromCLSID StringFromCLSID failed 12001 PBROICONTROL::DoDragDrop Cancel 12002 PBROICONTROL::DoDragDrop Cut 12003 PBROI_FirePBExternalExceptionEvent Script not implemented 12004 PBROI_FirePBErrorEvent Script not implemented 13001 PBOLEAPPLICATIONDATA::FindClassFactory Entry not found 13002 PBOLEINBOUNDAUTOMATIONOBJECT::SymbolSearch Symbol not found 13003 PBOLEINBOUNDAUTOMATIONOBJECT::MemberIDSearch Symbol not found 17051 Hostname was not found %s, (%X) 17052 Service name %s was not found, (%X) 17053 WSAStartup call failed with error %s, (%X) 17054 Ioctsocket call failed with error %s, (%X) 17055 Bind call failed with error %s, (%X) 17056 Listen call failed with error %s, (%X) 17057 Accept call failed with error %s, (%X) 17058 Send call failed with the error %s, (%X) 17059 Recv call failed with the error %s, (%X) 17060 Setsockopt call failed with the error %s, (%X) 17061 Connect call failed with error %s, (%X) 17062 Winsock driver internal error, (%X) 17063 Recv call timed out, (%X) 17064 No message handler has been installed yet, (%X) 17065 Send call failed to complete after %d retries, (%X) 17066 Recv call failed to complete after %d retries, (%X) 17067 Error attempting to create a new socket, (%X) 17068 Out of memory attempting to allocate %s, (%X) 17069 Attemped to connect while already connected to a remote host, (%X) 17070 Cannot send a message before being connected to a remote host, (%X) 17071 No connection parameters were specified, (%X) 17072 No context was provided, (%X) 17073 Error attempting to register socket for async notification, (%X) 17074 Attempt to register a window class failed, (%X) 17075 Attempt to create a new window failed, (%X) 17076 Function is not implemented at this time, (%X) 17085 WSD01 New Connection object - ThreadID 0%X \n 17086 WSD02 ~DPB_WINSOCK_CONNECTION: Error! socket hasn't been closed \n 17087 WSD03 ~DPB_WINSOCK_CONNECTION: Error! Window handle hasn't been closed \n 17088 WSD04 %s: RefCount for connection object = %ld \n 17089 WSD05 Socket connection successful. \n 17090 WSD06 ReadHeader: Received disconnect code = %X \n 17091 WSD07 ReadHeader: Proto = %d, Len = %d \n 17092 WSD08 Send: result = %ld \n 17093 WSD09 SendDisconnect: result = %ld \n 17094 WSD10 WriteHeader failed: result = %d \n 17095 WSD11 %s: RefCount for listener object = %ld \n 17096 WSD12 Unexpected FD_CLOSE received, calling CloseSock. \n 17135 WSAEWOULDBLOCK 17136 WSAEINPROGRESS 17137 WSAEALREADY 17138 WSAENOTSOCK 17139 WSAEDESTADDRREQ 17140 WSAEMSGSIZE 17141 WSAEPROTOTYPE 17142 WSAENOPROTOOPT 17143 WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT 17144 WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT 17145 WSAEOPNOTSUPP 17146 WSAEPFNOSUPPORT 17147 WSAEAFNOSUPPORT 17148 WSAEADDRINUSE 17149 WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL 17150 WSAENETDOWN 17151 WSAENETUNREACH 17152 WSAENETRESET 17153 WSAECONNABORTED 17154 WSAECONNRESET 17155 WSAENOBUFS 17156 WSAEISCONN 17157 WSAENOTCONN 17158 WSAESHUTDOWN 17159 WSAETOOMANYREFS 17160 WSAETIMEDOUT 17161 WSAECONNREFUSED 17162 WSAELOOP 17163 WSAENAMETOOLONG 17164 WSAEHOSTDOWN 17165 WSAEHOSTUNREACH 17166 WSAENOTEMPTY 17167 WSAEPROCLIM 17168 WSAEUSERS 17169 WSAEDQUOT 17170 WSAESTALE 17171 WSAEREMOTE 17201 WSAEDISCON 18001 Memory allocation failure. 18002 Object not found in library list. 18003 Unknown error creating object. 18004 Object binary format does not match expected type. 18005 Property accessed as array is not an array. 18006 An unexpected error occurred while executing a method script. 18007 No method was found matching the name and argument list. 18008 Unable to convert variant type to a valid PowerBuilder type. 18009 Insert of OLE object failed, license file required 18010 Insert OLE Control 18101 WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND 18102 WSATRY_AGAIN 18103 WSANO_RECOVERY 18104 WSANO_DATA/WSANO_ADDRESS 20100 PowerBuilder Application Execution Error (R%04d) 20101 PowerBuilder Fatal Execution Error (R%04d) 20102 Fatal Application Error.\n\nOccurred 20103 Application terminated.\n\nError: %s 20104 at line %d in %s event 20105 at line %d in function %s 20106 of object %s of %s. 20107 of object %s. 20108 PowerBuilder Unable To Continue 20501 Divide by zero 20502 Null object reference 20503 Array boundary exceeded 20504 Enumerated value is out of range for function 20505 Negative value encountered in function 20506 Invalid DataWindow row/column specified 20507 Unresolvable external %s when linking reference 20508 Reference of array with null subscript 20509 DLL function not found in current application 20510 Unsupported argument type in DLL function %s 20511 Object file %s is out of date, must be converted to current version 20512 DataWindow column type does not match GetItem type 20513 Unresolved property reference 20514 Error opening DLL library %s for external function 20515 Error calling external function %s 20516 Maximum string size exceeded 20517 DataWindow referenced in DataWindow object does not exist 20518 Function doesn't return value 20519 Cannot convert %s in Any variable to %s 20520 Database command has not been successfully prepared 20521 Bad runtime function reference 20522 Unknown object type: %s 20523 Cannot assign object of type %s to variable of type %s 20524 Function call doesn't match its definition 20525 Double or Real expression has overflowed 20526 Field %s assignment not supported 20527 Cannot take a negative to a non-integer power 20528 VBX Error: %s 20529 Non-array expected in ANY variable 20530 Cannot find data type %s 20531 Cannot 'create' autoinstantiate user object %s 20532 Name not found calling external object function %s 20533 Invalid parameter type calling external object function %s 20534 Incorrect number of parameters calling external object function %s 20535 Error calling external object function %s 20536 Name not found accessing external object property %s 20537 Type mismatch accessing external object property %s 20538 Incorrect number of subscripts accessing external object property %s 20539 Error accessing external object property %s 20540 Mismatched ANY data types in expression: %s, %s 20541 Illegal ANY data type in expression: %s 20542 Specified argument type differs from required argument type at runtime in DLL function %s.\n (invalid stack pointer on return from function call) 20543 Parent object doesn't exist 20544 Function has conflicting argument or return type in ancestor 20545 Internal table overflow. Maximum number of objects exceeded 20546 Null object reference cannot be assigned or passed to a variable of this type 20547 Array expected in ANY variable 20548 Size mismatch in array to object conversion 20549 Type mismatch in array to object conversion 20550 Distributed Service Error: %s 20551 Bad argument list for function/event: %s 20552 Distributed Communications Error: %s 20553 The server '%s' could not be located. It is probably not started. 20554 The server '%s' is rejecting new messages. It is in the process of shutting down. 20555 The request caused an abnormal termination, the connection has been closed. 20556 A message was not fully transmitted. 20557 This connection object is not connected to a server. 20558 Object instance does not exist 20559 Invalid column range 20560 Invalid row range 20561 Invalid conversion of %d dimensional array to object 20562 The server '%s' is busy and not accepting new connections. 20563 Function/event with no return value used in expression 20564 Object array expected in left side of assignment 20565 Dynamic function not found. Possible causes include:\npass by value/reference mismatch 20566 Invalid subscript for array index operation. 20567 NULL object reference cannot be assigned or passed to an autoinstantiate 20568 NULL object reference cannot be passed to external DLL function %s 20569 Function %s cannot be called from a secured runtime session 20570 External DLL function %s cannot be called from a secured runtime session 20571 General protection fault occurred 20572 '%s' failed with an operating system error code of '%x' 20573 Reference parameters cannot be passed to an asynchronous shared/remote object method 20574 Reference parameters cannot be passed to a shared object method 20575 The server has forced the client to disconnect 20576 Passing NULL as a parameter to external function %s 20577 Object passed to shared/remote object method is not a nonvisual user object 20578 Listen can only be done in Enterprise version of PowerBuilder. 20579 The argument to %s must be an array. 20580 The server has timed out the client connection 20581 Function argument file creator must be a four character string, 20582 Function argument file type must be a four character string, 20583 Attempt to invoke a function or event that is not accessible 20584 Wrong number of arguments passed to function/event call 20585 Error in reference argument passed in function/event call 20586 Ambiguous function/event reference 20587 The connection to the server has been lost 20588 Cannot ask for ClassDefinition Information on open painter: %s. 20589 5.0 style proxy objects are not supported. Copy the new style proxy that was generated at migration time. 20590 Cannot assign array of type %s to variable of type array of %s 21001 Error creating a named pipe server 21002 An error was encountered read a named pipe, error code %i. 21003 An error was encountered writing to a named pipe, error code %i. 21004 A device error occured while connecting to a named pipe. 21005 An error occured connecting to a named pipe, error code %i. 21006 The pipe specified in the connection parameters was not found. 21007 No pipe instance is available for the connection. 21008 An Error occurred while allocating a message buffer. 21009 Adequate connection information was not provided. 21010 A Named Pipe cannot listen on the Windows 95 Platform. 21300 Library Manager 21301 Fatal disk error, retry? 21302 Out of space on disk, retry? 21303 Could not find resource file '%s', Continue? 21304 This is the unlimited Server Connection for PowerBuilder Version 2.0 from Powersoft Corporation 21305 Error creating exe: Out of disk space or stub size has changed, Continue? 21999 Named Pipe Error 25000 Application reference could not be resolved 25001 Failure loading dynamic library 25002 Missing ancestor object %s 25003 Missing ancestor object %s in %s 25004 Conflicting ancestor object %s in %s and %s 25005 Window close occurred processing yield function 25006 Database Interface does not support Remote Procedure Calls 25007 Database Interface does not support Array variables (function %s) 25008 Blob variable for %s cannot be empty 25009 Maximum %s size %ld (%ld) exceeded for %s 25010 Internal Runtime Engine failure. Contact Powersoft Tech. Support. (NOOP) 25012 Cursor is not open 25013 Procedure has not been executed or has no results 25300 DPB AddRef %s(%08X) refCount(%d) \n 25301 DPB Release %s(%08X) refCount(%d) \n 25302 DPB01 Connection(%08lX): ConnectToServer : application(%s), location(%s), driver(%s). %s (%08X) \n 25303 DPB02 Connection(%08lX): DisconnectServer: %s (%08X) \n 25304 DPB03 Connection(%08lX): SetConnect : '%.80s' (%08lX), 25305 DPB04 Connection(%08lX): Remote Stop Server : %s (%08X) \n 25306 DPB05 Connection(%08lX): Get Connection Info : %s (%08X) \n 25307 DPB06 Connection(%08lX): Get Session Info : %s (%08X) \n 25308 DPB07 Connection(%08lX): Disconnect Client : clientId(%s), %s (%08X) \n 25309 DPB20 Connection(%08lX): ClientConnect : %s(%s) userId(%s), connectString(%s), sessionId(%08lX). %s (%08X) \n 25310 DPB21 Connection(%08lX): ClientDisconnect: userId(%s), connectString(%s), sessionId(%08lX). %s (%08X) \n 25311 DPB30 Listener (%08lX): Start Listening : application(%s), location(%s), driver(%s). %s (%08X) \n 25312 DPB31 Listener (%08lX): Stop Listening : %s (%08X) \n 25313 DPB40 SessionId (%08lX): Handle Request: %s(%d), streamVer(%d). %s (%08X) \n 25314 DPB41 : Use Session : sessionId(%d). %s (%08X) \n 25315 DPB42 SessionId (%08lX): Being Disconnected : \n 25316 DPB43 SessionId (%08lX): Create Object : className(%s), instanceId(%08lX). %s (%08X) \n 25317 DPB44 SessionId (%08lX): Destroy Object: instanceId(%08lX) \n 25318 DPB45 SessionId (%08lX): Release Object: instanceId(%08lX) \n 25319 DPB46 SessionId (%08lX): Get Property : instanceId(%08lX), %s(%s) \n 25320 DPB47 SessionId (%08lX): Set Property : instanceId(%08lX), %s(%s) \n 25321 DPB48 SessionId (%08lX): Invoke : instanceId(%08lX), %s(%s), numArgs(%d) %s \n 25322 DPB49 SessionId (%08lX): Send Result : %s (%08X) \n 25323 DPB50 SessionId (%08lX): Get Connect Info: getAll(%s), %s (%08X) \n 25324 DPB51 SessionId (%08lX): Get Session Info: getAll(%s), %s (%08X) \n 25325 DPB52 SessionId (%08lX): Stop Server : force(%s), %s (%08X) \n 25326 DPB53 SessionId (%08lX): Stop Connection : connectionId(%s), %s (%08X) \n 25327 DPB54 SessionId (%08lX): Forced Disconnect : \n 25328 DPB70 Web PB: Execute Request : class(%s), Method(%s) \n 25329 User Arguments (%d) \n 25330 CGI Arguments (%d) \n 25331 %s='%s' \n 25332 : Sent String return value \n 25333 : Sent Blob return value, bMoreData(%s) \n 25334 : Sent Error return value '%s' \n 25335 DPB SessionId (%08lX): ******* Runtime Error *********: \n '%s'(%d) \n script(%s.%s.%s) line(%d). \n 25336 SUCCEEDED (%08lX) \n 25337 FAILED (%08lX) \n 25338 DPB55 Memory Session : (%08lX) count(%ld), total(%ld), alloc(%ld), free(%ld) \n 25339 DPB56 Memory Proc Common : count(%ld), total(%ld), alloc(%ld), free(%ld) \n 25703 Cursor is already open 25704 Procedure has already been executed 25705 Mismatch between retrieve columns and fetch columns 25706 Select returned more than one row 25707 Login failed 25708 Transaction not connected 25709 Transaction already connected 25710 Commit invalid when autocommit = TRUE 25711 Rollback invalid when autocommit = TRUE 25712 Database does not support WHERE CURRENT OF 25713 Mismatch between prepared number of substitution variables and execute parameters 25714 Database does not support FETCH ( FIRST/LAST/PRIOR ) 25715 Open or execute must reference DESCRIPTOR 25716 Database statement must refer to blob variable 25717 Blob variable for UPDATEBLOB cannot be empty 25718 Transaction not connected. Transaction Pool limit exceeded 25800 referenced from object '%s' 25901 Unresolved DataWindow '%s' 25902 Unresolved resource '%s' 25903 Unresolved external class '%s' 25904 Unresolved external function '%s' 25905 Unresolved external variable '%s' 25906 IDS_LK_R0006 message slot 25907 IDS_LK_R0007 message slot 25908 IDS_LK_R0008 message slot 25909 IDS_LK_R0009 message slot 25910 IDS_LK_R0010 message slot 25951 Create of executable file failed 25952 Missing application object 25953 Resolving of resources failed 25954 Codegen compilation error, see file '%s'. 25955 Error writing object information 25956 Could not create or open file '%s' 25957 Error writing class information to '%s' 25958 Compiled segment size exceeds 64K for '%s' 25959 Out of memory compiling '%s'. Try reducing the size of this object. 25960 IDS_LK_R0060 message slot 26001 E01 An internal error has been detected (%X). 26002 E02 Out of memory attempting to allocate '%s' (%X). 26003 E03 This connection object is already connected to a server. (%X) 26004 E04 This transport object is already listening. (%X) 26005 E05 This transport object is not listening. (%X) 26006 E06 General error. ReasonCode(%08X). 26007 E07 Error in message format. MinorCode(%08X). (%X) 26008 E08 The message header was invalid. ReasonCode(%08X), (%X) 26009 E09 The version of the message is not recognized (%02X) (%X). 26010 E10 Could not find class '%s'. (%X) 26011 E11 Could not find enumerated type '%s'. (%X) 26012 E12 Mismatch in the number of fields for structure '%s'. Found %ld, expected %ld. (%X) 26013 E13 Could not create object of class '%s'. (%X) 26014 E14 Error assigning to field %d in class '%s'. (%X) 26015 E15 There is no session associated with the connection. (%X) 26016 E16 There is already a session associated with the connection. (%X) 26017 E17 Administrator authority is required. (%X) 26018 E18 Operation is unsupported while using the local driver. (%X) 26019 E19 Unsupported driver name, '%s'. (%X) 26020 E20 The connection request has been refused by the server. (user name '%s'). 26021 E21 The connection '%s' could not be found. 26022 E22 A distributed connection cannot be made between ANSI and UNICODE versions of PowerBuilder. 26300 SMI AddRef %s(%08X) refCount(%d) \n 26301 SMI Release %s(%08X) refCount(%d) \n 26302 IPRC Send block of %li bytes, TID: %X \n 26303 IPRC Send block data: \n 26304 IPRC Read block of %li bytes, TID: %X \n 26305 IPRC Read block data: \n 26306 SMI Property: %s='%s' \n 26307 SMI01 Connection(%08lX): Create Message: (%08lX), initial size %ld bytes \n 26308 SMI02 Connection(%08lX): ERROR OCCURRED: %s (%08lX) \n 26309 SMI03 Connection(%08lX): Send %sMessage: (%08lX) sequenceNumber(%ld) %s. %s (%08lX) \n 26310 SMI14 Listener (%08lX): Close All Connections: Shutting down connection(%08x)... \n 26312 SMI04 Connection(%08lX): Waiting for reply: sequenceNumber(%ld)... \n 26313 SMI05 Connection(%08lX): Received Reply: (%08lX) sequenceNumber(%ld). %s (%08lX) \n 26314 SMI06 Connection(%08lX): Process %s Message: (%08lX) serviceId(%d), sequenceNumber(%ld). %s (%08lX) \n 26315 SMI07 Connection(%08lX): Connect: computerName(%s), serviceName(%s), driverName(%s). %s (%08lX) \n 26316 SMI08 Connection(%08lX): Disconnect: %s (%08lX) \n 26317 SMI08 Connection(%08lX): WaitForDisconnect: %s (%08lX) \n 26318 SMI09 Listener (%08lX): ERROR OCCURRED: %s (%08lX) \n 26319 SMI10 Listener (%08lX): Start Listening: computerName(%s), serviceName(%s), driverName(%s). %s (%08lX) \n 26320 SMI11 Listener (%08lX): Stop Listening: %s (%08lX) \n 26321 SMI12 Listener (%08lX): Open Connection: (%08lX). numConnections(%d), %s (%08lX) \n 26322 SMI13 Listener (%08lX): Close Connection: (%08X). %s (%08lX) \n 26323 SMI15 Listener (%08lX): Close All Connections: %s (%08lX) \n 26324 SMI16 Listener (%08lX): Create Session: (%08lX). %s (%08lX) \n 32300 Unknown 32301 Link 32302 Object 32303 &Edit 32304 &Convert... 32305 0%s Linked %s &Object 32306 0%s %s &Object 32307 Linked %s &Object 32308 %s &Object 32309 &Object 32310 Document 32311 Linked %s 32312 failed to properly self register. 32313 failed to properly self unregister. 32314 is not marked as supporting self-registration.\nHowever, the function "DllRegisterServer" was found.\n\nDo you wish to attempt to register this file as a control? 32315 is not an OLE control supporting self-registration. 32316 is not an OLE control supporting self-unregistration. 32317 is not an OLE control supporting self-registration, registeration procedure not found. 32318 is not an OLE control supporting self-unregistration, unregistration procedure not found. 32319 failed to load properly. 32320 All Files (*.*)|*.*| 32321 Icon Files|*.exe;*.dll;*.ico|Programs (*.exe)|*.exe|Libraries (*.dll)|Icons (*.ico)|All Files (*.*)|*.*| 32322 Browse 32323 OLE Controls|*.ocx;*.dll|All Files (*.*)|*.*| 32400 Inserts a new %s object into your document. 32401 Inserts a new %s object into your document. It will be displayed as an icon. 32402 Inserts the contents of the file as an object into your document so that you may activate it using the 32403 application which created it. 32404 application which created it. It will be displayed as an icon. 32405 Inserts a picture of the file contents into your document. The picture will be linked to 32406 the file so that changes to the file will be reflected in your document. 32407 Inserts an icon into your document which represents the file. The icon will be linked to 32408 the file so that changes to the file will be reflected in your document. 32409 Inserts a new %s OLE custom control into your document. 32410 Inserts a new OLE custom control into your document. 32411 Nothing is selected for insertion. 32430 There are no icons in %s. 32431 File %s does not exist. 32432 Unable to open file %s. Access denied. 32433 Unable to open file %s. Sharing violation. 32434 Unable to open file %s. General failure. 32450 Software\Powersoft\PowerBuilder\ 32451 \OLE Object Bitmaps\ 32500 GetIDsOfNames 32501 GetTypeInfo 32502 AddRef 32503 GetTypeInfoCount 32504 QueryInterface 32505 Invoke 32506 Release