495 Please wait while the Virtual Redirector (VREDIR) update is downloaded. The VREDIR file is a critical component in Microsoft networking and must be replaced to ensure data integrity. After the download is complete, the update will be installed, then you'll be prompted to reboot your computer to complete the changes.
496 &Install Update
500 For proper service when contacting technical support,
501 please indicate that you have an OEM copy of ACT!.
502 Incorrect login to database.
503 The current user's ACT! Registry has been backed up to
504 No unnecessary TEMP files were found.
505 1 unnecessary TEMP file was removed.
506 unnecessary TEMP files were removed.
507 You have an ACTOLE.dll older than version 3.06. This function needs the new features. Please Update and Retry!
508 A Database Fields Report was written to:
509 Do you wish to see the report now in Notepad?
510 1. To remove the corruption, Run ACT and choose EDIT, DEFINE FIELDS.
511 2. Choose the
512 field, then select the Drop-down tab.
513 3. You should receive an error message. Click OK, then click OK
514 on the Define Fields box to accept changes.
515 4. The corruption will now be corrected for that field.
516 This function needs the new features. Please Update and Retry!
517 A User Records report was written to:
518 Incorrect value given. Default set to 2 rings.
519 Are you sure you want to remove your index files?
520 No LCK file was found.
521 The index files have been locked by your network.
522 Please unlock the files and try again.
523 appears to be logged into the database.
524 The database is currently in use.
525 Please have all users exit ACT!
526 A System Configuration report was written to:
527 The file, C:\RUNKEY.TXT is write protected.
528 Please un-write protect the file and try again.
529 Do you wish to print the Popup Information?
530 ** Popup Information can make the report quite large. **
531 A Database Structure report was written to:
532 All Sync related files have been removed.
533 Some Sync files were in use. Please close ACT! and run this routine again.
535 Once records are undeleted, the process cannot be undone.
536 You are strongly encouraged to make a backup.
537 Contact records have been undeleted. Please note that
538 regarding fields, note entries and attachments are unable
539 to be brought back.
540 Please restart ACT!. You will be prompted to correct errors
541 in the database. Please choose YES to correct the errors.
542 The files are in use. Please exit ACT! or any program
543 that has placed a lock on them, then try again.
544 GetRegEntry
545 SetRegEntry
546 SetRegEntryDWord
547 DelRegKey
548 DelRegValue
549 ACT.EXE was not located. No changes were made.
550 All checked options have been reset. Please restart ACT! to complete the changes.
566 You must make a backup copy of your database before proceeding.
567 Do you wish to continue?
568 Your database has been backed up.
569 The next step is to scan and repair the database.
570 Once the process starts, you cannot stop it.
571 Are you sure you want to continue?
572 Your database has been scanned and repaired. However, it is not always possible to repair all problems. If you continue to have issues with your database, please contact Symantec Data Recovery.
573 If you are connected to the Internet, you may click the link below to view information on contacting Symantec Data Recovery.
574 Please select at least one item before attempting a registry backup.
575 The current user's ACT! Registry has been backed up to
576 Delete all indexes and open the database with ACT! to repair the damage.
577 Your database has been scanned. However, it is not always possible to find all problems. If you have issues with your database, run the Scan and Repair option with ACTDIAG. You may also contact Symantec Data Recovery for repair options as well.
598 Copyright 1999 Symantec Corp
599 Written by: Duane Anderson
600 System Configuration Report
601 OEM Build
602 OS and Machine Information
603 Server
604 Workstation
605 Advanced Server
606 Windows Directory
607 System Directory
608 Registered Owner
609 Computer Name
610 Workgroup
611 Swapfile Size
612 bytes
613 Physical Memory
614 Processor
615 System Manufacturer
616 BIOS Version
617 BIOS Date
618 Current Tempfiles
619 Network Information
620 Client
621 Primary
622 Username
623 Protocol
624 Login Script
625 No Registry Key
626 Free Drive Space
627 free
628 TEMP Drive
629 ACT! Install Drive has
630 ACT! Database Drive has
631 Modem
632 on COM Port
633 Default Printer
634 Printer
635 Port
636 Spool
637 Video Information
638 Driver Desc
639 Driver Date
640 Video Chip
641 Revision
642 Monitor
643 ACT! Startup Information
644 ACT! Install Directory
645 ACT! Database Directory
646 Default Database
647 Last Database
648 Startup Database
649 Default Contact Layout
650 Default Group Layout
651 Word Processor Information
652 ACT! Word Processor files
653 Word files
654 Word Perfect files
655 New calls
656 Open calls
657 SYSTEM.INI File - [386Enh] Section
658 Registry RUN Key - HKEY_Local_Machine
659 Registry RUN Services Key - HKEY_Local_Machine
660 Registry RUN Key - HKEY_User.Default
661 Registry RUN Key - HKEY_Current_User
662 Startup Group
663 Startup Folder
664 Shortcut Link to
665 Executable Could Not Be Determined
667 Startup Group - NT Common
668 No Startup Folder on NT 3.51
669 Contact Database Structure Report from ACTDIAG v
670 Group Database Structure Report from ACTDIAG v
671 Database:
672 Database ID:
673 Record Count:
674 Field Count:
675 Table Name:
676 Type:
677 None
678 String
679 Uppercase
680 Lowercase
681 Initial Caps
682 Numeric
683 Currency
684 Time Stamp
685 Date
686 Time
687 Date & Time
688 Blob ID
689 Binary
690 Unique ID
691 Phone
692 URL
693 Decimal Places:
694 Yes
695 No
696 Popup Edit:
697 Show Descriptions:
698 Entry Trigger:
699 Exit Trigger:
700 &OK
701 &Cancel
702 ACT! Install Directory
703 ACT.EXE will appear in the box
704 to the right when the correct
705 ACT install directory is chosen.
706 Database Login
707 Username:
708 Password:
709 Database Name:
710 Backup Name:
720 Explanation of Diagnostic Errors
721 Invalid File Size:
722 An 'Invalid File Size' can indicate 1 of 2 problems.
723 1. The header of the database indicates there should be a certain amount of records in the database. The size of the database file does not match that of what the header is reporting. This can be caused by the header being partially overwritten with other data on the disk.
724 2. The header may in fact be reporting the correct amount of records, but the database size is not correct. This can be caused by data being appended to the end of the database.
725 Both of the above situations can be avoided by not turning the computer off while ACT! is running or before Windows has had a chance to shut down properly. There are other disk problems that can arise which are out of ACT!'s control. Try running Scandisk to fix any problem with your hard disks.
726 File Not Present:
727 This warning indicates that the particular database file is missing and could not be scanned. The missing file will not result in Contact data loss, but could result in activities, history, notes, email or groups loss. Try looking in your Recycle Bin in Win95/98/NT for the deleted file for possible recovery. To continue on without the missing file, close any open database. From the blank ACT! screen, click on File, Database Administration. Choose the Compress and Reindex option.
728 Barring any other problems, your database should be functional again, minus the data from the missing database file.
730 The below listed contact was the last converted record from your database and is most likely causing the conversion problem.
731 It is suggested that the below listed contact be deleted from your database after printing a Contact Report for that record.
732 After deleting the contact, perform the conversion process again.
733 If the conversion fails, simply run this utility again to find out which contact is causing the problem.
737 Company:
738 Contact:
739 Record #:
740 Default/Last Database
741 Shortcut Bar
742 List View Columns
743 Data Exchange Maps
744 Main Toolbar
745 Tool Palettes
746 Main Window
747 Alarm Window
748 Call Timer Window
749 Calendar Window
750 E-mail Window
751 SideACT! Position
752 &Reset
753 Preference Settings
754 &Apply
755 &Close
762 Interval in seconds to check for record updates
763 No E-mail &Move Dialog Z
764 Backup
765 Analyzing Record Manager Information
767 Scanning Database Files
768 Activities
769 Contacts
770 Directory
771 E-mail
772 Groups
773 History
774 Sales
775 Comparing Relational to Activity Records
776 Comparing Activity to Relational Records
777 Analyzing Schedule For/By/With Data
778 Analyzing Exception Data
779 Analyzing Details
780 Comparing Contacts to Relational Data
781 Analyzing Directory Data
782 Analyzing E-mail Addresses
783 Comparing E-mail to Contact Records
784 Comparing Group to Contact Records
785 Comparing Relational to Group Records
787 Comparing History Owner Information
788 Analyzing Regarding Data
789 Analyzing Attachment Data
790 Comparing History to Contact Records
791 Comparing History to Group Records
792 Comparing Sales Owner Information
793 Comparing Sales to Contact Records
794 Comparing Sales to Group Records
795 Analyzing Product ID Information
796 Analyzing Sales Type Information
797 Analyzing Note Data
798 Analyzing Competitor Information
799 Done
800 Default/Last Database
801 View Selector
802 List View Columns
803 Data Exchange Maps
804 SideACT! Position
805 Menus and Toolbars
806 Tool Palettes
807 Main Window
808 Alarm Window
809 Call Timer Window
810 Calendar Window
811 E-mail Window
812 Group Window
813 &Select All
814 Clear &All
815 Keyboard Assignments
850 &Backup ACT! Registry
851 &Reset
852 &Select All
853 &Unselect All
854 Main ACT! Information
855 ACT! Word Processor
856 Calendar
857 Customized Views
858 Data Exchange
859 * Database, User Info
860 * Dialer Setup
861 * E-mail Setup
862 General
863 Group
864 * Internet E-mail Accounts
865 Layouts
866 LDAP - Internet Directory
867 Menus and Toolbars
868 Merge Options
869 * My Record Information
870 Names, Prefixes, Suffixes
871 Printing
872 Point-to-Point Modem Information
873 Scheduling
874 SideACT! Settings
875 Synchronization Setup
876 * Windows CE Link
877 Window Placements
878 Select any option below to reset its value to the ACT! default.
879 No E-mail &Move Dialog
880 From E-mail Address (sometimes needed by your ISP):
881 Account Name:
882 Outlook Folder to Ignore:
883 (Useful if you have a lot of sub-folders underneath one folder and it takes a long time to display the folder.)
884 Interval in seconds to check for record updates
885 Display Startup Wizard
886 E-mail Options
887 Record Update (lower number will increase network traffic)
888 Startup Options
900 Ready
901 About ACTDIAG
902 Backing Up Registry.
903 Removing Temp Files.
904 Compiling Database Fields Report.
905 Compiling User Records Report.
906 Removing Index Files.
907 Compiling System Report.
908 Compiling Database Structure Report.
909 Removing Unapplied Sync Files.
910 Processing UNDELETE, please wait.
911 Undeleted Records
912 TDB Not Processed
920 ACT! Version is:
950 Critical Error #
951 occurred.
952 This function is not supported on WinNT 3.51.
953 REGEDIT cannot be found. Please install before running ACT! RegBackup.
954 The database could not be opened. It may be locked or missing some files.
955 ACT! has not been properly installed. Please reinstall.
956 You have corrupted security information.
957 You have corrupted dropdown information in the field:
958 You must have REGEDIT installed in order to perform this function.
959 User information for this database is corrupted!
960 Delete all indexes and open the database with ACT! to repair the damage.
961 Drive Not Ready. Please Close The Door.
962 ACTDIAG cannot backup files without SYMZIP.DLL.
963 Please run ACTDIAG in the same location as SYMZIP.DLL
964 No web browser could be located.
965 No options were selected.
966 REGEDIT not installed. No Run Key information can be provided.
967 REGEDIT cannot be found. Please install from your Windows setup.
968 The Registry Backup could not be saved to that location.
969 Please check your rights if on a network volume.
970 is currently locked and cannot be overwritten.
971 is currently in READ ONLY mode and cannot be overwritten.
972 The Registry Backup could not be saved to that location.