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- ; **********************************************************************
- ; ** QCopy Professional .LNG-file **
- ; ** **
- ; ** Version 2.0 02/20/1994 **
- ; ** (c) Copyright 1992-94 Oliver Siebenhaar & Udo Steger **
- ; **********************************************************************
- ;
- ; This .LNG-file only works with QCopy Professional Version 2.0 or later!
- ;
- ; Comments have to be seperated by an ";".
- ; Please make sure that no entry is missing or repeated, otherwise
- ; QCopyp Professional may not accept the .INI-file.
- ;
- ; This file only contains the texts of QCopy Professional.
- ; To change the configuration, please edit QCOPYPRO.INI
- ;---------------------=< S O U R C E D R I V E >=------------------------
- ; Range 001-030
- ; Reserved for the source drive. Please notice that entries containing too
- ; many chars are cut off at the end.
- 001=S O U R C E ; name of the source section
- 010=Type: ; source drive type radio but.
- 012=Dos-Automatic ; dos automatic
- 013=CP-BACKUP ; CPS format
- 020=Drive : ; source drive radio buttons
- 022=A: ; disk drive #0
- 023=B: ; disk drive #1
- 024=Buffer File ; bufferfile
- ;----------------------=< T A R G E T D R I V E >=-------------------------
- ; Range 031-060
- ; Reserved for the target drive.
- 031=T A R G E T ; name of the target section
- 040=Capac. : ; target format radio buttons
- 042=from Source
- 043=2.88 Megabyte
- 044=1.44 Megabyte
- 045=1.2 Megabyte
- 046=720 Kilobyte
- 047=360 Kilobyte
- 050=Drive : ; target drive radio buttons
- 052=A: ; disk drive #0
- 053=B: ; disk drive #1
- 054=Buffer File ; bufferfile
- ;---------------------------=< B U T T O N S >=-----------------------------
- ; Range 061-080
- ; Reserved for the buttons of the main screen
- 061=Start ; start the copy procedure
- 062=End ; end QCopy Professional
- 063=Format ; format a disk
- 064=Directory ; show directory
- 065=DOS-Shell ; DOS shell
- 066=Defaults ; save/load defaults
- 067=Info ; about QCopy Professional
- ;---------------------------=< S W I T C H E S >=-----------------------------
- ; Range 081-100
- ; Reserved for the switches on the main screen
- 081=Multiple Sources ; multiple sources
- 082=Multiple Targets ; " targets
- 083=Copy Data Only ; copy data only
- 084=Diskette Change ; recognize disk change
- 085=Adjust Format ; adjust format
- 086=BFile comment ; comment bufferfile
- 087=Run Program ; run program after copy
- 088=Overwrite Warning ; overwrite warning
- 089=Format Always ; format when copying
- 090=Optimize Sectors ; optimize sectors
- 091=VERIFY Data ; VERIFY data
- ;-------------------------=< F O R M A T S H E L L >=------------------------
- ; Range 101-170
- ; Reserved for the format shell
- 101=O P T I O N S ; name of the section
- 110=Diskette Name:
- 111=Volume Serial #:
- 120=Type:
- 122=DOS Diskette ; DOS disk
- 123=CPS-Diskette ; CPS disk
- 130=Format :
- 132=Safe
- 133=Quick
- 134=DOS
- 135=label
- ; Schaltflächen
- 140=Start
- 141=Exit
- 143=Capac. : ; the texts of the formats are
- ; taken from entries 043-047
- 145=Drive :
- 150=Multiple Format ; multiple format
- 151=Diskette Change ; recognize disk change
- 152=Run Program ; run program after format
- 153=Overwrite Warning ; overwrite warning
- 154=Optimize Sectors ; optimize sectors
- 155=VERIFY Format ; VERIFY format
- 156=modify SN# ; modify disk SN#
- 157=automatic SN# ; auto generate disk SN#
- ;--------------------=< D I R E C T O R Y S H E L L >=-----------------------
- ; Range 171-250
- ; Reserved for the directory shell
- 171=KB Total ; capacity of the drive
- 172=KB Free ; free space
- 173=Entries ; entries in directory
- 180=Filter :
- 190=Drive :
- 200=SCAN ; names of the user definable
- 201=CHKDSK ; buttons for external
- 202=EDIT INI ; programs
- 203=EDIT LNG ; see QCOPYPRO.INI, 55-59
- 204=EDIT *
- 210=Sort type : ; sort by :
- 212=Name ; name
- 213=Ext. ; extension
- 214=Date ; date
- 215=Size ; size
- 216=None ; don't sort
- 220=Logical ; sort ascending
- 221=Reverse ; sort descending
- ; buttons
- 230=Delete ; delete file
- 231=Source ; use marked file as src bfile
- 232=Target ; use marked file as dest bfile
- 233=Exit ; back to the main screen
- ;-------------------=< G E N E R A L B U T T O N S >=-----------------------
- ; Range 251-300
- ; Reserved for the texts of the general buttons
- 251=Ok ; Ok button
- 252=Cancel ; Cancel button
- 253=Retry ; Retry button
- 254=Ignore ; Ignore button
- 255=Load ; Load button
- 256=Save ; Save button
- 260=QCopy Professional Configuration ; name of the configuration
- 261=Path to the .INI File : ; window
- 262=Path to the .LNG File :
- 270=Configure External Program
- 271=Path to the external program :
- 272=Button text :
- 280=File Name :
- ;---------------------=< G E N E R A L T E X T S >=--------------------------
- ; Range 301-340
- ; Reserved for general text output
- ; text during copy
- 301=Tracks ; "xx tracks, xx sectors"
- 302=Sectors
- 303=KB ; disk capacity
- 310=Please insert Source Diskette. ; insert source disk
- 311=Please insert Target Diskette. ; insert target disk
- 312=Insert next Source Diskette. ; copy with multi mode
- 313=Insert next Target Diskette. ; " " " "
- 314=Are you sure you want to end?
- 315=Delete the file ? ; are you sure you're sure ?
- 316=Path does not exist. Create ? ; create path/directory ?
- 317=Disk seems to contain data. ; overwrite warning
- 318=New Defaults are being saved.
- 319=Button texts are being saved.
- 320=Overwrite existing file ?
- ;----------------------------=< E R R O R S >=-----------------------------
- ; Range 341-400
- ; Reserved for the error texts
- 341=Error detected. Error type: ; error header; always printed
- ; BIOS-errors
- 342=#01 : Illegal Function call.
- 343=#02 : Address mark not found.
- 344=#03 : Diskette is Write-Protected.
- 345=#04 : Sector not found.
- 346=#08 : DMA-Overflow.
- 347=#09 : Segment limit overflow.
- 348=#10 : General read error.
- 349=#20 : Diskette-Controller-Failure.
- 350=#40 : Track not found.
- 351=#80 : No disktette inserted.
- ; QCopy Professional errors
- 360=Buffer File not found.
- 361=Diskette or Buffer file unusable.
- 362=General Format Failure.
- 363=Buffer File not written.
- 364=Drive not available/installed.
- 365=Not enough Drive space.
- 366=QCopy requires a VGA Card.
- 367=Too little memory for data list.
- 368=Format adjustment not possible.
- 369=Missing Wildcard in Filename.
- 370=Wrong Source type.
- 371=INI-File not found.
- 372=LNG-File not found.
- 373=INI-File unusable.
- 374=LNG-File unusable.
- 375=Could not save the requested default.