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- ; **********************************************************************
- ; ** QCopy Professional .INI-file **
- ; ** **
- ; ** Version 2.0 02/20/1994 **
- ; ** (c) Copyright 1992-94 Oliver Siebenhaar & Udo Steger **
- ; **********************************************************************
- ;
- ; This .INI-File only works with QCopy Professional V2.0 or later !
- ;
- ; Comments have to be seperated by an ";".
- ; Please make sure that no entry is missing or repeated, otherwise
- ; QCopy Professional may not accept the .INI-File.
- ;
- ; This file only contains the configuration of QCopy Professional.
- ; To change the texts of the program, please edit QCOPYPRO.LNG.
- ; ---------------------=< S O U R C E D R I V E >=-----------------------
- ;
- ; Range 001-010
- ; Reserved for the source drive.
- 001=0 ; type of the source drive.
- ; valid types:
- ; 0 = Automatic/DOS
- ; 1 = CP-Backup V7.1 or later
- 002=0 ; source drive letter
- ; or file
- ; valid types :
- ; 0 = drive #0 ("A:")
- ; 1 = drive #1 ("B:")
- ; 2 = bufferfile
- 003=c:\diskfile.buf ; name/path of the
- ; source bufferfile
- ; ----------------------=< T A R G E T D R I V E >=--------------------------
- ; Range 011-020
- ; Reserved for the target drive
- 011=0 ; target format
- ; valid types :
- ; 0 = from source
- ; 1 = 2.88MB
- ; 2 = 1.44MB
- ; 3 = 1.2MB
- ; 4 = 720KB
- ; 5 = 360KB
- 012=0 ; target drive letter
- ; or file
- ; valid types: see "002"
- 013=c:\diskfile.buf ; name/path of the
- ; target bufferfile
- ; -------------------------=< S W I T C H E S >=----------------------------
- ; Range 21-40
- ; Reserved for the switches. "0" means "on" and "1" means "off".
- 021=0 ; multiple sources
- 022=0 ; multiple targets
- 023=1 ; copy data only
- 024=1 ; recognize disk change
- 025=0 ; format adjustment
- 026=0 ; comment bufferfile
- 027=0 ; execute program after copy
- 028=0 ; overwrite warning
- 029=0 ; format always
- 030=0 ; optimize sectors
- 031=0 ; verify data
- ; --------------------=< D I R E C T O R Y S H E L L >=--------------------
- ; Range 41-70
- ; Reserved for the directory shell.
- 041=0 ; sort type:
- ; 0 = name
- ; 1 = extension
- ; 2 = date
- ; 3 = size
- ; 4 = none
- 043=0 ; sort asc./desc.
- ; 0 = ascending
- ; 1 = descending
- 045=*.* ; filter. to use more than one
- ; seperate them by a ","
- ; for example:
- ; 045=*.com,*.bat,*.pif
- 050=C:\ ; the drive/directory to
- ; display
- ; a good choice may be the
- ; directory containing the
- ; bufferfiles
- 055=c:\tools\scan %d %w ; names/paths of the programs
- 056=chkdsk %d %w ; launched by pushing the
- 057=edit qcopypro.ini ; buttons. you can run any
- 058=edit qcopypro.lng ; program from here. i.e one
- 059=edit %f ; that compresses bufferfiles
- ; please consider entries
- ; 084 and 111 as well
- ; you can use the following
- ; parameters :
- ; %d = drive (current)
- ; %p = drive and path
- ; %f = drive, path and
- ; file (yellow bar)
- ; %w = pause before returning
- ; to QCopy Professional
- ; example:"SCAN %d %w"
- ; if you don't want a program,
- ; leave the entry empty
- ;
- ; ----------------------=< F O R M A T S H E L L >=------------------------
- ; Range 071-090
- ; Reserved for the format shell
- ;
- 071=0 ; target drive
- ; possible values : see "002"
- 073=2 ; target format
- ; possible values : see "011"
- ; exeption: "0"
- 075=0 ; disk type :
- ; 0=normal/DOS
- ; 1=CPS
- 077=0 ; format method :
- ; 0=safe
- ; 1=quick
- ; 2=complete
- ; 3=label
- 080=emptydisk ; diskname
- ; you can use the "?" as a
- ; joker
- 082=0000-0000 ; disk serial number
- 084=56 ; points to an external
- ; program that is run
- ; after formatting
- ; possible values: 055-059
- 086=0 ; multiple format
- 087=1 ; recognize disk change
- 088=0 ; run program after formatting
- 089=0 ; overwrite warning
- 090=0 ; optimize sectors
- 091=0 ; VERIFY format
- 092=1 ; modify disk serial number
- 093=1 ; auto generate SNR
- ;---------------=< C O M M E N T B U F F E R F I L E >=------------------
- 101=%n Nr: %i of %t ; default comment for
- ; bufferfiles
- ; you can use the following
- ; parameters :
- ; %i : number of the copy
- ; %n : diskname
- ; %t : date
- ;------------------------=< R U N P R O G R A M >=------------------------
- 111=56 ; points to the program that
- ; is executed after the
- ; target disk is written
- ; possible values: 055-059
- ;-----------------------------=< S O U N D >=------------------------------
- 121=0 ; 0=off; 1=on
- ;-------------------------=< C O P Y S P E E D >=-------------------------
- 131=0 ; 0=normal
- ; 1=slow
- ; 2=fast
- ;---------------------------=< P A L E T T E >=----------------------------
- 141=0 ; 0=normal
- ; 1=monochrome fix