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A fast JPEG viewer for MS-DOS. VGA graphics and 80386+ required.
Copyright (c) 1993/94 by TBH-Softworx -- all rights reserved
Oliver Fromme, Klingestr. 2, 38640 Goslar, Germany
Internet email: inof@asterix.rz.tu-clausthal.de
Version 1.3b (beta) of 14-Jan-1994
This program is Shareware. You may copy it, use it, give it to your friends,
upload it to a BBS or something similar, under the following conditions:
* Don't charge any money for it. If you upload it to a BBS, make sure that
it can be downloaded free (without paying for downloading it, except
for usage fees that have to be paid anyway).
* Only distribute the whole original package, with all the files included.
* Don't change the files in any way, except:
You may change the INI, CFG, ASM, and DRV files for private purposes.
Don't distribute modified versions of these files to others without
prior permission of the author of QPEG.
* QPEG may not be part of any commercial product or service without my
written permission.
* If you want to include QPEG on a CD ROM and/or book, you must send me
a free copy of the CD/book.
* QPEG may not be used in any corporate or gouvernment institution without
being registered.
This software consists of the following files:
- QPEG.EXE the main executable file
- QPEG.INI initialization file (ASCII text)
- QPEG.DAT data file for QPEG (don't modify!)
- QPEG.DO? the documentation
- CHANGES.DO? list of changes from previous versions
- INSTALL.DO? how to configure QPEG
- FAQ.DO? frequently asked questions
- REGISTER.FRM registration form
- JPEGUNIT.PAS order form for the JPEG Pascal unit
- TBHGLOGO.RLE TBH logo for user interface
- CFG\*.CFG various configuration files
- CFG\CFG.DOC description of the configuration file format
- DRV\*.DRV various video driver files
- DRVSRC\*.ASM source codes for the video drivers
- DRVSRC\DRV.DOC description of the video driver file format
Text files with a DOK extension are German, those with a DOC extension
are English.
There may also be some example JPEG files. They are not part of the QPEG
software package.
IMPORTANT: Using modes that your hardware (graphics card and/or monitor)
can't handle can damage your hardware! Be sure to use only supported
modes. If you come across a mode which looks flickering or unstable
(i.e. the monitor can't hold the picture), abort QPEG immediately and
delete that mode from the configuration file.
QPEG is inexpensive shareware. If you continue using it after a trial
period of 30 days, you are encouraged to pay a small registration fee.
(I try to avoid saying that you MUST register, but actually you MUST.)
The registration is valid for all future updates. The source code of the
JPEG decoding routines used by QPEG is also available.
To become a registered user, please print the file REGISTER.FRM and send
it to me with appropriate payment. If you want to get the JPEG source code,
print the file JPEGUNIT.PAS instead.
All product names mentioned in this software are trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective owners.
"The Graphics Interchange Format(c) is the Copyright property of
CompuServe Incorporated. GIF(sm) is a Service Mark property of
CompuServe Incorporated."
What is QPEG?
QPEG (Quick-jPEG, pronounce "Q-Peg" [kju:peg]) is a viewer for JPEG image
files. It is about twice as fast as other common JPEG viewers. Compare
it yourself, you'll be surprised.
JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group, pronounce "Jay-Peg") is an image file
format which uses a "lossy" compression. JPEG images (they have usually a
"JPG" file extension) are normally very small and offer better compression
than any other image format.
Decoding of JPEG images is a rather complicated process, thus it needs a lot
of computing power and performance. QPEG takes advantage of the advanced
features of 80386 CPUs, and it uses large look-up tables instead of formulas.
Well, I don't want to get into details. It's fast, that's all you could want
to know.
- It's fast (have I mentioned that before?).
- Nice preview ability which is even faster (lets you quickly browse through
lots of images, very useful if you're searching for a certain image).
- Works even with a standard VGA card (320x200x16, 640x480x16, 320x200x256).
- Supports many SVGA cards (virtually all with VESA capability).
- Uses truecolor (16M color), hicolor (32K color), 256 color (either
greyscale or dithered color), and 16 color (dithered greyscale) modes.
- You can pan across an image which is bigger than the current screen
resolution (scrolling). Some XMS and/or EMS memory is needed for this.
- You can change the resolution without loading/decoding the image again
(this is restricted to the same color resolution, for example you can't
switch from hicolor to truecolor without reloading the image).
- Supports also the following image file formats:
* GIF:
+ interlaced and non-interlaced
+ GIF87a and GIF89a (87a subset only)
+ displays the first image of a multi-image GIF
* Targa (TGA):
+ truecolor (15, 16, 24 and 32 bit), greyscaled, or with palette
+ uncompressed or rle compressed (run length encoded)
+ supports all video modes (16, 256, 32K, 64K, 16M)
- 80386 or better CPU (33 MHz minimum recommended)
- VGA graphics card (SuperVGA recommended, though QPEG will run on any
standard VGA card)
- some XMS and/or EMS memory (depending on the size of the images), though
QPEG will also run without any XMS/EMS, but then you will be unable to
do any panning/scrolling
- MS-DOS 5.0
A numeric coprocessor is not required. If present, it will not be used,
because it would not speed up decoding/displaying.
Using QPEG
At first you have to configure QPEG for your video hardware. Please read
the file INSTALL.DOC for more information.
Then just type 'QPEG' to run it. There are some command line options
(type 'QPEG /?' to get a help message), but they're usually not needed.
The graphical user interface of QPEG is rather intuitive, so there is no
need for much documentation. Press the 'F1' key to get a list of all
keyboard functions. Hit '?' to get a list of keys that can be used while
viewing an image. You can quit QPEG at any time by hitting Alt-X.
QPEG can also be used as command line viewer (without graphical user
interface). Type 'QPEG' followed by one or more names of files.
Wildcards ('*' and '?') are allowed, too.
Restrictions and Bugs
QPEG can't handle all kinds of JPEG images. Specifically, it can only decode
files which comply with the JFIF standard. See 'Technical Information' below
for more details.
The maximum image width is 4000 pixel. QPEG will refuse to decode larger
images. The image height is not limited, but if it's too large it may not
fit into memory (XMS/EMS), thus you can't see the bottom part when scrolling
down. If this happens, try to use a video mode with less colors, because it
needs less memory. Or buy more memory :-)
How to get an updated version of QPEG
This version is most probably not the last one. There are several ways
to get an up-to-date version of QPEG:
- You can get it free by FTP via The Internet. Of course that's only
possible if you've got access to The Internet. You can find QPEG at
'ftp.tu-clausthal.de' ( in /pub/msdos/graphics. There's
also a mail server available at 'mail-server@rz.tu-clausthal.de'.
I also upload QPEG to 'ftp.wustl.edu' in /pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS/graphics.
- You can get it free (except for phone costs) via Fidonet or simply by
modem from the "Cyberbox" (Germany):
Line 1 2:2426/2030 (0441-391452), 9600-19200bps
Line 2 2:2426/2031 (0441-9390942), 2400-19200bps
Line 3 2:2426/2032 (0441-9390943), 2400-19200bps
Line 4 2:2426/2033 (0441-9390944), 38400-64000bps (ISDN)
Fidonet users can request the current version of QPEG at the addresses
above using the magic "QPEG".
- You can get it by registering QPEG. See REGISTER.FRM for more
information. The registration is valid for all future updates of QPEG.
- If you're already a registered user, you can get an updated version
on disk via normal mail, but that costs 10 $US or 10 DM to cover my
expenses. Before sending me money, make sure that there IS an updated
version (otherwise you might be disappointed because you got the same
version you already have).
You can find my mail address at the top of this documentation or
by entering 'QPEG /?'.
Future Enhancements
As mentioned before, this is probably not the last version of QPEG.
These features are planned for future versions:
- Support for more image formats, e.g. Targa, PCX, BMP.
- Mouse support (point and click).
- Tagging multiple files and view them in sequence.
- Slideshow option (preloading images, but panning disabled).
- Shrinking of big images.
- Option for automatically choosing the appropriate video mode.
- Support for 4DOS/NDOS description files.
- Support for more SVGA cards. If you've written a working video driver
that isn't already distributed with QPEG, I would be most grateful if
you send it to me.
- More enhancements. If you have any ideas, wishes, comments etc, please
let me know.
Technical Information
QPEG can decode greyscaled images (containing a single component using h1v1
upsampling) and YCbCr true color images (containing three interleaved
components in a single scan, using either Yh2v2, Yh2v1 or Yh1v1 upsampling
for Y and Ch1v1 for Cb/Cr), covering virtually all JFIF files in use today.
QPEG can handle files that contain restart markers, but it will not use them
for error recovery. QPEG can also display JPEG files which were created
with the 'Adobe Photoshop' (at least version 2.5).
The basic JPEG decoding routines are written in pure 386 assembly language,
everything else is written using Borland Pascal 7.0. I am not using
protected mode, because it would slow down the decoding rather than speeding
it up. I have linked the JPEG routines into a single easy to use Pascal
unit, which can also be used within other applications. If you want to
purchase the unit, please print the file JPEGUNIT.PAS and send it to me with
appropriate payment.
The JPEG unit provides procedures to open and close a JPEG file, read the
file header, and read the image row by row. It contains routines which
output the lines as 24 bit true color RGB/BGR, 15/16 bit hicolor, 256 color
dithered, 256 color greyscaled, 16 color grayscaled/dithered, and 16 color
greyscaled/dithered for preview (scaled to one eigth or one fourth).
Equipment used for Development of QPEG
- intel 80386/33 DX, 80387/33 DX, 64 Kb cache, 8 Mb, SIS chipset, AMI BIOS
- 780 Mb of harddisk space (Conner, WD, Quantum), both IDE and SCSI
- magneto optical disk drive (Fuji), 15 optical disks (2 Gigabytes)
- CD-ROM drive (Toshiba, doublespin)
- 250 Mb tape streamer, 5 tapes (1.25 Gigabytes)
- Cardex-8 graphics card, Tseng ET4000 chipset, 1024 Kb, truecolor (16.8 M)
- 15" color SVGA monitor w/ digital control & LCD display
- Advanced Gravis Ultrasound (GUS) 1 Mb, Soundblaster, 200 W amplifier
- 400 dpi greyscale scanner
- NEC P60 dot matrix printer
- Genius mouse
- Lots of 3.5" HD floppy disks (mainly 3M and Fuji)
- MS-DOS 5.0 by Microsoft
- Borland Pascal 7.0 by Borland Int.
- Turbo Assembler 3.2 by Borland Int.
- XKEY, KEEP8, BOO by Oliver Fromme
- PKTINY 1.1 by Thomas Mönkemeier
- WCED 1.8c by Stuart Russell (Wormsoft)
- TURBODSK 1.1 by Ciriaco García de Celis