home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <%
- ' This script assumes that the Session contains the following Crystal Report Engine
- ' Objects:
- '
- ' "oApp" - Crystal Report Engine Application Object
- ' "oRpt" - Crystal Report Engine Report Object
- ' "oPageEngine - Crystal Report Engine Page Engine Object
- '
- ' Note: Before creating the PageEngine object, call ReadRecords on the
- ' report object to that all the database records have been read.
- On Error Resume Next
- ' The oEMF object is a helper object to create EMFs (Ecapsulated Messages) for the viewers.
- ' The viewers use EMFs to display errors and navigate to specific pages of the report.
- If Not IsObject(session("oEMF")) then
- Set session("oEMF") = Server.CreateObject("CREmfgen.CREmfgen.1")
- End if
- ' Initialize all Global variables
- ' These will contain the page generator and page collection
- Dim goPageGenerator ' page generator object
- Dim goPageCollection ' page collection object
- Dim goPageGeneratorDrill' page generator object in Drill Down Context
- Dim goPage ' the page object
- Dim gvGroupPathDD ' drill down group path, this is an array.
- Dim gvGroupPath ' this is branch, aka Group Path converted from string passed on the QS, it is an Array
- Dim gvGroupLevel ' this is the Group level, converted from the string passed on the QS, it is an Array
- Dim gvMaxNode ' this represents the number of nodes to retrieve for the totaller, it is set to an empty array
- Dim glX ' this is the X Coordinate for a drill down on a graph
- Dim glY ' this is the Y Coordinate for a drill down on a graph
- Dim gvPageNumber ' holds the requested page number
- Dim gvURL ' URL to redirect to
- Dim gsErrorText
- ' Vaiables that represent what was passed on the Query String
- Dim CMD ' This determines the main function to perform
- Dim PAGE ' the page to return
- Dim BRCH ' the branch is a mechanism to determine the drill down level.
- ' A drill down level is like a view of the report, a new tab
- ' is created to indicate that it is a new view
- Dim VIEWER ' This is the viewer that is calling the server
- Dim VFMT ' the format that the viewer understands
- Dim NODE ' Currently not used??
- Dim GRP ' this is a way of specifing the actual group
- Dim COORD ' these are the coordinates on the graph to process
- Dim DIR ' this is the search direction
- Dim CSE ' indicates if the search is case sensitive
- Dim TEXT ' this is the text to search for.
- Dim INIT ' used to build the frames for the html viewer
- ' Initialize Arrays
- gvGroupPath = Array()
- gvGroupLevel = Array()
- gvMaxNode = Array() ' reteive all nodes
- ' Parse Query String for paramaters
- Call ParseQS()
- ' INIT is a special QS case, we only care about HTML viewer, if it is then save send page and branch info
- ' to the frame page
- if INIT = "HTML_FRAME" then
- ' build URL and send the QS
- if BRCH <> "" then
- ' htmstart is the base page that creates the frames for the HTML viewer
- ' if there is branch information it needs to be passed along.
- gvURL = "htmstart.asp?brch=" & BRCH
- else
- gvURL = "htmstart.asp"
- end if
- response.redirect gvURL
- end if
- ' If there is a BRCH then create the gvGroupPath array that represents it.
- if BRCH <> "" then
- gvGroupPath = CreateArray(BRCH)
- end if
- ' If there is a GRP then create the gvGroupLevel array that represents it.
- if GRP <> "" then
- gvGroupLevel = CreateArray(GRP)
- end if
- ' If there are COORDs, then get them
- if COORD <> "" then
- Call GetDrillDownCoordinates()
- end if
- ' This case statement determines what action to perform based on CMD
- ' there are sub cases for each viewer type
- Select Case CMD
- Case "GET_PG"
- Call RetrieveObjects
- ' create the actual page
- Set goPage = goPageCollection(PAGE)
- ' check for an exception on the page number
- if err.number <> 0 then
- if err.number = 9 then
- ' just return the last page
- PAGE = goPageCollection.count
- Set goPage = goPageCollection(PAGE)
- ' these session variables are used for the HTML Frame viewer
- session("LastPageNumber") = PAGE
- session("CurrentPageNumber") = PAGE
- err.clear
- else
- ' abort the script
- response.end
- end if
- end if
- ' 0 is for epf, 8209 is a SafeArray
- Select Case VFMT
- Case "ENCP"
- session("oPageEngine").ImageOptions = 1
- response.binarywrite goPage.Renderepf(8209)
- session("oPageEngine").ImageOptions = 1
- response.binarywrite goPage.Renderhtml(1,2,1,request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME"),8209)
- ' Need to know if it is the last page to construct the toolbar correctly
- if goPage.IsLastPage then
- session("LastPageNumber") = goPage.pagenumber
- session("CurrentPageNumber") = session("LastPageNumber")
- end if
- Case "HTML_PAGE"
- session("oPageEngine").ImageOptions = 1
- response.binarywrite goPage.Renderhtml(1,1,3,request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME"),8209)
- end select
- Case "GET_TTL"
- Select Case VFMT
- Case "ENCP"
- response.binarywrite session("oPageEngine").RenderTotallerETF(gvGroupPath, 0, 0, gvMaxNode, 8209)
- response.binarywrite session("oPageEngine").RenderTotallerHTML(gvGroupPath, 1, 0, gvMaxNode, gvGroupLevel, 1, request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME"), 8209)
- end select
- Case "RFSH"
- ' This commard does not force the engine to read records again
- ' to do that you will need to manipulate the oRpt object outside
- ' of this script.
- Call RetrieveObjects
- Set goPage = goPageCollection(PAGE)
- Select Case VFMT
- Case "ENCP"
- ' just send a no error message to the browser, you will need
- ' to implement refresh code here.
- session("oEMF").SendErrorMsg 54, "No Error"
- gvURL = "htmstart.asp"
- response.redirect gvURL
- Case "HTML_PAGE"
- session("oPageEngine").ImageOptions = 1
- response.binarywrite goPage.Renderhtml(1,1,3,request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME"),8209)
- end select
- Case "NAV"
- Call RetrieveObjects
- ' Get the page number that the group in on, for this particular branch
- gvPageNumber = goPageGenerator.GetPageNumberForGroup(gvGroupLevel)
- Select Case VFMT
- ' 0 is for epf, 8209 is a SafeArray, 8 is a BSTR
- Case "ENCP"
- ' Create a byte array for the EMF, which will contain the page number
- session("oEMF").sendpagenumberrecord(gvPageNumber)
- ' for html browser send back the page
- session("CurrentPageNumber") = gvPageNumber
- response.redirect "framepage.asp"
- end select
- Case "CHRT_DD"
- ' only support in smart viewers
- Select Case VFMT
- Case "ENCP"
- ' Get page collection
- Call RetrieveObjects
- ' Pass the coordinates to the report engine to determine what
- ' branch the drill down goes to.
- Set goPageGeneratorDrill = goPageGenerator.DrillOnGraph(PAGE, glX, glY)
- ' Check for an exception because of coordinates
- if err.number <> 0 then
- gsErrorText = "Not part of the Graph"
- session("oEMF").SendErrorMsg 40, gsErrorText
- err.clear
- response.end
- end if
- ' pass the group level and group path to helper function to create
- ' the EMF message, this tells the viewer where to get the page.
- gvGroupPathDD = goPageGeneratorDrill.grouppath
- gvGroupNameDD = goPageGeneratorDrill.groupname
- if err.number <> 0 then
- gsErrorText = "Not part of the Graph"
- session("oEMF").SendErrorMsg 40, gsErrorText
- err.clear
- response.end
- end if
- 'session("oEMF").sendbranchesemf(gvGroupPathDD,gvGroupNameDD)\
- session("oEMF").GroupName = gvGroupNameDD
- session("oEMF").sendbranchesemf(gvGroupPathDD)
- end select
- Case "GET_LPG"
- ' only support in smart viewers
- Select Case VFMT
- Case "ENCP"
- ' this command returns the page number of the last page
- ' Get page collection
- Call RetrieveObjects
- ' Get the count from the Pages collection
- gvPageNumber = goPageCollection.Count
- ' Send the EMF representing the page number
- session("oEMF").sendpagenumberrecord(gvPageNumber)
- end select
- Case "SRCH"
- Call RetrieveObjects
- ' create page variable
- gvPageNumber = CInt(PAGE)
- Select Case VFMT
- Case "ENCP"
- if goPageGenerator.SearchForText(TEXT, 0, gvPageNumber) then
- session("oEMF").sendpagenumberrecord(gvPageNumber)
- else
- gsErrorText = "The specified text, '" & TEXT & "' was not found in the report"
- session("oEMF").SendErrorMsg 33, gsErrorText
- end if
- ' We are being called by HTML viewer
- ' need to get the text from the form post
- TEXT = request.form("text")
- ' Now find out what page the text is on
- goPageGenerator.SearchForText TEXT, 0, gvPageNumber
- session("CurrentPageNumber") = gvPageNumber
- if BRCH <> "" then
- gvURL = "framepage.asp?brch=" & BRCH
- else
- gvURL = "framepage.asp"
- end if
- response.redirect gvURL
- Case "HTML_PAGE"
- ' We are being called by HTML viewer
- ' need to get the text from the form post
- TEXT = request.form("text")
- ' Now find out what page the text is on
- goPageGenerator.SearchForText TEXT, 0, gvPageNumber
- Set goPage = goPageCollection(gvPageNumber)
- session("oPageEngine").ImageOptions = 1
- response.binarywrite goPage.Renderhtml(1,1,3,request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME"),8209)
- end select
- ' Redirect to the framepage, need to know if we are
- ' on the last page.
- if session("LastPageNumber") <> "" then
- if CInt(PAGE) > CInt(session("LastPageNumber")) then
- session("CurrentPageNumber") = session("LastPageNumber")
- else
- session("CurrentPageNumber") = PAGE
- end if
- else
- Call RetrieveObjects
- ' create the actual page
- Set goPage = goPageCollection(PAGE)
- ' check for an exception on the page number
- if err.number <> 0 then
- if err.number = 9 then
- ' just return the last page
- PAGE = goPageCollection.count
- Set goPage = goPageCollection(PAGE)
- session("LastPageNumber") = PAGE
- session("CurrentPageNumber") = PAGE
- err.clear
- else
- ' abort the script
- response.end
- end if
- end if
- if goPage.IsLastPage then
- session("LastPageNumber") = goPage.pagenumber
- session("CurrentPageNumber") = session("LastPageNumber")
- else
- session("CurrentPageNumber") = PAGE
- end if
- end if
- if BRCH <> "" then
- gvURL = "framepage.asp?brch=" & BRCH
- else
- gvURL = "framepage.asp"
- end if
- response.redirect gvURL
- end select
- SUB RetrieveObjects()
- ' this procedure simply retrieves the session objects into
- ' global variables
- Dim oRptOptions 'Report Options
- if IsObject(session("oPageEngine")) then
- ' make sure dialogs have been disabled
- Set oRptOptions = session("oRpt").Options
- oRptOptions.MorePrintEngineErrorMessages = 0
- Set goPageGenerator = session("oPageEngine").CreatePageGenerator(gvGroupPath)
- Set goPageCollection = goPageGenerator.Pages
- else
- ' must have timed out return an error, you may wan to Append to the
- ' IIS log here.
- if VFMT = "ENCP" then
- session("oEMF").SendErrorMsg 54, "User Session has expired"
- else
- response.write "User Session has expired"
- end if
- response.end
- end if
- SUB ParseQS()
- ' Parse the Query String
- CMD = UCase(request.querystring("cmd")) ' This determines the main function to perform
- PAGE = UCase(request.querystring("page")) ' the page to return
- BRCH = UCase(request.querystring("BRCH")) ' the branch is a mechanism to determine the drill down level.
- ' A drill down level is like a view of the report, a new tab
- ' is created to indicate that it is a new view
- VIEWER = UCase(request.querystring("VIEWER")) ' This is the viewer that is calling the server
- VFMT = UCase(request.querystring("VFMT")) ' the format that the viewer understands
- NODE = UCase(request.querystring("NODE"))
- GRP = UCase(request.querystring("GRP")) ' this is a way of specifing the actual group
- COORD = UCase(request.querystring("COORD")) ' these are the coordinates on the graph to process
- DIR = UCase(request.querystring("DIR")) ' this is the search direction
- CSE = UCase(request.querystring("CASE")) ' indicates if the search is case sensitive
- TEXT = request.querystring("TEXT") ' this is the text to search for.
- INIT = UCase(request.querystring("INIT")) ' used to build the frames for the html viewer
- ' Initialize variables to a default if they are not provided on the query string.
- if CMD = "" then
- CMD = UCase(request.form("cmd"))
- if CMD = "" then
- CMD = "GET_PG"
- end if
- end if
- if BRCH = "" then
- BRCH = UCase(request.form("BRCH"))
- end if
- if VIEWER = "" then
- VIEWER = UCase(request.form("VIEWER"))
- if VIEWER = "" then
- end if
- end if
- if VFMT = "" then
- VFMT = UCase(request.form("VFMT"))
- if VFMT = "" then
- end if
- end if
- if GRP = "" then
- GRP = UCase(request.form("GRP"))
- end if
- if COORD = "" then
- COORD = UCase(request.form("COORD"))
- end if
- if NODE = "" then
- NODE = UCase(request.form("NODE"))
- end if
- if DIR = "" then
- DIR = UCase(request.form("DIR"))
- if DIR = "" then
- DIR = "FOR" ' forward
- end if
- End if
- if CSE = "" then
- CSE = UCase(request.form("CASE"))
- if CSE = "" then
- CSE = "0" ' case insensitive
- end if
- end if
- if TEXT = "" then
- TEXT = request.form("TEXT")
- end if
- if INIT = "" then
- INIT = UCase(request.form("INIT"))
- end if
- ' Check to make sure there is a page requested, if not use 1 as a default
- if PAGE = "" then
- PAGE = UCase(request.form("page"))
- if PAGE = "" then
- PAGE = "1"
- end if
- end if
- Function CreateArray(ByVal vsStringArray)
- ' this function takes an string like 0-1-1-0 and converts
- ' it into an array of integers
- Dim lvArray
- Dim lvNewArray
- Dim liCount
- Dim liCurrentPos
- Dim lsBuf
- lvArray = Array()
- lvNewArray = Array()
- ReDim lvArray(256)
- liStringLength = Len(vsStringArray)
- liCount = 0
- liCurrentPos = 1
- lsBuf = ""
- While liCurrentPos <= liStringLength
- 'ignore this character
- If Mid(vsStringArray, liCurrentPos, 1) <> "-" Then
- lsBuf = lsBuf & Mid(vsStringArray, liCurrentPos, 1)
- If liCurrentPos = liStringLength Then
- lvArray(liCount) = CInt(lsBuf)
- lsBuf = ""
- liCount = liCount + 1
- End If
- Else
- lvArray(liCount) = CInt(lsBuf)
- lsBuf = ""
- liCount = liCount + 1
- End If
- liCurrentPos = liCurrentPos + 1
- Wend
- ReDim lvNewArray(liCount - 1)
- For x = 0 To (liCount - 1)
- lvNewArray(x) = lvArray(x)
- Next
- CreateArray = lvNewArray
- End Function
- SUB GetDrillDownCoordinates()
- Dim liStringLength
- Dim lbDone
- Dim lsBuf
- liStringLength = Len(COORD)
- lbDone = FALSE
- lsBuf = ""
- glX = ""
- glY = ""
- For x = 1 To liStringLength
- lsBuf = Mid(COORD, x, 1)
- 'ignore this character
- If lsBuf = "-" Then
- lsBuf = ""
- lbDone = TRUE
- End if
- if lbDone then
- glY = glY + lsBuf
- else
- glX = glX + lsBuf
- end if
- Next
- %>