home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <% if Session("username") = "" then
- Response.Redirect("logon.asp")
- end if
- %>
- <%
- ' Make sure the browser does not cache this file
- response.expires = 0
- ' Get the requested report name
- rpttoview = request.querystring("rpt")
- ' Set a default, to show a group tree
- ' this can be modified for indivual reports
- showgrouptree = "1"
- ' the viewer type is detected and stored in this variable
- viewer = Session("init")
- 'Save the reportn name that is being processed
- Session("report") = rpttoview
- 'build full path for report
- fullpathtorpt = MID(request.ServerVariables("PATH_TRANSLATED"), 1, (LEN(request.ServerVariables("PATH_TRANSLATED"))-32)) & "\reports\xtreme\" & rpttoview & ".rpt"
- ' Need to set the location of the data, this is done to illustrate
- ' the capability of the automation server.
- ' Build the path to the xtreme.mdb
- pathtomdb = MID(request.ServerVariables("PATH_TRANSLATED"), 1, (LEN(request.ServerVariables("PATH_TRANSLATED"))-32)) & "\xtreme.mdb"
- ' Only create the Crystal Application Object on first time through
- If Not IsObject ( Session ("oApp")) Then
- Set Session ("oApp") = Server.CreateObject("Crystal.CRPE.Application")
- End If
- ' Turn off all Error Message dialogs
- Set oGlobalOptions = Session ("oApp").Options
- oGlobalOptions.MorePrintEngineErrorMessages = 0
- ' Open the report
- Set Session("oRpt") = Session("oApp").OpenReport(fullpathtorpt)
- ' Turn off sepecific report error messages
- Set oRptOptions = Session("oRpt").Options
- oRptOptions.MorePrintEngineErrorMessages = 0
- ' now set the table location
- Set oDB = session("oRpt").Database
- For Each oDBTable In oDB.Tables
- oDBTable.Location = pathtomdb
- Next
- ' Based on the selected report, modify various report parameters
- Select Case rpttoview
- Case "customer"
- ' this report is dynamically personalized based on the current user,
- ' by changing a parameter field
- Set paramFlds = Session("oRpt").ParameterFields
- Set paramFld = paramFlds(1)
- paramFld.SetCurrentValue session("username"), 12
- ' now set the table location on the subreport
- Set oSubReport = session("oRpt").OpenSubReport("orders.rpt")
- ' Turn off sepecific report error messages
- Set oRptOptions = Session("oRpt").Options
- oRptOptions.MorePrintEngineErrorMessages = 0
- Set oDB = oSubReport.Database
- For Each oDBTable In oDB.Tables
- oDBTable.Location = pathtomdb
- Next
- Case "empsales"
- ' this report is dynamically personalized based on the current user,
- ' by changing a parameter field
- Set paramFlds = Session("oRpt").ParameterFields
- Set paramFld = paramFlds(1)
- paramFld.SetCurrentValue session("username"), 12
- Case "statemnt"
- ' this report is dynamically personalized based on the current user,
- ' by changing a parameter field
- Set paramFlds = Session("oRpt").ParameterFields
- Set paramFld = paramFlds(1)
- paramFld.SetCurrentValue session("username"), 12
- Case "maillabl"
- ' Turn off grouptree for this report
- showgrouptree = "0"
- Case "balance"
- ' Turn off grouptree for this report
- showgrouptree = "0"
- Case "finstate"
- ' Turn off grouptree for this report
- showgrouptree = "0"
- ' now set the table location on the subreport
- Set oSubReport = session("oRpt").OpenSubReport("income.rpt")
- ' Turn off sepecific report error messages
- Set oRptOptions = Session("oRpt").Options
- oRptOptions.MorePrintEngineErrorMessages = 0
- Set oDB = oSubReport.Database
- For Each oDBTable In oDB.Tables
- oDBTable.Location = pathtomdb
- Next
- ' now set the table location on the subreport
- Set oSubReport = session("oRpt").OpenSubReport("fr2.rpt")
- ' Turn off sepecific report error messages
- Set oRptOptions = Session("oRpt").Options
- oRptOptions.MorePrintEngineErrorMessages = 0
- Set oDB = oSubReport.Database
- For Each oDBTable In oDB.Tables
- oDBTable.Location = pathtomdb
- Next
- Case "income"
- ' Turn off grouptree for this report
- showgrouptree = "0"
- End Select
- ' This method forces all records to be read
- Session("oRpt").ReadRecords
- ' The PageEngine object can derive all (drill down)views of the report
- Set Session("oPageEngine") = Session("oRpt").PageEngine
- ' Now decide what viewer to create
- Select Case viewer
- Case "java"
- %>
- <html><body
- <%
- if(Session("page")="fr_sales" ) then
- response.write(" bgcolor=#003366")
- elseif(Session("page")="fr_company") then
- response.write(" bgcolor=#330066")
- elseif(Session("page")="fr_eis") then
- response.write(" bgcolor=#186666")
- elseif(Session("page")="fr_warehouse") then
- response.write(" bgcolor=#990000")
- end if
- %>
- >
- <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
- var _ns3 = false;
- var _ns4 = false;
- //--></SCRIPT>
- <COMMENT><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1"><!--
- var _info = navigator.userAgent;
- var _ns3 = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") >= 0 && _info.indexOf("Win16") < 0 && _info.indexOf("Mozilla/3") >= 0);
- var _ns4 = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") >= 0 && _info.indexOf("Win16") < 0 && _info.indexOf("Mozilla/4") >= 0 );
- //--></SCRIPT></COMMENT>
- <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
- if(_ns3==true)
- document.writeln( '<applet code=com.seagatesoftware.img.ReportViewer.ReportViewer codebase="/viewer/JavaViewer" id=ReportViewer width=100% height=95% archive="/viewer/JavaViewer/ReportViewer.zip">' );
- else if (_ns4 == true)
- document.writeln( '<applet code=com.seagatesoftware.img.ReportViewer.ReportViewer codebase="/viewer/JavaViewer" id=ReportViewer width=100% height=95% archive="/viewer/JavaViewer/ReportViewer.jar">' );
- else
- document.writeln( '<applet code=com.seagatesoftware.img.ReportViewer.ReportViewer codebase="/viewer/JavaViewer" id=ReportViewer width=100% height=95% >' );
- //--></SCRIPT>
- <param name=ReportName value="rptserver.asp">
- <param name=HasGroupTree value=true>
- <param name=ShowGroupTree value=<% response.write showgrouptree %>>
- <param name=HasRefreshButton value=true>
- <param name=HasPrintButton value=true>
- <param name=cabbase value="/viewer/JavaViewer/ReportViewer.cab">
- </applet>
- </body>
- </html>
- <%
- Case "actx"
- %>
- <html><body
- <%
- if(Session("page")="fr_sales" ) then
- response.write(" bgcolor=#003366")
- elseif(Session("page")="fr_company") then
- response.write(" bgcolor=#330066")
- elseif(Session("page")="fr_eis") then
- response.write(" bgcolor=#186666")
- elseif(Session("page")="fr_warehouse") then
- response.write(" bgcolor=#990000")
- end if
- %>
- >
- CLASSID="CLSID:C4847596-972C-11D0-9567-00A0C9273C2A"
- CODEBASE="/viewer/activeXViewer/CRViewer.dll#Version=1,2,0,30">
- <PARAM NAME="Report Name" VALUE="rptserver.asp">
- <PARAM NAME="Show Group Tree" VALUE= <% response.write showgrouptree %>>
- <PARAM NAME="Show Toolbar" VALUE= 1>
- <%
- Case "html_frame"
- response.redirect "htmstart.asp"
- Case "html_page"
- response.redirect "rptserver.asp"
- end select
- %>