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- README for KeyZ 1.0.6 - 7/23/99
- KeyZ was written by me, Jeremy Radlow, in April of 1998. All rights
- reserved.
- KeyZ is free to use. Modifying KeyZ, however, is not allowed without my
- permission.
- To use KeyZ, you need a Palm Pilot (Personal or later recommended); a cradle
- or HotSync cable; and EITHER
- * a Newton keyboard and an adapter to connect the keyboard to the
- cradle/cable
- OR
- * a computer running terminal emulation software (9600 baud; 8 bits;
- no parity; 1 stop bit; no flow control; VT100 or VT52). Note that
- Windows95 comes with a terminal program (HyperTerm).
- If you're using the Newton keyboard, I assume you've already got an adapter
- (when you bought PiloKey) or that you've made one (when you followed the
- instructions that came with FreeKey).
- If you have HackMaster, install keyzhack.prc. If you don't, install
- keyz.prc. Basically, you should use the HackMaster version if you possibly
- can. If you try both flavors, *delete one before installing the other*!
- To enable the non-hackmaster version after a reset, tap the KeyZ icon on
- your desktop. To enable the hackmaster version, you must activate the hack
- as usual. Then you can make KeyZ start/stop listening to the serial port
- by dragging your pen from the "menu" to the "find" silkscreen buttons.
- Note that you can just leave the KeyZ hack on at all times. The only thing
- you need to do to free up your serial port (for modem use, etc.) is make it
- stop listening to the serial port as described above. You don't even need to
- do that for HotSyncs; when you press the HotSync button, KeyZ detects it and
- turns itself off automatically.
- When you run KeyZ, you'll notice an Option button on the KeyZ main screen.
- If you tap Options you'll be able to configure KeyZ.
- To enable a "click" sound for each key pressed, check the Click box.
- To change your keyboard layout, select either QWERTY or German keyboard layout.
- Since I don't have an actual German keyboard to work with, there may be
- problems. Let me know if you encounter problems with this feature.
- To change the amount of time you have to hold a key down before it starts
- repeating, slide the bar next to "Repeat delay". Further right means more of
- a delay.
- To change the rate at which keys get repeated, slide the bar next to "Repeat
- speed". Further right means keys get repeated faster.
- You can then try these settings out in the Test Area box on the same screen.
- There's an additional page of options which lets you set the applications that
- are launched when you press Apple-1 through Apple-9.
- Most of these shortcuts do not work if you're using a terminal
- emulator to connect to KeyZ.
- Ctrl-left: move back one word
- Ctrl-right: move forward one word
- Shift-left: select next character to the left
- Shift-right: select next character to the right
- Shift-up: select additional line (previous line)
- Shift-down: select additional line (next line)
- Apple-up: same as pressing up button on Pilot
- Apple-down: same as pressing down button on Pilot
- Apple-left: beginning of line
- Apple-right: end of line
- Apple-tab: toggle backlight on/off
- Ctrl-C, Ctrl-X, Ctrl-V: copy, cut, paste
- Ctrl-shift-left: select next word to the left
- Ctrl-shift-right: select next word to the right
- Ctrl-delete: delete next character
- Apple-<key>: activate menu command corresponding to <key>
- Ctrl-Apple-<key>: push a button whose label starts with <key>(*)
- Ctrl-Apple-Enter: push "Ok" or "Done" button
- Ctrl-Apple-+: turn KeyZ off
- Apple-1, Apple-2,...: launch a built-in app: 1 = calendar, 2 = phone #'s,
- 3 = Todo list, 4 = Memos, 5 = Calculator, 6 = Find,
- 7-9 = custom
- Ctrl-Apple-Delete: Turn Pilot off
- "menu" to "find": Toggle KeyZ on/off (**)
- Option-shift-up: Previous field
- Option-shift-down: Next field
- Apple-space: (Japanese OS only) enter kana
- (*) If there is no button whose label starts with <key>, any button
- whose label contains <key> may be chosen. Example: you have two buttons,
- "Stop" and "Start". You can unambiguously choose "Stop" by pressing
- Ctrl-Apple-O.
- (**) You can scrawl this shortcut to toggle KeyZ on/off no matter
- what application you're using.
- KeyZ supports universal cut/copy/paste commands: Ctrl-X, Ctrl-C, and
- Ctrl-V.
- If you want to use the menu commands instead, you can, but they vary from
- program to program. Most applications will *probably* have the menu commands
- C = Copy, X = Cut, and P = Paste. Check your apps to find out the details.
- Option-': Acute accent
- Option-^: Circumflex accent
- Option-;: Diaeresis accent (umlaut)
- Option-`: Grave accent
- Option-~: Tilde accent
- Option-o: Dot accent (if preceded by 'a' or 'A')
- Nought (otherwise)
- Option-?: upside down ?
- Option-!: upside down !
- Option-a: AE
- Option-b: Beta
- Option-w: Bullet
- Option-c: Cedilla
- Option-g: Copyright
- Option-d: Degrees
- Option-/: Divide
- Option-u: Micro-
- Option-enter: Paragraph symbol
- Option-p: Pound (british)
- Option-r: Registered trademark
- Option-s: Section
- Option-z: Graffiti(tm) shortcut stroke
- Option-t: Trademark
- Option-y: Yen
- Option-+: plus/minus
- Option-2: 1/2
- Option-3: 3/4
- Option-4: 1/4
- If you're using a Hack that modifies the behavior associated with the four
- buttons (such as AppHack), it may break KeyZ's application launch feature.
- You can fix this by going to KeyZ's second options screen and changing the
- key bindings from "default" to the application you want to launch. This
- will work, at least with AppHack.
- Rhymes with "easy".
- I designed KeyZ to be an excellent tool for using the built-in Memo Pad
- app. KeyZ isn't - and can't be - a total replacement for using the stylus.
- But even when not in the Memo Pad, it's at least as good as the
- competition.
- KeyZ does some strange things in order to achieve its functionality. Thus,
- it may be incompatible with some Hacks (system extensions) which also do
- strange things. Hacks which are known to be incompatible include:
- Hush Hack (only when blink mode is on)
- AppHack: compatible (see above) but requires some work from you.
- If KeyZ doesn't work, try disabling other Hacks.
- Other hardware: I haven't tested it with older Pilots (like the Pilot 1000
- and 5000), and probably never will. However, users of the 1000 and 5000
- models report that it works fine.
- Let me know if you encounter any problems. You can check out my KeyZ
- page at:
- http://www.inkverse.com/keyz.html
- Have fun!
- Jeremy Radlow <radlow@inkverse.com>