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- NOTE: Most of these keys can be changed from the "Keyboard Settings" DialogBox.
- ----- If you want to set them to default ones again, please, go to your Windows folder
- (usually C:\Windows) and delete the file "Psyclekeys.ini"
- - Pattern RowFormat
- ===================
- not aux gen cmdval
- C-4 01 02 0484
- aux : Depends on the plugin:
- For Sampler machine, it indicates the instrument(wave) number.
- For VSTi's it indicates the MIDI channel ( 0 = 1, 0F = 16)
- - PlayBack
- ===========
- Key Action
- --- ------
- 4 Play current track's Row
- 8 Play Entire pattern's Row
- F5 Start Playback
- F6 Start Block Playback
- F7 Start Playback From Cursor
- F8 Stop Playback
- - Navigation
- =============
- Key Action
- --- ------
- SHIFT + UP/DOWN Inc/Dec Pattern assigned to current SongPosition
- SHIFT + LEFT/RIGHT Decrement/Increment Song Position.
- (Changes current editing pattern also)
- Cursors Navigate in the pattern Editor.
- TAB/SHIFT + TAB Goes to next/Previous Column (Track)
- PREV/NEXT PAGE Move the Cursor 16 Lines Upwards/Downwards.
- HOME/END - In IT (Impulse Tracker) Mode:
- Go to First/Last Row, if there go to First/Last
- track and if there, go to First/Last Line in pattern
- - In FT2 Mode:
- Go to First Line/Last Line
- CTRL + RETURN Show Pattern Properties.
- SHIFT + RETURN Show Current Machine Properties.
- F2 Go to Machine View
- F3 Go to Pattern Editor
- F4 Reserved.
- F9 Open "New Machine" Dialog
- F10 Open "Instruments" Dialog
- - Editing
- ==========
- Key Action
- --- ------
- Toggle Edit Mode ON/OFF SpaceBar
- Numbers (numpad) Enter numbers, as usual.
- "*"/"/" (numpad) Move Down/Up one octave.
- CTRL + F1/F2 Note Transpose -1/1 in entire channel.
- CTRL + SHIFT + F1/F2 Note Transpose -12/12 in entire channel.
- ** Pattern Transposing takes in account the LINE where
- ** the cursor is. so you can half the pattern with just
- ** putting the cursor on the half.
- CTRL + F11/F12 Notre Transpose -1/+1 in selected Block
- CTRL + SHIFT + F11/F12 Notre Transpose -12/+12 in selected Block
- CTRL + F3/F4 or F5 Cut, Copy or Paste pattern.
- Ins Insert one Pattern Row.
- BACKSPACE Delete one Pattern Row (Different behaviour depending on FT2 or IT style).
- DELETE Clears Row content (in current track)
- CTRL + B/E Begin/End Mark block. Note: ONLY WORKS IF "Shift+Arrows Do selection" is
- deactivated in the Keyboard configuration Dialog.
- CTRL + U Unmark Block
- CTRL + D/H Double/Halve the length of the block.
- If no block is selected, then it affects the whole pattern.
- CTRL + A Select All Pattern
- CTRL + R Select Column
- CTRL + X/C/V/M Cut/Copy/Paste/Mix Paste selected Block.
- CTRL + I Interpolate block data (command/parameter column)
- CTRL + G Change block Generator to current selected
- CTRL + T Change block insTrument to current selected
- CTRL + LEFT/RIGHT Dec/Inc current selected Generator/Effect
- CTRL + UP/DOWN Dec/Inc current selected Instrument
- CTRL + Z Undo Pattern/Sequencer edit
- CTRL + SHIFT + Z Redo Pattern/Sequencer edit
- RETURN Select the machine and instrument specified in the current Cursor position.
- ' Set Row Skip -1 when entering a note
- í Set Row Skip +1 when entering a note
- SHIFT+Note "Chord" mode. Enters note and moves to the next track.
- 1 Insert NoteOff Command [^^^ .. gen]
- (numpad) : Numpad requires numlock lead ON or it will not work.
- =====================================
- Please, Configure the Following Ones:
- =====================================
- ║ [left to 1] Insert Tweak Command [twk param mach value]
- Note about the Value:
- ╖ in vst, FFFF = max, 0 = min
- ╖ in psy : depending on the plugin knob range
- Shift + ║ Insert Mcm (MIDI Command) command
- [ Mcm CC mach value ]