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- List of Frequently Asked Questions about Psycle
- -----------------------------------------------
- - Usability -
- -------------
- Q) When Psycle loses focus, the music stops. Why?
- A) The "Exclusive" mode is selected in the Directsound Configuration.
- Go to Configuration Menu, settings option and there the "Input/output" folder, to
- press the configure button.There you will see the option.
- Q) I've put my xxx VST plugin in the "plugins" dir and Psycle doesn't show it. Why?
- A) Psycle uses a different paths for Native plugins and VST plugins.
- By default, Native Plugins go under "Plugins\" and VST's go under "Vst\".
- If you want to change it, go to Configure-Settings, there the "Directories" tab,
- and select your VST plugins' dir.
- Q) Why doesn't/Can't/won't Psycle support buzz machines?
- A) Oskari Tammelin, Buzz author, declined us the right to develop a Buzz Plugins' Host
- for Psycle. It's up to someone to develop a plugin that can load buzz plugins.
- (It won't be allowed by Oskari either, but many users would like it)
- Q) I Have Pro52 VSTi and it is shown as an Effect Machine. How come?
- A) There are two Pro5 dll's, one called pro-52.dll and the other called pro-52fx.dll
- The first one is recognized by Psycle as a generator while the other is recognized
- as an effect and it allows to use the Pro52 Effect engine separatedly from the synth
- Q) I can't enter notes into the Pattern Editor. What happens?
- A) The Edit Mode is Deactivated. The default key to switch it on/off is the "Space" key.
- Also, now you have a Red Dot next to the "Undo/Redo" buttons, which allows you to change it
- as well.
- (There are some more, but I forgot about them)
- - Developement -
- ----------------
- Q) How can I develop a Psycle Machine?
- A) There's no SDK yet, and format will change in Psycle 2, but right now,you can download
- Psycle plugins' sourcecode and using one of them as a template for your plugin.
- You can download them from Psycle's Source Forge Site at:
- http:www.sourceforge.net/projects/psycle
- Q) How can I port a Buzz machine to Psycle?
- A) I've just developed a little SDK to do this. Find it on SourceForge Site as well:
- http:www.sourceforge.net/projects/psycle
- Note: Not tested.
- Note2: You can check the sources of the M3 Psycle machine, which is a port of the
- original M3 buzz machine.
- Q) When will Psycle 2 be out?/ In which stage is Psycle 2 developement? What do you
- plan for Psycle 2?
- A) "History" :
- Psycle 2 has been in a few stages since it was first talked about. On December 2000
- it was started to being developed by Mats (the one that made the 1.1 versions ).
- When he left Psycle coding. Psycle 2 stopped, and Psycle 1.5 was done.
- Then, it was clear that Psycle needed a change to be improved further more so it was time
- to think with Psycle 2 again, but instead of continuing Mats's work, [JAZ] started to
- think on a newer design.
- This design has been codenamed PsyClean, but has never really started to being
- developed.
- Then, There was a version that temporarily was called 1.9. This was started by Dan,
- but left it because of work.
- This version had some Data structure changes which aimed to give more tracks, volume
- column (panning too?) , more lines per pattern, new song fileformat, and so on.
- "Nowadays":
- There are two branches, Psycle 1 and PsycleII.
- Psycle 1 is actively being developed, mostly by [JAZ] and pooplog. (If you read this,
- you're seeing the work already). This branch tries to offer fast and simple editing ,
- still being powerful. We still need to add multipattern editing for this to be true.
- Psycle II is a tryout for a real studio, meaning that it would contain different
- editors for different actions, all them related to making and processing audio (and
- maybe other signals as well).
- It was initially stated being coded by Majick_ / MJK, he had most of the core
- ready, but left for work too. Dilvie, on the other hand, started working on the GUI,
- trying Mozilla XUL language as a start. Unfortunately, he's busy with work too
- (yep... one more). He hopes to have more free time over february 2003 to continue
- on that. Let's hope so.