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- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Rolling Marbles Order Form
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Fill out this order form and fax it to:
- 800-346-1672 or 910-350-2937
- or mail it to:
- BMT Micro
- PO Box 15016
- Wilmington
- NC 28408
- or e-mail it to:
- orders@bmtmicro.com
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Order Details
- -------------
- [X] The registration code to unlock
- the full version of Rolling Marbles ................. US$ 19.95
- We will send you your registration code via e-mail or postal mail
- (if you don't have an e-mail address).
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Registration Details
- --------------------
- Name (First/Last) ....................................................
- Address ....................................................
- ....................................................
- City ....................................................
- State/Province .................... Zip/Post Code .................
- Country ....................................................
- E-mail address ....................................................
- Contact Phone # ......................... Fax # ....................
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Payment Details
- ---------------
- [ ] Check/Money Order attached (made out to BMT Micro), or
- Credit card number
- (MC, Visa, Amex, Discover) ...........................................
- Expiration Date (MM/YY) ............
- Signature ...........................................
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Complete the following section ONLY if DIFFERENT from the above
- name/address.
- Credit Card Holder's Name & Address
- -----------------------------------
- Name on Credit Card ..................................................
- Address ..................................................
- ..................................................
- City ..................................................
- State/Province .................... Zip/Post Code ...............
- Country ..................................................
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Do you have problems with ordering? Would rather order using other
- method? Do you want to pay by any currency other than US dollars?
- See www.tibosoftware.com or contact us at sales@tibosoftware.com