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* YaST2 SuSE Labs -o)
* -------------------- /\\
* _\_v
* www.suse.de / www.suse.com
* ----------------------------------------------------------
* Author: Johannes Buchhold <jbuch@suse.de>
* Description: lib
$Id: custom_part_lib.ycp 33040 2006-09-21 17:13:41Z fehr $
textdomain "storage";
import "Mode";
import "Arch";
import "Installation";
import "Partitions";
import "Product";
import "FileSystems";
#include "partitioning/partition_defines.ycp";
* Find and read fstab by installation. Scan existing partitions.
* @parm targetMap all targets
* @parm search_point mount point where partitions can be mounted
* @return list list with fstab data found
define list<list> findExistingFstab( map<string,map> targetMap, string search_point )
// foreach partition on each target
list<list> fstab = [];
list skip_fs = [ `unknown, `swap, `vfat, `ntfs ];
foreach( string dev, map disk, targetMap,
foreach( map part,
filter( map p, disk["partitions"]:[],
``(!contains( skip_fs, p["detected_fs"]:`unknown) )),
// try to mount
boolean mount_success = Storage::Mount( part["device"]:"",
search_point );
if( mount_success &&
SCR::Read(.target.size, search_point+"/etc/fstab") > 0 )
list tmp = Storage::ReadFstab( search_point+"/etc" );
y2milestone( "findExistingFstab fstab %1", tmp );
if( size(tmp)>0 )
fstab = add( fstab, tmp );
// unmount
if( mount_success )
Storage::Umount( part["device"]:"" );
y2milestone( "findExistingFstab count_fstab_found %1", size(fstab) );
y2milestone( "findExistingFstab fstab %1", fstab );
return fstab;
* Scan and Read and return fstab.
* @parm targetMap all targets
* @parm file_systems filesystem map
* @return list list with fstab
define list<list> scanAndReadExistingFstab( map<string,map> targetMap )
string search_point = "/mnt";
// make search dir
if( SCR::Execute(.target.bash, "/usr/bin/test -d " + search_point ) != 0)
SCR::Execute(.target.mkdir, search_point );
list<list> fstab = findExistingFstab( targetMap, search_point );
return fstab;
* Only for check in installed system.
* Please do not use this define by installation.
* @parm part1 partition 1
* @parm part2 partition 2
* @return boolean
define boolean arePartitionsEqual( map part1, map part2 )
if( part1["create"]:false )
return true;
// -> not all keys
if( part1["nr"]:0 == part2["nr"]:0 &&
part1["fsid"]:0 == part2["fsid"]:0 &&
part1["region"]:[] == part2["region"]:[] &&
part1["create"]:false == part2["create"]:false &&
part1["format"]:false == part2["format"]:false &&
part1["used_fs"]:`unknown == part2["used_fs"]:`unknown &&
part1["enc_type"]:`none == part2["enc_type"]:`none &&
part1["fstab_mnt"]:`device == part2["fstab_mnt"]:`device &&
part1["label"]:"" == part2["label"]:"" &&
part1["mount"]:"" == part2["mount"]:"" )
return true;
return false;
* Check lvm mount points
* @param mount mount point
* @return boolean
define boolean check_lvm_mount_points( string mount )
list not_allowed_lvm_mount_points = [ Partitions::BootMount() ];
y2milestone( " check lvm mount");
if( contains( not_allowed_lvm_mount_points, mount ))
// error popup text
Popup::Error(sformat(_("You cannot use the mount point \"%1\" for LVM.\n"), Partitions::BootMount()));
return false;
return true;
* Check raid mount points
* @param mount mount point
* @return boolean
define boolean check_raid_mount_points( string mount )
list not_allowed_raid_mount_points = [ ];
if( Arch::ppc () || Arch::s390 () || Arch::ia64 () || Arch::sparc () )
not_allowed_raid_mount_points =
add( not_allowed_raid_mount_points, Partitions::BootMount() );
y2milestone( " check raid mount");
if( contains( not_allowed_raid_mount_points, mount ))
// error popup text
Popup::Error(sformat(_("You cannot use the mount point %1 for RAID."), Partitions::BootMount()));
return false;
return true;
* Check if the noauto option is permitted for this mount point.
* @param mount mount point
* @return boolean
define boolean check_noauto_mount( string mount )
boolean ret = true;
if( FileSystems::IsSystemMp( mount, true ) )
// error popup text
ret = Popup::YesNo(
_("You have selected not to mount automatically at start-up a file system
that may contain files that the system needs to work properly.
This might lead to trouble.
Really do this?
y2milestone( "ret %1", ret );
return ret;
* Check crypted mount points and return true if the mount point is ok.
* @param mount mount point
* @param crypt_fs boolean
* @return boolean
define boolean check_crypt_fs_mount_points( string mount, boolean crypt_fs )
if( crypt_fs &&
(FileSystems::IsCryptMp( mount, false ) || mount=="swap" ))
// error popup text
_("You have assigned an encrypted file system to a partition
with one of the following mount points: \"/\", \"/usr\", \"/boot\",
\"swap\". This is not possible. Change the mount point or use a
nonloopbacked file system.
return false;
return true;
* Check all label and return true if the label is unique.
* @param targetMap the TargetMap
* @param part partition to check
* @return boolean
define boolean check_unique_label( map<string,map> targetMap, map part )
boolean unique = true;
// check if the label is already in use
foreach( string disk, map diskinfo, targetMap, ``{
foreach( map p, diskinfo["partitions"]:[], ``{
if ( p["device"]:"" != part["device"]:"" )
// all valid partitions
if ( p["label"]:"" == part["label"]:"" ) unique = false;
return( unique );
define boolean CheckFstabOptions( map part )
boolean ret = true;
if( FileSystems::IsSystemMp( part["mount"]:"", true ) &&
FileSystems::HasFstabOption( part, "user", false ) )
// error popup text
ret = Popup::YesNo(
_("You have set the option to be mountable by users for a file system
that may contain files that need to be executable.
This usually causes problems.
Really do this?
y2milestone( "system mp user ret %1", ret );
if( ret && part["noauto"]:false )
ret = check_noauto_mount( part["mount"]:"" ) && ret;
y2milestone( "CheckFstabOptions ret %1 part %2", ret, part );
return( ret );
* Check all mount points and return true if the mount point is ok.
* @param targetMap the TargetMap
* @param mount mount point
* @return boolean
define boolean check_mount_point( map<string,map> targetMap, string dev,
map part )
string mount = part["mount"]:"";
symbol used_fs = part["used_fs"]:`unknown;
boolean allowed = true;
list not_allowed_system_mount_points =
[ "/proc", "/dev", "/mnt", "/var/adm/mnt", "/lost+found", "/lib",
"/bin", "/etc", "/sbin" ];
if ( mount != "" && mount != "swap" )
// check if the mount point is already in use
foreach( string disk, map diskinfo, targetMap, ``{
foreach( map part, diskinfo["partitions"]:[], ``{
if( part["device"]:"" != dev )
// all valid partitions
if ( part["mount"]:"" == mount ) allowed = false;
if( allowed == false )
// error popup text
Popup::Error(_("This mount point is already in use. Select a different one."));
// check if a dos filesystem is used for system purposes
else if( used_fs == `vfat &&
(mount == "/" || mount == "/usr" || mount == "/opt" ||
mount == "/var" || mount == "/home"))
allowed = false;
// error popup text
Popup::Error(_("FAT filesystem used for system mount point (/, /usr, /opt, /var, /home).\nThis is not possible."));
// check if the mount countains chars making trouble
else if( findfirstof( mount, " `'┤!\"%#" ) != nil )
allowed = false;
// error popup text
Popup::Error(_("Invalid character in mount point. Dont use \"`'!\"%#\" in a mount point."));
// check if the mount point is a system mount point
else if ( contains( not_allowed_system_mount_points , mount) )
allowed = false;
// error popup text
Popup::Error(_("You cannot use any of the following mount points:
/proc, /dev, /lib, /bin, /etc, /sbin, /mnt, /var/adm/mnt, /lost+found
else if ( substring( mount, 0, 1 ) != "/" )
allowed = false;
// error popup text
Popup::Error(_("Your mount point must start with a \"/\" "));
else if( !part["format"]:false && part["detected_fs"]:`none != `swap )
// error popup text
string message = _("
You chose a swap partition but did not direct YaST2 to format it.
This swap partition will probably not be usable.
Change the setup?
allowed = !Popup::YesNo(message);
allowed = true;
if( allowed )
allowed = CheckFstabOptions( part );
return( allowed );
define boolean check_ok_fssize( integer siz, map part )
boolean ret = true;
if( part["format"]:false )
symbol fs = part["used_fs"]:`unknown;
integer min_size = FileSystems::MinFsSizeK( fs ) * 1024;
y2milestone( "check_ok_fssize fs:%1 size:%2", fs, min_size );
if( fs==`reiser && siz<min_size )
// popup text
Popup::Warning(_("Your partition is too small to use ReiserFS.
ReiserFS is a journaling file system that requires
at least 30 MB space for the journal alone.
Use ReiserFS on larger partitions.
ret = false;
else if( fs==`jfs && siz<min_size )
Popup::Warning(_("Your partition is too small to use JFS.
JFS is a journaling file system that requires
at least 16 MB space for the journal alone.
Use JFS on larger partitions.
ret = false;
else if( fs!=`unknown && siz<min_size )
// warning message, %1 is replaced by fs name (e.g. Ext3)
// %2 is prelaced by a size (e.g. 10 MB)
Popup::Warning(sformat(_("Your partition is too small to use %1.
The minimum size for this file system is %2.
"), FileSystems::GetName(fs,""), ByteToHumanStringWithZero(min_size) ));
ret = false;
return( ret );
* Do all checks concerning mount points, uuid, volume labels and
* fstab options
* @param targetMap the TargetMap
* @param mount mount point
* @return map
define map CheckOkMount( string dev, map old, map<string,any> new )
y2milestone( "CheckOkMount old:%1 new:%2", old, new );
map ret = $[];
ret["ok"] = true;
new["mount"] = UI::QueryWidget(`id(`mount_point), `Value);
new["mount"] = deletechars( new["mount"]:"", " \t" );
if( ret["ok"]:false && size(new["mount"]:"")>0 )
boolean crypt_fs = false;
if( !check_mount_point( Storage::GetTargetMap(), dev, new ))
ret["ok"] = false;
ret["field"] = `mount_point;
if( UI::WidgetExists( `id(`crypt_fs) ))
crypt_fs = (boolean)UI::QueryWidget(`id(`crypt_fs), `Value );
if( !check_crypt_fs_mount_points(new["mount"]:"", crypt_fs ))
ret["ok"] = false;
ret["field"] = `mount_point;
if( new["noauto"]:false && !check_noauto_mount( new["mount"]:"" ))
ret["ok"] = false;
ret["field"] = `mount_point;
if( new["type"]:`primary == `sw_raid )
if( !check_raid_mount_points(new["mount"]:""))
ret["ok"] = false;
ret["field"] = `mount_point;
else if( new["type"]:`primary == `lvm )
if( !check_lvm_mount_points(new["mount"]:""))
ret["ok"] = false;
ret["field"] = `mount_point;
if( !new["format"]:false )
new = filter(string key, any value, new, ``(key != "fs_options"));
y2milestone( "ret:%1 new:%2", ret, new );
ret["map"] = new;
return( ret );
* Do all checks concerning handling of crypt fs
* @param new partition map
* @return map
define map CheckCryptOk( map new )
map ret = $[ "ok" : true ];
boolean crypt_fs = false;
if( UI::WidgetExists( `id(`crypt_fs) ))
crypt_fs = (boolean)UI::QueryWidget(`id(`crypt_fs), `Value );
if( crypt_fs )
new["enc_type"] = new["format"]:false?`twofish:`twofish_old;
new["enc_type"] = `none;
if( crypt_fs &&
size(Storage::GetCryptPwd( new["device"]:"" ))==0 )
string fs_passwd = DlgCreateCryptFs( new["device"]:"", new["format"]:false?8:5, new["format"]:false );
// Ask the user for a password for cryptofs, else set crypto to nil??
if( fs_passwd != nil && size(fs_passwd)>0 )
string dev = new["device"]:"";
boolean popup = !new["format"]:false;
y2milestone( "CheckCryptOk dev %1 popup %2", dev, popup );
if( popup )
UI::OpenDialog( `opt(`decorated),
`Label(_("Detecting encryption type...")),
ret["ok"] = Storage::SetCryptPwd( dev, fs_passwd ) &&
(new["format"]:false ||
Storage::SetCrypt( dev, true, new["format"]:false ));
if( ret["ok"]:false && new["type"]:`unknown == `loop )
Storage::UpdateClassified( new["fpath"]:"", fs_passwd );
if( popup )
ret["ok"] = false;
ret["map"] = new;
y2milestone( "CheckCryptOk ret:%1", ret );
return( ret );
define map CheckDeviceFinalOk( map new )
y2milestone( "CheckDeviceFinalOk new:%1", new );
map ret = CheckCryptOk( new );
y2milestone( "CheckDeviceFinalOk ret:%1", ret );
return( ret );
define map<string,any> HandleFsChanged( boolean init, map<string,any> new,
symbol old_fs, map file_systems )
boolean undo_change = false;
list<string> not_used_mp = [];
symbol used_fs = new["used_fs"]:`unknown;
map selected_fs = file_systems[used_fs]:$[];
y2milestone( "HandleFsChanged init:%1 used_fs:%2 old_fs:%3 new:%4",
init, used_fs, old_fs, new );
if( !init && used_fs != old_fs )
y2milestone( "HandleFsChanged IsUnsupported:%1",
FileSystems::IsUnsupported( used_fs ));
if( FileSystems::IsUnsupported( new["used_fs"]:`unknown ))
// warning message, %1 is replaced by fs name (e.g. Ext3)
string message = sformat(_("
This file system is not supported in %1;.
It is completely untested and might not be well-integrated
in the system. Do not file bugs against the file system
itself if it does not work properly or at all.
Undo the change of file system?
"), Product::name );
undo_change = Popup::YesNo(message);
if( undo_change )
new["used_fs"] = old_fs;
UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`fs), `Value, old_fs );
if( !undo_change && UI::WidgetExists( `id(`crypt_fs) ))
boolean cr = selected_fs[`crypt]:true;
UI::ChangeWidget( `id(`crypt_fs), `Enabled, cr );
if( !cr )
y2milestone( "HandleFsChanged crypt set to false" );
UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`crypt_fs), `Value, false );
if( !undo_change )
// switch between swap and other mountpoints
string mount = (string)UI::QueryWidget( `id(`mount_point), `Value);
new["mount"] = mount;
if( used_fs == `swap )
not_used_mp = selected_fs[`mountpoints]:[];
if( mount != "swap" && (new["type"]:`primary!=`lvm || mount!=""))
new["mount"] = "swap";
not_used_mp =
notUsedMountpoints( Storage::GetTargetMap(),
selected_fs[`mountpoints]:[] );
if( new["type"]:`primary == `lvm ||
(new["type"]:`primary == `sw_raid&&
new["raid_type"]:"raid0"!="raid1") )
not_used_mp = filter( string mp, not_used_mp,
``( mp != Partitions::BootMount() ));
else if( new["type"]:`primary == `loop )
not_used_mp =
filter( string mp, not_used_mp,
``(!contains( FileSystems::system_m_points, mp)));
if(mount == "swap")
new["mount"] = "";
UI::ReplaceWidget(`id(`mount_dlg_rp), MountDlg( new, not_used_mp));
UI::ChangeWidget( `id(`mount_point), `Value, new["mount"]:"" );
UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`fstab_options), `Enabled, true );
UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`fs_options), `Enabled,
new["format"]:false && selected_fs[`options]:[]!=[] );
string fstopt = FileSystems::DefaultFstabOptions( new );
if( size(fstopt)>0 && size(new["fstopt"]:"")==0 )
new["fstopt"] = fstopt;
if( !init )
new["fs_options"] = FileSystems::DefaultFormatOptions(new);
new["fstopt"] = fstopt;
integer max_len = FileSystems::LabelLength( used_fs );
if( size(new["label"]:"") > max_len )
new["label"] = substring( new["label"]:"", 0, max_len );
symbol mountby = new["mountby"]:`device;
if( (mountby == `uuid && !FileSystems::MountUuid( used_fs )) ||
(mountby == `label && !FileSystems::MountLabel( used_fs )) )
new["mountby"] = `device;
if( !FileSystems::MountLabel( used_fs ) && size(new["label"]:"")>0 )
new["label"] = "";
y2milestone( "HandleFsChanged new %1", new );
return( new );
define map<string,any> HandlePartWidgetChanges( boolean init, any ret,
map file_systems,
map<string,any> old,
map<string,any> new )
y2milestone( "HandlePartWidgetChanges init:%1 ret:%2 new:%3",
init, ret, new );
symbol used_fs = new["used_fs"]:`unknown;
map selected_fs = file_systems[used_fs]:$[];
// configure main dialog and modify map new
if( !init && new["mount"]:"" != old["mount"]:"" )
if( Arch::ia64 () && new["mount"]:"" == Partitions::BootMount() )
new = filter(string key, any value, new, ``( key != "fstopt"));
if( init || ret == `format_true || ret == `format_false )
boolean format = UI::QueryWidget(`id(`format), `CurrentButton) ==
boolean old_format = new["format"]:false;
// format partition
new["format"] = format;
// modify widgets
UI::ChangeWidget( `id(`fs), `Enabled, format );
UI::ChangeWidget( `id(`fs_options), `Enabled,
format && selected_fs[`options]:[] != [] );
if( UI::WidgetExists( `id(`crypt_fs) ))
UI::ChangeWidget( `id(`crypt_fs), `Enabled,
selected_fs[`crypt]:true );
if( UI::WidgetExists( `id(`fsid_point) ))
UI::ChangeWidget( `id(`fsid_point), `Enabled, !format);
if( old_format != format )
symbol dfs = `unknown;
if( format )
dfs = (symbol)UI::QueryWidget(`id(`fs), `Value);
if( new["detected_fs"]:`unknown != `unknown )
dfs = new["detected_fs"]:Partitions::DefaultFs();
dfs = new["used_fs"]:Partitions::DefaultFs();
UI::ChangeWidget( `id(`fs), `Value, dfs );
map selected_fs = file_systems[dfs]:$[];
new["used_fs"] = dfs;
y2milestone( "HandlePartWidgetChanges used_fs %1", dfs );
if( new["used_fs"]:`unknown != old["used_fs"]:`unknown )
new = HandleFsChanged( init, new, old["used_fs"]:`unknown,
file_systems );
if( format )
new["fs_options"] = FileSystems::DefaultFormatOptions(new);
if( !contains( selected_fs[`alt_fsid]:[], new["fsid"]:0 ))
new["fsid"] = selected_fs[`fsid]:Partitions::fsid_native;
if( haskey( new, "ori_fsid" ) )
new["fsid"] = new["ori_fsid"]:0;
new["fsid"] = old["fsid"]:0;
if( UI::WidgetExists( `id(`fsid_point) ))
if( size(selected_fs)>0 &&
new["fsid"]:0 != selected_fs[`fsid]:0 &&
!contains( selected_fs[`alt_fsid]:[], new["fsid"]:0 ))
UI::ChangeWidget( `id(`fsid_point), `Value,
selected_fs[`fsid_item]:"" );
if( !format )
new["fs_options"] = $[];
new["fstopt"] = FileSystems::DefaultFstabOptions( new );
if( init || ret == `fs )
symbol new_fs = (symbol)UI::QueryWidget(`id(`fs), `Value);
if( init )
if( !new["format"]:false && new["detected_fs"]:`unknown != `unknown )
new_fs = new["detected_fs"]:`unknown;
else if( new["fsid"]:0 == Partitions::fsid_gpt_boot )
new_fs = `vfat;
if( used_fs != new_fs )
UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`fs), `Value, new_fs );
y2milestone( "HandlePartWidgetChanges new_fs %1",
UI::QueryWidget(`id(`fs), `Value) );
y2milestone( "HandlePartWidgetChanges init=%1 used_fs:%2 new_fs:%3",
init, used_fs, new_fs );
if( init || used_fs != new_fs )
map selected_fs = file_systems[new_fs]:$[];
new["used_fs"] = new_fs;
new = HandleFsChanged( init, new, used_fs, file_systems );
if( !init )
if( !contains( selected_fs[`alt_fsid]:[], new["fsid"]:0 ))
new["fsid"] = selected_fs[`fsid]:Partitions::fsid_native;
y2milestone( "HandlePartWidgetChanges fsid %1", new["fsid"]:0 );
if( UI::WidgetExists( `id(`fsid_point) ))
UI::ChangeWidget( `id(`fsid_point), `Value,
if( (init && UI::WidgetExists(`id(`fsid_point))) || ret == `fsid_point )
// modify map new
string fs_string = (string)UI::QueryWidget(`id(`fsid_point), `Value);
y2milestone("HandlePartWidgetChanges fs_string:%1", fs_string );
fs_string = substring( fs_string, 0, 5 );
integer fs_int = tointeger( fs_string );
integer old_id = new["fsid"]:0;
y2milestone( "HandlePartWidgetChanges fs_int:%1 old_id:%2",
fs_int, old_id );
if( fs_int != old_id )
new["fsid"] = fs_int;
boolean no_fs = contains( [ Partitions::fsid_lvm,
Partitions::fsid_prep_chrp_boot ],
fs_int );
UI::ChangeWidget( `id(`fstab_options), `Enabled, !no_fs );
UI::ChangeWidget( `id(`format_true), `Enabled, !no_fs );
UI::ChangeWidget( `id(`mount_point), `Enabled, !no_fs );
if( no_fs )
new["mount"] = "";
UI::ChangeWidget( `id(`mount_point), `Value, new["mount"]:"" );
if( UI::WidgetExists( `id(`crypt_fs) ))
UI::ChangeWidget( `id(`crypt_fs), `Enabled, false );
ChangeExistingSymbolsState( [ `fs_options, `fs ], false );
else if( fs_int == Partitions::fsid_native )
new["used_fs"] = Partitions::DefaultFs();
UI::ChangeWidget( `id(`fs), `Value, new["used_fs"]:`unknown );
new = HandleFsChanged( init, new, Partitions::DefaultFs(),
file_systems );
else if( fs_int == Partitions::fsid_swap )
new["used_fs"] = `swap;
UI::ChangeWidget( `id(`fs), `Value, new["used_fs"]:`unknown );
new = HandleFsChanged( init, new, `swap, file_systems );
else if( contains( Partitions::fsid_wintypes, fs_int ) ||
fs_int==Partitions::fsid_gpt_boot )
new["mount"] = "";
new["used_fs"] = `vfat;
UI::ChangeWidget( `id(`fs), `Value, new["used_fs"]:`unknown );
new = HandleFsChanged( init, new, `vfat, file_systems );
else if( fs_int == Partitions::fsid_mac_hfs )
new["mount"] = "";
new["used_fs"] = `hfs;
UI::ChangeWidget( `id(`fs), `Value, new["used_fs"]:`unknown );
new = HandleFsChanged( init, new, `hfs, file_systems );
if( ret == `fstab_options )
new["mount"] = UI::QueryWidget( `id(`mount_point), `Value );
new = FstabOptions( old, new );
if( ret == `crypt_fs )
boolean val = (boolean)UI::QueryWidget( `id(`crypt_fs), `Value );
new["enc_type"] = val?(new["format"]:false?`twofish:`twofish_old):`none;
if( val )
new["mountby"] = `device;
new["label"] = "";
new["ori_label"] = "";
if( ret == `fs_options )
new["fs_options"] = FileSystemOptions( new["fs_options"]:$[],
selected_fs );
if( Mode::repair () )
UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`mount_point), `Enabled, false);
UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`fstab_options), `Enabled, false);
UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`crypt_fs) , `Enabled, false);
y2milestone( "HandlePartWidgetChanges old:%1", old );
y2milestone( "HandlePartWidgetChanges new:%1", new );
return( new );
* Merge readed list fstab with targetMap
* @parm targetMap all targets
* @parm fstab readed fstab list
* @return return ( [ targetMap, table_input ]
define list AddFstabToData( map<string,map> targetMap, list<map> fstab )
if( fstab == nil )
return [targetMap] ;
y2milestone( "AddFstabToData fstab = %1", fstab );
map new_targetMap = targetMap;
map table_input = $["tbl":[]];
foreach( string dev, map disk, targetMap,
list new_partitions = [];
map target = disk;
foreach( map partition, disk["partitions"]:[],
map new_partition = partition;
foreach( map fstab_entry, fstab,
string dev_fstab = fstab_entry["device"]:"";
string mount_fstab = fstab_entry["mount"]:"";
boolean found = false;
if( dev_fstab == partition["device"]:"" )
found = true;
if( found )
new_partition["mount"] = mount_fstab;
if( size(fstab_entry["fstopt"]:"")>0 &&
fstab_entry["fstopt"]:"" != "default" )
new_partition["fstopt"] = fstab_entry["fstopt"]:"";
if( fstab_entry["mountby"]:`device != `device )
new_partition["mountby"] = fstab_entry["mountby"]:`device;
if( fstab_entry["enc_type"]:`none != `none )
new_partition["enc_type"] = fstab_entry["enc_type"]:`none;
// entries for table
term a = `item(`id(dev_fstab));
a = add( a, dev_fstab );
a = add( a, mount_fstab );
if( mount_fstab=="/" )
table_input["root"] = dev_fstab;
table_input["tbl"] = add( table_input["tbl"]:[], a );
new_partitions = add( new_partitions, new_partition);
target["partitions"] = new_partitions;
new_targetMap[dev] = target;
y2milestone( "AddFstabToData table_input %1", table_input );
y2milestone( "AddFstabToData tbl %1", table_input["tbl"]:[] );
if( size( table_input["tbl"]:[] )>1 )
table_input["tbl"] = sort( term a, term b, table_input["tbl"]:[],
y2milestone( "AddFstabToData ret %1", [ new_targetMap, table_input ] );
return [ new_targetMap, table_input ];
define boolean check_max_size( integer byte_size, integer max_size )
y2milestone( "icheck_lv_size byte_size=%1 max_size=%2", byte_size,
max_size );
if( byte_size == 0 )
if( max_size>0 )
// error popup text
Popup::Error(sformat(_("The size entered is invalid.
Enter a size from 1M to %1. For example, 40M or 1G."),
ByteToHumanStringWithZero(max_size)) );
// error popup text
Popup::Error(_("The size entered is invalid.
Enter a valid size, such as 500k, 40M, or 1G.
return( false );
if( max_size>0 && byte_size>max_size )
// error popup text
Popup::Error(sformat(_("The size entered is too large.
Enter a size from 1M to %1."),
ByteToHumanStringWithZero(max_size)) );
return( false );
return( true );
define boolean CheckResizePossible( boolean ask, boolean lvm, integer resize,
symbol fsys, string mount )
map poss = FileSystems::IsResizable( fsys );
boolean ret = true;
y2milestone( "CheckResizePossible resize %1 ask %2 lvm %3 fsys %4 mount %5",
resize, ask, lvm, fsys, mount );
if( size(mount)>0 && !Stage::initial() && resize < 0 &&
!poss["mount_shrink"]:false && poss["shrink"]:false )
FsysCannotResizeMountPopup( lvm, mount );
ret = false;
else if( size(mount)>0 && !Stage::initial() && resize > 0 &&
!poss["mount_extend"]:false && poss["extend"]:false )
FsysCannotResizeMountPopup( lvm, mount );
ret = false;
else if( size(mount)>0 && !Stage::initial() && resize != 0 && !lvm )
FsysCannotResizeMountPopup( lvm, mount );
ret = false;
else if( resize < 0 && !poss["shrink"]:false )
ret = FsysCannotShrinkPopup( ask, lvm );
else if( resize < 0 && fsys==`reiser )
ret = FsysShrinkReiserWarning( lvm );
else if( resize>0 && !poss["extend"]:false )
ret = FsysCannotGrowPopup( ask, lvm );
y2milestone( "ret %1", ret );
return( ret );