helptextCR = _("<p>On already-existing partitions, you can change
everything except the start and size of the partition.</p>");
// helptext for popup create partition line 1 of 6
helptextCR = _("<p>First, choose the type of the partition and whether this partition should be formatted.</p>");
// helptext for popup create partition line 2 of 6
helptextCR = helptextCR + _("<p>Then, enter the mount point ( /, /boot, /usr, /var, etc.)</p>");
if( !new_val["create"]:false )
// helptext line 3 of 3
helptextCR = helptextCR + _("<p>To change the start or end cylinder, delete this partition then create a new one with the new parameters. All data on this partition will be lost.</p>");
// helptext for popup create partition line 3 of 6
helptextCR = helptextCR + _("<p>Now, enter the location of the new partition on your hard disk. </p>");
// helptext for popup create partition line 4 of 6
helptextCR = helptextCR + _("<p>Please enter the starting cylinder number of the partition. </p>");
// helptext for popup create partition line 5 of 6
helptextCR = helptextCR + _("<p>After that, either specify an ending cylinder number or an offset from the first cylinder (e.g., +66).</p>");
// helptext for popup create partition line 6 of 6
helptextCR = helptextCR + _("<p>It is also possible to specify the size of the partition directly (e.g., +100M or +20000K))</p>");
return( helptextCR );
define string getCreateEditExtendedHelptext() ``{
// helptext for popup create extended partition line
string helptextCR = _("<p>Enter the starting cylinder number of the partition.
After that, either specify an ending cylinder number or an offset from the first cylinder (e.g., +66).
It is also possible to specify the size of the partition directly (e.g., +2G, +100M, or +20000K)</p>