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* File: clients/inst_proposal.ycp
* Module: Installation
* Summary: Create and display proposal
* Authors: Stefan Hundhammer <sh@suse.de>
* Arvin Schnell <arvin@suse.de>
* Jiri Srain <jsrain@suse.cz>
* Lukas Ocilka <locilka@suse.cz>
* $Id: inst_proposal.ycp 34452 2006-11-20 08:00:07Z locilka $
* Create and display reasonable proposal for basic
* installation and call sub-workflows as required
* on user request.
* See also file proposal-API.txt for details.
textdomain "installation";
import "Label";
import "Mode";
import "Stage";
import "AutoinstConfig";
import "Wizard";
import "HTML";
import "Popup";
import "Language";
import "GetInstArgs";
include "installation/misc.ycp";
define void retranslate_proposal_dialog();
define symbol load_matching_submodules_list();
define boolean get_submod_descriptions_and_build_menu();
define void make_proposal( boolean force_reset, boolean language_changed );
define string format_sub_proposal( map prop );
define void build_dialog ();
define void set_icon();
define string help_text();
// values used in defined functions
map proposal_properties = $[];
list<string> submodules = [];
list<string> submodules_presentation = [];
map<string,integer> mod2tab = $[]; // module -> tab it is in
list<string> display_only_modules = []; // modules which do not have propose, but only summary
integer current_tab = 0; // ID of current tab
boolean has_tab = false; // true if is tabbed proposal
map<string, string> html = $[]; // proposals of all modules - HTML part
list<string> present_only = [];
list<string> locked_modules = [];
list titles = [];
map submod2id = $[];
map id2submod = $[];
map link2submod = $[];
boolean have_blocker = false;
string proposal_mode = "";
symbol proposal_result = nil;
// skip if not interactive mode.
if (!AutoinstConfig::Confirm && Mode::autoinst ()) {
return `auto;
* Display preformatted proposal in the RichText widget
* @param proposal human readable proposal preformatted in HTML
define void display_proposal( string proposal ) ``{
UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`proposal), `Value, proposal );
* Call a submodule's MakeProposal() function.
* @param submodule name of the submodule's proposal dispatcher
* @param force_reset discard any existing (cached) proposal
* @param language_changed installation language changed since last call
* @return proposal_map see proposal-API.txt
define map submod_make_proposal( string submodule, boolean force_reset,
boolean language_changed )
map proposal = (map) WFM::CallFunction ( submodule, [ "MakeProposal",
$[ "force_reset" : force_reset,
"language_changed" : language_changed ] ] );
y2debug( "%1 MakeProposal() returns %2", submodule, proposal );
return proposal;
* Call a submodule's AskUser() function.
* @param submodule name of the submodule's proposal dispatcher
* @param has_next force a "next" button even if the submodule would otherwise rename it
* @return workflow_sequence see proposal-API.txt
define symbol submod_ask_user( string submodule, map<string,any> additional_info )
// Call the AskUser() function
map ask_user_result = (map) WFM::CallFunction( submodule,
[ "AskUser", additional_info ] );
symbol workflow_sequence = ask_user_result["workflow_sequence"]:`next;
boolean language_changed = ask_user_result["language_changed"]:false;
boolean mode_changed = ask_user_result["mode_changed"]:false;
boolean rootpart_changed = ask_user_result["rootpart_changed"]:false;
if (workflow_sequence != `cancel && workflow_sequence != `back &&
workflow_sequence != `abort && workflow_sequence != `finish)
if ( language_changed )
Pkg::SetLocale (Language::language);
Pkg::SetAdditionalLocales ([Language::language]);
if (mode_changed || rootpart_changed ||
workflow_sequence == `finish)
RootPart::UnmountPartitions (false);
if (mode_changed)
Wizard::SetHelpText (help_text ());
if (!get_submod_descriptions_and_build_menu ())
y2error ("i'm in dutch");
// Make a new proposal based on those user changes
make_proposal( false, language_changed );
return workflow_sequence;
* Call a submodule's Description() function.
* @param submodule name of the submodule's proposal dispatcher or nil if no such module
* @return description_map see proposal-API.txt
define map submod_description (string submodule)
map description = (map) WFM::CallFunction( submodule, [ "Description", $[] ] );
return description;
* Call each submodule's MakeProposal() function in turn and display the
* proposals in the RichText widget.
* @param force_reset discard any existing (cached) proposal
* @param language_changed installation language changed since last call
define void make_proposal( boolean force_reset, boolean language_changed )
integer tab_to_switch = 999;
boolean current_tab_affected = false;
integer no = 0;
map prop_map = $[];
boolean skip_the_rest = false;
have_blocker = false;
link2submod = $[];
html = $[];
foreach ( string submod, submodules, ``{
string prop = "";
if (!contains(locked_modules, submod))
string heading = issubstring (
? titles[no]:_("ERROR: Missing Title")
: HTML::Link( titles[no]:_("ERROR: Missing Title"), submod2id[submod]:"");
// heading in proposal, in case the module doesn't create one
prop = prop + HTML::Heading( heading);
} else {
prop = prop + HTML::Heading(
// heading in proposal, in case the module doesn't create one
titles[no]:_("ERROR: Missing Title"));
html[submod] = prop + HTML::Para( _("Analyzing your system..."));
no = no + 1;
no = 0;
Wizard::DisableNextButton ();
y2debug("Submodules list before execution: %1", submodules );
foreach ( string submod, submodules,
string prop = "";
if ( ! skip_the_rest )
if (!contains(locked_modules, submod))
string heading = issubstring (
? titles[no]:_("ERROR: Missing Title")
: HTML::Link( titles[no]:_("ERROR: Missing Title"), submod2id[submod]:"");
// heading in proposal, in case the module doesn't create one
prop = prop + HTML::Heading( heading);
} else {
prop = prop + HTML::Heading(
titles[no]:_("ERROR: Missing Title"));
prop_map = submod_make_proposal( submod, force_reset, language_changed );
// check if it is needed to switch to another tab
// because of an error
if (haskey (mod2tab, submod))
y2milestone("Mod2Tab: '%1'", mod2tab[submod]:nil);
symbol warn_level = prop_map["warning_level"]:`ok;
if (warn_level == nil)
warn_level = `ok;
if (contains ([`blocker, `fatal, `error], warn_level))
if (mod2tab[submod]:999 < tab_to_switch)
tab_to_switch = mod2tab[submod]:999;
if (mod2tab[submod]:999 == current_tab)
current_tab_affected = true;
// update link map
if (haskey (prop_map, "links"))
foreach ( string link, prop_map["links"]:[], ``{
link2submod[link] = submod;
if ( prop_map["language_changed"]:false
&& ! skip_the_rest)
skip_the_rest = true;
make_proposal( force_reset, true );
if ( ! skip_the_rest )
prop = prop + format_sub_proposal( prop_map );
html[submod] = prop;
// now do the complete html
string proposal = "";
foreach (string mod, submodules_presentation, ``{
proposal = proposal + html[mod]:"";
display_proposal( proposal );
// display_proposal( prop );
no = no + 1;
if ( prop_map["warning_level"]:`none == `fatal )
skip_the_rest = true;
if (has_tab && tab_to_switch < 999 && ! current_tab_affected)
// FIXME copy-paste from event loop (but for last 2 lines)
current_tab = tab_to_switch;
string proposal = "";
foreach (string mod, submodules_presentation, ``{
proposal = proposal + html[mod]:"";
display_proposal( proposal );
get_submod_descriptions_and_build_menu ();
y2milestone("Switching to tab '%1'", current_tab);
if (UI::HasSpecialWidget (`DumbTab))
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`_cwm_tab), `CurrentItem, current_tab);
// now do the display-only proposals
Wizard::EnableNextButton ();
* Format a submodule's proposal in HTML
* @param prop proposal map - see proposal-API.txt
* @return HTML string
define string format_sub_proposal( map prop )
string html = "";
string warning = prop["warning"]:"";
if ( warning != nil && warning != "" )
symbol level = prop["warning_level"]:`warning;
if ( level == `notice ) warning = HTML::Bold( warning );
else if ( level == `warning ) warning = HTML::Colorize( warning, "red" );
else if ( level == `error ) warning = HTML::Colorize( warning, "red" );
else if ( level == `blocker || level == `fatal )
have_blocker = true;
warning = HTML::Colorize( warning, "red" );
html = html + HTML::Para( warning );
string preformatted_prop = prop["preformatted_proposal"]:"";
if (preformatted_prop == nil)
preformatted_prop = "";
if ( preformatted_prop != "" )
html = html + preformatted_prop;
// fallback proposal, means usually an internal error
list<string> raw_prop = prop["raw_proposal"]:[_("ERROR: No proposal")];
html = html + HTML::List( raw_prop );
return html;
* Call a submodule's Write() function.
* @param submodule name of the submodule's proposal dispatcher
* @return success true if Write() was successful of if there is no Write() function
define boolean submod_write_settings( string submodule )
map result = (map) WFM::CallFunction( submodule, [ "Write", $[] ] );
if ( result == nil )
result = $[];
return result["success"]:true;
define void PreInstallFunctions () {
y2milestone("PreInstallFunctions, Installation: %1, Stage: %2",
Mode::installation(), Stage::stage());
if (Mode::installation () && Stage::stage () == "initial") {
// FATE #300421: Import ssh keys from previous installations
// FATE #120103: Import Users From Existing Partition
y2milestone("PreInstallFunctions -- start --");
WFM::CallFunction ("inst_pre_install", []);
y2milestone("PreInstallFunctions -- end --");
* Call each submodule's "Write()" function to let it write its settings,
* i.e. the settings effective.
define void write_settings() ``{
boolean success = true;
foreach (string submod, submodules, ``{
boolean submod_success = submod_write_settings( submod );
if (submod_success == nil)
submod_success = true;
if ( ! submod_success )
y2error( "Write() failed for submodule %1", submod );
success = success && submod_success;
if ( ! success )
y2error( "Write() failed for one or more submodules" );
// Submodules handle their own error reporting
// text for a message box
Popup::TimedMessage( _("Configuration saved.\nThere were errors."), 3 );
// else
// {
// // text for a message box
// Popup::TimedMessage( _("Configuration saved successfully."), 3 );
// }
* Force a RichText widget to use the busy cursor
* @param widget_id ID of the widget, e.g. `id(`proposal)
define void richtext_busy_cursor( any widget_id ) ``{
if (is(widget_id, symbol)) {
UI::ChangeWidget( (symbol) widget_id, `Enabled, false );
} else {
UI::ChangeWidget( (term) widget_id, `Enabled, false );
* Switch a RichText widget back to use the normal cursor
* @param widget_id ID of the widget, e.g. `id(`proposal)
define void richtext_normal_cursor( any widget_id ) ``{
if (is(widget_id, symbol)) {
UI::ChangeWidget( (symbol) widget_id, `Enabled, true );
} else {
UI::ChangeWidget( (term) widget_id, `Enabled, true );
* Retranslate the proposal (wizard) dialog after the language is changed.
define void retranslate_proposal_dialog() ``{
y2debug( "Retranslating proposal dialog" );
* Load a list of submodules. Try loading it from a file named 'file_name'
* from one of several predefined directories. If there is no such list,
* use 'fallback_list'.
* @param file_name YCP file name to load from
* @param fallback_list fallback list of submodule names (strings)
* @return submodules_list list of submodule names (strings)
define list load_submodules_list( string file_name, list fallback_list ) ``{
list submodules = (list) SCR::Read(.target.ycp, [ file_name, [] ] );
if ( submodules == [] )
submodules = (list) SCR::Read(.target.yast2, [ file_name, [] ] );
if ( submodules == [] )
submodules = fallback_list;
return submodules;
* Load a list of submodules matching the current internal states
* @return submodules_list list of submodule names (strings)
define symbol load_matching_submodules_list() ``{
list< list > modules = [];
modules = ProductControl::getProposals (
Stage::stage (),
Mode::mode (),
proposal_mode );
if (modules == nil ) {
y2error("Error loading proposals");
return `abort;
locked_modules = ProductControl::getLockedProposals (Stage::stage (), Mode::mode (), proposal_mode);
y2milestone("getting proposals for stage: \"%1\" mode: \"%2\" proposal type: \"%3\"",
Stage::stage (),
Mode::mode (),
proposal_mode );
proposal_properties = ProductControl::getProposalProperties(Stage::stage (), Mode::mode (), proposal_mode);
if (size(modules) == 0 )
y2error("No proposals available");
return `abort;
// in normal mode we don't want to switch between installation and update
if (Mode::normal ())
modules = filter (list v, modules, ``(v[0]:"" != "mode_proposal"));
// now create the list of modules and order of modules for presentation
submodules = maplist (list mod, modules, ``(mod[0]:"") );
y2milestone ("Execution order: %1", submodules);
if (has_tab)
y2milestone ("Proposal uses tabs");
map data = ProductControl::getProposalProperties (
Stage::stage (),
Mode::mode (),
proposal_mode );
submodules_presentation = data["proposal_tabs", current_tab, "proposal_modules"]:[];
// All proposal file names end with _proposal
submodules_presentation = maplist (string m, submodules_presentation, {
if (!issubstring(m, "_proposal"))
m = m + "_proposal";
return m;
integer index = -1;
mod2tab = $[];
list<list<string> > tmp_all_submods = maplist (map tab, data["proposal_tabs"]:[], {
index = index + 1;
foreach (string m, tab["proposal_modules"]:[], {
if (!issubstring(m, "_proposal"))
m = m + "_proposal";
if (index < mod2tab[m]:999)
mod2tab[m] = index;
return tab["proposal_modules"]:[];
list<string> all_submods = flatten (tmp_all_submods);
all_submods = maplist (string m, all_submods, {
if (!issubstring(m, "_proposal"))
m = m + "_proposal";
return m;
display_only_modules = filter (string m, all_submods, {
return ! contains (submodules, m);
submodules = (list<string>)merge (submodules, display_only_modules);
y2milestone ("Proposal doesn't use tabs");
// sort modules according to presentation ordering
modules = sort (list mod1, list mod2, modules, ``(
mod1[1]:50 < mod2[1]:50
// setup the list
submodules_presentation = maplist (list mod, modules, ``(mod[0]:"") );
y2milestone ("Presentation order: %1", submodules_presentation);
y2milestone ("Execution order: %1", submodules);
* Find out if the target machine has a network card.
* @return true if a network card is found, false otherwise
define boolean have_network_card() ``{
// Maybe obsolete
if ( Mode::test () )
return true;
return size( (list<map>) SCR::Read(.probe.netcard) ) > 0;
* Create the proposal dialog
* (the inner part, excluding the wizard frame)
define void build_dialog () {
// headline for installation proposal
string headline = proposal_properties["label"]:"";
y2milestone("headline: %1", headline );
if ( headline == "")
// dialog headline
headline = _("Installation Settings");
headline = dgettext( ProductControl::getProposalTextDomain() ,
headline );
// icon for installation proposal
string icon = "";
/* radiobuttons */
term skip_buttons =
`RadioButtonGroup (
`VBox (
`Left(`RadioButton(`id(`skip), `opt(`notify),
// Check box: Skip all the configurations in this dialog -
// do this later manually or not at all
// Translators: About 40 characters max,
// use newlines for longer translations.
// radio button
_("&Skip Configuration"), false)),
`Left(`RadioButton(`id(`dontskip), `opt(`notify),
// radio button
_("&Use Following Configuration"), true)),
/* change menu */
term menu_box =
`HBox (
`HStretch (),
// menu button
`MenuButton(`id(`menu_dummy), _("&Change..."), [`item(`id(`dummy), "" ) ] )
`HStretch ()
term vbox = nil;
boolean enable_skip = true;
if (haskey(proposal_properties, "enable_skip"))
enable_skip = proposal_properties["enable_skip"]:"yes" == "yes";
} else {
if (proposal_mode == "initial" || proposal_mode == "uml")
enable_skip = false;
enable_skip = true;
term rt = `RichText( `id(`proposal),
// Initial contents of proposal subwindow while proposals are calculated
HTML::Newlines( 3 ) + HTML::Para( _("Analyzing your system...") )
map data = ProductControl::getProposalProperties (
Stage::stage (),
Mode::mode (),
proposal_mode );
if (haskey (data, "proposal_tabs"))
has_tab = true;
integer index = -1;
list<map> tabs = data["proposal_tabs"]:[];
list<integer> tab_ids = maplist (map tab, tabs, {
index = index + 1;
return index;
if (UI::HasSpecialWidget (`DumbTab))
list<term> panes = maplist (integer t, tab_ids, {
string label = tabs[t, "label"]:"Tab";
return `item (`id (t), label, t == 0);
rt = `DumbTab (`id (`_cwm_tab), panes, rt);
term tabbar = `HBox ();
foreach (integer t, tab_ids, {
string label = tabs[t, "label"]:"Tab";
tabbar = add (tabbar, `PushButton (`id (t), label));
rt = `VBox (`Left(tabbar), `Frame( "", rt));
has_tab = false;
if (!enable_skip)
vbox = `VBox(
// Help message between headline and installation proposal / settings summary.
// May contain newlines, but don't make it very much longer than the original.
`Left( `Label( _("Click any headline to make changes or use the \"Change...\" menu below.") ) ),
vbox = `VBox(
`HBox (
`HSpacing (4),
Wizard::SetContents(headline, vbox, help_text(),
GetInstArgs::enable_back(), // have_back_button
false // have_next_button
if (UI::HasSpecialWidget (`DumbTab))
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`_cwm_tab), `CurrentItem, current_tab);
if ( Stage::stage () == "initial" )
// push button
Wizard::ShowReleaseNotesButton (_("&Show Release Notes"), `rel_notes);
* Query all submodules about their descriptions, build a "Change" menu
* from that, and cache the descriptions for further usage: They will
* become hyperlinks in the RichText widget, too. Return false if no
* submodule exists.
define boolean get_submod_descriptions_and_build_menu() ``{
list menu_list = [];
list<string> new_submodules = [];
integer no = 1;
titles = [];
map descriptions = $[];
foreach(string submod, submodules, ``{
map description = submod_description( submod );
if ( description == nil )
y2milestone( "Submodule %1 not available (not installed?)", submod );
if ( description != $[] )
description["no"] = no;
descriptions[submod] = description;
new_submodules = add( new_submodules, submod );
string title = description["rich_text_title"]:description["rich_text_raw_title"]:submod;
string id = description["id" ]:sformat( "module_%1", no );
titles = add( titles, title );
submod2id[submod] = id;
id2submod[id] = submod;
no = no + 1;
submodules = new_submodules; // maybe some submodules are not installed
y2milestone ("Execution order after rewrite: %1", submodules);
// now build the menu button
foreach (string submod, submodules_presentation, {
map descr = descriptions[submod]:$[];
if (descr != $[])
integer no = descr["no"]:0;
string id = descr["id"]:sformat( "module_%1", no);
if (haskey (descr, "menu_titles"))
foreach (map<string,string> i, descr["menu_titles"]:[], {
string id = i["id"]:"";
string title = i["title"]:"";
if (id != "" && title != "")
menu_list = add (menu_list, `item (`id (id),
title + "..."));
y2error ("Invalid menu item: %1", i);
string menu_title = descr["menu_title"]:descr["rich_text_title"]:submod;
menu_list = add( menu_list,
`item(`id( id ), menu_title + "..." ));
// menu button item
menu_list = add( menu_list, `item(`id(`reset_to_defaults), _("&Reset to defaults") ) );
// menu button
UI::ReplaceWidget(`id(`rep_menu), `MenuButton(`id(`menu), _("&Change..."), menu_list ) );
return no > 1;
* Set an appropriate wizard icon for the current proposal mode.
* .desktop files may or may not be available (e.g. in the inst-sys they are not),
* so use icon names directly rather than looking them up in the .desktop file
* with Wizard::SetDesktopIcon().
define void set_icon()
string icon = "yast-software";
if ( proposal_mode == "network" )
icon = "yast-network";
else if ( proposal_mode == "hardware" )
icon = "yast-controller";
else if ( proposal_properties["icon"]:"" != "" )
icon = proposal_properties["icon"]:"";
// else if ( proposal_mode == `uml ) icon = "";
// else if ( proposal_mode == `dirinstall ) icon = "";
Wizard::SetTitleIcon( icon );
* Help text for proposal dialog.
* @return string help text
define string help_text() ``{
string help_text_string = "";
// General part of the help text for all types of proposals
string how_to_change = _("<p>
Change the values by clicking on the respective headline
or by using the <b>Change...</b> menu.
if ( proposal_mode == "initial" && Mode::installation () )
// Help text for installation proposal
// General part ("You can change values...") is added as the next paragraph.
help_text_string = _("<p>
Use <b>Accept</b> to perform a new installation with the values displayed.
") + how_to_change;
// kicking out, bug #203811
// no such headline
// // Help text for installation proposal, continued
// help_text_string = help_text_string + _("<p>
//To update an existing &product; system instead of doing a new install,
//click the <b>Mode</b> headline or select <b>Mode</b> in the
//<b>Change...</b> menu.
* Deliberately omitting "boot installed system" here to avoid
* confusion: The user will be prompted for that if Linux
* partitions are found.
* - sh@suse.de 2002-02-26
// Help text for installation proposal, continued
help_text_string = help_text_string + _("<p>
Your hard disk has not been modified in any way, so you can still safely abort.
else if ( proposal_mode == "initial" && Mode::update () )
// Help text for update proposal
// General part ("You can change values...") is added as the next paragraph.
help_text_string = _("<p>
Use <b>Accept</b> to perform an update with the values displayed.
") + how_to_change;
* Deliberately omitting "boot installed system" here to avoid
* confusion: The user will be prompted for that if Linux
* partitions are found.
* - sh@suse.de 2002-02-26
// Help text for installation proposal, continued
help_text_string = help_text_string + _("<p>
Your hard disk has not been modified in any way, so you can still safely abort.
else if ( proposal_mode == "network" )
// Help text for network configuration proposal
// General part ("You can change values...") is added as the next paragraph.
help_text_string = _("<p>
Put the network settings into effect by pressing <b>Next</b>.
") + how_to_change;
else if ( proposal_mode == "service" )
// Help text for service configuration proposal
// General part ("You can change values...") is added as the next paragraph.
help_text_string = _("<p>
Put the service settings into effect by pressing <b>Next</b>.
") + how_to_change;
else if ( proposal_mode == "hardware" )
// Help text for hardware configuration proposal
// General part ("You can change values...") is added as the next paragraph.
help_text_string = _("<p>
Put the hardware settings into effect by pressing <b>Next</b>.
") + how_to_change;
else if (proposal_mode == "uml")
// Proposal in uml module
help_text_string = _("<P><B>UML Installation Proposal</B></P>")
// help text
+ _("<P>UML (User Mode Linux) installation allows you to start independent
Linux virtual machines in the host system.</P>");
else if (proposal_properties["help"]:"" != "")
// Proposal help from control file module
help_text_string = dgettext( ProductControl::getProposalTextDomain() ,
proposal_properties["help"]:"") +
// Generic help text for other proposals (not basic installation or
// hardhware configuration.
// General part ("You can change values...") is added as the next paragraph.
help_text_string = _("<p>
To use the settings as displayed, press <b>Next</b>.
") + how_to_change;
if (size(locked_modules) > 0 )
// help text
help_text_string = help_text_string + _("<p>Some proposals might be
locked by the system administrator, so cannot be changed. To change
a proposal that is locked, ask your system administrator.</p>");
return help_text_string;
/* main() */
// Create dialog
// This is done as early as possible for instant feedback, even though the
// menu is still empty. Fortunately enough, nobody will notice this since
// we also disable it until everything in there is known. This is to be
// done before even the submodule descriptions are known since they usually
// are in separate YCP files that liberally import other YCP modules which
// in turn takes considerable time for the module constructors.
y2milestone( "Installation step #2" );
proposal_mode = GetInstArgs::proposal();
if (contains (ProductControl::DisabledProposals, proposal_mode))
return `auto;
proposal_properties = ProductControl::getProposalProperties(Stage::stage (), Mode::mode (), proposal_mode);
// Get submodule descriptions
proposal_result = load_matching_submodules_list();
if (proposal_result == `abort)
return `abort;
UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`menu_dummy), `Enabled, false );
richtext_busy_cursor(`id(`proposal ) );
// The "next" button is disabled via Wizard::SetContents() until everything is set up allright
if (!get_submod_descriptions_and_build_menu ())
return `auto;
// Make the initial proposal
make_proposal( false, false );
// Set keyboard focus to the [Accept] or [Next] button
if (Stage::initial ())
Wizard::SetNextButton (`next, Label::AcceptButton ());
// Input loop
any input = nil;
while ( true )
richtext_normal_cursor(`id(`proposal ) );
input = Wizard::UserInput();
y2milestone("Proposal - UserInput: '%1'", input);
richtext_busy_cursor(`id(`proposal ) );
// check for tab
if (is (input, integer))
current_tab = (integer)input;
string proposal = "";
foreach (string mod, submodules_presentation, ``{
proposal = proposal + html[mod]:"";
display_proposal( proposal );
get_submod_descriptions_and_build_menu ();
// check for hyperlink id
if (is (input, string))
// get module for hyperlink id
string submod = id2submod[input]:"";
if (submod == "")
// also try hyperlinks
submod = link2submod[input]:"";
if (submod != "")
// if submod is not the same as input id, provide id to the module
map<string,any> additional_info = $[
"has_next" : false,
if (submod != input)
additional_info["chosen_id"] = input;
// Call AskUser() function.
// This will trigger another call to make_proposal() internally.
input = submod_ask_user( submod, additional_info );
// The workflow_sequence doesn't get handled as a workflow sequence
// so we have to do this special case here. Kind of broken.
if (input == `finish)
return `finish;
else if (input == `rel_notes)
WFM::CallFunction("release_notes_popup", [] );
else if (input == `finish)
return `finish;
else if (input == `abort)
if ( Stage::initial () )
if (Popup::ConfirmAbort (`painless))
return `abort;
if (Popup::ConfirmAbort (`incomplete))
return `abort;
else if (input == `reset_to_defaults
&& Popup::ContinueCancel(
// question in a popup box
_("Really reset everything to default values?") + "\n" +
// explain consequences of a decision
_("You will lose all changes.") ) )
make_proposal( true, false ); // force_reset
else if ( input == `skip || input == `dontskip )
if ((boolean) UI::QueryWidget (`id(`skip), `Value))
// User doesn't want to use any of the settings
UI::ChangeWidget( `id(`proposal), `Value,
HTML::Newlines( 3 ) +
// message show when user has disabled the configuration
HTML::Para( _("Skipping configuration upon user request") )
UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`menu), `Enabled, false );
// User changed his mind and wants the settings back - recreate them
make_proposal( false, false );
UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`menu), `Enabled, true );
else if ( input == `next )
boolean skip = UI::WidgetExists(`id(`skip) ) ? (boolean) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`skip), `Value ) : true;
boolean skip_blocker = UI::WidgetExists(`id(`skip) ) && skip;
if (have_blocker && !skip_blocker)
// error message is a popup
Popup::Error (_("The proposal contains an error that must be
resolved before continuing.
if ( Stage::stage () == "initial" )
input = WFM::CallFunction("inst_doit", [] );
// bugzilla #219097, #221571, yast2-update on running system
else if ( Stage::stage () == "normal" && Mode::update () )
if (! confirmInstallation()) {
y2milestone ("Update not confirmed, returning back...");
input = nil;
if ( input == `next )
// anything that needs to be done before
// real installation starts
if ( ! skip )
return `next;
else if ( input == `back )
if (Stage::initial ())
Wizard::SetNextButton (`next, Label::NextButton ());
return `back;
} // while input loop
/* EOF */