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152 lines
* Module: inst_prepdisk.ycp
* Authors: Mathias Kettner (kettner@suse.de) (initial)
* Stefan Schubert (schubi@suse.de)
* Klaus Kaempf (kkaempf@suse.de)
* Purpose:
* Displays a progress bar showing progress of disk preparation.
* The user has the opportunity to cancel the installation. The
* disks are partitioned. Swap is created and used. File systems
* are created for the new partitions. Mount points are created
* and mounted for the targets / and /boot.
* SCR: Write(.disk + scrpath + .partitions, targetpartitions)
* Execute (.target.mkdir, [ <mountpoint>, 0755] )
* Execute (.target.mount, [<device>, <mountpoint>] )
* possible return values: `back, `abort `next
* $Id: inst_prepdisk.ycp 27702 2006-02-07 18:15:33Z fehr $
// TODO: - check for errors on non i386
// - lvm?
textdomain "storage";
import "Installation";
import "Mode";
import "Stage";
import "Wizard";
import "Storage";
import "Hotplug";
if (Mode::update ())
return `auto;
include "partitioning/partition_defines.ycp";
boolean test_mode = Mode::test();
boolean this_is_for_real = !test_mode;
SCR::Write( .target.ycp, Storage::SaveDumpPath("targetMap_ps"),
Storage::GetTargetMap() );
// Define macro that creates a dialog with progressbar
define void MakefsDialog()
// html-format
// advise the user to wait for completion
// part 1 of 2
string helptext = _("<p>
Please wait while your hard disk is prepared for installation...
if( !Stage::initial () )
helptext = _("<p>
Please wait while your hard disk is prepared...
// rich-text format help text part 2 of 2
helptext = helptext + _("\
Depending on the size of your hard disk and your processor speed, this action
might take some time. Five minutes are not unusual for disks larger than 4 GB.
Often, the progress meter does not show a linear progress. Even if it looks
slow near the end (\"95 %\"), please be patient. The formatting tool
performs various checks. </p>");
// The Wizard module sets a special protection mode for "Accept"
// buttons to prevent sloppy calls to Wizard::SetContents()
// from disabling it. This doesn't apply here, however -
// switching protection mode off.
UI::WizardCommand(`ProtectNextButton( false ) );
// hard disk will be made ready for installing Linux
Wizard::SetContents(_("Preparing Your Hard Disk"),
`ProgressBar(`id(`progress), " ", 100),
helptext, false, false);
y2milestone( "BEGINNING of inst_prepdisk" );
// check for ppc-PReP/CHRP system, they need a special boot partition
// todo -> put this in a lib, we need it also in inst_custom_part ...
y2milestone( "installation=%1", Stage::initial() );
symbol ret_val = `next;
integer ret = Storage::CommitChanges();
y2milestone( "CommitChanges ret:%1", ret );
if( ret!=0 )
string txt = sformat(_("Failure occurred during following action:
System error code was: %1
"), ret, Storage::LastAction() );
string ext = Storage::ExtendedErrorMsg();
if( size(ext)>0 )
txt = txt + "\n\n" + ext;
Popup::Error( txt );
ret_val = `abort;
//mount proc and usbfs during installation
if( Stage::initial() )
* If a kernel without initrd is booted, then there is a small window
* between mounting the root filesystem until /etc/init.d/boot
* mounts /dev as tmpfs mount. A few device nodes have to be on-disk,
* like /dev/console, /dev/null etc.
* During install time, provide the same set of device nodes to the chroot
* They are needed at the end for the bootloader installation.
string cmd = "mkdir -vp " + Storage::PathToDestdir("/dev") +
"; cp --preserve=all --recursive --remove-destination /lib/udev/devices/* " + Storage::PathToDestdir("/dev") +
"; mount -v --bind /dev " + Storage::PathToDestdir("/dev");
y2milestone( "cmd %1", cmd );
map m = (map) SCR::Execute(.target.bash_output, cmd );
y2milestone( "ret %1", m );
string destproc = Installation::scr_destdir+"/proc";
SCR::Execute (.target.mount, ["proc", destproc], "-t proc");
if (Hotplug::haveUSB)
SCR::Execute( .target.mount, ["usbfs", destproc +"/bus/usb"],
"-t usbfs" );
destproc = Installation::scr_destdir+"/sys";
SCR::Execute (.target.mount, ["sysfs", destproc], "-t sysfs");
SCR::Write( .target.ycp, Storage::SaveDumpPath("targetMap_pe"),
Storage::GetTargetMap() );
y2milestone("END of inst_prepdisk.ycp");
return ret_val;