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- ;put into the public domain by Russell Nelson, nelson@crynwr.com
- ; here we define a queue of variable-sized objects. Each object is preceded
- ; by the length of the object. If the length is zero, then the next real item
- ; is found at queue_begin. Queue_push doesn't check to see if you're pushing
- ; an item that simply will not fit on the queue.
- queue_length dw 10000,? ;length of the queue.
- queue_tail dw ? ;points after the last item in the queue.
- queue_head dw ? ;points to the first item in the queue.
- queue_end dw ? ;points to the end of the queue, but
- ;there is room for one more event after
- ;this one.
- if 0
- queue_dump:
- mov ax,offset queue_begin
- call wordout
- mov al,' '
- call chrout
- mov ax,queue_tail
- call wordout
- mov al,' '
- call chrout
- mov ax,queue_head
- call wordout
- mov al,' '
- call chrout
- mov ax,queue_end
- call wordout
- call crlf
- ret
- endif
- queue_init:
- ;initialize the queue.
- mov bx,offset queue_begin
- mov queue_head,bx
- mov queue_tail,bx
- add bx,queue_length
- sub bx,2 ;we may go past end by as much as 2.
- mov queue_end,bx ;initialize the head of the queue.
- ret
- queue_pull:
- ;exit with nc, si,cx describing next item on queue,
- ; or cy if no more items.
- queue_pull_0:
- mov si,queue_head ;load si, cx.
- cmp si,queue_tail ;quit when we hit the tail.
- je queue_pull_2
- mov cx,code:[si] ;get this one's length.
- jcxz queue_pull_1 ;zero means wrap around.
- add si,2 ;advance si to next.
- add si,cx
- xchg si,queue_head ;update queue_head.
- add si,2
- clc
- ret
- queue_pull_1:
- mov queue_head,offset queue_begin ;wrap around to beginning.
- jmp queue_pull_0
- queue_pull_2:
- stc
- ret
- queue_push:
- ;enter with cx = number of bytes that we require in the queue.
- ;exit with nc, di -> data part of our entry,
- ; or cy if there isn't room.
- ;this code is slightly suboptimal in that if there isn't enough room at the
- ;end of the queue to hold the current item, it will wrap the queue tail around.
- ;if it then runs into the queue head, the space at the end is now wasted.
- ;You may wish to discard old entries rather than new. If that is the case,
- ;then if queue_push returns cy, call queue_pull and try again.
- queue_push_0:
- mov di,queue_tail ;get the pointer.
- cmp di,queue_head ;if the tail is before the head,
- jb queue_push_2 ; we just compare.
- add di,2 ;leave room for the count.
- add di,cx
- jmp short queue_push_4
- queue_push_2:
- ;we get here if the tail *was* before the head.
- add di,2 ;leave room for the count.
- add di,cx
- cmp di,queue_head ;is the tail now after the head?
- ja queue_push_3 ;yes, we don't have room.
- queue_push_4:
- cmp di,queue_end ;time to wrap?
- jbe queue_push_1 ;not yet.
- mov di,queue_tail
- mov word ptr code:[di],0 ;make a zero-length event here.
- mov queue_tail,offset queue_begin
- jmp queue_push_0
- queue_push_3:
- stc
- ret
- queue_push_1:
- xchg di,queue_tail ;update the tail and get new pointer.
- mov code:[di],cx ;store the length of this entry here.
- add di,2
- clc
- ret
- queue_unpush:
- ;call with si -> same value returned by queue_push.
- sub si,2
- mov queue_tail,si ;throw this one back.
- ret