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- ;put into the public domain by Russell Nelson, nelson@crynwr.com
- ;code to do graphics at 320x200x256 on both EGAs and VGAs.
- ; we want to be able to call these routines as if they were real addresses,
- ; and we don't want to have to index into a table. Therefore, the init_vid
- ; routine will copy the correct set of addresses into the following locations.
- address_list label word
- ;After calling open_vid, you can't change es, di, dx, or ah.
- ;al and bx will get trashed, but they need not be preserved.
- open_vid dw ? ;enter with cx,dx=initial point.
- move_right dw ? ;move the point right.
- move_left dw ? ;move the point left.
- move_up dw ? ;move the point up.
- move_down dw ? ;move the point down.
- set_bit dw ? ;set the pixel at the point to al.
- set_line dw ? ;set the row of pixels at the point to
- ;the list of cx pixels at ds:si.
- close_vid dw ? ;clean up after open_vid
- uninit_vid dw ? ;clean up after init_vid, return to text mode.
- address_end label word
- ega_adrs dw init_vid_ega, open_vid_ega, move_right_ega, move_left_ega
- dw move_up_ega, move_down_ega, set_bit_ega, set_line_ega
- dw close_vid_ega, uninit_vid_ega
- vga_adrs dw init_vid_vga, open_vid_vga, move_right_vga, move_left_vga
- dw move_up_vga, move_down_vga, set_bit_vga, set_line_vga
- dw close_vid_vga, uninit_vid_vga
- init_vid:
- ;test for VGA.
- mov ax,1a00h
- int 10h
- cmp al,1ah
- mov si,offset vga_adrs
- ifndef FORCE_EGA
- je have_vga
- endif
- mov si,offset ega_adrs
- have_vga:
- lodsw ;get the init_vid_* routine.
- push ds
- pop es
- mov di,offset address_list
- mov cx,(offset address_end - offset address_list) / 2
- rep movsw
- jmp ax ;jump to the proper init_vid routine.
- init_vid_vga:
- mov ax,13h ;put the screen into vga mode.
- int 10h
- call pal_save ;save the palette
- call pal_setgrey ;set to a gray palette.
- ret
- uninit_vid_vga:
- call pal_restore
- mov ax,3h ;put the screen into text mode.
- int 10h
- ret
- init_vid_ega:
- mov ax,10h ;put the screen into ega mode.
- int 10h
- mov ax,1000h ;change the palette entry for 7
- mov bx,77Q*256 + 7 ; to 77 octal.
- int 10h
- mov ax,1000h ;. .
- mov bx,007Q*256 + 08h
- int 10h
- mov ax,1000h ;. .
- mov bx,010Q*256 + 09h
- int 10h
- mov ax,1000h ;. .
- mov bx,020Q*256 + 0ah
- int 10h
- mov ax,1000h ;. .
- mov bx,030Q*256 + 0bh
- int 10h
- mov ax,1000h ;. .
- mov bx,040Q*256 + 0ch
- int 10h
- mov ax,1000h ;. .
- mov bx,050Q*256 + 0dh
- int 10h
- mov ax,1000h ;. .
- mov bx,060Q*256 + 0eh
- int 10h
- mov ax,1000h ;. .
- mov bx,070Q*256 + 0fh
- int 10h
- ret
- uninit_vid_ega:
- mov ax,3h ;put the screen into text mode.
- int 10h
- ret
- pal_save:
- ;Save existing palette
- mov ax,1017h ;get all palette registers.
- mov bx,0 ;first palette register.
- mov cx,256 ;read all palette registers.
- push ds
- pop es
- mov dx,offset save_dacs
- int 10h
- ret
- pal_setgrey:
- mov di,offset gray_dacs
- mov al,0
- pal_setgrey_1:
- mov cx,3 * 256 / 64 ;3 colors, 256 grays, 64 slots.
- rep stosb
- inc al
- cmp al,64
- jb pal_setgrey_1
- mov dx,offset gray_dacs
- jmp short pal_set
- pal_restore:
- mov dx,offset save_dacs
- pal_set:
- mov ax,1012h ;set all palette registers.
- mov bx,0 ;first palette register.
- mov cx,256 ;read all palette registers.
- push ds
- pop es
- int 10h
- ret
- open_vid_vga:
- ;enter with cx,dx = point on screen.
- ;exit with es:di,ah -> byte/bit on screen.
- mov ax,0a000h
- mov es,ax
- mov ax,320 ;width of screen.
- mul dx
- add ax,cx ;add the offset in.
- mov di,ax ;remember our pointer.
- ret
- move_right_vga:
- inc di
- ret
- move_left_vga:
- dec di
- ret
- move_up_vga:
- sub di,320 ;width of screen.
- ret
- move_down_vga:
- add di,320 ;width of screen.
- ret
- set_line_vga:
- ;enter with the current pixel set up, ds:si -> row of pixels, cx=number of
- ;pixels. Exit with the same point set up.
- push di
- shr cx,1
- rep movsw
- jnc set_line_vga_1
- movsb
- set_line_vga_1:
- pop di
- ret
- set_bit_vga:
- mov es:[di],al
- ret
- close_vid_vga:
- ret
- ; the EGA code follows. It uses a group of four pixels to achieve the
- ; appearance of 14 different graylevels.
- open_vid_ega:
- ;enter with cx,dx = point on screen.
- ;exit with es:di,ah -> byte/bit on screen.
- mov ax,0a000h
- mov es,ax
- mov ax,640/8*2 ;bytes per scan line * scan lines per pixel
- mul dx
- mov di,ax
- mov ax,cx ;/8*2
- shr ax,1
- shr ax,1
- add di,ax
- mov dx,03ceh ;graphics controller
- mov ax,0205h ;write mode 2.
- out dx,al
- inc dx
- mov al,ah
- out dx,al
- dec dx
- mov al,08h ;select bitmap register.
- out dx,al
- inc dx
- shl cx,1 ;compute the bit.
- and cl,7
- mov ah,80h
- shr ah,cl
- ret
- move_right_ega:
- shr ah,1 ;move right by a bit.
- ror ah,1 ;move right by another bit,
- adc di,0 ; and handle byte increment.
- ret
- move_left_ega:
- rol ah,1 ;move left by a bit,
- adc di,0 ; and handle byte increment.
- shl ah,1 ;move left by another bit.
- ret
- move_up_ega:
- sub di,80*2 ;width of screen.
- ret
- move_down_ega:
- add di,80*2 ;width of screen.
- ret
- set_line_ega:
- ;enter with the current pixel set up, ds:si -> row of pixels, cx=number of
- ;pixels. Exit with the same point set up.
- push ax
- push di
- set_line_ega_1:
- lodsb
- call set_bit
- ;beginning of in-line move_right
- shr ah,1 ;move right by a bit.
- ror ah,1 ;move right by another bit,
- adc di,0 ; and handle byte increment.
- ;end of in-line move_right
- loop set_line_ega_1
- pop di
- pop ax
- ret
- set_bit_ega:
- mov bl,al
- xor bh,bh
- mov al,ah
- out dx,al
- mov al,ulpal[bx]
- xchg es:[di],al ;store the palette value.
- mov al,llpal[bx]
- xchg es:[di+80],al ;store the palette value.
- shr ah,1 ;move right by a bit.
- mov al,ah
- out dx,al
- mov al,urpal[bx]
- xchg es:[di],al ;store the palette value.
- mov al,lrpal[bx]
- xchg es:[di+80],al ;store the palette value.
- shl ah,1 ;restore the bit.
- ret
- close_vid_ega:
- mov al,0ffh ;mask = all ones.
- out dx,al
- dec dx
- mov ax,0005h ;write mode 0
- out dx,al
- inc dx
- mov al,ah
- out dx,al
- ret
- ulpal db 20 dup(00h)
- db 20 dup(09h)
- db 20 dup(0bh)
- db 20 dup(0fh)
- db 20 dup(0fh)
- db 20 dup(0fh)
- db 20 dup(0fh)
- db 20 dup(08h)
- db 20 dup(08h)
- db 20 dup(07h)
- db 20 dup(07h)
- db 20 dup(07h)
- db 20 dup(07h)
- urpal db 20 dup(00h)
- db 20 dup(00h)
- db 20 dup(0ch)
- db 20 dup(0eh)
- db 20 dup(0fh)
- db 20 dup(08h)
- db 20 dup(08h)
- db 20 dup(08h)
- db 20 dup(08h)
- db 20 dup(08h)
- db 20 dup(08h)
- db 20 dup(08h)
- db 20 dup(07h)
- llpal db 20 dup(00h)
- db 20 dup(0ch)
- db 20 dup(0ch)
- db 20 dup(0dh)
- db 20 dup(0fh)
- db 20 dup(0fh)
- db 20 dup(08h)
- db 20 dup(08h)
- db 20 dup(08h)
- db 20 dup(08h)
- db 20 dup(08h)
- db 20 dup(07h)
- db 20 dup(07h)
- lrpal db 20 dup(00h)
- db 20 dup(0ah)
- db 20 dup(0bh)
- db 20 dup(0bh)
- db 20 dup(0fh)
- db 20 dup(0fh)
- db 20 dup(0fh)
- db 20 dup(0fh)
- db 20 dup(08h)
- db 20 dup(08h)
- db 20 dup(07h)
- db 20 dup(07h)
- db 20 dup(07h)
- save_dacs db 256 * 3 dup(?)
- gray_dacs db 256 * 3 dup(?)