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- version equ 3
- ;History:685,1
- ; Copyright, 1991-1992, Russell Nelson, Crynwr Software
- ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- ; the Free Software Foundation, version 1.
- ;
- ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ; GNU General Public License for more details.
- ;
- ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- ; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- ; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- include defs.asm
- NI_CSR equ 0
- RBI equ 2
- DATA_REG equ 4
- ADDR_REG equ 6
- CSR0 equ 0
- CSR1 equ 1
- CSR2 equ 2
- CSR3 equ 3
- EBASE equ 0ch
- RBSA equ 0eh
- ;CSR bit definitions
- CSR_RBT equ 100h
- CSR_SHE equ 80h
- CSR_SWAP32 equ 40h
- CSR_BUF equ 20h
- CSR_RBE equ 10h
- CSR_DUM equ 08h ;for rev E. DEPCA compatability
- CSR_IM equ 04h
- CSR_IEN equ 02h
- CSR_LED equ 01h
- outport macro reg
- push ax
- setport ADDR_REG
- mov ax,reg
- out dx,ax
- in ax,dx ;always follow a write by a read
- setport DATA_REG
- pop ax
- out dx,ax
- in ax,dx ;always follow a write by a read
- endm
- ;
- ; Control and Status Register 0 (CSR0) bit definitions
- ;
- CSR0_ERR equ 8000h ; Error summary
- CSR0_BABL equ 4000h ; Babble transmitter timeout error
- CSR0_CERR equ 2000h ; Collision Error
- CSR0_MISS equ 1000h ; Missed packet
- CSR0_MERR equ 0800h ; Memory Error
- CSR0_RINT equ 0400h ; Reciever Interrupt
- CSR0_TINT equ 0200h ; Transmit Interrupt
- CSR0_IDON equ 0100h ; Initialization Done
- CSR0_INTR equ 0080h ; Interrupt Flag
- CSR0_INEA equ 0040h ; Interrupt Enable
- CSR0_RXON equ 0020h ; Receiver on
- CSR0_TXON equ 0010h ; Transmitter on
- CSR0_TDMD equ 0008h ; Transmit Demand
- CSR0_STOP equ 0004h ; Stop
- CSR0_STRT equ 0002h ; Start
- CSR0_INIT equ 0001h ; Initialize
- ;
- ; Initialization Block Mode operation Bit Definitions.
- ;
- M_PROM equ 8000h ; Promiscuous Mode
- M_INTL equ 0040h ; Internal Loopback
- M_DRTY equ 0020h ; Disable Retry
- M_COLL equ 0010h ; Force Collision
- M_DTCR equ 0008h ; Disable Transmit CRC)
- M_LOOP equ 0004h ; Loopback
- M_DTX equ 0002h ; Disable the Transmitter
- M_DRX equ 0001h ; Disable the Reciever
- ;
- ; Receive message descriptor bit definitions.
- ;
- RCV_OWN equ 8000h ; owner bit 0 = host, 1 = lance
- RCV_ERR equ 4000h ; Error Summary
- RCV_FRAM equ 2000h ; Framing Error
- RCV_OFLO equ 1000h ; Overflow Error
- RCV_CRC equ 0800h ; CRC Error
- RCV_BUF_ERR equ 0400h ; Buffer Error
- RCV_START equ 0200h ; Start of Packet
- RCV_END equ 0100h ; End of Packet
- ;
- ; Transmit message descriptor bit definitions.
- ;
- XMIT_OWN equ 8000h ; owner bit 0 = host, 1 = lance
- XMIT_ERR equ 4000h ; Error Summary
- XMIT_RETRY equ 1000h ; more the 1 retry needed to Xmit
- XMIT_1_RETRY equ 0800h ; one retry needed to Xmit
- XMIT_DEF equ 0400h ; Deferred
- XMIT_START equ 0200h ; Start of Packet
- XMIT_END equ 0100h ; End of Packet
- ;
- ; Miscellaneous Equates
- ;
- TRANSMIT_BUF_COUNT equ 1 ;must be a power of two.
- RECEIVE_BUF_COUNT equ 16 ;must be a power of two.
- ;
- ; Receive Message Descriptor
- ;
- rcv_msg_dscp struc
- rmd0 dw ? ; Rec. Buffer Lo-Address
- rmd1 dw ? ; Status bits / Hi-Address
- rmd2 dw ? ; Buff Byte-length (2's Comp)
- rmd3 dw ? ; Receive message length
- rcv_msg_dscp ends
- ;
- ; Transmit Message Descriptor
- ;
- xmit_msg_dscp struc
- tmd0 dw ? ; Xmit Buffer Lo-Address
- tmd1 dw ? ; Status bits / Hi-Address
- tmd2 dw ? ; Buff Byte-length (2's Comp)
- tmd3 dw ? ; Buffer Status bits & TDR value
- xmit_msg_dscp ends
- lance_seg segment at 0
- ;
- ;the LANCE requires that the descriptor pointers be on a qword boundary.
- ;
- align 8
- transmit_dscps xmit_msg_dscp TRANSMIT_BUF_COUNT dup(<>)
- receive_dscps rcv_msg_dscp RECEIVE_BUF_COUNT dup(<>)
- ;
- ; LANCE Initialization Block
- ;
- align 2
- init_block label byte
- init_mode dw 0
- init_addr db EADDR_LEN dup(?) ; Our Ethernet address
- init_filter db 8 dup(0) ;Multicast filter.
- init_receive dw ?,? ;Receive Ring Pointer.
- init_transmit dw ?,? ;Transmit Ring Pointer.
- transmit_bufs equ 800h
- receive_bufs equ 1000h
- lance_seg ends
- code segment para public
- assume cs:code, ds:code
- public int_no
- int_no db 2,0,0,0 ;must be four bytes long for get_number.
- io_addr dw -1,-1
- base_addr dw -1,-1
- public driver_class, driver_type, driver_name, driver_function, parameter_list
- driver_class db BLUEBOOK, IEEE8023, 0 ;from the packet spec
- driver_type db 66 ;from the packet spec
- driver_name db 'DEPCA',0 ;name of the driver.
- driver_function db 2 ;basic, extended
- parameter_list label byte
- db 1 ;major rev of packet driver
- db 9 ;minor rev of packet driver
- db 14 ;length of parameter list
- db EADDR_LEN ;length of MAC-layer address
- dw GIANT ;MTU, including MAC headers
- dw MAX_MULTICAST * EADDR_LEN ;buffer size of multicast addrs
- dw RECEIVE_BUF_COUNT-1 ;(# of back-to-back MTU rcvs) - 1
- dw TRANSMIT_BUF_COUNT-1 ;(# of successive xmits) - 1
- int_num dw 0 ;Interrupt # to hook for post-EOI
- ;processing, 0 == none,
- public rcv_modes
- rcv_modes dw 7 ;number of receive modes in our table.
- dw 0 ;There is no mode zero
- dw 0 ;none at all.
- dw 0 ;only ours.
- dw rcv_mode_3 ;ours plus broadcast
- dw 0 ;some multicasts
- dw 0 ;all multicasts
- dw rcv_mode_6 ;all packets
- save_csr1 dw ?
- save_csr2 dw ?
- transmit_head dw transmit_dscps ;->next packet to be filled by host.
- receive_head dw receive_dscps ;->next packet to be filled by LANCE.
- ni_csr_value db CSR_SHE or CSR_DUM or CSR_IEN or CSR_SWAP32
- translate_address dw ? ;->routine to translate the address.
- ;enter with ax = address.
- ;exit with di = translated address, RBI/NI_CSR set as needed.
- ;may trash dx.
- assume ds:nothing
- translate_64k:
- mov di,ax
- ret
- translate_32k:
- ;move the window to the appropriate address.
- mov di,ax
- loadport
- setport NI_CSR
- mov al,ni_csr_value
- test di,8000h
- je translate_32k_1
- and al,not CSR_SWAP32
- translate_32k_1:
- out dx,al
- and di,7fffh ;only 32K of memory.
- ret
- translate_2k:
- ;move the window to the appropriate address.
- loadport
- setport RBI
- shr ax,1 ;compute the 2K window.
- shr ax,1 ;divide by 8
- shr ax,1
- mov al,ah ;divide by 256 (8*256 = 2K).
- out dx,al
- xor di,di
- ret
- public bad_command_intercept
- bad_command_intercept:
- ;called with ah=command, unknown to the skeleton.
- ;exit with nc if okay, cy, dh=error if not.
- mov dh,BAD_COMMAND
- stc
- ret
- public as_send_pkt
- ; The Asynchronous Transmit Packet routine.
- ; Enter with es:di -> i/o control block, ds:si -> packet, cx = packet length,
- ; interrupts possibly enabled.
- ; Exit with nc if ok, or else cy if error, dh set to error number.
- ; es:di and interrupt enable flag preserved on exit.
- as_send_pkt:
- ret
- public drop_pkt
- ; Drop a packet from the queue.
- ; Enter with es:di -> iocb.
- drop_pkt:
- assume ds:nothing
- ret
- public xmit
- ; Process a transmit interrupt with the least possible latency to achieve
- ; back-to-back packet transmissions.
- ; May only use ax and dx.
- xmit:
- assume ds:nothing
- ret
- public send_pkt
- send_pkt:
- ;enter with ds:si -> packet, cx = packet length.
- ;exit with nc if ok, or else cy if error, dh set to error number.
- assume ds:nothing
- cmp cx,GIANT ; Is this packet too large?
- ja send_pkt_toobig
- mov es,base_addr
- assume es:lance_seg
- xor ax,ax ;go back to base window (if changed).
- call translate_address
- xor bx,bx
- mov ax,18
- call set_timeout
- send_pkt_1:
- test transmit_dscps[bx].tmd1,XMIT_OWN ;Did the lance chip give it back?
- je send_pkt_2
- call do_timeout
- jne send_pkt_1
- mov dh,CANT_SEND
- stc
- ret
- send_pkt_toobig:
- mov dh,NO_SPACE
- stc
- ret
- send_pkt_2:
- ;reset error indications.
- and transmit_dscps[bx].tmd1,not (XMIT_ERR or XMIT_DEF or XMIT_1_RETRY or XMIT_RETRY) ;Did the lance chip give it back?
- mov transmit_dscps[bx].tmd3,0 ;reset all error bits.
- mov ax,cx ;store the count.
- cmp ax,RUNT ; minimum length for Ether
- ja oklen
- mov ax,RUNT ; make sure size at least RUNT
- oklen:
- neg ax
- mov transmit_dscps[bx].tmd2,ax ;store the negative of the cnt.
- mov ax,transmit_dscps[bx].tmd0 ;store the packet.
- call translate_address
- shr cx,1
- rep movsw
- jnc send_pkt_3
- movsb
- send_pkt_3:
- xor ax,ax
- call translate_address
- mov es,base_addr
- assume es:lance_seg
- or transmit_dscps[bx].tmd1,XMIT_OWN ;give it to the lance chip.
- ;Inform LANCE that it should poll for a packet.
- loadport
- mov ax,CSR0_INEA or CSR0_TDMD
- outport CSR0
- clc
- ret
- detect_board:
- ;test to see if a board is located at io_addr.
- ;setup to read first byte of ethernet address rom when successful.
- ;return nz if not.
- assume cs:code, ds:code
- loadport
- setport NI_CSR ;enable the rev. E DEPCA card.
- mov al,CSR_DUM
- out dx,al
- setport EBASE ;is it in this port?
- call detect_port
- je detect_board_1 ;yup!
- setport EBASE+1 ;look on the next port for rev. E
- call detect_port
- detect_board_1:
- pushf ;preserve the result.
- loadport
- setport NI_CSR ;restore the NI_CSR contents.
- mov al,ni_csr_value
- out dx,al
- popf
- ret
- depca_pattern db 0FFh, 00h, 55h, 0AAh, 0FFh, 00h, 55h, 0AAh
- detect_port:
- ;enter with dx = port to read from, looking for depca_pattern.
- ;exit with zr if we found it, nz if not.
- mov cx,32+8 ;do 32 reps, plus look at 8 to match.
- mov di,0 ;start at the beginning of the string.
- detect_port_1:
- in al,dx ;input byte.
- cmp al,depca_pattern[di] ;do they match?
- jne detect_port_2 ;no, try again.
- inc di ;yes, look at another character.
- cmp di, 8 ;need to match eight chars.
- jne short detect_port_3
- ret
- detect_port_2:
- xor di,di ;start at the beginning of the pattern.
- detect_port_3:
- loop detect_port_1
- or sp,sp ;return nz.
- ret
- public set_address
- set_address:
- ;enter with ds:si -> Ethernet address, CX = length of address.
- ;exit with nc if okay, or cy, dh=error if any errors.
- assume ds:nothing
- cmp cx,EADDR_LEN ;ensure that their address is okay.
- je set_address_4
- mov dh,BAD_ADDRESS
- stc
- jmp short set_address_done
- set_address_4:
- mov es,base_addr
- mov di,offset init_addr
- rep movsb
- call initialize ;initialize with our new address.
- set_address_okay:
- mov cx,EADDR_LEN ;return their address length.
- clc
- set_address_done:
- movseg ds,cs
- assume ds:code
- ret
- rcv_mode_1:
- mov ax,M_DRX ;disable the receiver.
- jmp initialize_nomulti
- rcv_mode_3:
- xor ax,ax ;don't accept any multicast frames.
- call initialize_multi
- mov ax,0 ;non-promiscuous mode
- jmp short initialize_nomulti
- rcv_mode_5:
- mov ax,-1 ;accept any multicast frames.
- call initialize_multi
- mov ax,0 ;non-promiscuous mode
- jmp short initialize_nomulti
- rcv_mode_6:
- mov ax,M_PROM ;promiscuous mode
- initialize_nomulti:
- mov es,base_addr
- mov es:init_mode,ax
- initialize:
- loadport
- mov ax,CSR0_STOP ;reset the INIT bit.
- outport CSR0
- mov ax,2 ;write the bus config register.
- outport CSR3
- mov ax,save_csr1 ;write the low word.
- outport CSR1
- mov ax,save_csr2 ;write the high word.
- outport CSR2
- mov ax,CSR0_INEA or CSR0_STRT or CSR0_INIT ;reinit and restart.
- outport CSR0
- setport DATA_REG
- mov ax,36 ;wait one second for the board
- call set_timeout ; to timeout.
- initialize_1:
- in ax,dx
- test ax,CSR0_IDON
- jne initialize_2
- call do_timeout
- jne initialize_1
- stc
- ret
- initialize_2:
- clc
- ret
- initialize_multi:
- ;enter with ax = value for all multicast hash bits.
- mov es,base_addr
- mov di,offset init_filter
- mov cx,8/2
- rep stosw
- ret
- public set_multicast_list
- set_multicast_list:
- ;enter with ds:si ->list of multicast addresses, ax = number of addresses,
- ; cx = number of bytes.
- ;return nc if we set all of them, or cy,dh=error if we didn't.
- mov dh,NO_MULTICAST ;for some reason we can't do multi's.
- stc
- ret
- public terminate
- terminate:
- call rcv_mode_1 ;don't receive any packets.
- loadport ;disable the RAM, enable ROM.
- setport NI_CSR
- in al,dx
- and al,not CSR_SHE
- out dx,al
- ret
- public reset_interface
- reset_interface:
- ;reset the interface.
- assume ds:code
- ret
- ;called when we want to determine what to do with a received packet.
- ;enter with cx = packet length, es:di -> packet type, dl = packet class.
- extrn recv_find: near
- ;called after we have copied the packet into the buffer.
- ;enter with ds:si ->the packet, cx = length of the packet.
- extrn recv_copy: near
- ;call this routine to schedule a subroutine that gets run after the
- ;recv_isr. This is done by stuffing routine's address in place
- ;of the recv_isr iret's address. This routine should push the flags when it
- ;is entered, and should jump to recv_exiting_exit to leave.
- ;enter with ax = address of routine to run.
- extrn schedule_exiting: near
- ;recv_exiting jumps here to exit, after pushing the flags.
- extrn recv_exiting_exit: near
- extrn count_in_err: near
- extrn count_out_err: near
- public recv
- recv:
- ;called from the recv isr. All registers have been saved, and ds=cs.
- ;Upon exit, the interrupt will be acknowledged.
- assume ds:code
- xor ax,ax
- call translate_address
- loadport
- setport ADDR_REG
- mov ax,CSR0
- out dx,ax
- in ax,dx
- setport DATA_REG
- in ax,dx
- mov bx,ax ;make a copy.
- ; Acknowledge the Interrupt from the controller, but disable further
- ; controller Interrupts until we service the current interrupt.
- ;
- ;
- out dx,ax
- in ax,dx ; follow all writes by a read
- test bx,CSR0_RINT ;receive interrupt?
- jne recv_RINT ;yes.
- jmp recv_done ;no, we're done.
- recv_RINT:
- mov es,base_addr
- assume es:lance_seg
- mov bx,receive_head
- recv_search:
- test lance_seg:[bx].rmd1,RCV_OWN ;do we own this buffer?
- je recv_own ;yes - process it.
- call inc_recv_ring ;go to the next one.
- cmp bx,receive_head ;did we get back to the beginning?
- jne recv_search ;not yet.
- jmp recv_done ;yes -- spurious interrupt!
- recv_own:
- test lance_seg:[bx].rmd1,RCV_ERR ;Any errors in this buffer?
- jne recv_err ;yes -- ignore this packet.
- mov cx,lance_seg:[bx].rmd3
- and cx,0fffh ;strip off the reserved bits
- sub cx,4 ;leave the CRC behind.
- mov ax,lance_seg:[bx].rmd0 ;get the pointer into di.
- call translate_address
- push es
- push di
- push bx
- add di,EADDR_LEN+EADDR_LEN ;skip the ethernet addreses and
- ; point to the packet type.
- mov dl, BLUEBOOK ;assume bluebook Ethernet.
- mov ax, es:[di]
- xchg ah, al
- cmp ax, 1500
- ja BlueBookPacket
- inc di ;set di to 802.2 header
- inc di
- mov dl, IEEE8023
- BlueBookPacket:
- push cx
- call recv_find
- pop cx
- pop bx
- pop si
- pop ds
- assume ds:nothing, es:nothing
- mov ax,es ;is this pointer null?
- or ax,di
- je recv_free ;yes - just free the frame.
- push es
- push di
- push cx
- shr cx,1
- rep movsw
- jnc rec_pkt_3
- movsb
- rec_pkt_3:
- pop cx
- pop si
- pop ds
- assume ds:nothing
- call recv_copy
- jmp short recv_free
- recv_err:
- call count_in_err
- recv_free:
- xor ax,ax
- call translate_address
- movseg ds,cs
- assume ds:code
- mov es,base_addr
- assume es:lance_seg
- ;clear any error bits.
- and lance_seg:[bx].rmd1,not (RCV_ERR or RCV_FRAM or RCV_OFLO or RCV_CRC or RCV_BUF_ERR)
- or lance_seg:[bx].rmd1,RCV_OWN ;give it back to the lance.
- call inc_recv_ring ;go to the next one.
- test lance_seg:[bx].rmd1,RCV_OWN ;Do we own this one?
- jne recv_free_1
- jmp recv_own ;yes, go parse it.
- recv_free_1:
- mov receive_head,bx ;remember where the next one starts.
- recv_done:
- loadport ;enable interrupts again.
- setport DATA_REG
- mov ax,CSR0_INEA
- out dx,ax
- ret
- inc_recv_ring:
- ;advance bx to the next receive ring descriptor.
- assume ds:nothing
- add bx,(size rcv_msg_dscp)
- cmp bx,offset receive_dscps + RECEIVE_BUF_COUNT * (size rcv_msg_dscp)
- jb inc_recv_ring_1
- mov bx,offset receive_dscps
- inc_recv_ring_1:
- ret
- include popf.asm
- include timeout.asm
- public timer_isr
- timer_isr:
- ;if the first instruction is an iret, then the timer is not hooked
- iret
- ;any code after this will not be kept. Buffers used by the program, if any,
- ;are allocated from the memory between end_resident and end_free_mem.
- public end_resident,end_free_mem
- end_resident label byte
- end_free_mem label byte
- public usage_msg
- usage_msg db "usage: depca [options] <packet_int_no> <hardware_irq> <io_addr> <mem_addr>",CR,LF,'$'
- no_board_msg db "No DEPCA detected.",CR,LF,'$'
- io_addr_funny_msg label byte
- db "No DEPCA detected, continuing anyway.",CR,LF,'$'
- bad_reset_msg db "Unable to reset the DEPCA.",CR,LF,'$'
- bad_init_msg db "Unable to initialize the DEPCA.",CR,LF,'$'
- mem_busy_msg db "Memory already present at your chosen address.",CR,LF,'$'
- mem_bad_msg db "No DEPCA memory found at that memory address.",CR,LF,'$'
- addr_bad_msg db "Memory address should be between 0x8000 and 0xdf80 inclusive,",CR,LF
- db "and must be on a 2K boundary (increments of 0x80).",CR,LF,'$'
- public copyright_msg
- copyright_msg db "Packet driver for a Digital Equipment Corporation DEPCA, version ",'0'+(majver / 10),'0'+(majver mod 10),".",'0'+version,CR,LF
- db '$'
- int_no_name db "Interrupt number ",'$'
- io_addr_name db "I/O port ",'$'
- base_addr_name db "Memory address ",'$'
- memory_amount dw ? ;-> one of the following
- have_64k db "Configured for 64K of memory",CR,LF,'$'
- have_32k db "Configured for 32K of memory",CR,LF,'$'
- have_2k db "Configured for 2K of memory",CR,LF,'$'
- depca_signature db "DEPCA"
- depca_signature_len equ $-depca_signature
- extrn set_recv_isr: near
- extrn maskint: near
- ;enter with si -> argument string, di -> dword to store.
- ;if there is no number, don't change the number.
- extrn get_number: near
- ;enter with dx -> name of word, di -> dword to print.
- extrn print_number: near
- ;-> the assigned Ethernet address of the card.
- extrn rom_address: byte
- public parse_args
- parse_args:
- ;exit with nc if all went well, cy otherwise.
- assume ds:code
- mov di,offset int_no
- call get_number
- mov di,offset io_addr
- call get_number
- mov di,offset base_addr
- call get_number
- clc
- ret
- public etopen
- etopen:
- assume ds:code
- cmp io_addr,-1 ;Did they ask for auto-detect?
- je find_board
- call detect_board ;no, just verify its existance.
- je find_board_found
- mov dx,offset io_addr_funny_msg
- mov ah,9
- int 21h
- jmp find_board_found
- find_board:
- mov io_addr,300h ;Search for the Ethernet address at 300h
- mov io_addr+2,0
- call detect_board
- je find_board_found
- mov io_addr,200h ;Search at 200h
- call detect_board
- je find_board_found
- mov dx,offset no_board_msg ;Tell them that we can't find it.
- stc
- ret
- find_board_found:
- test base_addr.offs,007fh ;must be on at least a 2K boundary.
- jne etopen_1
- test base_addr.offs,8000h ;must be in upper 512K.
- je etopen_1
- cmp base_addr.segm,0 ;high word of segment must be zero.
- je etopen_2
- etopen_1:
- mov dx,offset addr_bad_msg
- stc
- ret
- etopen_2:
- ; now we detect whether we're set to 2K, 32K, or 64K.
- pushf ;we're about to re-map the DEPCA
- cli ; memory onto somewhere illicit.
- ;first, we see if the ROM is mappable in and out.
- loadport ;disable the RAM, enable ROM.
- setport NI_CSR
- in al,dx
- and al,not CSR_SHE
- out dx,al
- mov bx,base_addr ;get the segment of the ROM.
- add bx,400h ;go up by 16K.
- mov translate_address,offset translate_32k
- mov memory_amount,offset have_32k
- test al,CSR_BUF ;32k or 64k mode?
- jne got_rom_address ;go if 32K.
- and ni_csr_value,not CSR_SWAP32
- mov al,ni_csr_value
- and al,not CSR_SHE
- out dx,al
- mov translate_address,offset translate_64k
- mov memory_amount,offset have_64k
- add bx,800h ;up it by 32K more.
- got_rom_address:
- push bx
- mov ax,bx
- mov cx,4000h ;16K
- call memory_test
- pop bx
- jz not_rom_address ;we found RAM there...
- loadport
- setport NI_CSR
- in al,dx
- or al,CSR_SHE ;enable the RAM.
- out dx,al
- push bx
- mov ax,bx
- mov cx,4000h ;there should be 16K of RAM there.
- call memory_test
- pop bx
- je have_depca_mem ;there is -- we're cool.
- mov es,bx
- cmp word ptr es:[0],0aa55h ;is there a ROM there still?
- jne not_rom_address
- mov di,6 ;see if the DEPCA ROM signature is there.
- mov si,offset depca_signature
- mov cx,depca_signature_len
- repe cmpsb
- je have_depca_mem ;it is, we've got an old DEPCA.
- not_rom_address:
- ;we got here because we decided that the ROM couldn't be mapped into memory.
- mov translate_address,offset translate_2k
- mov memory_amount,offset have_2k
- and ni_csr_value,not CSR_SWAP32
- loadport ;put our memory somewhere it can't be.
- setport RBSA
- mov ax,0f000h
- out dx,ax
- ;make sure the memory *isn't* there.
- mov bx,base_addr
- mov di,2048 / 16
- call occupied_chk
- pushf
- loadport ;the memory block is empty - put our
- setport RBSA ; memory there.
- mov ax,base_addr
- out dx,ax
- popf
- jnc depca_mem_empty
- popf
- mov dx,offset mem_busy_msg
- stc
- ret
- depca_mem_empty:
- mov ax,base_addr ;now test our memory.
- mov cx,2048
- call memory_test
- jz have_depca_mem
- popf ;restore the original EI.
- mov dx,offset mem_bad_msg
- stc
- ret
- have_depca_mem:
- popf ;restore the original EI.
- movseg es,cs
- mov di,offset rom_address
- mov cx,EADDR_LEN
- loadport ; Get our Ethernet address base.
- setport EBASE
- get_address_1:
- in al,dx ; get a byte of the eprom address
- stosb
- loop get_address_1 ; go back for rest
- mov si,offset rom_address ; copy it to the init table.
- mov es,base_addr
- mov di,offset init_addr
- mov cx,EADDR_LEN
- rep movsb
- mov al, int_no ; Get board's interrupt vector
- add al, 8
- cmp al, 8+8 ; Is it a slave 8259 interrupt?
- jb set_int_num ; No.
- add al, 70h - 8 - 8 ; Map it to the real interrupt.
- set_int_num:
- xor ah, ah ; Clear high byte
- mov int_num, ax ; Set parameter_list int num.
- mov al,int_no
- call maskint ;disable these interrupts.
- loadport
- mov ax,CSR0_STOP ;reset the INIT bit.
- outport CSR0
- xor ax,ax
- call translate_address
- ;set up transmit descriptor ring.
- mov es,base_addr
- assume es:lance_seg
- mov bx,offset transmit_dscps
- mov di,offset transmit_bufs
- setup_transmit:
- call segmoffs_to_phys
- mov lance_seg:[bx].tmd0,ax ;points to the buffer.
- mov lance_seg:[bx].tmd1,dx
- add bx,(size xmit_msg_dscp)
- add di,800h
- loop setup_transmit
- ;set up receive descriptor ring.
- mov bx,offset receive_dscps
- mov di,offset receive_bufs
- setup_receive:
- call segmoffs_to_phys
- or dx,RCV_OWN
- mov lance_seg:[bx].rmd0,ax ;points to the buffer.
- mov lance_seg:[bx].rmd1,dx
- mov lance_seg:[bx].rmd2,-RECEIVE_BUF_SIZE
- mov lance_seg:[bx].rmd3,0
- add bx,(size rcv_msg_dscp)
- add di,800h
- loop setup_receive
- call compute_log2
- mov di,offset receive_dscps
- call segmoffs_to_phys
- or dx,cx ;include the buffer size bits.
- mov init_receive[0],ax
- mov init_receive[2],dx
- call compute_log2
- mov di,offset transmit_dscps
- call segmoffs_to_phys
- or dx,cx ;include the buffer size bits.
- mov init_transmit[0],ax
- mov init_transmit[2],dx
- mov di,offset init_block ;now tell the board where the init
- call segmoffs_to_phys ; block is.
- mov save_csr1,ax
- mov save_csr2,dx
- call rcv_mode_3
- jnc init_ok
- mov dx,offset bad_init_msg
- stc
- ret
- init_ok:
- ;
- ; Now hook in our interrupt
- ;
- call set_recv_isr
- loadport
- setport NI_CSR
- mov al,ni_csr_value ;disable ROM, enable rev. E DEPCA,
- ; enable the interrupt line,
- out dx,al
- clc
- ret
- public print_parameters
- print_parameters:
- ;echo our command-line parameters
- mov di,offset int_no
- mov dx,offset int_no_name
- call print_number
- mov di,offset io_addr
- mov dx,offset io_addr_name
- call print_number
- mov di,offset base_addr
- mov dx,offset base_addr_name
- call print_number
- mov dx,memory_amount
- mov ah,9
- int 21h
- ret
- compute_log2:
- ;enter with cx = number of buffers.
- ;exit with cx = log2(number of buffers) << 13.
- mov ax,-1
- compute_log2_1:
- inc ax
- shr cx,1
- jne compute_log2_1
- mov cl,13
- shl ax,cl
- mov cx,ax
- ret
- segmoffs_to_phys:
- ;enter with es:di -> buffer.
- ;exit with dx:ax as the physical address of the buffer,
- if 0 ; The DEPCA doesn't use system memory, it uses its own.
- mov dx,es ;get the high 4 bits of the segment,
- shr dx,16-4
- mov ax,es ;and the low 12 bits of the segment.
- shl ax,4
- add ax,di ;add in the offset.
- adc dx,0
- else
- xor dx,dx ;the offset is the only part of the
- mov ax,di ; address.
- endif
- ret
- include memtest.asm
- include occupied.asm
- code ends
- end