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- majver equ 11 ;version number of the infrastructure.
- MAX_ADDR_LEN equ 16 ;maximum number of bytes in our address.
- MAX_HANDLE equ 10 ;maximum number of handles.
- MAX_P_LEN equ 8 ;maximum type length
- MAX_MULTICAST equ 8 ;maximum number of multicast addresses.
- ; Copyright, 1988-1992, Russell Nelson, Crynwr Software
- ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- ; the Free Software Foundation, version 1.
- ;
- ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ; GNU General Public License for more details.
- ;
- ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- ; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- ; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- HT equ 09h
- CR equ 0dh
- LF equ 0ah
- ;
- ; Packet Driver Error numbers
- NO_ERROR equ 0 ;no error at all.
- ifndef SMCINC
- BAD_HANDLE equ 1 ;invalid handle number
- endif
- NO_CLASS equ 2 ;no interfaces of specified class found
- NO_TYPE equ 3 ;no interfaces of specified type found
- NO_NUMBER equ 4 ;no interfaces of specified number found
- ifndef SMCINC
- BAD_TYPE equ 5 ;bad packet type specified
- endif
- NO_MULTICAST equ 6 ;this interface does not support
- ;multicast
- CANT_TERMINATE equ 7 ;this packet driver cannot terminate
- BAD_MODE equ 8 ;an invalid receiver mode was specified
- NO_SPACE equ 9 ;operation failed because of
- ;insufficient space
- TYPE_INUSE equ 10 ;the type had previously been accessed,
- ;and not released.
- BAD_COMMAND equ 11 ;the command was out of range, or not
- ;implemented
- CANT_SEND equ 12 ;the packet couldn't be sent (usually
- ;hardware error)
- CANT_SET equ 13 ;hardware address couldn't be changed
- ;(more than 1 handle open)
- BAD_ADDRESS equ 14 ;hardware address has bad length or
- ;format
- CANT_RESET equ 15 ;Couldn't reset interface (more than
- ;1 handle open).
- BAD_IOCB equ 16 ;an invalid iocb was specified
- ;a few useful Ethernet definitions.
- RUNT equ 60 ;smallest legal size packet, no fcs
- GIANT equ 1514 ;largest legal size packet, no fcs
- EADDR_LEN equ 6 ;Ethernet address length.
- BLUEBOOK equ 1
- IEEE8023 equ 11
- ;The following two macros are used to manipulate port addresses.
- ;Use loadport to initialize dx. Use setport to set a specific port on
- ;the board. setport remembers what the current port number is, but beware!
- ;setport assumes that code is being executed in the same order as the
- ;code is presented in the source file. Whenever this assumption is violated,
- ;you need to enter another loadport. Some, but not all examples are:
- ;in a loop with multiple setports, or a backward jump over a setport, or
- ;a forward jump over a setport. If you have any doubt, consult the
- ;individual driver sources for examples of usage. If you suspect that
- ;you have too few loadports, define the symbol "no_confidence" to a
- ;one. This will force a loadport before every setport. If you wish to turn
- ;it off for some of your code, redefine it to a zero.
- loadport macro
- mov dx,io_addr
- port_no = 0
- endm
- ;change the port number from the current value to the new value.
- setport macro new_port_no
- ifdef no_confidence ;define if you suspect that you don't
- if no_confidence
- loadport ; have enough loadports, i.e. dx is
- endif
- endif ; set to the wrong port.
- if new_port_no - port_no EQ 1
- inc dx
- else
- if new_port_no - port_no EQ -1
- dec dx
- else
- if new_port_no - port_no NE 0
- add dx,new_port_no - port_no
- endif
- endif
- endif
- port_no = new_port_no
- endm
- ;this macro does a "rep movsb" with a static count.
- repmov macro count
- rept (count) / 2
- movsw
- endm
- rept (count) MOD 2
- movsb
- endm
- endm
- ;moves a segment register into another segment register.
- movseg macro to, from
- push from
- pop to
- endm
- ;add a word to a dword.
- add2 macro n,a ; inc a 32 bit integer
- add n.offs,a ;increment the low word
- adc n.segm,0 ;increment the high word
- endm
- ;this macro writes the given character to the given row and column on
- ; an CGA.
- to_scrn macro r, c, ch
- local again
- push bx
- push es
- mov bx,0b800h
- mov es,bx
- mov bx,es:[r*160+c*2]
- again:
- inc bh
- and bh,07h
- je again ;; don't use black.
- mov bl,ch
- mov es:[r*160+c*2],bx
- pop es
- pop bx
- endm
- segmoffs struc ; defines offs as 0, segm as 2
- offs dw ?
- segm dw ?
- segmoffs ends
- CY equ 0001h
- EI equ 0200h
- iocb struc ; as_send_pkt structure
- buffer dd ? ; Pointer to the buffer
- len dw ? ; Its length
- flags db ? ; Some flags
- ret_code db ? ; Completion code
- upcall dd ? ; I/O completion upcall
- next dd ? ; Private next pointer (queue)
- resv db 4 dup (?) ; Unused private data
- iocb ends
- DONE equ 1 ; I/O complete flag
- CALLME equ 2 ; Please upcall me flag
- send_queueempty macro
- ; Check if send queue is empty.
- ; Enter with interrupts disabled.
- ; Exit with zr (zero) if empty, nz (not zero) if not.
- ; Destroys ax.
- mov ax, word ptr send_head ; Queue empty?
- or ax, word ptr send_head+2
- endm
- send_peekqueue macro
- ; Peek into the queue and get the next entry.
- ; Enter with interrupts disabled.
- ; Exit with es:di -> iocb.
- les di, send_head ; Get head segment:offset
- endm
- ; Bits in sys_features
- SYS_MCA equ 02 ; a micro channel computer
- TWO_8259 equ 40h ; 2nd 8259 exists
- ; Bits in flagbyte
- CALLED_ETOPEN equ 1 ; have called etopen
- D_OPTION equ 2 ; delayed initialization
- N_OPTION equ 4 ; Novell protocol conversion
- W_OPTION equ 8 ; Windows upcall checking.
- U_OPTION equ 10h ; Terminate the driver.