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- This is a general FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) that covers various
- subjects releated to Mosaic for Microsoft Windows. The information covers:
- - Common questions our users have about Mosaic.
- - Common installation and initial execution problems and solutions.
- - Information about Winsock.dlls.
- - Information about viewers and the mosaic.ini
- - Running Mosaic over a phone line.
- - Finding an Internet SLIP/PPP provider.
- - Using Mosaic with from behind a firewall.
- - Registration and Licensing information.
- - Misc. Information.
- After you get Mosaic properly installed, I strongly recommend you read the
- information that is on-line at the Mosaic for Microsoft Windows Home Page.
- The URL is:
- http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/SDG/Software/WinMosaic/HomePage.html
- Terry McLaren
- mosaic-w@ncsa.uiuc.edu
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. What version of the compression utility PKunzip do I need to unzip
- Mosaic?
- You can unzip Mosaic with version 2.04g of the PK software. If you are
- having problems unzipping the Mosaic file, ensure you are using the
- proper version of the ZIP utility. If you need copy of the latest PK
- software you can find this shareware product at the anonymous ftp site
- oak.oakland.edu. The file pkz204g.exe is in the pub/msdos/zip directory.
- 2. Do I need to change any of the settings in the mosaic.ini file?
- Sometimes. As we add additional functionality to Mosaic you may need to add
- or change parameters in the mosaic.ini file. However, if there any changes
- or additions to the mosaic.ini file we will make information available in
- the update.txt file that is included in every release.
- 3. Are OS/2 and Windows NT supported?
- OS/2
- Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to develop programs for the OS/2
- environment. OS/2 users will be able to run version 2.0alpha2 in Windows.
- Windows NT
- The current version of Mosaic, v2.0alpha2, is a 16-bit application and it
- will run in NT. Our next release of Mosaic, v2.0alpha3, will be an NT
- native 32-bit application.
- 4. Can I run Mosaic without an Internet connection?
- Yes, you can run Mosaic on your home computer as a viewer, but you will have
- to fool Mosaic by using a null winsock.dll. We have such a dynamic link
- library (dll) on our ftp server, ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu, in the PC/Mosaic/nullsock
- directory.
- 5. What does the error message "Cannot find winsock.dll" mean?
- The most common error message users see during the installation is a
- Windows file error "Cannot find winsock.dll". This is caused when the
- winsock.dll is not in either the windows/system directory or when the
- path to the winsock.dll is not defined in the PATH= statement of the
- autoexec.bat. One of the common misconceptions is that this is a Mosaic
- error, when in fact it is an error caused by the user not reading the
- installation instructions of the network software that contains the
- winsock.dll. To understand how Mosaic interacts with the Network
- software consider the following:
- 6. What does the error message "Unable to load TCP" mean?
- This is a Winsock.dll error message. It can be caused when the winsock
- is dependent on other .dll files and the files can not be found or you
- not have enough system resources to launch the program. A solution to
- the first possible cause is to ensure you have installed your winsock
- properly or re-install the winsock. A solution to the second possible
- cause is close other applications. If you have re-installed and closed
- all other applications and you are still getting the same error message
- then contact the appropriate author of the winsock.dll for further help.
- 7. Where do I get a winsock.dll?
- There are a number of companies that have created these winsock.dlls
- and you must ensure you have a "1.1 compliant" winsock. If you don't
- have a 1.1 compliant winsock then you will get an error message like
- "unable to load TCP/IP" and Mosaic won't run.
- Note: Information about various winsocks is provided for the convenience
- of our users. Since we did not develop this software, we can not provide
- support. If you are having problems with any of these products, then
- please contact the respective author.
- Common Commercial winsock.dll providers:
- - Novell
- You will need either version 4.1 of Lan Workplace or TCPIP Transport
- for DOS and their winsock.dll.
- - PC/NFS users:
- 1. May have a problem because the name resolving is done with NIS
- instead of DNS, thus it can't resolve most of the names from Mosaic.
- Some users have solved this problem by using a DNS to NIS converter.
- 2. A user recently wrote saying there are some problems in earlier
- versions of their winsock.dll and a patch can be found at the anonymous
- ftp site, ftp.york.ac.uk. The file, winsock.zip, is in the
- /pub/pc/pc-nfs/Patches.
- A Shareware winsock.dll provider.
- - Trumpet Software International Winsock was successfully tested during the
- development of Mosaic. If you are interested in obtaining a copy of this
- software you can find it at the anonymous ftp site ftp.utas.edu.au in the
- /pc/trumpet/winsock directory. We also maintain a currrent copy of this
- winsock on our ftp server, ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu, in the /PC/Mosaic/sockets
- directory. The file is winsock.zip.
- 8. I have a winsock.dll and Mosaic is not working?
- Are you using a 1.1 compliant winsock? If your winsock IS 1.1 compliant then
- it will be documented as such. When in doubt upgrade to the latest version
- of your network software. BTW, some users have reported an error message in
- like "Winsock is not 1.1 compliant" associated with this problem.
- 9. What does the error code "Failed DNS Lookup" mean?
- This error could be caused by a few things. First, the IP number
- of the Domain Name Server (DNS) you told your network software is wrong.
- Second, the name you are trying to resolve is not associated with an IP
- number. ie. typo or the name does not exist. Third, it is possible
- that the DNS is down.
- 10. When I invoke Mosaic I don't see any menus.
- This occurs when the mosaic.ini file is either NOT in your windows directory
- or the enviroment variable is wrong. To correct this problem either copy the
- mosaic.ini file to your windows directory or ensure you've defined the
- environment variable properly. The environmental variable is defined in your
- autoexec.bat file. ie.
- set MOSAIC.INI=c:\complete\directory\path\mosaic.ini
- 11. Viewers and the mosaic.ini file.
- The real beauty of Mosaic is its ability to use other already existing products
- for viewing image files, movie files, post script files, etc. If you already
- a viewer that are happy with you can simply define it in the mosaic.ini file.
- (See #12 Installing viewers) If you need to obtain a viewer or viewers to
- gain this I suggest you see the URL:
- http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/SDG/Software/WinMosaic/viewers.html
- This URL will point you to a number of viewers that have been tested with
- Mosaic. Then it is a matter of selecting Options, Load to Disk... and
- clicking on the viewer of your choice. If you want to download these viewers
- without using Mosaic you can find them on our anonymous ftp server in the
- /PC/Mosaic/viewers directory.
- 12. Installing viewers
- This is a general example for defining a new viewer to Mosaic so it knows
- which viewer to call when it reads the new file type. ie. Configuring Mosiac
- to read .wav files.
- Edit your mosaic.ini file to reflect this information.
- I. In the [Viewers] section of the mosaic.ini file add or edit this
- information.
- TYPEn="audio/wav" Where "n" is a unique integer and the "name" is a specific
- MIME type. In the default mosaic.ini we distribute with
- Mosaic we have defined the common MIME (Multipurpose Internet
- Mail Extensions) types. All you have to do is ensure these
- names point to the proper viewer. There are two ways to
- define the path to your executable.
- 1. audio/wav="c:\path_to_your_viewer\XXXX %ls" (explicitly)
- or
- 2. audio/wav="XXXX %ls"
- (This definition implies that the executable is in either
- the windows directory or it's directory is defined in the
- path statement of your autoexe.bat.)
- Note: XXXX is the name of the executable without the extension.
- ie. mplayer.exe would become "mplayer %ls"
- II. In the [Suffixes] section define the extensions that this new type will
- recognize. For example:
- audio/wav=.wav, wa
- That's about it. Now when you try to read a .au file Mosiac will know which vie
- wer to call.
- IMPORTANT: Since we did not develop the viewers we can not support them.
- If you are having problems with any of these viewer please contact the
- respective author.
- 13. How do I run Mosaic from home?
- Mosaic will run over a Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) or
- Point to Point Protocol (PPP) connection. The most difficult aspect is
- establishing the SLIP/PPP connection. If you are using a commercial
- winsock you will have to contact your vendor for their SLIP or PPP product.
- Below is a brief description for establishing a SLIP connection using
- the Shareware product called Trumpet Software International Winsock
- version 1.0. This particular product has an internal SLIP driver and
- an internal modem dialer. If you would like to obtain a copy of this
- shareware product you can find it at the anonymous ftp site ftp.utas.edu.au.
- The file is located in the /pc/trumpet/winsock directory. For the
- convenience of our users we also keep a copy of this Shareware product
- on our anonymous ftp server, ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu. The file, winsock.zip, is
- in the /PC/Mosaic/sockets directory.
- After you have installed the Trumpet Winsock according to it's
- instructions, envoke tcpman.exe and select "Setup". Trumpet will
- need the following information about the SLIP server you are connecting to.
- Get this information from the company that is providing the SLIP service.
- IP address
- Name server
- Time sever
- Domain Suffix the.name.of.your.domain
- ie. "ncsa.uiuc.edu" is our domain.
- Check "Internal SLIP" and enter in the port number and baud rate of your
- modem. Save the information, click OK, and exit the program. Now, your
- system should be configured properly. Next, envoke Trumpet again and use
- the internal dialer option to place the call. Select the "Dialler" pull
- down menu. You will probably take notice there a few options available,
- however I will only discuss "Manual login" command. If you are interested
- in creating a script then please refer to the Trumpet documentation. Once
- you have selected Manual login you will need to enter the following command
- in the Trumpet window.
- atdt xxx-xxxx (where the x's represent the phone number).
- NOTE: There are two ways to gain access to the Internet via SLIP:
- A) If you have a static slip account, that is, you were assigned an IP number
- that doesn't change.
- - login to the server.
- - Enter the command "slip".
- - Hit the escape key.
- - Double click on the Mosaic icon.
- B) If you log into a server that assigns you a random IP number.
- - login to the server.
- - Enter the command "slip".
- - Select the "Setup" pull down menu.
- - Enter this IP in the appropriate field.
- Note: After you enter the new IP number you will get a message that
- states you will have to close the application in order for this number
- to take affect.
- - Hit the escape key.
- - Close Trumpet.
- Note: This action will not cause you to loose your connection.
- - Double click on the Mosaic icon.
- 14. How do I gain access to the Internet?
- Here is a list of some of the companies that can provide nationwide
- SLIP and PPP access to the Internet. These companies are listed in
- alphabetical order and we do NOT endorse any particular provider.
- Colorado Supernet (info@csn.org)
- Colorado School of Mines
- 1500 Illinois Street
- Golden, CO 80401
- (800)748-0800
- JVNCnet (market@jvnc.net) ** SLIP only **
- Global Enterprise Services
- 3 Independence Way
- Princeton, NJ 08540
- NetCom On-Line Communication Services (info@netcom.com)
- 4000 Moorpark Avenue
- Suite 209
- San Jose, CA 95117
- (408)554-8649
- Performance Systems International (info@psi.com) ** World Wide Provider **
- 11800 Sunrise Valley Drive
- Suite 1100
- Reston, VA 22019
- (703)620-6651
- UUNET (info@uunet.uu.net) ** World Wide Provider **
- 3110 Fairview Park DR
- Suite 570
- Falls Church, VA 22042
- (If you know of any other Nationwide SLIP or PPP service providers let me
- know and I'll add them to this list.) :)
- 15. How do I set up Proxy Gateway Support in NCSA Mosaic for Microsoft Windows
- A proxy gateway allows Mosaic to pass on a network request (in the
- form of a URL) to an outside agent which will perform the request
- for Mosaic, and return the results to Mosaic. The intended effect of
- this is to allow Mosaic clients that are sealed off from the internet to
- pass their network requests off to a trusted agent that can access the
- internet for Mosaic. A user of a Mosaic client using a proxy gateway
- should feel as if they were directly connected to the internet.
- Proxy gateways are currently only supported in Windows Mosaic
- version 2.0a2 and later.
- Proxy gateways in Mosaic are expected to talk the HTTP/1.0 protocol.
- The URL that Mosaic wants to access is passed to the proxy in the
- form of an HTTP/1.0 GET request. The proxy then accesses the URL,
- and returns its results back to Mosaic.
- Proxy gateways are currently implemented on a per access method
- basis. This means each URL access method can send its requests to a
- different proxy. The current access methods are ftp, gopher, wais,
- news, and http.
- To add proxy gateway support into Windows Mosaic, you must add a
- section to your mosaic.ini file of the format:
- [proxy information]
- http_proxy=http://aixtest.cc.ukans.edu:911/
- ftp_proxy=http://aixtest.cc.ukans.edu:911/
- wais_proxy=http://aixtest.cc.ukans.edu:911/
- gopher_proxy=http://aixtest.cc.ukans.edu:911/
- Not surprising, since client support for proxy gateways has just come
- out, there aren't a lot of proxy gateways out there. Since proxy
- gateways are expected to be used to pass through firewalls, you need
- to Trust your proxy gateway, the best way to get a gateway you
- trust is to write it yourself.
- Ari Luotonen at CERN is currently working on a proxy gateway, I
- have been testing the Mosaic client code against it, and expect Ari
- will release it as soon as he feels confident in its stability.
- Now that we have CGI, hopefully someone will write a proxy gateway
- CGI module, and then you can turn your favorite HTTP server into a
- proxy gateway.
- 16. Do I need to register NCSA Mosaic? What is the copyright?
- You do not need to register to use NCSA Mosaic. However, Mosaic is
- copyrighted by the University of Illinois and it is available at no
- charge for non-commercial use. If you interested in licensing Mosaic
- for commercial use then please refer to the licensing agreement in
- the next question.
- 15. Can I get the Source Code?
- The source code is available by licensing agreement only. In order to obtain
- a copy of it you must fill out a licensing agreement and mail it to us via some
- postal service. We will not accept electronic versions of the agreement!
- However, these agreements are available electronically. Just download
- the agreement and print it out. You can obtain a copy of this agreement in
- either of the following ways:
- a. Download it from our ftp server (ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu or
- from the PC/Mosaic/source directory.
- There are various formats of this agreement for your
- convience.
- b. Using NCSA Mosaic, go to the following URL:
- http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/SDG/Software/WinMosaic/source.html
- Just select Options... Load to Disk and select one of the available
- formats.
- 16. Is NCSA Mosaic available on other platforms?
- Yes, besides the Microsoft Windows version, NCSA Mosaic is available
- for the Macintosh and X-Windows platforms. If you interested in obtaining
- either of these versions you can find more information about them on our
- ftp server. Mosaic for the X platform can be found in the /Mosaic directory
- and Mosaic for the Mac platform can be found in /Mac/Mosaic directory. Please
- download the respective files and read them before you contact us for
- technical support. If you can find an answer to your question then send
- email to the appropriate address:
- mosaic-x@ncsa.uiuc.edu: For X-specific help.
- mosaic-mac@ncsa.uiuc.edu: For Mac-specific help.