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- DISK COPY FAST Copyright 1992-1994 Chang Ping Lee page 27
- "I really find your DISK COPY PLUS a very very fine program. It
- literally has saved me a lot of time copying diskettes."
- ----- one user, United States
- DISK COPY PLUS is the professional version of DISK COPY FAST.
- It includes all the features of DISK COPY FAST plus some
- advanced features.
- To many people, large quantity diskette duplicating means that
- you need to buy high-price copier. Not so any more. With DISK
- COPY PLUS you can assemble two low-end 286 PCs each equipped
- with up to four floppy drives at much lower price and achieve
- much higher copying speed. Not only do You get higher
- productivity, but also that you get two computers instead of a
- special purpose machine.
- DISK COPY PLUS is even better for you if you only need to copy
- a small quantity of the same source diskette every day.
- Consider the low cost, incredibly high speed (see section 10 in
- DCF47.DOC) and other powerful features (explained later), DISK
- COPY PLUS is hard to beat.
- One of the most powerful features of DISK COPY PLUS is
- customized hot keys. You define up to 10 hot keys according
- to your special needs.
- A feature similar to hot keys but requiring no keystrokes is
- the AUTOEXEC feature. You define what DISK COPY PLUS should do
- automatically when you run the program, just like AUTOEXEC.BAT
- does when you reboot your computer.
- For example, DISK COPY PLUS can be configured so that each
- time you type DCP at the DOS prompt it will read an image file,
- set up a serial number (explained later), define read/write
- options and then prompt for the target disk. You then insert
- DISK COPY FAST Copyright 1992, 1993 Chang Ping Lee page 28
- the target into drive A:, close the door and it will start
- copying. After you have done with one format, at the press of
- one key it converts the source to another format, say, from
- 720KB to 360KB, and continue copying in another drive.
- In this example, it takes only two keystrokes (one to change
- format, another to quit.) to produce as many 360KB and 720KB
- target diskettes as you like. Each copy produced can have a
- unique serial number and each copy can be double checked with
- a BYTE-BY-BYTE comparison to make sure they are identical to
- the original, except for the serial number.
- This high degree of automation means that you can save time for
- more creative work, or you can hire someone who knows nothing
- about computers to do the copying for you.
- Another nice feature of DISK COPY PLUS is automatic serial
- number assignment. Some people like to change the disk serial
- number that DOS shows you when you use the DIR command. Other
- people like to imbed a unique serial number in their product.
- DISK COPY PLUS allow you to do either or both types of these
- serial numbers. In addition, it provides other tools to help
- you find and VERIFY the right location for imbedding serial
- numbers and show you the imbedded serial number on any
- duplicated diskette. This feature can be done automatically
- using the hot keys or AUTOEXEC features.
- DISK COPY PLUS also keeps track of serial number of EVERY
- image file for you so that you don't need to specify the
- serial number each time you run the program. It also keeps
- a log file for your diskette duplication. With a little
- editing (you add the distribution destination) the log file
- becomes a nice record of your diskette distribution.
- The power of DISK COPY PLUS keeps growing. Listed below are
- some other powerful commands.
- DISK COPY FAST Copyright 1992, 1993 Chang Ping Lee page 29
- The DIAG command checks boot sector, file allocation table
- (FAT) and directory structure and provides reports for diskette
- usage and fragmentation.
- The CONVERT command convert diskette image from one format to
- another, so long as the data on original format can fit into
- the new format. For example, a 1.44 MB disk can be converted to
- 360 KB diskette if the data on the 1.44 MB disk does not exceed
- the total data space on a 360 KB diskette.
- The DEFRAG command performs defragmentation on a diskette. It
- does more than just sectors swapping. The entire diskette is
- checked thoroughly for any possible way of compaction. The
- result is a perfect with no waste of space and no fragmentation.
- The DUMP command lets you move around the loaded diskette at
- very high speed. You can use it to check the contents of a
- diskette or verify the imbedded location(s) of a serial number.
- DISK COPY PLUS also provides commands that allow you to see
- the directory of a diskette, image file or diskette loaded in
- memory.
- DISK COPY FAST Copyright 1992, 1993 Chang Ping Lee page 30
- "Your Disk Utility Package has many useful features. I was
- amazed by the copying speed of the F2H & H2F. They are time
- saving utilities. Great to use." ----- one user, Singapore
- DISK UTIL PACK is a collection of five high performance and
- useful diskette utility programs. For example, the author uses
- H2F every day for filling orders for DISK COPY FAST and related
- products.
- F2H (Floppy to Hard disk)
- A utility to copy a diskette to hard disk or RAM disk at very
- high speed. See the following table for benchmark results.
- H2F (Hard disk to Floppy)
- A utility to copy recursively from current directory on hard
- disk or RAM disk to a diskette at very high speed. This program
- combined with F2H is ideal for backing up a small directory.
- See the following table for benchmark results.
- --------------------------------------------------
- Case 1 (1.2MB) 8 vs 40 8 vs 17
- Case 1 (1.44MB) 9 vs 50 9 vs 19
- Case 2 (1.2MB) 9 vs 33 9 vs 18
- Case 2 (1.44MB) 8 vs 40 9 vs 19
- Note: (1) Case 1 contains 36 files and no sub directory.
- Case 2 contains 13 files in 21 sub directories.
- Total file size in both cases is about 300 KB.
- (2) Performance varies on different systems. The
- above benchmark results are provided as an
- example, NOT a guarantee.
- (3) The above results were measured with a RAM disk
- on a 33 MHz 386 compatible system.
- DISK COPY FAST Copyright 1992, 1993 Chang Ping Lee page 31
- A utility to format 360KB, 1.2MB, 720KB and 1.44MB diskettes.
- Features include no keyboard operation, serial number assignment,
- label assignment and bad sectors handling.
- You type the program name at DOS prompt to start and press the
- ESC key to end, no keystroke in between!
- The serial number and label can be assigned incrementally with
- a text file which stores the serial number and label for the
- next diskette to be formatted. You can keep more than one text
- file for this purpose. Before exit, FMT will update the file
- automatically.
- Conventionally, a cluster is marked as bad cluster if the
- formatting program fails to access after three tries. FMT,
- however, adopts a more strict policy to ensure that your
- valuable data won't be saved on places which are bad or about to
- turn bad. FMT will try three times too. The difference is that
- if FMT fails to access a sector in the first try it will mark
- the sector bad and tell you how many tries has failed.
- A utility to make full use of cleaning kits sold by 3M, Memorex
- and other companies.
- Without CLN, all you can do is to use commands such as DIR to
- get the disk drive moving and bring head into contact with the
- cleaning disk and the cleaning solution on it. However, there
- are two problems that only CLN can help you.
- Firstly, how many DIR commands you need to keep typing to keep
- the disk head in contact with the cleaning disk for 30 to 60
- seconds? With CLN you only need to type CLN to start and press
- the ESC to end the process, no keystrokes in between. CLN also
- "reads" both sides of every "track" to make full use of your
- cleaning kit. Try CLN once and you will know how many keystrokes
- it can save for you.
- Secondly, since there is no data on the disk DOS will stop after
- it fails to access the first track. This means you may only be
- using 0.625% of the surface of your cleaning disk! (There are 80
- tracks on a high density drive. Each track has two sides and you
- are only using one side on the first track.)
- DISK COPY FAST Copyright 1992, 1993 Chang Ping Lee page 32
- CLN not only forces your system to keep on "reading" different
- tracks on the cleaning disk and thus clean the head more
- thoroughly but also provides you simple and easy ways to verify
- that it does what it claims. Your will have the confidence that
- you give your diskette drive the best care possible.
- CHDK (CHeck DisKette)
- A utility which gives detailed information about a diskette. It
- shows you the information contained in the system area of the
- diskette, check the integrity of the system area, gives you
- detailed layout of system area, root directory and data area and
- then give you a report of the fragmentation on the diskette.
- The program also shows you other important or interesting
- information about a diskette. For example, it shows you the
- sectors, clusters and tracks with active data, maximum number of
- root directory entries.
- CHDK shows you lots of information packed in one screen.