home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <%@ LANGUAGE=VBScript %>
- <%Option Explicit %>
- <!-- Document that displays the tree-structured TOC-->
- <%
- Const L_CACHE_TEXT="Expand to cache"
- Const L_CONNECTED_TEXT="(connected)"
- Const L_EXPAND_TEXT="Expand Node"
- Const L_COLLAPSE_TEXT="Collapse Node"
- %>
- <HTML>
- <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" LINK="#000000" VLINK="#000000" ALINK="#000000">
- <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
- var theList=top.head.nodeList;
- var gVars=top.head.Global;
- var listLength=theList.length;
- document.write("<TABLE WIDTH='" + gVars.tblWdith + "' BORDER=0><TR><TD>");
- for (i=0; i < listLength; i++) {
- theParent=theList[i].parent;
- theLevel=theList[i].level;
- if (theParent==null) {
- writeSelected(theList[i].selected);
- }
- else{
- curParent=theParent;
- isOpen=true;
- while(isOpen){
- if (theList[curParent].parent==null){
- isOpen=(theList[curParent].open);
- break;
- }
- if (!theList[curParent].open){
- isOpen=false;
- break;
- }
- curParent=theList[curParent].parent;
- }
- if (isOpen){
- writeSelected(theList[i].selected);
- }
- }
- }
- document.write("</TD></TR></TABLE>");
- <% if not Session("IsIE") then %>
- self.location.href = "iisrvls.asp#here"
- <% end if %>
- function writeSelected(isSelected){
- for (x=1; x < theLevel; x++) {
- gParent=getGrandParent(i,theLevel-x)
- if (theList[gParent].lastChild){
- writeStr += "<IMAGE SRC='"+gVars.spaceImg+"' WIDTH=16>";
- }
- else{
- writeStr += "<IMAGE SRC='"+gVars.lineImg+"' WIDTH=16>";
- }
- }
- writeStr += "</TD><TD>";
- if (((i+1) < listLength) && (theList[i+1].parent==i) && (!theList[i+1].deleted) || (!theList[i].isCached)) {
- if (theList[i].open){
- writeStr += "<A HREF='javascript:expand("+i+")'><IMAGE SRC='";
- if (!theList[i].lastChild){
- writeStr += gVars.minusImg;
- }
- else{
- writeStr += gVars.minusImgLast;
- }
- writeStr += "' WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=18 Border=0 ALT='<%= L_COLLAPSE_TEXT %>'></A>";
- }
- else{
- writeStr += "<A HREF='javascript:expand("+i+")'><IMAGE SRC='";
- if (!theList[i].lastChild){
- writeStr += gVars.plusImg;
- }
- else{
- writeStr += gVars.plusImgLast;
- }
- writeStr += "' WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=18 Border=0 ALT='<%= L_EXPAND_TEXT %>'></A>";
- }
- }
- else{
- writeStr += "<IMAGE SRC='";
- if (theList[i].lastChild){
- writeStr += gVars.emptyImgLast;
- }
- else{
- writeStr += gVars.emptyImg;
- }
- writeStr += "' WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=18 Border=0>";
- }
- writeStr += "</TD>";
- if (isSelected){
- writeStr += "<TD><A NAME='here'></A><A HREF='javascript:editItem("+i+")'>";
- if (theList[i].icon !=""){
- if (theList[i].isCached){
- writeStr += "<IMAGE BORDER=0 SRC='"+theList[i].icon+theList[i].state+".gif'><IMAGE BORDER=0 SRC='"+gVars.spaceImg+"' HSPACE="+gVars.hSpace+"></TD>";
- }
- else{
- writeStr += "<IMAGE BORDER=0 SRC='"+theList[i].icon+theList[i].state+".gif' ALT='<%= L_CACHE_TEXT %>'><IMAGE BORDER=0 SRC='"+gVars.spaceImg+"' HSPACE="+gVars.hSpace+"></TD>";
- }
- }
- writeStr += "</A></TD>";
- writeStr += "<TD BGCOLOR='"+gVars.selTColor+"'>";
- writeStr += "<FONT FACE="+gVars.face+" SIZE="+gVars.fSize+" COLOR='"+gVars.selFColor+"'>";
- writeStr += "<A HREF='javascript:editItem("+i+")'>";
- writeStr += theList[i].title;
- if (theList[i].vtype == "server"){writeStr += " " + gVars.displaystate[theList[i].state];}
- writeStr += "</A></TD>";
- }
- else{
- writeStr += "<TD><A HREF='javascript:selectItem("+i+")'>";
- if (theList[i].icon !=""){
- if (theList[i].isCached){
- writeStr += "<IMAGE BORDER=0 SRC='"+theList[i].icon+theList[i].state+".gif'><IMAGE BORDER=0 SRC='"+gVars.spaceImg+"' HSPACE="+gVars.hSpace+"></TD>";
- }
- else{
- writeStr += "<IMAGE BORDER=0 SRC='"+theList[i].icon+theList[i].state+".gif' ALT='<%= L_CACHE_TEXT %>'><IMAGE BORDER=0 SRC='"+gVars.spaceImg+"' HSPACE="+gVars.hSpace+"></TD>";
- }
- }
- writeStr += "</A></TD>";
- writeStr += "<TD>";
- writeStr += "<FONT FACE="+gVars.face+" SIZE="+gVars.fSize+" COLOR='"+gVars.selFColor+"'>";
- writeStr += "<A HREF='javascript:selectItem("+i+")'>";
- writeStr += theList[i].title;
- if (theList[i].vtype == "server"){writeStr += " " + gVars.displaystate[theList[i].state];}
- writeStr += "</A></TD>";
- }
- writeStr += "</TR></TABLE>";
- document.write(writeStr);
- }
- function getGrandParent(item,numLevels){
- var theItem=item;
- for (z=0; z < numLevels; z++) {
- theItem=theList[theItem].parent;
- }
- return theItem;
- }
- function expand(item){
- if (theList[item].isCached){
- theList[item].open=!(theList[item].open);
- selectItem(item);
- self.location.href=self.location.href;
- }
- else{
- theList[gVars.selId].selected=false;
- gVars.selId=item;
- theList[item].selected=true;
- theList[item].cache(item);
- }
- }
- function selectItem(item){
- theList[gVars.selId].selected=false;
- gVars.selId=item;
- theList[item].selected=true;
- <% if Session("Browser") = "IE3" then %>
- self.location.href="iisrvls.asp#here";
- <% else %>
- self.location.href="iisrvls.asp";
- <% end if %>
- }
- function editItem(item){
- theList[item].openLocation();
- }
- </BODY>
- </HTML>