home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <%@ LANGUAGE=VBScript %>
- <% Option Explicit %>
- <% Response.Expires = 0 %>
- <%
- Const L_PATHNOTFOUND_TEXT = "Nie odnaleziono £cie┐ki."
- Const L_SLASH_TEXT = "\"
- Const TDIR = 0
- Const TFILE = 1
- Const FIXEDDISK = 2
- Dim i, newid,path, f, sc, fc, fl, FileSystem,btype,drive, drives
- Dim primarydrive
- bType = CInt(Request.Querystring("btype"))
- Set FileSystem=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- Set drives = FileSystem.Drives
- For Each drive in drives
- primarydrive = drive
- 'exit after the first FIXEDDISK if there is one...
- if drive.DriveType = FIXEDDISK then
- Exit For
- end if
- Next
- primarydrive = primarydrive & L_SLASH_TEXT
- newid = 0
- If Request.QueryString("path") <> "" Then
- path = Request.QueryString("path")
- if FileSystem.FolderExists(path) then
- Response.Cookies("HTMLA")("LASTPATH")=path
- end if
- Else
- path = Request.Cookies("HTMLA")("LASTPATH")
- End If
- If path = "" Then
- Response.Cookies("HTMLA")("LASTPATH")=primarydrive
- path = primarydrive
- End If
- %>
- <HTML>
- <HEAD>
- <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
- <% if FileSystem.FolderExists(path) then %>
- top.main.head.cachedList = new Array();
- cachedList = top.main.head.cachedList;
- <%
- Set f=FileSystem.GetFolder(path)
- Set sc = f.SubFolders
- For Each i In sc
- if i.Attributes AND 2 then
- else
- %>
- cachedList[<%= newid %>]= new top.main.head.listObj("<%= Replace(i,"\","\\") %>","<%= i.name %>","","","<%= i.Type %>","<%= i.DateLastModified %>",true);
- <%
- newid = newid +1
- end if
- Next
- if bType = TFILE then
- Set fc = f.Files
- For Each fl in fc
- if fl.Attributes AND 2 then
- else
- %>
- cachedList[<%= newid %>]= new top.main.head.listObj("<%= Replace(i,"\","\\") %>","<%= fl.name %>","","<%= fl.size %>","<%= fl.Type %>","<%= fl.DateLastModified %>",false);
- <%
- newid = newid +1
- end if
- Next
- end if
- %>
- top.main.head.listFunc.selIndex=0;
- top.main.list.location.href ="JSBrwLs.asp";
- <% else %>
- alert(top.main.head.document.userform.currentPath.value+"\r\r<%= L_PATHNOTFOUND_TEXT %>");
- top.main.head.document.userform.currentPath.value = "<%= Replace(Request.Cookies("HTMLA")("LASTPATH"),"\","\\") %>";
- <% end if %>
- </HEAD>
- <BODY>
- </BODY>
- </HTML>