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- ARJ ORDER FORM (rev 19): Prices valid until January 1, 2001
- TO: Date: ______________________
- ARJ Software, Inc.
- P.O. Box 249
- Norwood MA 02062 Fax : 781-769-4893
- USA Email: robjung@world.std.com
- Name: ______________________________________________________
- [Company]: ______________________________________________________
- Reg Name: ______________________________________________________
- [Used to register stamp your software, 60 characters max]
- Address: ______________________________________________________
- City: ____________________________ State: __________________
- Country: ____________________________ Postal Code: ____________
- Phone: ________________________ Fax: ________________________
- Email: ______________________________________________________
- ========================================================================
- INTERNAL USE LICENSE for the use of ARJ for MS-DOS:
- (Choose ONLY ONE of the following ARJ price schedules)
- 1 computer ... at $45 45 ______
- 2 to 10 computers ... at $30 each, nbr computers ___x 30 ______
- or 11 to 50 computers ... at $25 each, nbr computers ___x 25 ______
- or 51 to 100 computers ... at $20 each, nbr computers ___x 20 ______
- or 101 to 200 computers ... at $15 each, nbr computers ___x 15 ______
- or 201 to 500 computers ... at $13 each, nbr computers ___x 13 ______
- or 1 UNLIMITED SINGLE LOCATION SITE LICENSE, $2500 total fee ______
- ONE software & documentation diskette included FREE of charge.
- Duplicate software/documentation diskette at $5 each, ___x 5 ______
- ========================================================================
- For a limited time (expires 12/31/99), there is an upgrade credit for
- ARJ32 for Windows NT/95/98. See the ARJ website for more information.
- ========================================================================
- License for the EXTERNAL use of one of our archivers:
- This covers external (outside of company) archiver usage for the
- purposes of your company and your software application including
- distribution of software and data between licensed computers.
- 2 to 10 computers .. at $15 each, nbr computers ____x 15 ______
- or 11 to 50 computers .. at $13 each, nbr computers ____x 13 ______
- or 51 to 100 computers .. at $10 each, nbr computers ____x 10 ______
- or 101 to 200 computers .. at $ 8 each, nbr computers ____x 8 ______
- or 201 to 500 computers .. at $ 7 each, nbr computers ____x 7 ______
- or 501 to 1000 computers .. at $ 6 each, nbr computers ____x 6 ______
- ** Discounts available for higher quantities **
- ========================================================================
- ARJ-SECURITY ENVELOPE signature at $50 50 ______
- Please note that this is a separately charged item.
- List the exact name to be displayed by the ARJ security envelope.
- The display will look like the following lines:
- *** ARJ-SECURITY envelope signature:
- *** _____________________________________________________________ R#nnnn
- (Exact name or identifier, one line, 66 characters max)
- ========================================================================
- Massachusetts state residents add 5 percent sales tax ______
- TOTAL ORDER ______
- For payment by check NOT payable through a USA bank, add $40.00 ______
- (see TERMS below)
- Payment method: ( ) Cash ( ) Check ( ) Bank transfer
- ( ) Purchase Order ( ) Money order
- ( ) Credit card - See instructions in file CREDIT.TXT
- ========================================================================
- AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (if needed): ______________________________________
- TITLE: ____________________________________ DATE: _____________________
- ========================================================================
- 1) How did you find out about our software products?
- ( ) Friend, co-worker ( ) BBS, WEB __________________________
- ( ) Magazine, Newspaper article ___________________________________
- ( ) Other _________________________________________________________
- 2) What do you like about our product ______________________________ ?
- (Check as many as apply) (name of product)
- ( ) Compression ( ) Multiple volumes
- ( ) Pricing ( ) Features
- ( ) Support ( ) REARJ
- ( ) Documentation ( ) UNARJ source code
- ( ) Reliability
- ( ) Other _________________________________________________________
- Payment may be made by check, US POSTAL Money Order or International
- Money Order in USA funds payable through a USA bank and made out to
- ARJ Software, Inc. Payment may also be made by bank wire transfer.
- Please write for transfer details. Purchase orders (net 30) for orders
- over $40 will be accepted from businesses and government organizations.
- We accept orders by credit card. See the file CREDIT.TXT for details.
- Payment may be made by a check NOT payable through a USA bank for
- amounts over $100.00 (USA). Please make the payment in USA funds and
- add a $40.00 surcharge to cover handling and bank transfer costs.
- When making payments by check or money order, PLEASE include ordering
- information with the payment. We sometimes receive BANK checks with
- little or no identifying information.
- Please allow a few weeks for delivery.
- end of document