home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ;
- ; Few rules for translator:
- ; Copy english.lng into the your_language.lng and translate them.
- ; Please, translate text after symbol '=' only.
- ; Use '&' char to make next symbol underlined & hot
- ; (command execution by Alt+[NextSymbol])
- ;
- ;
- [Individual]
- ;
- ; Charset (refer to table in help file for your language)
- Charset = 1
- ;
- ; Full language name
- Language = English
- ;
- ; Help file name (write it like your language name)
- Help = english.hlp
- ;
- ;
- [Titles > frmCSpread]
- ;
- dlgOpenGame = Open game
- dlgSaveGame = Save game
- ;
- ;
- [Captions > frmCSpread]
- ;
- mnuGame = &Game
- mnuNew = &New
- mnuOpen = &Open...
- mnuSave = &Save
- mnuSaveAs = Save &As...
- mnuUndo = &Undo
- mnuExit = E&xit
- mnuOptions = &Options
- mnuMainPref = &Main...
- mnuTheme = &Theme...
- mnuJukebox = &Jukebox...
- mnuLevel = Level
- mnuLevel0 = Easy
- mnuLevel1 = Medium
- mnuLevel2 = Hard
- mnuMusic = Music
- mnuSound = Sound
- mnuBest = &Best players
- mnuHelp = &Help
- mnuContents = &Contents
- mnuAbout = &About
- mnuWebSite = &Game's website
- mnuTryGames = &Try other games
- mnuSendmail = &Send mail us
- ;
- lblBest = Best player
- lblScore = Score
- lblNextColors = Next
- lblLevel = Level
- lblTime = Time
- lblGameOver = Game Over
- ;
- ;
- [Captions > frmMainPref]
- ;
- frmMainPref = Main preferences
- btnCancel = Cancel
- lblLanguage = Language:
- rgrpLevel = [ Level ]
- cbxAutoStart = Run game on startup
- ;
- ;
- [Captions > frmThemes]
- ;
- frmThemes = Themes
- lblBackgrounds = Backgrounds:
- lblObjects = Objects:
- lblPreview = Preview:
- lblAnimSpeed = Animation speed:
- lblSlow = Slow
- lblFast = Fast
- btnCancel = Cancel
- btnGetMore = Get more!
- ;
- ;
- [Titles > frmJukebox]
- ;
- dlgOpenMusic = Add music MIDI file
- ;
- ;
- [Captions > frmJukebox]
- ;
- frmJukebox = Jukebox
- lblPlaylist = Playlist:
- btnCancel = Cancel
- btnAdd = Add
- btnRemove = Remove
- btnRestore = Restore default
- cbxRandom = Random playing order
- ;
- ;
- [Captions > frmHighscore]
- ;
- frmHighScore = Best players
- lblLevel = Game level:
- lblPlayer = Player
- lblScore = Score
- lblTime = Time
- ;
- ;
- [Captions > frmSplash]
- ;
- frmSplash = About...
- lblWeb = Visit our website:
- lblContact = Contact us at:
- ;
- ;
- [Messages]
- ;
- ; DO NOT change this number
- Count = 11
- ;
- MSG0 = Easy
- MSG1 = Medium
- MSG2 = Hard
- MSG3 = Warning!
- MSG4 = Really start new game?
- MSG5 = Sound ON
- MSG6 = Sound OFF
- MSG7 = Music ON
- MSG8 = Music OFF
- MSG9 = Prelisten
- MSG10 = Stop