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- {$INCLUDE ..\cDefines.inc}
- unit cWriters;
- { }
- { Writers v3.01 }
- { }
- { This unit is copyright ⌐ 2002 by David Butler (david@e.co.za) }
- { }
- { This unit is part of Delphi Fundamentals. }
- { Its original file name is cWriters.pas }
- { The latest version is available from the Fundamentals home page }
- { http://fundementals.sourceforge.net/ }
- { }
- { I invite you to use this unit, free of charge. }
- { I invite you to distibute this unit, but it must be for free. }
- { I also invite you to contribute to its development, }
- { but do not distribute a modified copy of this file. }
- { }
- { A forum is available on SourceForge for general discussion }
- { http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=2117 }
- { }
- { }
- { Revision history: }
- { 12/05/2002 3.01 Created cWriters unit from cStreams. }
- { AWriter, TFileWriter. }
- { }
- interface
- uses
- // Delphi
- SysUtils;
- { }
- { AWriter }
- { Writer abstract base class. }
- { }
- type
- AWriter = class
- protected
- Function GetPosition : Int64; virtual; abstract;
- Procedure SetPosition (const Position : Int64); virtual; abstract;
- Function GetSize : Int64; virtual; abstract;
- Procedure SetSize (const Size : Int64); virtual; abstract;
- public
- Function Write (const Buffer; const Size : Integer) : Integer; virtual; abstract;
- Property Position : Int64 read GetPosition write SetPosition;
- Property Size : Int64 read GetSize write SetSize;
- end;
- EWriter = class (Exception);
- { }
- { AWriterEx }
- { Base class for Writer implementations. AWriteEx extends AWriter with }
- { commonly used functions. }
- { }
- { All methods in AWriterEx is implemented using calls to the abstract }
- { methods in AWriter. Writer implementations can override the virtual }
- { methods in AWriterEx with more efficient versions. }
- { }
- type
- TWriterNewLineType = (nlCR, nlLF, nlCRLF, nlLFCR);
- AWriterEx = class (AWriter)
- public
- Procedure RaiseWriteError;
- Procedure Append;
- Procedure Truncate; virtual;
- Procedure WriteBuffer (const Buffer; const Size : Integer);
- Procedure WriteStr (const Buffer : String); virtual;
- Procedure SetAsString (const S : String);
- Procedure WriteByte (const V : Byte);
- Procedure WriteWord (const V : Word);
- Procedure WriteLongWord (const V : LongWord);
- Procedure WriteLongInt (const V : LongInt);
- Procedure WriteInt64 (const V : Int64);
- Procedure WriteBufLine (const Buffer; const Size : Integer;
- const NewLineType : TWriterNewLineType = nlCRLF);
- Procedure WriteLine (const S : String; const NewLineType : TWriterNewLineType = nlCRLF);
- end;
- { }
- { TFileWriter }
- { Writer implementation for a file. }
- { }
- type
- TFileWriterOpenMode = (fwomOpen, // Open existing
- fwomTruncate, // Open existing and truncate
- fwomCreate, // Always create
- fwomCreateIfNotExist); // Create if not exist else open existing
- TFileWriter = class (AWriterEx)
- protected
- FFileName : String;
- FHandle : Integer;
- FHandleOwner : Boolean;
- FFileCreated : Boolean;
- Function GetPosition : Int64; override;
- Procedure SetPosition (const Position : Int64); override;
- Function GetSize : Int64; override;
- Procedure SetSize (const Size : Int64); override;
- public
- Constructor Create (const FileName : String;
- const OpenMode : TFileWriterOpenMode = fwomCreateIfNotExist); overload;
- Constructor Create (const FileHandle : Integer; const HandleOwner : Boolean); overload;
- Destructor Destroy; override;
- Property Handle : Integer read FHandle;
- Property HandleOwner : Boolean read FHandleOwner;
- Property FileCreated : Boolean read FFileCreated;
- Function Write (const Buffer; const Size : Integer) : Integer; override;
- Procedure DeleteFile;
- end;
- EFileWriter = class (EWriter);
- { }
- { TOutputWriter }
- { Writer implementation for standard system output. }
- { }
- type
- TOutputWriter = class (AWriterEx)
- public
- Function Write (const Buffer; const Size : Integer) : Integer; override;
- end;
- implementation
- uses
- // Delphi
- Windows;
- { }
- { AWriterEx }
- { }
- Procedure AWriterEx.RaiseWriteError;
- Begin
- raise EWriter.Create ('Write error');
- End;
- Procedure AWriterEx.Append;
- Begin
- Position := Size;
- End;
- Procedure AWriterEx.Truncate;
- Begin
- Size := Position;
- End;
- Procedure AWriterEx.WriteBuffer (const Buffer; const Size : Integer);
- Begin
- if Size <= 0 then
- exit;
- if Write (Buffer, Size) <> Size then
- RaiseWriteError;
- End;
- Procedure AWriterEx.WriteStr (const Buffer : String);
- Begin
- WriteBuffer (Pointer (Buffer)^, Length (Buffer));
- End;
- Procedure AWriterEx.SetAsString (const S : String);
- Begin
- Position := 0;
- WriteStr (S);
- Truncate;
- End;
- Procedure AWriterEx.WriteByte (const V : Byte);
- Begin
- WriteBuffer (V, Sizeof (Byte));
- End;
- Procedure AWriterEx.WriteWord (const V : Word);
- Begin
- WriteBuffer (V, Sizeof (Word));
- End;
- Procedure AWriterEx.WriteLongWord (const V : LongWord);
- Begin
- WriteBuffer (V, Sizeof (LongWord));
- End;
- Procedure AWriterEx.WriteLongInt (const V : LongInt);
- Begin
- WriteBuffer (V, Sizeof (LongInt));
- End;
- Procedure AWriterEx.WriteInt64 (const V : Int64);
- Begin
- WriteBuffer (V, Sizeof (Int64));
- End;
- Procedure AWriterEx.WriteBufLine (const Buffer; const Size : Integer; const NewLineType : TWriterNewLineType);
- Begin
- WriteBuffer (Buffer, Size);
- Case NewLineType of
- nlCR : WriteByte (13);
- nlLF : WriteByte (10);
- nlCRLF : WriteStr (#13#10);
- nlLFCR : WriteStr (#10#13);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure AWriterEx.WriteLine (const S : String; const NewLineType : TWriterNewLineType);
- Begin
- WriteBufLine (Pointer (S)^, Length (S), NewLineType);
- End;
- { }
- { TFileWriter }
- { }
- Constructor TFileWriter.Create (const FileName : String; const OpenMode : TFileWriterOpenMode);
- var CreateFile : Boolean;
- Begin
- inherited Create;
- FFileName := FileName;
- Case OpenMode of
- fwomCreate : CreateFile := True;
- fwomCreateIfNotExist : CreateFile := not FileExists (FileName);
- else
- CreateFile := False;
- end;
- if CreateFile then
- FHandle := FileCreate (FileName) else
- FHandle := FileOpen (FileName, fmOpenReadWrite);
- if FHandle = -1 then {$IFDEF DELPHI6_UP}
- RaiseLastOSError; {$ELSE}
- RaiseLastWin32Error; {$ENDIF}
- FHandleOwner := True;
- FFileCreated := CreateFile;
- if OpenMode = fwomTruncate then
- if not SetEndOfFile (FHandle) then
- raise EFileWriter.Create ('File truncate error');
- End;
- Constructor TFileWriter.Create (const FileHandle : Integer; const HandleOwner : Boolean);
- Begin
- inherited Create;
- FHandle := FileHandle;
- FHandleOwner := HandleOwner;
- End;
- Destructor TFileWriter.Destroy;
- Begin
- if FHandleOwner and (FHandle <> -1) and (FHandle <> 0) then
- FileClose (FHandle);
- inherited Destroy;
- End;
- Function TFileWriter.GetPosition : Int64;
- Begin
- Result := FileSeek (FHandle, Int64 (0), 1);
- if Result = -1 then
- raise EFileWriter.Create ('File error');
- End;
- Procedure TFileWriter.SetPosition (const Position : Int64);
- Begin
- if FileSeek (FHandle, Position, 0) = -1 then
- raise EFileWriter.Create ('File seek error');
- End;
- Function TFileWriter.GetSize : Int64;
- var I : Int64;
- Begin
- I := GetPosition;
- Result := FileSeek (FHandle, Int64 (0), 2);
- SetPosition (I);
- if Result = -1 then
- raise EFileWriter.Create ('File error');
- End;
- Procedure TFileWriter.SetSize (const Size : Int64);
- Begin
- SetPosition (Size);
- if not SetEndOfFile (FHandle) then
- raise EFileWriter.Create ('File resize error');
- End;
- Function TFileWriter.Write (const Buffer; const Size : Integer) : Integer;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- if Size <= 0 then
- begin
- Result := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- I := FileWrite (FHandle, Buffer, Size);
- if I < 0 then {$IFDEF DELPHI6_UP}
- RaiseLastOSError; {$ELSE}
- RaiseLastWin32Error; {$ENDIF}
- Result := I;
- End;
- Procedure TFileWriter.DeleteFile;
- Begin
- if FFileName = '' then
- raise EFileWriter.Create ('No filename');
- if (FHandle <> -1) and (FHandle <> 0) then
- FileClose (FHandle);
- FHandle := -1;
- SysUtils.DeleteFile (FFileName);
- End;
- { }
- { TOutputWriter }
- { }
- Function TOutputWriter.Write (const Buffer; const Size : Integer) : Integer;
- var I : Integer;
- P : PByte;
- Begin
- if Size <= 0 then
- begin
- Result := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- P := @Buffer;
- For I := 1 to Size do
- begin
- System.Write (Char (P^));
- Inc (P);
- end;
- Result := Size;
- End;
- end.