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- {$INCLUDE ..\cDefines.inc}
- unit cStreams;
- { }
- { Streams v3.07 }
- { }
- { This unit is copyright ⌐ 1999-2002 by David Butler (david@e.co.za) }
- { }
- { This unit is part of Delphi Fundamentals. }
- { Its original file name is cStreams.pas }
- { The latest version is available from the Fundamentals home page }
- { http://fundementals.sourceforge.net/ }
- { }
- { I invite you to use this unit, free of charge. }
- { I invite you to distibute this unit, but it must be for free. }
- { I also invite you to contribute to its development, }
- { but do not distribute a modified copy of this file. }
- { }
- { A forum is available on SourceForge for general discussion }
- { http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=2117 }
- { }
- { }
- { Revision history: }
- { 01/03/1999 0.01 Initial version. }
- { 08/02/2000 1.02 AStreamEx. }
- { 08/05/2000 1.03 ATRecordStream. }
- { 01/06/2000 1.04 TFixedLenRecordStreamer. }
- { 29/05/2002 3.05 Created cReaders and cWriters units from cStreams. }
- { 03/08/2002 3.06 Moved TVarSizeAllocator to unit cVarAllocator. }
- { 18/08/2002 3.07 Added TReaderWriter as AStream. }
- { }
- interface
- uses
- // Delphi
- SysUtils,
- // Fundamentals
- cReaders,
- cWriters;
- { }
- { AStream }
- { Abstract base class for streams. }
- { }
- type
- AStream = class;
- AStreamCopyProgressEvent = Procedure (const Source, Destination : AStream;
- const BytesCopied : Int64; var Abort : Boolean) of object;
- AStream = class
- protected
- FOnCopyProgress : AStreamCopyProgressEvent;
- Function GetPosition : Int64; virtual; abstract;
- Procedure SetPosition (const Position : Int64); virtual; abstract;
- Function GetSize : Int64; virtual; abstract;
- Procedure SetSize (const Size : Int64); virtual; abstract;
- Function GetReader : AReaderEx; virtual; abstract;
- Function GetWriter : AWriterEx; virtual; abstract;
- Procedure TriggerCopyProgressEvent (const Source, Destination : AStream;
- const BytesCopied : Int64; var Abort : Boolean); virtual;
- public
- Function Read (var Buffer; const Size : Integer) : Integer; virtual; abstract;
- Function Write (const Buffer; const Size : Integer) : Integer; virtual; abstract;
- Property Position : Int64 read GetPosition write SetPosition;
- Property Size : Int64 read GetSize write SetSize;
- Function EOF : Boolean; virtual;
- Property Reader : AReaderEx read GetReader;
- Property Writer : AWriterEx read GetWriter;
- Procedure ReadBuffer (var Buffer; const Size : Integer);
- Function ReadByte : Byte;
- Procedure WriteBuffer (const Buffer; const Size : Integer);
- Procedure WriteStr (const S : String);
- Procedure Assign (const Source : TObject); virtual;
- Function WriteTo (const Destination : AStream; const BlockSize : Integer = 0;
- const Count : Int64 = -1) : Int64;
- Property OnCopyProgress : AStreamCopyProgressEvent read FOnCopyProgress write FOnCopyProgress;
- end;
- EStream = class (Exception);
- EStreamOperationAborted = class (EStream)
- Constructor Create;
- end;
- { }
- { Stream proxies }
- { }
- type
- { TStreamReaderProxy }
- TStreamReaderProxy = class (AReaderEx)
- protected
- FStream : AStream;
- Function GetPosition : Int64; override;
- Procedure SetPosition (const Position : Int64); override;
- Function GetSize : Int64; override;
- public
- Constructor Create (const Stream : AStream);
- Property Stream : AStream read FStream;
- Function Read (var Buffer; const Size : Integer) : Integer; override;
- Function EOF : Boolean; override;
- end;
- { TStreamWriterProxy }
- TStreamWriterProxy = class (AWriterEx)
- protected
- FStream : AStream;
- Function GetPosition : Int64; override;
- Procedure SetPosition (const Position : Int64); override;
- Function GetSize : Int64; override;
- Procedure SetSize (const Size : Int64); override;
- public
- Constructor Create (const Stream : AStream);
- Property Stream : AStream read FStream;
- Function Write (const Buffer; const Size : Integer) : Integer; override;
- end;
- { }
- { Stream functions }
- { }
- type
- TCopyProgressProcedure = Procedure (const Source, Destination : AStream;
- const BytesCopied : Int64; var Abort : Boolean);
- Function CopyStream (const Source, Destination : AStream;
- const SourceOffset : Int64 = 0; const DestinationOffset : Int64 = 0;
- const BlockSize : Integer = 0; const Count : Int64 = -1;
- const ProgressCallback : TCopyProgressProcedure = nil;
- const CopyFromBack : Boolean = False) : Int64; overload;
- Function CopyStream (const Source : AReaderEx; const Destination : AWriterEx;
- const BlockSize : Integer = 0) : Int64; overload;
- Procedure DeleteStreamRange (const Stream : AStream; const Position, Count : Int64;
- const ProgressCallback : TCopyProgressProcedure = nil);
- Procedure InsertStreamRange (const Stream : AStream; const Position, Count : Int64;
- const ProgressCallback : TCopyProgressProcedure = nil);
- Procedure StreamDotLineTerminated (const Source : AStream;
- const Destination : AStream; const ProgressCallback : TCopyProgressProcedure = nil); overload;
- Procedure StreamDotLineTerminated (const Source : String;
- const Destination : AStream; const ProgressCallback : TCopyProgressProcedure = nil); overload;
- { }
- { TReaderWriter }
- { Composition of a Reader and a Writer as a Stream. }
- { }
- type
- TReaderWriter = class (AStream)
- protected
- FReader : AReaderEx;
- FWriter : AWriterEx;
- FReaderOwner : Boolean;
- FWriterOwner : Boolean;
- Procedure RaiseNoReaderError;
- Procedure RaiseNoWriterError;
- Function GetPosition : Int64; override;
- Procedure SetPosition (const Position : Int64); override;
- Function GetSize : Int64; override;
- Procedure SetSize (const Size : Int64); override;
- Function GetReader : AReaderEx; override;
- Function GetWriter : AWriterEx; override;
- public
- Constructor Create (const Reader : AReaderEx; const Writer : AWriterEx;
- const ReaderOwner : Boolean = True; const WriterOwner : Boolean = True);
- Destructor Destroy; override;
- Property Reader : AReaderEx read FReader;
- Property Writer : AWriterEx read FWriter;
- Property ReaderOwner : Boolean read FReaderOwner write FReaderOwner;
- Property WriterOwner : Boolean read FWriterOwner write FWriterOwner;
- Function Read (var Buffer; const Size : Integer) : Integer; override;
- Function Write (const Buffer; const Size : Integer) : Integer; override;
- end;
- EReaderWriter = class (Exception);
- { }
- { TFileStream }
- { Stream implementation for a file. }
- { }
- type
- TFileStreamOpenMode = (fsomRead,
- fsomReadWrite,
- fsomCreate,
- fsomCreateIfNotExist);
- TFileStream = class (TReaderWriter)
- protected
- FFileName : String;
- Procedure SetPosition (const Position : Int64); override;
- Function GetFileHandle : Integer;
- Function GetFileCreated : Boolean;
- public
- Constructor Create (const FileName : String;
- const OpenMode : TFileStreamOpenMode); overload;
- Constructor Create (const FileHandle : Integer; const HandleOwner : Boolean); overload;
- Property FileName : String read FFileName;
- Property FileHandle : Integer read GetFileHandle;
- Property FileCreated : Boolean read GetFileCreated;
- Procedure DeleteFile;
- end;
- EFileStream = class (EStream);
- { }
- { Self-testing code }
- { }
- Procedure SelfTest;
- implementation
- uses
- // Fundamentals
- cUtils,
- cStrings;
- { }
- { EStreamOperationAborted }
- { }
- Constructor EStreamOperationAborted.Create;
- Begin
- inherited Create ('Stream operation aborted');
- End;
- { }
- { TStreamReaderProxy }
- { }
- Constructor TStreamReaderProxy.Create (const Stream : AStream);
- Begin
- inherited Create;
- Assert (Assigned (Stream), 'Assigned (Stream)');
- FStream := Stream;
- End;
- Function TStreamReaderProxy.GetPosition : Int64;
- Begin
- Result := FStream.Position;
- End;
- Procedure TStreamReaderProxy.SetPosition (const Position : Int64);
- Begin
- FStream.Position := Position;
- End;
- Function TStreamReaderProxy.GetSize : Int64;
- Begin
- Result := FStream.Size;
- End;
- Function TStreamReaderProxy.Read (var Buffer; const Size : Integer) : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := FStream.Read (Buffer, Size)
- End;
- Function TStreamReaderProxy.EOF : Boolean;
- Begin
- Result := FStream.EOF;
- End;
- { }
- { TStreamWriterProxy }
- { }
- Constructor TStreamWriterProxy.Create (const Stream : AStream);
- Begin
- inherited Create;
- Assert (Assigned (Stream), 'Assigned (Stream)');
- FStream := Stream;
- End;
- Function TStreamWriterProxy.GetPosition : Int64;
- Begin
- Result := FStream.Position;
- End;
- Procedure TStreamWriterProxy.SetPosition (const Position : Int64);
- Begin
- FStream.Position := Position;
- End;
- Function TStreamWriterProxy.GetSize : Int64;
- Begin
- Result := FStream.Size;
- End;
- Procedure TStreamWriterProxy.SetSize (const Size : Int64);
- Begin
- FStream.Size := Size;
- End;
- Function TStreamWriterProxy.Write (const Buffer; const Size : Integer) : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := FStream.Write (Buffer, Size)
- End;
- { }
- { CopyStream }
- { }
- const
- DefaultBlockSize = 2048;
- Function CopyStream (const Source, Destination : AStream; const SourceOffset : Int64; const DestinationOffset : Int64; const BlockSize : Integer; const Count : Int64; const ProgressCallback : TCopyProgressProcedure; const CopyFromBack : Boolean) : Int64;
- var Buf : Pointer;
- L, I, C : Integer;
- R, S, D : Int64;
- A : Boolean;
- Begin
- if not Assigned (Source) then
- raise EStream.Create ('Invalid source');
- if not Assigned (Destination) then
- raise EStream.Create ('Invalid destination');
- S := SourceOffset;
- D := DestinationOffset;
- if (S < 0) or (D < 0) then
- raise EStream.Create ('Invalid offset');
- if (Source = Destination) and (Count < 0) and (S < D) then
- raise EStream.Create ('Invalid parameters');
- A := False;
- if Assigned (ProgressCallback) then
- begin
- ProgressCallback (Source, Destination, 0, A);
- if A then
- raise EStreamOperationAborted.Create;
- end;
- Result := 0;
- R := Count;
- if R = 0 then
- exit;
- L := BlockSize;
- if L <= 0 then
- L := DefaultBlockSize;
- if (R > 0) and (R < L) then
- L := R;
- if CopyFromBack then
- begin
- if R < 0 then
- raise EStream.Create ('Invalid count');
- Inc (S, R - L);
- Inc (D, R - L);
- end;
- GetMem (Buf, L);
- try
- While not Source.EOF and (R <> 0) do
- begin
- C := L;
- if (R > 0) and (R < C) then
- C := R;
- Source.Position := S;
- I := Source.Read (Buf^, C);
- if (I <= 0) and not Source.EOF then
- raise EStream.Create ('Stream read error');
- Destination.Position := D;
- Destination.WriteBuffer (Buf^, I);
- Inc (Result, I);
- if R > 0 then
- Dec (R, I);
- if CopyFromBack then
- begin
- Dec (S, I);
- Dec (D, I);
- end else
- begin
- Inc (S, I);
- Inc (D, I);
- end;
- if Assigned (ProgressCallback) then
- begin
- ProgressCallback (Source, Destination, Result, A);
- if A then
- raise EStreamOperationAborted.Create;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- FreeMem (Buf);
- end;
- End;
- Function CopyStream (const Source : AReaderEx; const Destination : AWriterEx; const BlockSize : Integer) : Int64;
- var Buf : Pointer;
- L, I : Integer;
- Begin
- if not Assigned (Source) then
- raise EStream.Create ('Invalid source');
- if not Assigned (Destination) then
- raise EStream.Create ('Invalid destination');
- L := BlockSize;
- if L <= 0 then
- L := DefaultBlockSize;
- Result := 0;
- GetMem (Buf, L);
- try
- While not Source.EOF do
- begin
- I := Source.Read (Buf^, L);
- if (I = 0) and not Source.EOF then
- Source.RaiseReadError;
- Destination.WriteBuffer (Buf^, I);
- Inc (Result, I);
- end;
- finally
- FreeMem (Buf);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure DeleteStreamRange (const Stream : AStream; const Position, Count : Int64; const ProgressCallback : TCopyProgressProcedure);
- Begin
- if Count <= 0 then
- exit;
- if CopyStream (Stream, Stream, Stream.Position + Count, Stream.Position, 0, Count,
- ProgressCallback, False) <> Count then
- raise EStream.Create ('Copy error');
- End;
- Procedure InsertStreamRange (const Stream : AStream; const Position, Count : Int64; const ProgressCallback : TCopyProgressProcedure);
- Begin
- if Count <= 0 then
- exit;
- if CopyStream (Stream, Stream, Stream.Position, Stream.Position + Count, 0, Count,
- ProgressCallback, True) <> Count then
- raise EStream.Create ('Copy error');
- End;
- Procedure StreamDotLineTerminated (const Source : AStream; const Destination : AStream; const ProgressCallback : TCopyProgressProcedure);
- var R : AReaderEx;
- W : AWriterEx;
- P : Int64;
- A : Boolean;
- S : String;
- Begin
- R := Source.Reader;
- W := Destination.Writer;
- P := R.Position;
- A := False;
- While not R.EOF do
- begin
- S := R.ExtractLine (-1, True);
- if (S <> '') and (S [1] = '.') then
- S := '.' + S;
- W.WriteLine (S, nlCRLF);
- if Assigned (ProgressCallback) then
- begin
- ProgressCallback (Source, Destination, R.Position - P, A);
- if A then
- raise EStreamOperationAborted.Create;
- end;
- end;
- W.WriteLine ('.', nlCRLF);
- End;
- Procedure StreamDotLineTerminated (const Source : String; const Destination : AStream; const ProgressCallback : TCopyProgressProcedure);
- var R : StringArray;
- W : AWriterEx;
- A : Boolean;
- S : String;
- I : Integer;
- P : Int64;
- Begin
- R := Split (Source, CRLF, [], 1, -1, -1, saSingleAllocation);
- W := Destination.Writer;
- A := False;
- P := 0;
- For I := 0 to Length (R) - 1 do
- begin
- S := R [I];
- Inc (P, Length (S) + 2);
- if (S <> '') and (S [1] = '.') then
- S := '.' + S;
- W.WriteLine (S, nlCRLF);
- if Assigned (ProgressCallback) then
- begin
- ProgressCallback (nil, Destination, P, A);
- if A then
- raise EStreamOperationAborted.Create;
- end;
- end;
- W.WriteLine ('.', nlCRLF);
- End;
- { }
- { AStream }
- { }
- Function AStream.EOF : Boolean;
- Begin
- Result := Position >= Size;
- End;
- Procedure AStream.ReadBuffer (var Buffer; const Size : Integer);
- Begin
- if Size <= 0 then
- exit;
- if Read (Buffer, Size) <> Size then
- raise EStream.Create ('Read error');
- End;
- Function AStream.ReadByte : Byte;
- Begin
- ReadBuffer (Result, 1);
- End;
- Procedure AStream.WriteBuffer (const Buffer; const Size : Integer);
- Begin
- if Size <= 0 then
- exit;
- if Write (Buffer, Size) <> Size then
- raise EStream.Create ('Write error');
- End;
- Procedure AStream.WriteStr (const S : String);
- Begin
- WriteBuffer (Pointer (S)^, Length (S));
- End;
- Procedure AStreamCopyCallback (const Source, Destination : AStream; const BytesCopied : Int64; var Abort : Boolean);
- Begin
- Assert (Assigned (Source) and Assigned (Destination) and not Abort, 'Assigned (Source) and Assigned (Destination) and not Abort');
- Source.TriggerCopyProgressEvent (Source, Destination, BytesCopied, Abort);
- if Abort then
- exit;
- Destination.TriggerCopyProgressEvent (Source, Destination, BytesCopied, Abort);
- End;
- Procedure AStream.TriggerCopyProgressEvent (const Source, Destination : AStream; const BytesCopied : Int64; var Abort : Boolean);
- Begin
- if Assigned (FOnCopyProgress) then
- FOnCopyProgress (Source, Destination, BytesCopied, Abort);
- End;
- Procedure AStream.Assign (const Source : TObject);
- Begin
- if not Assigned (Source) then
- raise EStream.Create ('Invalid source');
- if Source is AStream then
- Size := CopyStream (AStream (Source), self, 0, 0, 0, -1, AStreamCopyCallback, False) else
- raise EStream.Create ('Assign not defined for source type');
- End;
- Function AStream.WriteTo (const Destination : AStream; const BlockSize : Integer; const Count : Int64) : Int64;
- Begin
- Result := CopyStream (self, Destination, Position, Destination.Position,
- BlockSize, Count, AStreamCopyCallback, False);
- End;
- { }
- { TReaderWriter }
- { }
- Constructor TReaderWriter.Create (const Reader : AReaderEx; const Writer : AWriterEx; const ReaderOwner : Boolean; const WriterOwner : Boolean);
- Begin
- inherited Create;
- FReader := Reader;
- FReaderOwner := ReaderOwner;
- FWriter := Writer;
- FWriterOwner := WriterOwner;
- End;
- Destructor TReaderWriter.Destroy;
- Begin
- if FReaderOwner then
- FReader.Free;
- FReader := nil;
- if FWriterOwner then
- FWriter.Free;
- FWriter := nil;
- inherited Destroy;
- End;
- Procedure TReaderWriter.RaiseNoReaderError;
- Begin
- raise EReaderWriter.Create ('No reader');
- End;
- Procedure TReaderWriter.RaiseNoWriterError;
- Begin
- raise EReaderWriter.Create ('No writer');
- End;
- Function TReaderWriter.GetPosition : Int64;
- Begin
- if Assigned (FReader) then
- Result := FReader.Position else
- if Assigned (FWriter) then
- Result := FWriter.Position else
- Result := 0;
- End;
- Procedure TReaderWriter.SetPosition (const Position : Int64);
- Begin
- if Assigned (FReader) then
- FReader.Position := Position;
- if Assigned (FWriter) then
- FWriter.Position := Position;
- End;
- Function TReaderWriter.GetReader : AReaderEx;
- Begin
- Result := FReader;
- End;
- Function TReaderWriter.GetWriter : AWriterEx;
- Begin
- Result := FWriter;
- End;
- Function TReaderWriter.GetSize : Int64;
- Begin
- if Assigned (FWriter) then
- Result := FWriter.Size else
- if Assigned (FReader) then
- Result := FReader.Size else
- Result := 0;
- End;
- Procedure TReaderWriter.SetSize (const Size : Int64);
- Begin
- if not Assigned (FWriter) then
- RaiseNoWriterError;
- FWriter.Size := Size;
- End;
- Function TReaderWriter.Read (var Buffer; const Size : Integer) : Integer;
- Begin
- if not Assigned (FReader) then
- RaiseNoReaderError;
- Result := FReader.Read (Buffer, Size);
- End;
- Function TReaderWriter.Write (const Buffer; const Size : Integer) : Integer;
- Begin
- if not Assigned (FWriter) then
- RaiseNoWriterError;
- Result := FWriter.Write (Buffer, Size);
- End;
- { }
- { TFileStream }
- { }
- Constructor TFileStream.Create (const FileName : String; const OpenMode : TFileStreamOpenMode);
- const WriterModes : Array [TFileStreamOpenMode] of TFileWriterOpenMode =
- (fwomOpen, fwomOpen, fwomCreate, fwomCreateIfNotExist);
- var W : TFileWriter;
- R : AReaderEx;
- Begin
- FFileName := FileName;
- if OpenMode = fsomRead then
- begin
- W := nil;
- R := TFileReader.Create (FileName);
- end else
- begin
- W := TFileWriter.Create (FileName, WriterModes [OpenMode]);
- try
- R := TFileReader.Create (W.Handle, False);
- except
- W.Free;
- raise;
- end;
- end;
- inherited Create (R, W, True, True);
- End;
- Constructor TFileStream.Create (const FileHandle : Integer; const HandleOwner : Boolean);
- var W : TFileWriter;
- R : TFileReader;
- Begin
- W := TFileWriter.Create (FileHandle, HandleOwner);
- try
- R := TFileReader.Create (FileHandle, False);
- except
- W.Free;
- raise;
- end;
- inherited Create (R, W, True, True);
- End;
- Function TFileStream.GetFileHandle : Integer;
- Begin
- Assert (Assigned (FReader), 'Assigned (FReader)');
- Result := TFileReader (FReader).Handle;
- End;
- Function TFileStream.GetFileCreated : Boolean;
- Begin
- Result := Assigned (FWriter) and TFileWriter (FWriter).FileCreated;
- End;
- Procedure TFileStream.SetPosition (const Position : Int64);
- Begin
- if Assigned (FWriter) then
- FWriter.Position := Position else
- if Assigned (FReader) then
- FReader.Position := Position;
- End;
- Procedure TFileStream.DeleteFile;
- Begin
- if FFileName = '' then
- raise EFileStream.Create ('No filename');
- SysUtils.DeleteFile (FFileName);
- End;
- { }
- { Self-testing code }
- { }
- Procedure SelfTest;
- Begin
- End;
- end.