96 CB Error: IIF() Needs Parameters of Same Length
97 CB Error: SUBSTR() and STR() need Constant Paraneters
98 CB Error: Number of Parameters is Wrong
99 CB Error: Overflow while Evaluating Expression
100 CB Error: Rigth Bracket Missing
101 CB Error: Incompatible field types in the index expression
102 CB Error: Unrecognized Function
103 CB Error: Unrecognized Operator
104 CB Error: Unrecognized Value
105 CB Error: Undeterminated String
106 CB Error: Optimization Error
107 CB Error: Optimization Removal Error
108 CB Error: Optimization File Flushing Failure
109 CB Error: Relation Error
110 CB Error: Matching Slave Record Not Located
111 CB Error: Unexpected Information
112 CB Error: Out of Memory
113 CB Error: Unexpected Parameter
114 CB Error: Unexpected Result
115 CB Error: The record is locked by another user
116 CB: End of file
117 Invalid Field
118 Cannot Delete the File
119 Bad Field Type
120 Memory problem
121 SHARE detection: file path not found
122 SHARE detection: access denied. \n\nUnable to create database in the specified directory. \nYou may have insufficient rights in the directory or a \nread-only database may already exist.