73 CB Error: Closing File 74 CB Error: Creating File 75 CB Error: Determining File Length 76 CB Error: Setting File Length 77 CB Error: Locking File 78 CB Error: Opening File 79 CB Error: Reading File 80 CB Error: Removing File 81 CB Error: Renaming File 82 CB Error: Seeking to File Position 83 CB Error: Unlocking File 84 CB Error: Writing to File 85 CB Error: File is not a Data File 86 CB Error: Unrecognized Field Name 87 CB Error: Unrecognized Field Type 88 CB Error: Record Length too Large 89 CB Error: Tag Entry Missing 90 CB Error: Not a Correct Index File 91 CB Error: Tag Name not Found 92 CB Error: Unique Key Error 93 CB Error: Comma or Bracket Expected 94 CB Error: Expression not Complete 95 CB Error: Data File Name not Located 96 CB Error: IIF() Needs Parameters of Same Length 97 CB Error: SUBSTR() and STR() need Constant Paraneters 98 CB Error: Number of Parameters is Wrong 99 CB Error: Overflow while Evaluating Expression 100 CB Error: Rigth Bracket Missing 101 CB Error: Incompatible field types in the index expression 102 CB Error: Unrecognized Function 103 CB Error: Unrecognized Operator 104 CB Error: Unrecognized Value 105 CB Error: Undeterminated String 106 CB Error: Optimization Error 107 CB Error: Optimization Removal Error 108 CB Error: Optimization File Flushing Failure 109 CB Error: Relation Error 110 CB Error: Matching Slave Record Not Located 111 CB Error: Unexpected Information 112 CB Error: Out of Memory 113 CB Error: Unexpected Parameter 114 CB Error: Unexpected Result 115 CB Error: The record is locked by another user 116 CB: End of file 117 Invalid Field 118 Cannot Delete the File 119 Bad Field Type 120 Memory problem 121 SHARE detection: file path not found 122 SHARE detection: access denied. \n\nUnable to create database in the specified directory. \nYou may have insufficient rights in the directory or a \nread-only database may already exist. 123 SHARE detection: not installed 124 General database failure 125 Unknown error code 126 Directory does not exist 127 Invalid Clipper file name 128 Numeric 129 Character 130 Date 131 Memo 132 Logical 133 FoxPro 134 Clipper 135 dBASE III+ 136 dBASE IV/V 137 File