XLocation: measurement The horizontal position of the center point of objects to move, in WordPerfect units (1200ths of an inch) from the top left corner of the page.
YLocation: measurement The vertical position of the center point of objects to move, in WordPerfect units from the top left corner of the page.
DeltaX: measurement The amount to move selected objects horizontally, in WordPerfect units. Positive values move objects right, and negative values move them left.
DeltaY: measurement The amount to move selected objects vertically, in WordPerfect units. Positive values move objects up, and negative values move them down.
AddToSelection: enumeration Add the specified object to the current selection of objects for moving.
Copy: enumeration Copy the selected objects before moving them.
XLocation: measurement The horizontal position of the center point of an object, in WordPerfect units (1200ths of an inch) from the top left corner of the page.
YLocation: measurement The vertical position of the center point of an object, in WordPerfect units from the top left corner of the page.
AddToSelection: enumeration Add the specified object to the current selection.