FileCloseAll([DoSave_ As _FileCloseAll_DoSave__enum])
PerfectScript Syntax
FileClose ([DoSave?:Enumeration {Yes!; No!}])
FileCloseAll ([DoSave?:Enumeration {Yes!; No!}])
{FileClose} closes all views of the active notebook; {FileCloseAll} closes all open notebooks. The optional argument DoSave? indicates whether to display a save prompt before closing files with changes. Use 1, the default, to prompt for changes; 0 suppresses save prompts.
{FileClose <DoSave? (0|1)>} Closes all views of the active notebook
{FileCloseAll <DoSave? (0|1)>} Closes all open notebooks
FileCombine(FileName As String, Blocks As String, Operation As _FileCombine_Operation_enum)
{FileCombine} lets you copy all or part of a notebook into any area of the active notebook. If you use the "Copy" option, it copies all or part of a notebook into the active notebook (starting at the selected cell). Omit Blocks to combine an entire file. Use "Add," "Subtract," "Multiply," or "Divide" to perform mathematical operations; the incoming data operates on existing data.
You can use {FileCombine?} or {FileCombine!} to display the Combine Files dialog box. {FileCombine?} lets you manipulate the dialog box, whereas {FileCombine!} relies on the macro to manipulate it.
Filename Name of the file to combine
Blocks Selection or selections within Filename to combine (optional)
FileExit([DoSave_ As _FileExit_DoSave__enum])
PerfectScript Syntax
FileExit ([DoSave?:Enumeration {Yes!; No!}])
{FileExit} closes Quattro Pro. The optional argument DoSave? indicates whether to display a save prompt before closing files with changes. Use 1, the default, to prompt for changes; 0 suppresses save prompts.
DoSave? Whether to display a save prompt for modified files: no (0), yes (1); 1 is the default
FileExtract(What As _FileExtract_What_enum, Blocks As String, FileName As String, [Option As _FileExtract_Option_enum])
{FileExtract} saves part of a notebook to a separate file, leaving the original file intact. Use "Formulas" to retain formulas; use "Values" to convert formulas to values. The optional argument--"Replace," "Backup," or "Confirm"--indicates how to treat an existing file with the same name (without displaying a prompt).
You can use {FileExtract?} or {FileExtract!} to display the Extract To File dialog box. {FileExtract?} lets you manipulate the dialog box, whereas {FileExtract!} relies on the macro to manipulate it.
Blocks Selection or selections to extract
Filename Name of the new file containing Blocks
FileImport(FileName As String, Method As String)
PerfectScript Syntax
FileImport (Filename:String; Method:String)
{FileImport} copies a text file into the active sheet of a notebook. Enter the option string that describes the type of file to import.
You can use {FileImport?} or {FileImport!} to display the Text Import dialog box. {FileImport?} lets you manipulate the dialog box, whereas {FileImport!} relies on the macro to manipulate it.
FileNew([TemplateName As String])
PerfectScript Syntax
FileNew ([TemplateName:String])
{FileNew} opens a blank notebook or a notebook based on a QuickTemplate.
You can use {FileNew?} or {FileNew!} to display the New File dialog box. {FileNew?} lets you manipulate the dialog box, whereas {FileNew!} relies on the macro to manipulate it.
FileNew opens only templates in the default QuickTemplates folder.
The following macro opens a blank notebook:
The following macro opens a new notebook based on the 7-Year Balloon Loan QuickTemplate:
{FileNew "7 Year Balloon Loan"}
TemplateName The name of a QuickTemplate
FileOpen(FileName As String, [Option As _FileOpen_Option_enum])
You can use {FileOpen?} or {FileOpen!} to display the Open File dialog box. {FileOpen?} lets you manipulate the dialog box, whereas {FileOpen!} relies on the macro to manipulate it.
Filename Name of the file to open.
Open as Copy Yes or No, (1 or 0), 0 is the default.
FileRetrieve(FileName As String, [Option As _FileRetrieve_Option_enum])
{FileRetrieve} loads a notebook into the active notebook, replacing any existing data there.
You can use {FileRetrieve?} or {FileRetrieve!} to display the Retrieve File dialog box. {FileRetrieve?} lets you manipulate the dialog box, whereas {FileRetrieve!} relies on the macro to manipulate it.
Filename Name of the file to retrieve
{FileSave}, {FileSaveAll}, and {FileSaveAs}
FileSave([Option As _FileSave_Option_enum])
FileSaveAll([Mode As _FileSaveAll_Mode_enum])
FileSaveAs(FileName As String, [Option As _FileSaveAs_Option_enum], [reserved As Integer], [FileType As String])
{FileSave} saves the active notebook, {FileSaveAll} saves all open notebooks, and {FileSaveAs} lets you save the active notebook under another name (Filename). The optional argument--"Replace," "Backup," or "Confirm"--indicates how to treat a previous version of the file (without displaying a prompt).
The optional <FileType> argument for {FileSaveAs} specifies the type of file to save and is equivalent to the Save File As Type option in the Save File dialog box. If you do not specify a file type, the default is "QPW v6."
You can use {FileSaveAs?} or {FileSaveAs!} to display the Save File dialog box. {FileSaveAs?} lets you manipulate the dialog box, whereas {FileSaveAs!} relies on the macro to manipulate it.
The following table shows the available file types. For file types with abbreviated names, a short description is provided.
File Types Description
QPW v7/v8 Quattro Pro for Windows, version 7.0 and 8.0
QPW v6 Quattro Pro for Windows, version 6.0
QPW Quattro Pro for Windows, version 1.0 and 5.0
QP/DOS Quattro Pro for DOS
Excel v5/v7 Excel, Version 5.0 and Version 7.0
Excel Excel, Version 4.0
1-2-3 v4/v5 1-2-3, Version 4 and Version 5
1-2-3 v3.x 1-2-3, Version 3x
1-2-3 v2.x 1-2-3, Version 2x
1-2-3 v1.0 1-2-3, Version 1.0
1-2-3 Ed. 1-2-3, Educational Version
Text tab-delimited text
DIF VisiCalc
SYLK Multiplan
HTML Hypertext Markup Language files, Version 3 (for distribution on the Internet's World Wide Web)
To close all files and save without confirmation, use this macro:
{FileSaveAll Replace}
{FileCloseAll 0}
{FileSave <Replace|Backup|Confirm>} Saves the notebook to the name under which you last saved it
{FileSaveAll <Replace|Backup|Confirm>} Saves the file over a previous version with the same name
{FileSaveAs Filename, <Replace | Backup | Confirm>,, <FileType>} Saves the notebook under a new name you specify
FileSend([FileName As String])
PerfectScript Syntax
FileSend ([Filename:String])
{FileSend} lets you send notebook sheets via one of your mail systems.
{FileSend MYSTATUS.WB3} sends the notebook MYSTATUS.WB3 to another user.
{FileSend <Filename>} Sends selected text or an entire notebook by e-mail
{ FileVersion_Retrieve }
FileVersion_Retrieve(Filename_ As String)
PerfectScript Syntax
FileVersion_Retrieve (Filename?:String)
{FileVersion.Retrieve } retrieves any archived version of a file
{ FileVersion_Retrieve_Current }
PerfectScript Syntax
FileVersion_Retrieve_Current ()
{FileVersion.Retrieve_Current} retrieves the most current version of the file.
{ FileVersionSave }
PerfectScript Syntax
FileVersionSave ()
{FileVersionSave} saves the current file as a different version.
FloatCopy(UpperCell As String, xoffset As Double, yoffset As Double)
{FLOATCOPY} lets you copy a floating object in the active notebook window. The item to copy is selected using {SELECTFLOAT}. The new position in {FLOATCOPY} is specified as a positive offset from a cell in the notebook.
To copy a floating chart to another notebook, specify a notebook as well as a cell for UpperCell.
The following macro selects the floating chart Inserted1 and copies it to [SALES]A:C10.
UpperCell Cell containing the new upper-left corner of the floating object
xoffset Offset in twips from the left edge of UpperCell to the left edge of the floating object
yoffset Offset in twips from the top edge of UpperCell to the top edge of the floating object
FloatCreate(type As String, UpperCell As String, xoffset As Double, yoffset As Double, LowerCell As String, xoffset2 As Double, yoffset2 As Double, [TextOrStartCorner])
{FLOATCREATE} lets you create macro buttons, floating charts, or a draw layer objects (lines, arrows, rectangles, rounded rectangles, ellipses, or text boxes) in the active notebook window. Use {CREATEOBJECT} to create objects in dialog windows or chart windows.
All positions in {FLOATCREATE} are positive offsets from cells in the notebook containing the upper-left and lower-right corners of the object.
If you need to modify the floating object after creating it, change the property settings immediately after creation. It is selected then, so you will not need to click it or use {SELECTFLOAT}.
You should also change the name at this time and document it for later use with {SELECTFLOAT}.
The following macro creates a macro button that covers the cells A1..B2, then stores the name of the button in A26. The button reads Save File:
{FLOATCREATE Button,A1,0,0,C3,0,0, "Save File"}
{GETPROPERTY A26, "Object_Name"}
The following macro creates a button 50 twips to the right and 50 twips below the upper-left corner of the button in the previous example. It reads Open File:
The following macro creates a floating chart that is offset 35 twips from the cells C2..E10, but the same size:
{GraphNew Chart3}
{FLOATCREATE Chart,C2,35,35,E10,35,35,"Chart3"}
The following macro creates a floating arrow over the cells B8..Dll . The arrow starts at the southwest corner of the cells, and ends with an arrowhead at the northwest corner.
{FloatCreate Arrow,A:B8,0,0,A:D11,945,45,4}
The following macro creates a floating ellipse over the cells E10..E13, then fills the ellipse with a red color.
{FloatCreate Ellipse,A:E10,0,120,A:E13,945,240}
{Setproperty Fill_Color, "255,0,0"}
Type Floating object to create: Chart, Button, Line, Arrow, Rect, Rounded_Rect, Ellipse, or Text
UpperCell Cell containing the upper-left corner of the chart or macro button
xoffset Offset in twips from the left edge of UpperCell to the left edge of the floating object
yoffset Offset in twips from the top edge of UpperCell to the top edge of the floating object
LowerCell Cell containing the lower-right corner of the chart or macro button
xoffset2 Offset in twips from the left edge of LowerCell to the right Edge of the floating object
yoffset2 Offset in twips from the top edge of LowerCell to the bottom edge of the floating object
Text For Chart, the named chart to display; for Button, the button text
StartCorner For Line or Arrow, a number representing the starting corner; 1 = northwest, 2 = northeast, 3 = southeast, 4 = southwest (for example, an arrow pointing up and to the right would have a StartCorner of 4)
FloatMove(UpperCell As String, xoffset As Double, yoffset As Double)
{FLOATMOVE} lets you move a floating object in the active notebook window. The item to move is selected using {SELECTFLOAT}. The new position in {FLOATMOVE} is specified as a positive offset from a cell in the notebook.
To move a floating chart to another notebook, specify a notebook as well as a cell for UpperCell.
The following macro selects the floating chart Inserted1 and moves it to [SALES]A:C10.
UpperCell Cell containing the new upper-left corner of the floating object
xoffset Offset in twips from the left edge of UpperCell to the left edge of the floating object
yoffset Offset in twips from the top edge of UpperCell to the top edge of the floating object
PerfectScript Syntax
FloatOrder_Backward ()
FloatOrder_Forward ()
FloatOrder_ToBack ()
FloatOrder_ToFront ()
{FloatOrder} works on selected objects to arrange layers of floating charts and other floating objects in the notebook window.
{FloatOrder.ToBack} Send the selected object to the back layer
{FloatOrder.Backward} Send the selected object back one layer
{FloatOrder.ToFront} Send the selected object to the front layer
{FloatOrder.Forward} Send the selected object forward one layer
FloatSize(UpperCell As String, xoffset As Double, yoffset As Double, LowerCell As String, xoffset2 As Double, yoffset2 As Double)
{FOURIER} performs a fast Fourier transformation on cells of data. {FOURIER} is equivalent to the Fourier analysis tool.
InBlock One or more numeric cell values representing the input cells; can be real or complex numbers; the number of values in InBlock must be a power of 2 between 2 and 1024 inclusive (for example, 2, 4, 8, 16,...); if the number of values in InBlock does not equal a power of 2, pad the cells with additional zeros
OutBlock Upper-left cell of the output cells
Inverse 0 to perform a Fourier transformation; 1 to perform the inverse Fourier transformation; the default is 0
PerfectScript Syntax
Frequency_Bin_Block (Block:String)
Frequency_Go ()
Frequency_Reset ()
Frequency_Value_Block (Block:String)
{Frequency} counts the number of cases in the value Block that fall within each interval specified in the bin Block. Use {Frequency.Bin_Block} and {Frequency.Value_Block}, then {Frequency.Go}. You can use {Frequency.Reset} before or after the other commands to clear current settings.
You can use {Frequency?} or {Frequency!} to display the Frequency Tables dialog box. {Frequency?} lets you manipulate the dialog box, whereas {Frequency!} relies on the macro to manipulate it.
The following macro counts the data in cells C1..E13 of sheet A and groups it according to the intervals given in G1..G7; frequencies display in column H.
{Frequency.Value_Block A:C1..E13}
{Frequency.Bin_Block A:G1..G7}
{Frequency.Bin_Block Block} Specifies cells that define value intervals or "bins" of values to be counted
{Frequency.Go} Accepts the frequency settings
{Frequency.Reset} Clears all settings
{Frequency.Value_Block Block} Specifies the cells or list of cells containing values to be counted
FTESTV(InBlock1 As String, InBlock2 As String, OutBlock As String, [Labels_ As _FTESTV_Labels__enum])