HiBit1 Highest bit of the first number to use for concatenation; the default is the most significant bit.
LoBit1 Lowest bit of the first number to use for concatenation; the default is 0.
Binary2 Second binary number.
HiBit2 Highest bit of the second number to use for concatenation; the default is the most significant bit.
LoBit2 Lowest bit of the second number to use for concatenation; the default is 0.
Bits Number of binary digits to return; must be in the range 0 <n ú 64.
@CATB joins together two specified binary numbers or extracts selected bits from one binary number. Specify high bit and low bit values if you want to use only a portion of a number for concatenation. For example, if HiBit1 = 2 and LoBit1 = 0, only the first three bits of Binary1 are joined with Binary2.
HiBit1 Highest bit of the first number to use for concatenation; the default is the most significant bit.
LoBit1 Lowest bit of the first number to use for concatenation; the default is 0.
Hex2 Second hexadecimal number.
HiBit2 Highest bit of the second number to use for concatenation; the default is the most significant bit.
LoBit2 Lowest bit of the second number to use for concatenation; the default is 0.
Bits Number of equivalent binary digits to return; 4 binary digits = 1 hexadecimal digit; must be in the range 0 <n ú 64.
@CATH joins together two specified hexadecimal numbers or extracts selected bits from one hexadecimal number. Specify high bit and low bit values if you want to use only a portion of a number for concatenation. For example, if HiBit1 = 2 and LoBit1 = 0, only the first three bits of Hex1 are joined with Hex2.
StartDate Number representing the start date. See "Using dates and times in Quattro Pro."
EndDate Number representing the end date.
Calendar Flag specifying which calendar to observe (0 = 30/360, 1 = actual/actual, 2 = actual/360, 3 = actual/365; the default is 0).
February 0 to use 30-day treatment of February for 30/360 calendar; 1 to use the actual-day treatment (the default is 0).
@CDAYS returns the number of calendar days between StartDate and EndDate, including EndDate in the total. If EndDate precedes StartDate, the result is negative.
You can use Calendar to specify whether the actual or 30/360 day calendar is used. Under the actual calendar, Quattro Pro calculates the number of days by subtracting one date from the other.
To handle months with more than 30 days (and February), @CDAYS sometimes adjusts StartDate or EndDate before the sum is calculated. @CDAYS adjusts StartDate to fall on the 30th if either of the following two conditions are true: the day of the month on which StartDate falls is greater than 30, or StartDate falls on the last day of February (28th or 29th, depending on year) and February is 0.
If StartDate falls on the 30th (either because @CDAYS adjusted it or it falls on the 30th) and the day of the month on which EndDate falls is greater than 30, then EndDate also adjusts to fall on the 30th. By default, @CDAYS treats the last day of February as the 30th. To prevent this, set February to 1.
@CDAYS(@DATE(93,1,23),@DATE(95,6,28)) = 875
@CELL - Cell Attribute
@CELL(Attribute, Block)
Attribute Any one of the attributes listed for @CELL.
Block A cell reference or name.
@CELL returns the requested attribute of the upper left cell in Block. For details on types of attributes, see Attribute Arguments.
If you type in or point to a single-cell address when entering Block, Quattro Pro converts it to a cell reference.
You can enter attributes in either upper- or lowercase, but you must surround them with double quotes. You can also reference a cell containing an attribute.
@CELL does not recalculate automatically; press F9 to obtain the current value.
2 January February March
3 Advertising $652 $833 $599
4 Car expenses $456 $305 $522
5 Cleaning $80 $80 $80
@CELL("prefix",A3) = '
@CELL("format",B5) = C0
@CELL("type",D4) = v
@CELL("address",A3) = $A$3
@CELL("row",B4) = 4
Attribute Arguments
You may enter any of these as Attribute arguments for @CELL, @CELLINDEX, and @CELLPOINTER:
The address of the upper left cell in Block.
The row number of the upper left cell in Block (1 to 8192).
The column number of the upper left cell in Block (1 to 256, corresponding to notebook sheets A through IV).
Sheet number of the upper left cell in Block (1 to 256, corresponding to notebook sheets A through IV).
Referenced notebook name, 8 characters or fewer.
Full path name of the referenced notebook.
2-D address of the referenced cell--$G$23, for example. The sheet name is never returned, even if the referenced cell is on another sheet or in another notebook.
3-D address of the referenced cell--$A:$G23, for example. The sheet name is always returned.
Full address of the referenced cell--[NOTEBK1]$A:$G$23, for example. The notebook and sheet names are always returned.
The contents of the upper left cell in Block.
The type of data in the upper left cell in Block: b if the cell is blank, v if the cell contains a number or any formula, l if the cell contains a label.
The label-prefix character of the upper left cell in Block: ' if label is left-aligned, ^ if label is centered, " if label is right-aligned, \ if label is repeating.
The protected status of the upper left cell in Block: 0 if cell is not protected, 1 if cell is protected.
The width of the column containing the upper left cell in Block (between 1 and 1024).
The width of the cells.
The numeric format code of the upper left cell in Block:
Attribute Any one of the attributes listed for @CELL.
Block A cell reference or name.
Col The number of the referenced column, from 0 to 255 (the first column in Block = 0, the second = 1, and so on).
Row The number of the referenced row; if an offset, the first row in Block = 0, the second = 1, and so on.
Page The number of the referenced sheet, from 0 to 255 (the first sheet in Block = 0, the second = 1, and so on).
@CELLINDEX is the same as @CELL, but returns the requested attribute of the cell in the specified column and row of Block on optional sheet. (For details on types of attributes, see Attribute Arguments.) The upper left corner of Block is column 0, row 0.
@CELLINDEX does not recalculate automatically. Press F9 to obtain the current value.
2 January February March
3 Advertising $652 $833 $599
4 Car expenses $456 $305 $522
5 Cleaning $80 $80 $80
@CELLINDEX("prefix",A1..D5,0,2) = '
@CELLINDEX("format",B3..D5,0,2) = C0
@CELLINDEX("type",B3..D5,2,1) = v
@CELLINDEX("address",A1..D5,0,2) = $A$3
@CELLINDEX("row",A1..D5,1,3) = 4
@CELLPOINTER - Selected Cell Attribute
Attribute Any one of the attributes listed for @CELL.
@CELLPOINTER is similar to @CELL in that it returns the requested attribute of a cell. The only difference is that it reads the cell containing the selector. You cannot specify another cell. However, if you move the selector to a different cell and then press F9, the results of the @CELLPOINTER formula are updated.
You can enter attribute names in either upper- or lowercase, but each must be enclosed by double quotes. For details on types of attributes, see Attribute Arguments.
This @function is useful in macros and @IF statements for quickly determining certain characteristics about the current cell, such as whether there is a label or a value currently in it. For example, this function statement tells Quattro Pro to write "value" in the cell if the current cell is a value; otherwise, it writes "label":
These examples refer to cell A1, which contains the date value 11/19/91.
@CELLPOINTER("address") = $A$1
@CELLPOINTER("col") = 1
@CELLPOINTER("contents") = 33561
@CELLPOINTER("format") = D4
@CELLPOINTER("type") = v
@CEILING - Round Up to Nearest Multiple
X Value to round.
Y Value to make rounded x evenly divisible by.
@CEILING rounds X up (away from zero) to the nearest value that is evenly divisible by Y. If X and Y have different signs, the result of @CEILING is ERR.
@CEILING(22,5) = 25
@CEILING(5.7,0.2) = 5.8
@CEILING(-3.2,-2) = -4
@CEILING(-3.2,2) = ERR
@CHAR - ANSI or ASCII Character
Code A numeric value between 1 and 255.
@CHAR returns the onscreen character corresponding to the given code. This is useful in generating symbols not found on the keyboard.
Refer to any standard ANSI table for the codes corresponding to each character.
@CHAR can be used to set up an ANSI table in your notebook. Fill a column of cells with values from 1 to 255, using Block|Fill. In the cell to the right of the first number, use @CHAR to show the screen character for 1, for example, @CHAR(A1). Then copy the formula down the column for the next 255 cells. The copied formulas will display the screen character for each number. (The first 128 will be the same characters as in the ASCII character set.)
@CHAR(33) = !
@CHAR(34) = "
@CHAR(35) = #
@CHAR(36) = $
@CHIDIST - Chi-squared Distribution
@CHIDIST(X, DegFreedom)
X Value at which to evaluate the function; must be │ 0.
DegFreedom Integer number of degrees of freedom in the distribution; must be │ 1.
@CHIDIST returns the cumulative chi-square distribution, which is associated with a chi-square test. Chi-square tests allow you to compare the differences between observed and expected frequencies.
If DegFreedom is not an integer, @CHIDIST rounds it to the nearest integer.
@CHIDIST(36.41503,24) = 0.05
@CHIDIST(17.53455,8) = 0.025
@CHIINV - Inverse of Chi-squared Distribution
@CHIINV(Prob, DegFreedom)
Prob Cumulative probability value; must be │ 0 and ú 1.
DegFreedom Integer number of degrees of freedom; must be │ 1.
@CHIINV computes the inverse of the cumulative one-tailed chi-square distribution. Use @CHIINV to compute the critical value for a test involving a chi-square variable.
If DegFreedom is not an integer, @CHIINV rounds it to the nearest integer.
@CHIINV(0.05,24) = 36.41503
@CHIINV(0.025,8) = 17.53455
@CHITEST - Test for Independence
@CHITEST(Actual, Expected)
Actual Cells containing actual values.
Expected Cells containing expected values.
@CHITEST computes the probability that the actual and expected frequencies are similar by chance. @CHITEST returns the probability for a chi-square test distribution with (r - 1)(c - 1) degrees of freedom, where r = number of rows, and c = number of columns.
Actual and Expected must have the same number of values and must contain multiple rows or columns of data.
This example refers to cells in the next figure. The chi-square statistic for the data in the next figure is 16.25813 and the degrees of freedom is 4.
@CHITEST(C3..E5,C7..E9) = 0.002692
1 Soft Drink Flavors
2 Age Ranges Cola Orange Lemon-lime
3 Actual Under 25 120 65 55
4 26-50 100 45 85
5 Over 50 75 35 70
7 Expected Under 25 108.93 53.53 77.54
8 26-50 104.38 51.31 74.31
9 Over 50 81.69 40.16 58.15
@CHOOSE - Choose Value from List
@CHOOSE(Number, List)
Number A positive integer equal to or less than the number of items in List - 1.
List One or more numeric or string values, cell addresses, and cell references or names, separated by commas.
@CHOOSE selects and enters a value from the supplied list. The value it chooses depends on the value of Number: 0 chooses the first value in the list; 1 chooses the second; 2 chooses the third, and so on. If you specify a cell address for Number, Quattro Pro uses the number contained in the cell. If the cell is blank, the first value is chosen.
The List values can be cell addresses, strings, numbers, or a mixture of the three. The total characters entered cannot exceed 1024.
@CHOOSE operates on integers only. If you supply a non-integer (such as 1.6433), the decimal values are disregarded. @VLOOKUP and @HLOOKUP perform similar tasks in tables.
@CHOOSE(0,"Howie","Sarah","Chris") = Howie
@CHOOSE(1,"Howie","Sarah","Chris") = Sarah
@CHOOSE(2,"Howie","Sarah","Chris") = Chris
@CHOOSE(A15,"Howie","Sarah","Chris") = Howie, if A15 is 0; Sarah if A15 is 1; Chris if A15 is 2.
@CHOOSE(3,"Howie","Sarah","Chris") = ERR (Number is too large).
@CHOOSE(@MOD(@NOW,7),"Saturday","Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday") = Wednesday when @NOW has DateTimeNumber = 33625
@CLEAN - Remove Nonprintable Characters
String A string value.
@CLEAN removes all nonprintable characters (0-31) from a string.
String A string value.
@CODE returns the ANSI code of the first character in a string. This is the opposite of @CHAR, which returns the character corresponding to the given code.
@CODE("!") = 33
@CODE("Sam") = 83 (code for S)
@CODE("#") = 35
@CODE("$") = 36
@CODE("?") = 63
@CODE(hello) = syntax error (missing quotes)
@COLS - Columns
Block A cell reference or name.
@COLS returns the number of columns within the specified cells.
@COLS(A1..IV1) = 256
@COLS(A1..A1) = 1
@COLS(NAME) = 30 (if the NAME selection contains 30 columns)
@COLUMN - Column Number
Block The cell or cells for which you want the column number(s).
@COLUMN returns the column number(s) for a cell or cells.
Block can be a cell name.
If you omit Block, Quattro Pro assumes you want the column number of the cell where you entered @COLUMN.
Block cannot refer to non-contiguous areas.
@COLUMN(C1..C7) = 3
@COLUMN(K1..M20) = {11| 12| 13}
If F2..F7 is a cell named APRIL, @COLUMN(APRIL) = 6
Entered in D3 without an argument, @COLUMN = 4
@COMB - Combinations
N Number of elements in the group; must be │ 0.
R Number of elements in each subgroup selected from group N; must be │ 0.
@COMB calculates the number of combinations (unordered subgroups of size R) that you can form out of a group of size N. If N < R @COMB returns ERR.
The formula for calculating the number of combinations, if R ú N, is
@COMB(N,R) = ---------------
Given eleven marbles, this formula calculates how many ways a subset of 5 marbles can be constructed such that no two constructions contain the same 5 marbles:
@COMB(11,5)= 462
@COMMAND - Value of Command Equivalent
CommandEquivalent A Quattro Pro command equivalent; to display a list, press Shift+F3 and choose Command Equivalents.
@COMMAND returns the current value of a Quattro Pro command equivalent. It is most often used in macros to base the next action on a particular menu setting or to save current settings so they can be restored later.
CommandEquivalent must be enclosed in double quotes. To view a list of acceptable arguments, press Shift+F3 and choose Command Equivalents.
@COMMAND returns strings; even if the setting is a number, it is returned as a string. Not all CommandEquivalent entries return a useful value. In general, @COMMAND only returns values for command equivalents that take arguments, usually menu commands that display a current setting or status.
Like @CELL, @COMMAND statements do not recalculate automatically as many other @functions do. Press F9 to obtain the current value.
A related @function that uses Quattro Pro for DOS menu equivalents is @CURVALUE. Another related @function, @PROPERTY, returns settings for requested object properties.
@COMMAND("Print.Block") = the currently specified print selection
@COMMAND("Print.Copies") = the number entered after Copies in the Spreadsheet Print dialog box
@COMPLEX - Complex Number
X Numeric value representing real coefficient of complex number.
Y Numeric value representing imaginary coefficient of complex number.
@COMPLEX converts X and Y into a complex number.
@COMPLEX(5,7) = "5+7i"
@CONCATENATE - Link Text Items
List One or more values to link together; can be labels, numbers, or cell references.
@CONCATENATE links several items together.
You can also use the "&" operator instead of @CONCATENATE to join text items.
Suppose you have a database where dates are stored in three fields:
1 Day Month Year
2 31 October 1995
@CONCATENATE(G2," ",F2,", ",H2) = October 31, 1995
1 First Init. Last
2 John K. Doe
If parts of names are always entered into cells with a space following, you can concatenate first name, initial, and last name by simply referring to the cells: @CONCATENATE(A2..C2) = John K. Doe
@CONCATENATE("Lucky ","Day") = Lucky Day
(+"Lucky"&" "&"Day") = Lucky Day
@CONFIDENCE - Confidence Interval for Population Mean
@CONFIDENCE(Alpha, SDev, Size)
Alpha Significance level; the percentage of the normal curve that is outside the confidence interval (1 - Alpha); for example, if the confidence interval is 95%, Alpha = 5%; must be > 0 and < 1.
SDev Population standard deviation; must be > 0.
Size Sample size; must be │ 1.
@CONFIDENCE computes the confidence interval around the mean for a specified sample size, using the normal distribution function. Given a specified degree of confidence, the confidence interval indicates that the population mean will be within that interval. Use @CONFIDENCE to apply levels of confidence to sample data and to determine margins of error.
Out of 1000 people sampled, 490 said they would vote for Candidate A. If the population standard deviation is 0.5, this formula returns the 95% confidence interval for the population mean:
@CONFIDENCE(0.05,0.5,1000) = 0.03099
Pollsters can report that Candidate A will receive 49% of the vote with a margin of error of 3.1%.
@CONVERT - Convert Number
@CONVERT(X, FromUnit, ToUnit)
X Numeric value in FromUnit to convert, in the units specified by FromUnit.
FromUnit Unit type of the value X (must be on the list of supported unit names).
ToUnit Units to convert the value X into; must be on the list of supported unit names.
@CONVERT changes X, which is expressed in FromUnit units, to the equivalent value in ToUnit units. Column Unit of the following tables lists the measurement units that you can specify in FromUnit and ToUnit. Each argument is case sensitive.
Mass measurement units
Mass Unit
Gram "g"
Slug "sg"
Pound mass (avoirdupois) "lbm"
U (atomic mass unit) "u"
Ounce mass (avoirdupois) "ozm"
Pressure measurement units
Pressure Unit
Pascal "p"
Atmosphere "at"
Distance measurement units
Distance Unit
Meter "m"
Statute mile "mi"
Nautical mile "Nmi"
Inch "in"
Foot "ft"
Yard "yd"
Angstrom "ang"
Time measurement units
Time Unit
Year "yr"
Day "day"
Hour "hr"
Minute "mn"
Second "sec"
Force measurement units
Force Unit
Newton "N"
Dyne "dy"
Pound force "lbf"
Energy measurement units
Energy Unit
Joule "J"
Erg "e"
Thermodynamic calorie "c"
IT calorie "cal"
Electron volt "ev"
Horsepower-hour "hh"
Watt-hour "wh"
Foot-pound "flb"
BTU "btu"
Power measurement units
Power Unit
Horsepower "h"
Watt "w"
Magnetic measurement units
Magnetism Unit
Tesla "T"
Gauss "ga"
Temperature measurement units
Temperature Unit
Celsius "cel"
Fahrenheit "fah"
Kelvin "kel"
Rankine "ran"
Liquid measurement units
Liquid Unit
Teaspoon "tsp"
Tablespoon "tbs"
Fluid ounce "oz"
Cup "cup"
Pint "pt"
Quart "qt"
Gallon "gal"
Liter "lt"
If a metric unit is used (for example, Gram, Meter, or Liter), you can preface it with one of the prefixes listed in the next table. Use the metric prefixes to multiply a metric unit by a power of 10.
Metric Prefixes
Metric Prefix Multiplier Unit Prefix
exa 1E+18 "E"
peta 1E+15 "P"
tera 1E+12 "T"
giga 1E+09 "G"
mega 1E+06 "M"
kilo 1E+03 "k"
deka 1E+01 "e"
deci 1E-01 "d"
centi 1E-02 "c"
milli 1E-03 "m"
micro 1E-06 "u"
nano 1E-09 "n"
pico 1E-12 "p"
femto 1E-15 "f"
atto 1E-18 "a"
Whenever @CONVERT is used, both FromUnit and ToUnit must come from the same table.
To determine a specific conversion factor, use 1 for X.
@CONVERT(2,"day","hr") = 48
@CONVERT(3.5,"kg","lbm") = 7.71618
@CONVERT(2.5,"oz","mlt") = 73.94991
@CORREL - Correlation
@CORREL(Array1, Array2)
Array1 First array of numeric values.
Array2 Second array of numeric values.
@CORREL computes the correlation coefficient of the numeric values in Array1 and Array2. Use @CORREL to ascertain the relationship between two sets of data. If two data sets change in a related matter based on the input that generates them, they are said to be correlated.
Array1 and Array2 must have the same number of values. Also, the values in Array1 and Array2 must show some variance.
@CORREL uses this formula:
These examples refer to cells in the next figure.
@CORREL(A2..A9,B2..B9) = 0.994135
@CORREL(A2..A9,C2..C9) = 0.460718
@CORREL(A2..A9,D2..D9) = -0.52494
@CORREL(B2..B9,C2..C9) = 0.547422
1 X1 X2 X3 X4
2 1 2 -1 -9
3 2 3 -7 -3
4 3 4 2 6
5 4 5 8 3
6 5 6 -4 -2
7 6 7 0 -21
8 7 8 -12 0
9 8 10 45 -33
@COS - Cosine
X A numeric value.
@COS returns the cosine of the angle X. X must be given in radians, not degrees. To convert degrees to radians, use @RADIANS.
@COS(@RADIANS(60)) = 0.5
@COS(@RADIANS(75)) = 0.258819
@COS(@RADIANS(45)) = 0.707107
@COS(@PI/3) = 0.5
@COSH - Hyperbolic Cosine
X Any value from approximately -710.47558 to approximately 710.47558.
@COSH calculates the hyperbolic cosine of the angle X. X must be specified in radians, not degrees. To convert degrees to radians, use @RADIANS.
@COSH returns a value greater than or equal to 1.
@COSH(@RADIANS(60)) = 1.600287
@COSH(@RADIANS(75)) = 1.986274
@COSH(@RADIANS(45)) = 1.324609
@COSH(@PI/3) = 1.600287
@COT - Cotangent
X An angle measured in radians. X can be any value from approximately -9.00719E+15 through 9.00719E+15.
@COT calculates the cotangent of angle X. X must be specified in radians, not degrees. To convert degrees to radians, use @RADIANS.
In a right triangle, the cotangent of an acute angle is the ratio side adjacent : side opposite.
@COT(4) = 0.863691
@COT(@PI/4) = 1
@COT(@RADIANS(45)) = 1
@COTH - Hyperbolic Cotangent
X Any value from approximately -708.39599 through 708.39599, but not 0.
@COTH calculates the hyperbolic cotangent of X. X must be specified in radians, not degrees. To convert degrees to radians, use @RADIANS.
@COTH(4) = 1.000671
@COTH(@PI/4) = 1.524869
@COTH(@RADIANS(45)) = 1.524869
@COUPDAYBS - Coupon Days from Beginning to Settlement
@COUPDAYBS(Settle, Maturity, <Freq>, <Calendar>)
Settle Number representing the settlement date; must be < Maturity.
Maturity Number representing the maturity date.
Freq Frequency of coupon payments in number of payments per year (can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 12; the default is 2).
Calendar Flag specifying which calendar to observe (0 = 30/360, 1 = actual/actual, 2 = actual/360, 3 = actual/365; the default is 0).
@COUPDAYBS returns the number of days from the beginning of the coupon period of a bond to the settlement date.
A bond's settlement date is May 15, 1992 and its maturity date is February 15, 1996. This formula calculates the number of days from the beginning of the coupon period to the settlement date:
@COUPDAYBS(@DATE(92,5,15),@DATE(96,2,15)) = 90
@COUPDAYS - Coupon Days
@COUPDAYS(Settle, Maturity, <Freq>, <Calendar>)
Settle Number representing the settlement date; must be < Maturity.
Maturity Number representing the maturity date.
Freq Frequency of coupon payments in number of payments per year (can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 12; the default is 2).
Calendar Flag specifying which calendar to observe (0 = 30/360, 1 = actual/actual, 2 = actual/360, 3 = actual/365; the default is 0).
@COUPDAYS returns the number of days in the coupon period of a bond that contains the settlement date.
A bond's settlement date is May 15, 1992 and its maturity date is February 15, 1996. This formula calculates the number of days in the coupon period that contains the settlement date.
@COUPDAYS(@DATE(92,5,15),@DATE(96,2,15)) = 180
@COUPDAYSNC - Coupon Days from Settlement to Next Coupon
@COUPDAYSNC(Settle, Maturity, <Freq>, <Calendar>)
Settle Number representing the settlement date; must be < Maturity.
Maturity Number representing the maturity date.
Freq Frequency of coupon payments in number of payments per year (can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 12; the default is 2).
Calendar Flag specifying which calendar to observe (0 = 30/360, 1 = actual/actual, 2 = actual/360, 3 = actual/365; the default is 0).
@COUPDAYSNC returns the number of days from the settlement date of a bond to the next coupon date.
A bond's settlement date is May 15, 1992 and its maturity date is February 15, 1996. This formula calculates the number of days between the settlement date and the next coupon date:
@COUPDAYSNC(@DATE(92,5,15),@DATE(96,2,15)) = 90
@COUPNCD - Next Coupon Date after Settlement
@COUPNCD(Settle, Maturity, <Freq>, <Calendar>)
Settle Number representing the settlement date; must be < Maturity.
Maturity Number representing the maturity date.
Freq Frequency of coupon payments in number of payments per year (can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 12; the default is 2).
Calendar Flag specifying which calendar to observe (0 = 30/360, 1 = actual/actual, 2 = actual/360, 3 = actual/365; the default is 0).
@COUPNCD returns the serial date number for the next coupon date after the settlement date of a bond.
A bond pays a coupon semiannually and matures on August 31, 2003. This formula calculates the date of the next coupon payment after December 17, 1992:
Settle Number representing the settlement date; must be < Maturity.
Maturity Number representing the maturity date.
Freq Frequency of coupon payments in number of payments per year (can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 12; the default is 2).
Calendar Flag specifying which calendar to observe (0 = 30/360, 1 = actual/actual, 2 = actual/360, 3 = actual/365; the default is 0).
@COUPNUM returns the number of coupons payable between the settlement date and maturity date of a bond.
A bond's settlement date is March 15, 1994 and its maturity date is April 15, 2004. This formula calculates the number of annual coupon payments there are until the maturity date:
@COUPNUM(@DATE(94,3,15),@DATE(104,4,15),1) = 11
@COUPPCD - Previous Coupon Date
@COUPPCD(Settle, Maturity, <Freq>, <Calendar>)
Settle Number representing the settlement date; must be < Maturity.
Maturity Number representing the maturity date.
Freq Frequency of coupon payments in number of payments per year (can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 12; the default is 2).
Calendar Flag specifying which calendar to observe (0 = 30/360, 1 = actual/actual, 2 = actual/360, 3 = actual/365; the default is 0).
@COUPPCD returns the serial date number for the coupon date just before the settlement date of a bond.
A bond's settlement date is December 17, 1992 and its maturity date is August 31, 1999. This formula calculates the date of the previous semiannual coupon payment before the settlement date:
@COVAR returns the covariance, which is the joint variability/degree of association of two random variables, by taking the deviations for each corresponding element in Array1 and Array2, computing their products, and taking the average of their average. Array1 and Array2 must have the same number of values. Use @COVAR to analyze the relationship between two data sets. The covariance is calculated using this formula:
A high school professor recorded test scores for a class of nine students, along with their number of study hours, their estimated 'stress level' on a scale of 1 to 10, and their amount of sleep the night before the test. To examine the relationship between the attained test score and any of these three factors, the following formulae would be used:
@COVAR(A2..A9,B2..B9) = 22.265625
@COVAR(A2..A9,C2..C9) = 3.84375
@COVAR(A2..A9,D2..D9) = 17.796875
2 84 7 5 8
3 77 6 5 7
4 88 7.5 7 7
5 65 5.5 4 5
6 92 9 6 8.5
7 57 3 8 5
8 61 4 3 4
9 66 4.5 5 5
@COUNT - Count Non-Blank Cells
List One or more numeric or string values, cell addresses, and cell references or names, separated by commas.
@COUNT returns the number of non-blank cells in List. If more than one selection is listed, they must be separated by commas.
1 January February March
2 John $652 $833 $599
3 Mary $456 $305 $522
4 Ralph $68 $59 $73
5 Anna $80 $80 $80
@COUNT(B2..B5) = 4
@COUNT(B1..B6) = 5
@COUNT(A6) = 0
@COUNT(A6..B6) = 0
@COUNT(C1..C5, D3..D6) = 8
@COUNTBLANK - Count Blank Cells
Block The cells where you want to count blank cells.
@COUNTBLANK counts blank cells in specified cells.
@COUNTBLANK includes cells with formulas that return "" (or empty text), but it does not count cells with zero values.
1 One
2 2
5 410
Cell A3 contains the formula
@IF(A2<5,"",A2), which returns "".
Cell A4 is empty.
@COUNTIF - Count Matching Cells
@COUNTIF(Block, <Criteria>)
Block Range of one or more cell addresses, a cell reference, or a name to include in the count.
Criteria Numeric or string values that determine whether a cell is counted. If Criteria is omitted, @COUNTIF counts all cells containing logical values greater than 0 (text equals 0).
@COUNTIF returns the number of cells in Block that meet a specified set of criteria.
1 January February March
2 John Transport Entertainment Finance
3 Mary Food Transport Entertainment
4 Ralph Finance Food Transport
5 Anna Entertainment Finance Food
@COUNTIF(B2..D5,"Transport") = 3
@COUNTIF(B2..D5,"Food") = 3
@COUNTIF(B2..D5,"Finance") = 3
@CRITBINOM - Critical Probability of Binomial Distribution
@CRITBINOM(Trials, Prob, Alpha)
Trials Integer number of Bernoulli trials; must be │ 0.
Prob Probability of success per trial; must be │ 0 and ú 1.
Alpha Critical probability to test; must be │ 0 and ú 1.
@CRITBINOM calculates the maximum number of successes that can occur before the cumulative probability expressed by Alpha is exceeded for the number of Trials. @CRITBINOM has applications in quality assurance. For example, you could use @CRITBINOM to calculate the maximum number of defects allowed in a shipment.
Company A tests a sample of 100 electrical circuits received from Company B. The probability that a circuit is defective is 7%. Using an Alpha value of 7.4%, this formula calculates the maximum number of defective circuits that can be expected.
@CRITBINOM(100,0.07,0.074) = 3
@CSC - Cosecant
X An angle measured in radians. X can be any value from approximately -9.00719E+15 through 9.00719E+15, excluding 0.
@CSC returns the cosecant of angle X, in radians. X must be specified in radians, not degrees. To convert degrees to radians, use @RADIANS.
The cosecant is the reciprocal of the sine. The result of @CSC is a value greater than or equal to 1, or less than or equal to -1.
@CSC(@RADIANS(30)) = 2
@CSC(@RADIANS(75)) = 1.035276
@CSC(@RADIANS(45)) = 1.414214
@CSC(@PI/6) = 2
@CSCH - Hyperbolic Cosecant
X Any value from approximately -708.39599 through 708.39599, but not 0.
@CSCH(X) calculates the hyperbolic cosecant of X. X must be specified in radians, not degrees. To convert degrees to radians, use @RADIANS.
The hyperbolic cosecant is the reciprocal of the hyperbolic sine.
@CSCH(@RADIANS(30)) = 1.825306
@CSCH(@RADIANS(75)) = 0.582688
@CSCH(@RADIANS(45)) = 1.151184
@CSCH(@PI/6) = 1.825306
@CTERM - Compounding Periods
@CTERM(Rate, Fv, Pv)
Rate A numeric value > -1, representing the periodic interest rate (the fixed interest rate per compounding period).
Fv A numeric value representing the future value of an investment (the value the investment will reach at some point).
Pv A numeric value representing the current value of an investment (the present value).
@CTERM calculates the number of time periods required for an investment, while earning interest per compounding period, assuming that the investment is an ordinary annuity. It uses the formula
Fv future value
Pv present value
R periodic interest rate
An equivalent for this formula using @NPER is
@NPER(Rate, 0, - Pv, Fv)
@CTERM assumes that the investment is an ordinary annuity. @NPER, which is calculated differently than but is related to @CTERM, uses an optional argument, Type, to indicate whether the investment is an ordinary annuity or an annuity due.
Assuming that your savings account has an annual interest rate of 7%, how long would it take a $3000 deposit to reach $5000? The answer is
@CTERM(7%,5000,3000) = 7.55 years
If the Rate figure is given for years, the result is in years as well. If you are working with monthly interest, multiply the answer by 12 to get a result in months.
@CUMIPMT returns the cumulative interest paid on a loan between specified periods or in a single period.
Nper, StartPeriod, EndPeriod, and Type are truncated to integers.
Make sure you are consistent about the units you use for specifying Rate and Nper. For example:
For annual payments on a four-year loan at 12% annual interest, use 12% for Rate and 4 for Nper.
For monthly payments on the same loan, use 12%/12 for Rate and 4*12 for Nper.
@CUMIPMT returns ERR if:
Rate <= 0, Nper <= 0, or Pv <= 0.
StartPeriod < 1, EndPeriod < 1, or StartPeriod > EndPeriod.
Type is any number other than 0 or 1.
Any argument is non-numeric.
Your $250,000 home has a 30-year mortgage at an interest rate of 8.25%. To find out how much interest you will pay this year, the fourth year of the loan:
@CUMPRINC returns the cumulative principal paid on a loan between specified periods or in a single period.
Nper, StartPeriod, EndPeriod, and Type are truncated to integers.
Make sure you are consistent about the units you use for specifying Rate and Nper. For example:
For annual payments on a four-year loan at 12% annual interest, use 12% for Rate and 4 for Nper.
For monthly payments on the same loan, use 12%/12 for Rate and 4*12 for Nper.
@CUMIPMT returns ERR if:
Rate <= 0, Nper <= 0, or Pv <= 0.
StartPeriod < 1, EndPeriod < 1, or StartPeriod > EndPeriod.
Type is any number other than 0 or 1.
Any argument is non-numeric.
Your $250,000 home has a 30-year mortgage at an interest rate of 8.25%. To find out how much principal you will pay this year, the fourth year of the loan:
@CURVALUE - Current Value of Quattro Pro/DOS Command
@CURVALUE(GeneralAction, SpecificAction)
GeneralAction A general menu category.
SpecificAction A menu item that requires setting.
@CURVALUE returns the current value of a Corel Quattro Pro for DOS menu command setting. It is used in macros, usually to base the next action on a particular menu setting, and is included for compatibility with Corel Quattro Pro for DOS. To view a list of acceptable arguments, press Shift+F3 and choose / Commands.
A related @function that uses Corel Quattro Pro for Windows command equivalents is @COMMAND. Another related @function, @PROPERTY, returns settings for requested properties.
Both GeneralAction and SpecificAction must be enclosed in double quotes. They must together create one of the Corel Quattro Pro for DOS menu-equivalent commands.
Not all GeneralAction/SpecificAction combinations return a useful value. In general, only menu commands that display a current setting or status have menu equivalents that are useful for @CURVALUE. Some settings previously controlled with Corel Quattro Pro for DOS commands are now set through Windows, particularly hardware options and printer settings. These don't return a setting in Corel Quattro Pro for Windows.
Like @CELL, @CURVALUE statements do not recalculate automatically as many other @functions do. Press F9 to obtain the current value.
@CURVALUE("print","block") = the currently specified print selection
@CURVALUE("file","save") = the name of the last file saved