You can change the look of data charts in Corel Presentations.
In this section, you'll learn about
changing axis labels, titles, and tick options
changing grid properties
changing frame properties
changing data chart perspective
changing title, label, and legend properties
changing data series properties
Changing axis labels, titles, and tick options
Changing axis properties lets you customize data charts. You can change the scale for a y-axis and specify how labels appear on an axis. You can also display an axis title and change its font and its orientation. As well, you can change the tick mark options for an axis, which allows you to modify how to display the short vertical lines that separate the major divisions of an axis.
To change the y-axis scale
1 Double-click a data chart.
2 Click Chart Axis, and click one of the following:
Primary y
Secondary y
3 Click the Scale/labels tab.
4 In the Scaling method area, enable one of the following options:
Linear-displays values in even increments
Logarithmic-increases the numbers on the axis exponentially
5 Type a value in the Label scale factor box.
You must have a data series attached to the secondary y-axis to change its properties. For information about data series, see "To create a data series."
You can also change the y-axis scale by clicking the Y-axis button on the toolbar.
To change axis label font properties
1 Double-click a data chart.
2 Click Chart Axis, and click one of the following:
Primary y
Secondary y
3 Click the Label font tab.
4 Choose a font face from the Face list.
5 Choose a font size from the Size list box.
6 Open the Color picker, and click a color.
7 In the Appearance area, enable any of the following check boxes:
You can also change axis label font properties by clicking the X-axis or the Y-axis button on the toolbar.
To display an axis title
1 Double-click a data chart.
2 Click Chart Axis, and click one of the following:
Primary y
Secondary y
3 Click the Title options tab.
4 Enable the Display title check box.
5 Type an axis title in the Display title box.
You can also display an axis title by clicking the X-axis or the Y-axis button on the toolbar.
To change axis title font properties
1 Double-click a data chart.
2 Click Chart Axis, and click one of the following:
Primary y
Secondary y
3 Click the Title font tab.
4 Choose a font face from the Face list.
5 Choose a font size from the Size list box.
6 Open the Color picker, and click a color.
7 In the Appearance area, enable any of the following check boxes:
You can also change axis title font properties by clicking the X-axis or the Y-axis button on the toolbar.
To change axis title orientation
1 Double-click a data chart.
2 Click Chart Axis, and click one of the following:
Primary y
Secondary y
3 Click the Title options tab.
4 Click one of the following icons:
You can also change axis title orientation by clicking the X-axis or the Y-axis button on the toolbar.
To change tick display options
1 Double-click a data chart.
2 Click Chart Axis, and click one of the following:
Primary y
Secondary y
3 Click the Tick options tab.
4 In the Display major ticks area, enable one of the following options:
Out-displays major tick marks outside the grid line
In-displays major tick marks inside the grid line
Both-displays major tick marks overlapping the grid line on both sides
None-displays no major tick marks
5 In the Display minor ticks area, enable one of the following options:
Out-displays minor tick marks outside the grid line
In-displays minor tick marks inside the grid line
Both-displays minor tick marks overlapping the grid line on both sides
None-displays no minor tick marks
You can also change tick display options by clicking the X-axis or the Y-axis button on the toolbar.
Changing grid properties
Grid lines represent value increments in a chart and are displayed parallel to the x-axis and y-axis. You can control how grid lines display in a data chart. You can also specify the number of minor grid lines that fall between each pair of major grid lines and the number of major grid lines you want for each value increment. You can also choose the grid properties for a secondary y-axis.
To change grid line attributes
1 Double-click a chart.
2 Click Chart Grids.
3 Click the Line attributes tab.
4 In the Vertical grids area, choose a line style from the Major grids list box.
5 Open the major grids Color picker, and click a color.
6 In the Horizontal grids area, choose a line style from the Major grids list box.
7 Open the major grids Color picker, and click a color.
You can change the line attributes of minor vertical and horizontal grids by choosing a line style from the Minor grids list boxes, and opening the Color pickers and clicking a color.
You can also change grid line attributes by clicking the Grids button on the toolbar.
To change the number of grid lines
1 Double-click a chart.
2 Click Chart Grids.
3 Click the Line ratio tab.
4 In the Major grids area, click a predefined number of major grid lines.
5 In the Minor grids area, click a predefined number of minor grid lines.
You can also specify how many major grid lines you want for each category by typing a value in the Major grids value box.
You can also specify how many minor grid lines you want between major grids by typing a value in the Minor grids value box.
To choose grid properties for a secondary y-axis
1 Double-click a chart.
2 Click Chart Grids.
3 Click Secondary (Y2).
4 In the Horizontal grids area, choose a major grid from the Major grids list box.
5 Open the major grids Color picker, and click a color.
6 In the Minor grids area, choose a predefined number of grid lines.
You can also change the line attributes of minor horizontal grids by choosing a line style from the Minor grids list box, and opening the Color picker and clicking a color.
You can also specify how many minor grid lines you want between major grids by typing a value in the Minor grids value box.
Changing frame properties
A chart frame consists of a group of grid lines that can enclose the back, front, left, right, top, and bottom of a data chart. You can control how the frame of a data chart displays. For example, you can select the frame's border width and base height. You can also choose a frame fill. The fill serves as a backdrop for the data chart.
To choose frame display options
1 Double-click a data chart.
2 Click Chart Frame.
3 Click the Display options tab.
4 Open the Border color picker, and click a color.
5 Type a value in the Border width box.
6 Type a value in the Height of base box.
7 Enable any of the following check boxes:
If you have entered negative values in the datasheet, you can enable the Display zero baseline check box.
To apply a pattern or gradient fill to a frame
1 Double-click a data chart.
2 Click Chart Frame.
3 Click the Fill tab.
4 In the Fill style area, click one of the following icons:
5 Open the Foreground color picker, and click a color.
6 Open the Background color picker, and click a color.
7 Click a fill on palette.
To apply a texture or picture fill to a frame
1 Double-click a data chart.
2 Click Chart Frame.
3 Click the Fill tab.
4 In the Fill style area, click one of the following icons:
5 Choose a fill category from the Category list box.
6 Click a fill on the palette.
To change the picture fill settings
1 Double-click a data chart.
2 Click Chart, and click one of the following:
Data labels
3 Click one of the following tabs:
Box fill
4 In the Fill style area, click Picture.
5 Click Picture settings.
6 In the Picture settings dialog box, enable a layout option.
Changing data chart perspective
You can adjust the viewing angle of a three-dimensional chart.
To change perspective in a three-dimensional data chart
1 Double-click a 3-D data chart.
2 Click Chart Perspective.
3 Type values in any of the following boxes:
If you want to create 45 degree angles in the chart, enable the Right angle axes check box.
You can preview the angle selection by using the horizontal and vertical scroll bars to change the selection.
You can also change data chart perspective by clicking the Perspective button on the toolbar.
Changing title, label, and legend properties
A data chart can include 1) titles, 2) data labels, and 3) legends, as shown in the following image.
To add a box shape to a title or subtitle, a data label, or a legend
1 Double-click a data chart.
2 Click Chart, and click one of the following:
Data label
3 Click the Box type tab.
4 Disable the No box check box.
5 Click a box shape on the palette.
If you want to add a border to the box shape, disable the No border check box, open the Border color picker, and click a color.
To fill title and subtitle text with a pattern or gradient
1 Double-click a data chart.
2 Click Chart, and click one of the following:
3 Click the Text fill tab.
4 In the Fill style area, click one of the following icons:
5 Open the Foreground color picker, and click a color.
6 Open the Background color picker, and click a color.
7 Click a fill on the palette.
To fill a title, subtitle, label, or legend box with a pattern or gradient
1 Double-click a data chart.
2 Click Chart, and click one of the following:
Data labels
3 In the Fill style area, click one of the following icons:
4 Open the Foreground color picker, and click a color.
5 Open the Background color picker, and click a color.
6 Click a fill on the palette.
To fill a title, subtitle, label, or legend box with a texture or picture
1 Double-click a data chart.
2 Click Chart, and click one of the following:
Data labels
3 Click the Box fill tab.
4 In the Fill style area, click one of the following icons:
5 Choose a category from the Category list box.
6 Click a fill on the palette.
You can also change the picture fill settings of a box. For information about changing the picture fill settings, see "To change the picture fill settings."
To outline title or subtitle text
1 Double-click a data chart.
2 Click Chart, and click one of the following:
3 Click the Text outline tab.
4 Open the Color picker, and click a color.
5 Open the Style picker, and click a line style.
6 Open the Width picker, and click a preset line width.
You can also specify the line width by typing a value in the Width box.
To change the title position
1 Double-click a data chart.
2 Click Chart Title.
3 Click the Title options tab.
4 In the Position area, enable an option.
You can also change a subtitle position by clicking Chart, Subtitle, clicking the Subtitle options tab, and enabling an option in the Position area.
To change label font properties
1 Double-click a data chart.
2 Click Chart Data labels.
3 Click the Label font tab.
4 Choose a font from the Face list.
5 Choose a font size from the Size list box.
6 Open the Color picker, and click a color.
7 In the Appearance area, enable any of the following check boxes:
To change legend text font properties
1 Double-click a data chart.
2 Click Chart Legend.
3 Click the Text font tab.
4 Choose a font from the Face list.
5 Choose a font size from the Size list box.
6 Open the Color picker, and click a color.
7 In the Appearance area, enable any of the following check boxes:
Changing data series properties
You can focus attention on important data series by using color, pattern, gradient, texture, or picture fills. You can also use different marker shapes and sizes to better distinguish data series. In addition, you can change the outline of a data series. For example, you can change the width of the outline.
To fill a data series with a pattern or gradient
1 Double-click a chart.
2 Click Chart Series.
3 Click the arrows at the top of the dialog box to select a series.
4 Click the Fill tab.
5 In the Fill style area, click one of the following icons:
6 Open the Foreground color picker, and click a color.
7 Open the Background color picker, and click a color.
8 Click a fill on the palette.
To fill a data series with a texture or picture
1 Double-click a chart.
2 Click Chart Series.
3 Click the arrows at the top of the dialog box to select a series.
4 Click the Fill tab.
5 In the Fill style area, click one of the following icons:
6 Choose a fill category from the Category list box.
7 Click a fill on the palette.
You can also change the picture fill settings of a data series. For information about changing the picture fill settings, see "To change the picture fill settings."
To change data series markers
1 Double-click a chart.
2 Click Chart Series.
3 Click the arrows at the top of the dialog box to select a series.
4 Click the Type/Axis tab.
5 In the Series type area, enable the Marker option.
6 In the Marker shape area, click a marker shape.
7 Type a value in the Marker size box.
To change data series outline properties
1 Double-click a chart.
2 Click Chart Series.
3 Click the arrows at the top of the dialog box to select a series.