Most objects in Quattro Pro have properties. For example, you can apply the Bold property to a cell, or the Name property to a sheet. You can use the @PROPERTY function or a Property macro command to automate the setting or viewing of properties. When you use the @PROPERTY function or a Property macro command, you need to use the correct syntax to view or change the values of the properties of an object. For further information, see Understanding syntax, Object precedence, and Identifying objects.
To display or change the property settings of an object:
{GETOBJECTPROPERTY Cell, Object.Property}-see Quattro Pro Macros Help
{SETOBJECTPROPERTY Object.Property, Value}-see Quattro Pro Macros Help
{GETPROPERTY Cell, Property}-see Quattro Pro Macros Help
{SETPROPERTY Property, Value}-see Quattro Pro Macros Help
To display the syntax for specific objects:
Active Object properties
Common Chart Object properties
Drawn Chart Object properties
Fixed Chart Object properties
Common properties
Dialog Control properties
Menu Item properties
Notebook Object properties
Objects Sheet Icon properties
Understanding syntax
The tables in this section can consist of the following columns:
Property column - lists the objects and their properties.
Argument column - shows the correct name of the property to use in the @PROPERTY function or a Property macro command.
Syntax column - shows the syntax of the property settings. Italicized items in the Syntax column describe the type of data returned; items in normal type are entered (when setting a property). If vertical bars (|) separate items, then only those items are returned or allowed in the property. For example, "Both | Window | Panel | None" means that the property setting is either Both, Window, Panel, or None; you can enter only one of these items to set the property. Another example is Precision | Type, which indicates that either the type or precision setting is listed in that position. Items in angle brackets (<>) are optional.
Object precedence
If a situation arises where a property command could affect multiple objects, the object highest on the following list is identified:
1 Dialog box
2 Chart
3 Floating object
4 Named cell
A property command could affect multiple objects if the objects have the same name.
When the Objects sheet is active, you cannot identify a dialog box or chart. The icon representing the dialog box or chart is identified instead.
Identifying objects
To identify an object, use the following Syntax:
Object Syntax Example Note
Cell or Cells [NBName]BlockAddress A:A23 [NBName] is optional
Chart [NBName]ChartName Chart1 [NBName] is optional.
Chart object [NBName]ChartName:ObjName [NBName] is optional. ChartName: is not needed if the chart window containing the object is active.
Chart icon ChartName Chart icons can only be identified when the Objects sheet is selected.
Dialog box [NBName]DialogName Dialog1 [NBName] is optional.
Dialog control [NBName]DialogName:ObjName Dialog1:Bitmap1 [NBName] is optional. DialogName: is not needed if the dialog box containing the control is active.
Dialog icon DialogName Dialog icons can only be identified when the Objects sheet is selected.
Floating object [NBName]Sheet:ObjName [NBName] and Page: are optional.
Menu item Menupath /Edit/Paste special To identify a menu item, enter its path separated by forward slashes (/)
Notebook [NBName] You can change properties of the active notebook using Active_Notebook.Property.
Sheet Active_Page You can only read or set properties of the active sheet using this syntax.
Toolbar [ToolbarName] Chart and Drawing Tools
Toolbar control [ToolbarName]ObjName [ToolbarName] is not needed if the Toolbar containing the control is active.
Cell Property
The following examples show how you can manipulate the property of a cell: the Numeric Format property of the cells A:A23.
Example 1 (the setting is stored in B:C32)
{GETOBJECTPROPERTY B:C32,"A:A23.Numeric_Format"}
Example 2 (the link command formats A:A23 as General)
ON Init SET General TO A:A23.Numeric_Format
Example 3 (formats A:A23 as Currency with 2 decimal places)
The following examples show how you can manipulate the property of an object: the Disabled property of a bitmap button named Bitmap1 in a dialog box named Dialog1.
{SETPROPERTY} and {GETPROPERTY} work on the selected object, and just take the name of the property to manipulate.
Common properties
Many objects contain the same property. The following are some of the more common properties:
Color property
Red, Green, Blue
Each component is an integer from 0 to 255; 0 indicates that none of the hue is present; 255 indicates maximum saturation for the hue. Black is 0,0,0 and white is 255,255,255.
You can also retrieve each of these color components individually. The following table lists the argument required to read or set an individual component of a Color property. Item is the word appearing in property dialogs and property tables that describes what color is being manipulated.
The following table lists properties and syntax for Color:
Property Syntax Description
Item_Color Item_Color;Red, Green, Blue The amount of red, green, and blue in the color
Red Item_Color.Red The amount of red in the color
Green Item_Color.Green The amount of green in the color
Blue Item_Color.Blue The amount of blue in the color
Dimension property
X, Y, Width, Height
Lets you specify the precise size and position of an object relative to the window containing it.
You can read or set an individual option of the Dimension property by using the following arguments:
The following table lists properties and syntax for the Dimension:
Property Syntax Description
Dimension Dimension X, Y, Width, Height
X Pos Dimension.X The distance in pixels between the left edge of the object and the left side of the window
Y Pos Dimension.Y The distance in pixels between the top edge of the object and the bottom edge of the window's title bar
Width Dimension.Width The width of the object in pixels
Height Dimension.Height The height of the object in pixels
For drawn objects, measure Y Pos from the top of the chart background.
Lets you specify whether chart text is solid, a washed tone, or a bitmap. If the style is Solid or Wash, leave the BitmapName field empty. Shadow indicates whether text should have a drop shadow (Yes) or no shadow (No).
The following table lists properties and syntax for the Text Settings:
Property Syntax
Text Settings Text_Settings;Solid|Wash|Bitmap|3-D, WashType, BitmapName,Shadow, Color1, Color2
Solid Text_Settings;Solid,None,,Shadow
Wash Text_Settings;Wash,"Left to right",,Shadow
Text_Settings;Wash,"Right to left",,Shadow
Text_Settings;Wash,"Center to left and right",,Shadow
Text_Settings;Wash,"Top to bottom",, Shadow
Text_Settings;Wash,"Bottom to top",,Shadow
Text_Settings;Wash,"Center to top and bottom",,Shadow
Bitmap Text_Settings;Bitmap,"Crop to fit"|"Shrink to fit",BitmapName,Shadow
3-D Text_Settings;3-D, Above Left | Above Center | Above Right | Level Left | Level Center | Level Right | Bottom Left | Bottom Center | Bottom Right,,,PerspectiveAmount(0-100), Shaded?(Yes | No)
Color 1 Red, Blue, Green
Color 2 Red, Blue, Green
Active Object properties
If you do not know the exact name of the active object you can still view the property settings:
Active object
The selected cells. Active_Block
The active notebook window Active_Notebook
The active notebook sheet Active_Page
The active object is the object that you are currently using.
The following table lists properties, arguments, and syntax for the Active Object object:
Property Syntax
Active Selection See Cell in topic Notebook Object Properties for a list of cell properties
Active Notebook See Notebook in topic Notebook Object Properties for a list of notebook properties
Active Sheet
Conditional Color Conditional_Color;Enable, SmallVal, GreatVal, BelColor, Normal, AboveCol, ERRCol
Above Normal Color Conditional_Color.Above_Normal_Color;0-15
Below Normal Color Conditional_Color.Below_Normal_Color;0-15
Enable Conditional_Color.Enable;Yes | No
ERR Color Conditional_Color.ERR_Color;0-15
Greatest Normal Value Conditional_Color.Greatest_Normal_Value;GreatVa
Normal Color Conditional_Color.Normal_Color;0-15
Smallest Normal Value Conditional_Color.Smallest_Normal_Value;SmallVal
/<- The first item on the menu bar. You can include this name at the end of a menu path (for example, /File/<- identifies the first item on the File menu).
/-> The last item on the menu bar. You can include this name at the end of a menu path (for example, /Tools/Macro/-> identifies the last item on the Tools Macro menu).
/n The nth item on the menu bar. You can include this name at the end of a menu path (for example, /Help/2 identifies the second item on the Help menu).
You can manipulate the properties for each item on the menu bar. To identify an item on the menu bar, enter its path separated by forward slashes (/). Do not include ellipses (...).The following table lists some special ways to identify menu items.
The following table lists properties and syntax for the Menu Item object:
Property Syntax
Menu Item Menupath.Property
Checked (H) Checked;Yes | No
Depend On (H) Depend_On;Desktop, NoteWin, ChartWin, DiaWin, EditWin, ObjectsPage
Disabled (H) Disabled;Yes | No
Enabled (H) Enabled;Yes | No
Grayed (H) Grayed;Yes | No
Help Line (H) Help_Line;HelpLine
Hidden (H) Hidden;Yes | No
HotKey (H) HotKey;HotKey
Show (H) Show;Yes | No
Title (H) Title;Title
If a property name is followed by (H), it is a hidden property and does not appear in the object's property dialog.
Dialog Control properties
You can view or set properties for dialog controls. For a table of arguments and syntax for the entire dialog box as an object, see Dialog Box Properties.
To view properties, arguments, and syntax for the following dialogs, choose from the following list:
Bitmap Button
Check Box
Color Control
Combo Box
Edit Field
Edit Integer
File Control
Group Box
Horizontal Scroller (HScrollBar)
List Box
Radio Button
Spin Control
Tab Control
Tab Button Control
Time Control (TimeCtrl)
Vertical Scroller (ScrollBar)
Dialog Box properties
To identify a dialog box, use its name followed by a colon. To specify the property settings of a dialog box outside of the active notebook, enter the notebook name in brackets before the dialog box name:
NBName is the name of the notebook containing the dialog box;it is optional.
The following table shows properties and syntax for the entire dialog box as an object:
Property Syntax Description
Dialog Box (Dialog) [NBName]DialogName:ObjName.Property NBName is the name of the active notebook
DialogName is the name of the dialog box containing the object
ObjName is either the object ID number or the name of the object
Property is one of the strings listed in the Argument column of the dialog control property tables
Position Adjust Position_Adjust;Depend, LeftRel, TopRel, RightRel, BottomRel, CenterHor, CenterVer
Title Title;Title
Value (H) Value;the current settings of all dialog/Toolbar controls that have Process Value set to Yes
If a property name is followed by (H), it is a hidden property and does not appear in the object's property dialog.
Bitmap Button properties
Lets you specify the properties of the bitmap button.
The following table lists properties and syntax for the Bitmap Button object:
Property Syntax Description
Bitmap Button [NBName]DialogName:ObjName.Property NBName is the name of the active notebook
DialogName is the name of the dialog box containing the object
ObjName is either the object ID number or the name of the object
Property is one of the strings listed in the Argument column of the dialog control property tables
Bitmap Bitmap;BitmapName
Button Type Button_Type;Push Button | Radio Button | Check Box | OK Exit Button | Cancel Exit Button
Default Button (D) Default_Button;Yes | No
Depend On Depend_On;Desktop, NoteWin, ChartWin, DiaWin, EditWin, ObjectsPage
Dimension (D) Dimension see Dimension
Disabled Disabled;Yes | No
Draw Beveling Draw_Beveling;Yes | No
Enabled (H, D) Enabled;Yes | No
Grayed Grayed;Yes | No
Help Line Help_Line;HelpLine
Hidden (D) Hidden;Yes | No
Label Text Label_Text;LabelText
Name Name;Name
Object Help Object_Help;Title, Text, Context
Object ID (R) Object_ID;ObjectID
Position Adjust (D) Position_Adjust;Depend, LeftRel, TopRel, RightRel, BottomRel, CenterHor, CenterVer
Show (H, D) Show;Yes | No
Tab Stop (D) Tab_Stop;Yes | No
Text Draw Flags Text_Draw_Flags;Apply, HorCenter, AlignRight(Yes)orLeft(No), VertCenter, AlignBottom(Yes)orTop(No), WordBreak, SingleLine
Value (H, D) Value;Yes | No
If a property name is followed by (D), it is available for Dialogs only. All other properties are available for Toolbars and Dialogs.
If a property name is followed by (H), it is a hidden property and does not appear in the object's property dialog.
If a property name is followed by (R), you cannot set it with a macro command or link command; it is a read only property.
Button properties
Lets you specify the button properties.
The following table lists properties and syntax for the Button object:
Property Syntax Description
Button [NBName]DialogName:ObjName.Property NBName is the name of the active notebook
DialogName is the name of the dialog box containing the object
ObjName is either the object ID number or the name of the object
Property is one of the strings listed in the Argument column of the dialog control property tables
Button Type Button_Type;Push Button | Radio Button | Check Box | OK Exit Button | Cancel Exit Button
Default Button (D) Default_Button;Yes | No
Depend On Depend_On;Desktop, NoteWin, ChartWin, DiaWin, EditWin, ObjectsPage
Dimension (D) Dimension see Dimension
Disabled Disabled;Yes | No
Enabled (H, D) Enabled;Yes | No
Grayed Grayed;Yes | No
Help Line Help_Line;HelpLine
Hidden (D) Hidden;Yes | No
Label Text Label_Text;LabelText
Name Name;Name
Object Help Object_Help;Title, Text, Context
Object ID (R) Object_ID;ObjectID
Position Adjust Position_Adjust;Depend, LeftRel, TopRel, RightRel, BottomRel, CenterHor, CenterVer
Show (H, D) Show;Yes | No
Tab Stop (D) Tap_Stop;Yes | No
Text Draw Flags Text_Draw_Flags;Apply, HorCenter, AlignRight(Yes)orLeft(No), VertCenter, AlignBottom(Yes)orTop(No), WordBreak, SingleLine
Value (H, D) Value;{Page.Display "No;Yes;Yes;Yes;Yes"}Yes | No
If a property name is followed by (D), it is available for Dialogs only. All other properties are available for Toolbars and Dialogs.
If a property name is followed by (H), it is a hidden property and does not appear in the object's property dialog.
If a property name is followed by (R), you cannot set it with a macro command or link command; it is a read only property.
Check Box properties
Lets you specify the check box properties.
The following table lists properties and syntax for the Check Box object:
Property Syntax Description
Check Box [NBName]DialogName:ObjName.Property NBName is the name of the active notebook
DialogName is the name of the dialog box containing the object
ObjName is either the object ID number or the name of the object
Property is one of the strings listed in the Argument column of the dialog control property tables
Button Type Button_Type;Push Button | Radio Button | Check Box | OK Exit Button | Cancel Exit Button
Depend On Depend_On;Desktop, NoteWin, ChartWin, DiaWin, EditWin, ObjectsPage
Dimension Dimension see Dimension
Disabled Disabled;Yes | No
Draw to Right Draw_to_right;Yes | No
Enabled (H) Enabled;Yes | No
Grayed Grayed;Yes | No
Help Line Help_Line;HelpLine
Hidden Hidden;Yes | No
Label Text Label_Text;LabelText
Name Name;Name
Object Help Object_Help;Title, Text, Context
Object ID (R) Object_ID;ObjectID
Position Adjust Position_Adjust;Depend, LeftRel, TopRel, RightRel, BottomRel, CenterHor, CenterVer
Process Value Process_Value;Yes | No
Show (H) Show;Yes | No
Tab Stop Tab_Stop;Yes | No
Text Draw Flags Text_Draw_Flags;Apply, HorCenter, AlignRight(Yes)orLeft(No), VertCenter, AlignBottom(Yes)orTop(No), WordBreak, SingleLine
Value (H) Value;Yes | No
If a property name is followed by (H), it is a hidden property and does not appear in the object's property dialog.
If a property name is followed by (R), you cannot set it with a macro command or link command; it is a read only property.
Color Control properties
Lets you specify the color control properties.
The following table lists properties and syntax for the Color Control object:
Property Syntax Description
Color Control [NBName]DialogName:ObjName.Property NBName is the name of the active notebook
DialogName is the name of the dialog box containing the object
ObjName is either the object ID number or the name of the object
Property is one of the strings listed in the Argument column of the dialog control property tables
56 Colors 56_Color;Yes | No
Custom Colors Custom_Colors;Yes | No
Depend On Depend_On;Desktop, NoteWin, ChartWin, DiaWin, EditWin, ObjectsPage
Dimension (D) Dimension; see Dimension
Disabled Disabled;Yes | No
Enabled (H, D) Enabled;Yes | No
Grayed Grayed;Yes | No
Help Line Help_Line;HelpLine
Hidden (D) Hidden;Yes | No
Name Name;Name
Object Help Object_Help;Title, Text, Context
Object ID (R) Object_ID;ObjectID
Position Adjust (D) Position_Adjust;Depend, LeftRel, TopRel, RightRel, BottomRel, CenterHor, CenterVer
Process Value (D) Process_Value;Yes | No
Show (H, D) Show;Yes | No
Tab Stop (D) Tab_Stop;Yes | No
Value (H, D) Value;Red,Green,Blue
If a property name is followed by (D), it is available for Dialogs only. All other properties are available for Toolbars and Dialogs.
If a property name is followed by (H), it is a hidden property and does not appear in the object's property dialog.
If a property name is followed by (R), you cannot set it with a macro command or link command; it is a read only property.
Combo Box properties
Lets you specify the combo box properties.
The following table lists properties and syntax for the Combo Box object:
Property Syntax Description
Combo Box [NBName]DialogName:ObjName.Property NBName is the name of the active notebook
DialogName is the name of the dialog box containing the object
ObjName is either the object ID number or the name of the object
Property is one of the strings listed in the Argument column of the dialog control property tables
Add Down Button Add_Down_Button;Yes | No
Allow Point Mode Allow_Point_Mode;Yes | No
Depend On Depend_On;Desktop, NoteWin, ChartWin, DiaWin, EditWin, ObjectsPage
Dimension (D) Dimension see Dimension
Disabled Disabled;Yes | No
Edit Disabled Edit_Disabled;Yes | No
Edit Length Edit_Length;Length
Enabled (H, D) Enabled;Yes | No
Grayed Grayed;Yes | No
Help Line Help_Line;HelpLine
Hidden (D) Hidden;Yes | No
History List History_List;Yes | No
List List;List
List Length List_Length;Length
Name Name;Name
Object Help Object_Help;Title, Text, Context
Object ID (R) Object_ID;ObjectID
Ordered Ordered;Yes | No
Position Adjust (D) Position_Adjust;Depend, LeftRel, TopRel, RightRel, BottomRel, CenterHor, CenterVer
Process Value (D) Process_Value;Yes | No
Selected Selected;Selected
Show (H, D) Show;Yes | No
Tab Stop (D) Tab_Stop;Yes | No
Terminate Dialog (D) Terminate_Dialog;Yes | No
Value (H, D) Value;the text of the selected item in the combo box
If a property name is followed by (D), it is available for Dialogs only. All other properties are available for Toolbars and Dialogs.
If a property name is followed by (H), it is a hidden property and does not appear in the object's property dialog.
If a property name is followed by (R), you cannot set it with a macro command or link command; it is a read only property.
Edit Field properties
Lets you specify the edit field properties.
The following table lists properties and syntax for the Edit Field object:
Property Syntax Description
Edit Field [NBName]DialogName:ObjName.Property NBName is the name of the active notebook
DialogName is the name of the dialog box containing the object
ObjName is either the object ID number or the name of the object
Property is one of the strings listed in the Argument column of the dialog control property tables
Allow Point Mode Allow_Point_Mode;Yes | No
Convert Text Convert_Text;Yes | No
Depend On Depend_On;Desktop, NoteWin, ChartWin, DiaWin, EditWin, ObjectsPage
Dimension (D) Dimension see Dimension
Disabled Disabled;Yes | No
Edit Length Edit_Length;Length
Enabled (H, D) Enabled;Yes | No
Field Type Field_Type;Integer | String | Real | Range | Hidden
Grayed Grayed;Yes | No
Help Line Help_Line;HelpLine
Hidden (D) Hidden;Yes | No
Name Name;Name
Object Help Object_Help;Title, Text, Context
Object ID (R) Object_ID;ObjectID
Position Adjust (D) Position_Adjust;Depend, LeftRel, TopRel, RightRel, BottomRel, CenterHor, CenterVer
Process Value (D) Process_Value;Yes | No
Show (H, D) Show;Yes | No
Show Frame Show_Frame;Yes | No
Tab Stop (D) Tab_Stop;Yes | No
Terminate Dialog (D) Terminate_Dialog;Yes | No
Value (H, D) Value;the text of the edit field
If a property name is followed by (D), it is available for Dialogs only. All other properties are available for Toolbars and Dialogs.
If a property name is followed by (H), it is a hidden property and does not appear in the object's property dialog.
If a property name is followed by (R), you cannot set it with a macro command or link command; it is a read only property.
Edit Integer properties
Lets you specify the edit integer properties.
The following table lists properties and syntax for the Edit Integer object:
Property Syntax Description
Edit Integer [NBName]DialogName:ObjName.Property NBName is the name of the active notebook
DialogName is the name of the dialog box containing the object
ObjName is either the object ID number or the name of the object
Property is one of the strings listed in the Argument column of the dialog control property tables
Default Default;DefaultValue
Depend On Depend_On;Desktop, NoteWin, ChartWin, DiaWin, EditWin, ObjectsPage
Dimension (D) Dimension see Dimension
Disabled Disabled;Yes | No
Edit Length Edit_Length;Length
Enabled (H, D) Enabled;Yes | No
Field Type Field_Type;Integer | String | Real | Range | Hidden
Grayed Grayed;Yes | No
Help Line Help_Line;HelpLine
Hidden (D) Hidden;Yes | No
Maximum Maximum;MaxValue
Minimum Minimum;MinValue
Name Name;Name
Object Help Object_Help;Title, Text, Context
Object ID (R) Object_ID;ObjectID
Position Adjust (D) Position_Adjust;Depend, LeftRel, TopRel, RightRel, BottomRel, CenterHor, CenterVer
Process Value (D) Process_Value;Yes | No
Show (H, D) Show;Yes | No
Show Frame Show_Frame;Yes | No
Tab Stop (D) Tab_Stop;Yes | No
Terminate Dialog (D) Terminate_Dialog;Yes | No
Value (H, D) Value;the value of the edit field
If a property name is followed by (D), it is available for Dialogs only. All other properties are available for Toolbars and Dialogs.
If a property name is followed by (H), it is a hidden property and does not appear in the object's Property dialog.
If a property name is followed by (R), you cannot set it with a macro command or link command; it is a read only property.
File Select Control properties
Lets you specify the file select control properties.
The following table lists properties and syntax for the File Select Control object:
Property Syntax Description
File Select Control [NBName]DialogName:ObjName.Property NBName is the name of the active notebook
DialogName is the name of the dialog box containing the object
ObjName is either the object ID number or the name of the object
Property is one of the strings listed in the Argument column of the dialog control property tables
Depend On Depend_On;Desktop, NoteWin, ChartWin, DiaWin, EditWin, ObjectsPage
Dialog Type Dialog_Type;Open | Save
Dimension (D) Dimension see Dimension
Disabled Disabled;Yes | No
Edit Disabled Edit_Disabled;Yes | No
Enabled (H, D) Enabled;Yes | No
File TypeList FileTypeList;FileTypeList
Grayed Grayed;Yes | No
Help Line Help_Line;HelpLine
Hidden (D) Hidden;Yes | No
Name Name;Name
Object Help Object_Help;Title, Text, Context
Object ID ObjectID;ObjectID
Position Adjust (D) Position_Adjust;Depend, LeftRel, TopRel, RightRel, BottomRel, CenterHor, CenterVer
Process Value (D) Process_Value;Yes | No
Show (H, D) Show;Yes | No
Tab Stop (D) Tab_Stop;Yes | No
Terminate Dialog (D) Terminate_Dialog;Yes | No
Title Title;Title
Value (H, D) Value;The full path and filename
If a property name is followed by (D), it is available for Dialogs only. All other properties are available for Toolbars and Dialogs.
If a property name is followed by (H), it is a hidden property and does not appear in the object's Property dialog.
If a property name is followed by (R), you cannot set it with a macro command or link command; it is a read only property.
Group Box properties
Lets you specify the group box properties.
The following table lists properties and syntax for the Group Box object:
Property Syntax Description
Group Box [NBName]DialogName:ObjName.Property NBName is the name of the active notebook
DialogName is the name of the dialog box containing the object
ObjName is either the object ID number or the name of the object
Property is one of the strings listed in the Argument column of the dialog control property tables
Attach Child Attach_Child;Yes | No
Dimension Dimension see Dimension
Disabled Disabled;Yes | No
Enabled (H) Enabled;Yes | No
Group Text Group_Text;Text
Hidden Hidden;Yes | No
Name Name;Name
Object Help Object_Help;Title, Text, Context
Object ID (R) Object_ID;ObjectID
Position Adjust Position_Adjust;Depend, LeftRel, TopRel, RightRel, BottomRel, CenterHor, CenterVer
Process Value Process_Value;Yes | No
Selected Selected;Number
Show (H) Show;Yes | No
Value (H) Value;The type of control selecte
If a property name is followed by (H), it is a hidden property and does not appear in the object's Property dialog.
If a property name is followed by (R), you cannot set it with a macro command or link command; it is a read only property.
Horizontal Scroller properties
Lets you specify the horizontal scroller properties.
The following table lists properties and syntax for the Horizontal Scroller object:
Property Syntax Description
Horizontal Scroller (HScrollBar) [NBName]DialogName:ObjName.Property NBName is the name of the active notebook
DialogName is the name of the dialog box containing the object
ObjName is either the object ID number or the name of the object
Property is one of the strings listed in the Argument column of the dialog control property tables
Depend On Depend_On;Desktop, NoteWin, ChartWin, DiaWin, EditWin, ObjectsPage
Dimension (D) Dimension see Dimension
Disabled Disabled;Yes | No
Enabled (H, D) Enabled;Yes | No
Grayed Grayed;Yes | No
Help Line Help_Line;HelpLine
Hidden (D) Hidden;Yes | No
Name Name;Name
Object Help Object_Help;Title, Text, Context
Object ID (R) Object_ID;ObjectID
Parameters Parameters;Min, Max, Line, Page, Time
Position Adjust (D) Position_Adjust;Depend, LeftRel, TopRel, RightRel, BottomRel, CenterHor, CenterVer
Process Value (D) Process_Value;Yes | No
Show (H, D) Show;Yes | No
Tab Stop (D) Tab_Stop;Yes | No
Value (H, D) Value;the numeric value for the position of the scroll thumb
If a property name is followed by (D), it is available for Dialogs only. All other properties are available for Toolbars and Dialogs.
If a property name is followed by (H), it is a hidden property and does not appear in the object's Property dialog.
If a property name is followed by (R), you cannot set it with a macro command or link command; it is a read only property.
Label properties
Lets you specify the label properties.
The following table lists properties and syntax for the Label object:
Property Syntax Description
Label [NBName]DialogName:ObjName.Property NBName is the name of the active notebook
DialogName is the name of the dialog box containing the object
ObjName is either the object ID number or the name of the object
Property is one of the strings listed in the Argument column of the dialog control property tables
Depend On Depend_On;Desktop, NoteWin, ChartWin, DiaWin, EditWin, ObjectsPage
Dimension (D) Dimension see Dimension
Disabled Disabled;Yes | No
Enabled (H, D) Enabled;Yes | No
Grayed Grayed;Yes | No
Hidden (D) Hidden;Yes | No
Label Font Label_Font;
Label Text Label_Text;LabelText
Name Name;Name
Object ID (R) Object_ID;ObjectID
Position Adjust (D) Position_Adjust;Depend, LeftRel, TopRel, RightRel, BottomRel, CenterHor, CenterVer
Process Value (D) Process_Value;Yes | No
Show (H, D) Show;Yes | No
Text Draw Flags Text_Draw_Flags;Apply, HorCenter, AlignRight(Yes) or Left(No), VertCenter, AlignBottom(Yes)or Top(No), WordBreak, SingleLine
Value (H, D) Value;LabelText
If a property name is followed by (D), it is available for Dialogs only. All other properties are available for Toolbars and Dialogs.
If a property name is followed by (H), it is a hidden property and does not appear in the object's Property dialog.
If a property name is followed by (R), you cannot set it with a macro command or link command; it is a read only property.
List Box properties
Lets you specify the list box properties.
The following table lists properties and syntax for the List Box object:
Property Syntax Description
List Box [NBName]DialogName:ObjName.Property NBName is the name of the active notebook
DialogName is the name of the dialog box containing the object
ObjName is either the object ID number or the name of the object
Property is one of the strings listed in the Argument column of the dialog control property tables
Attach Child Attach_Child;Yes | No
Depend On Depend_On;Desktop, NoteWin, ChartWin, DiaWin, EditWin, ObjectsPage
Dimension Dimension see Dimension
Disabled Disabled;Yes | No
Enabled (H) Enabled;Yes | No
Grayed Grayed;Yes | No
Help Line Help_Line;HelpLine
Hidden Hidden;Yes | No
List List;List
Name Name;Name
Number of Columns Number_of_Columns;Number
Object Help Object_Help;Title, Text, Context
Object ID (R) Object_ID;ObjectID
Ordered Ordered;Yes | No
Position Adjust Position_Adjust;Depend, LeftRel, TopRel, RightRel, BottomRel, CenterHor, CenterVer
Process Value Process_Value;Yes | No
Selected Selected;NumberSelected
Selection Text Selection_Text;SelectionText
Show (H) Show;Yes | No
Tab Stop Tab_Stop;Yes | No
Value (H) Value;the selected item in the list box
If a property name is followed by (H), it is a hidden property and does not appear in the object's Property dialog.
If a property name is followed by (R), you cannot set it with a macro command or link command; it is a read only property.
Radio Button properties
Lets you specify the radio button properties.
The following table lists properties and syntax for the Radio Button object:
Property Syntax Description
Radio Button [NBName]DialogName:ObjName.Property NBName is the name of the active notebook
DialogName is the name of the dialog box containing the object
ObjName is either the object ID number or the name of the object
Property is one of the strings listed in the Argument column of the dialog control property tables
Button Type Button_Type;Push Button | Radio Button | Check Box | OK Exit Button | Cancel Exit Button
Depend On Depend_On;Desktop, NoteWin, ChartWin, DiaWin, EditWin, ObjectsPage
Dimension Dimension see Dimension
Disabled Disabled;Yes | No
Draw to Right Draw_to_right;Yes | No
Enabled (H) Enabled;Yes | No
Grayed Grayed;Yes | No
Help Line Help_Line;HelpLine
Hidden Hidden;Yes | No
Label Text Label_Text;LabelText
Name Name;Name
Object Help Object_Help;Title, Text, Context
Object ID (R) Object_ID;ObjectID
Position Adjust Position_Adjust;Depend, LeftRel, TopRel, RightRel, BottomRel, CenterHor, CenterVer
Process Value Process_Value;Yes | No
Show (H) Show;Yes | No
Tab Stop Tab_Stop;Yes | No
Text Draw Flags Text_Draw_Flags;Apply, HorCenter, AlignRight(Yes)orLeft(No), VertCenter, AlignBottom(Yes)orTop(No), WordBreak, SingleLine
Value (H) Value;Yes | No
If a property name is followed by (H), it is a hidden property and does not appear in the object's Property dialog.
If a property name is followed by (R), you cannot set it with a macro command or link command; it is a read only property.
Rectangle properties
Lets you specify the rectangle properties.
The following table lists properties and syntax for the Rectangle object:
Property Syntax Description
Rectangle [NBName]DialogName:ObjName.Property NBName is the name of the active notebook
DialogName is the name of the dialog box containing the object
ObjName is either the object ID number or the name of the object
Property is one of the strings listed in the Argument column of the dialog control property tables
Attach Child (D) Attach_Child;Yes | No
Depend On Depend_On;Desktop, NoteWin, ChartWin, DiaWin, EditWin, ObjectsPage
Dimension (D) Dimension see Dimension
Disabled Disabled;Yes | No
Enabled (H) Enabled;Yes | No
Fill Color Fill_Color
Frame Color Frame_Color
Grayed Grayed;Yes | No
Hidden (D) Hidden;Yes | No
Name Name;Name
Object ID (R) Object_ID;ObjectID
Position Adjust (D) Position_Adjust;Depend, LeftRel, TopRel, RightRel, BottomRel, CenterHor, CenterVer
Rectangle Style Rectangle_Style;Plain | Framed | Beveled Out | Beveled In | Transparent | Engraved
Show (H, D) Show;Yes | No
If a property name is followed by (D), it is available for Dialogs only. All other properties are available for Toolbars and Dialogs.
If a property name is followed by (H), it is a hidden property and does not appear in the object's Property dialog.
If a property name is followed by (R), you cannot set it with a macro command or link command; it is a read only property.
Spin Control properties
Lets you specify the spin control properties.
The following table lists properties and syntax for the Spin Control object:
Property Syntax Description
Spin Control [NBName]DialogName:ObjName.Property NBName is the name of the active notebook
DialogName is the name of the dialog box containing the object
ObjName is either the object ID number or the name of the object
Property is one of the strings listed in the Argument column of the dialog control property tables
Attach Child (D) Attach_Child;Yes | No
Default Default;DefaultValue
Depend On Depend_On;Desktop, NoteWin, ChartWin, DiaWin, EditWin, ObjectsPage
Dimension (D) Dimension see Dimension
Disabled Disabled;Yes | No
Edit Length Edit_Length;Length
Enabled (H, D) Enabled;Yes | No
Grayed Grayed;Yes | No
Help Line Help_Line;HelpLine
Hidden (D) Hidden;Yes | No
Maximum Maximum;MaxValue
Minimum Minimum;MinValue
Name Name;Name
Object Help Object_Help;Title, Text, Context
Object ID (R) Object_ID;ObjectID
Position Adjust (D) Position_Adjust;Depend, LeftRel, TopRel, RightRel, BottomRel, CenterHor, CenterVer
Process Value (D) Process_Value;Yes | No
Show (H, D) Show;Yes | No
Tab Stop (D) Tab_Stop;Yes | No
Terminate Dialog (D) Terminate_Dialog;Yes | No
Value (H, D) Value;the current value of the spin control
If a property name is followed by (D), it is available for Dialogs only. All other properties are available for Toolbars and Dialogs.
If a property name is followed by (H), it is a hidden property and does not appear in the object's Property dialog.
If a property name is followed by (R), you cannot set it with a macro command or link command; it is a read only property.
Tab Control properties
Lets you specify the tab control properties.
The following table lists properties and syntax for the Tab Control object:
Property Syntax Description
Tab Control [NBName]DialogName:ObjName.Property NBName is the name of the active notebook
DialogName is the name of the dialog box containing the object
ObjName is either the object ID number or the name of the object
Property is one of the strings listed in the Argument column of the dialog control property tables
Active Sheet Active_Page;ActivePage
Depend On Depend_On;Desktop, NoteWin, ChartWin, DiaWin, EditWin, ObjectsPage
Dimension Dimension see Dimension
Disabled Disabled;Yes | No
Enabled (H) Enabled;Yes | No
Grayed Grayed;Yes | No
Help Line Help_Line;HelpLine
Hidden Hidden;Yes | No
Name Name;Name
Object Help Object_Help;Title, Text, Context
Object ID Object_ID;ObjectID
Position Adjust Position_Adjust;Depend, LeftRel, TopRel, RightRel, BottomRel, CenterHor, CenterVer
Process Value Process_Value;Yes | No
Sheet List Page_List;
Show (H) Show;Yes | No
Tab Stop Tab_Stop;Yes | No
Value (H) Value;the current value of the spin control
If a property name is followed by (H), it is a hidden property and does not appear in the object's Property dialog.
Tab Button Control properties
Lets you specify the tab button control properties.
The following table lists properties and syntax for the Tab Button Control object:
Property Syntax Description
Tab Button Control [NBName]DialogName:ObjName.Property NBName is the name of the active notebook
DialogName is the name of the dialog box containing the object
ObjName is either the object ID number or the name of the object
Property is one of the strings listed in the Argument column of the dialog control property tables
Grayed Grayed;Yes | No
Help Line Help_Line;HelpLine
Name Name;Name
Object Help Object_Help;Title, Text, Context
Object ID Object_ID;ObjectID
Sheet Name Text PageName_Text;PageNameText
Time Control properties
Lets you specify the time control properties.
The following table lists properties and syntax for the Time Control object:
Property Syntax Description
Time Control (TimeCtrl) [NBName]DialogName:ObjName.Property NBName is the name of the active notebook
DialogName is the name of the dialog box containing the object
ObjName is either the object ID number or the name of the object
Property is one of the strings listed in the Argument column of the dialog control property tables
Alarm On Alarm_On;Yes | No
Alarm Time Alarm_Time;Hour, Minute, Second
Hour Alarm_Time.Hour;Hour
Minute Alarm_Time.Minute;Minute
Second Alarm_Time.Second;Second
Attach Child (D) Attach_Child;Yes | No
Current Time (R) Current_Time;Hour, Minute, Second
Hour Current_Time.Hour;Hour
Minute Current_Time.Minute;Minute
Second Current_Time.Second;Second
Depend On Depend_On;Desktop, NoteWin, ChartWin, DiaWin, EditWin, ObjectsPage
Dimension (D) Dimension see Dimension
Help Line Help_Line;HelpLine
Hidden (D) Hidden;Yes | No
Interval in Units Interval_In_Units;Number
Name Name;Name
Object Help Object_Help;Title, Text, Context
Object ID (R) Object_ID;ObjectID
Position Adjust (D) Position_Adjust;Depend, LeftRel, TopRel, RightRel, BottomRel, CenterHor, CenterVer
Process Value (D) Process_Value;Yes | No
Show (H, D) Show;Yes | No
Show Time Show_Time;Yes | No
Timer On Timer_On;Yes | No
Units in Milliseconds Units_in_Milliseconds;Number
If a property name is followed by (D), it is available for Dialogs only. All other properties are available for Toolbars and Dialogs.
If a property name is followed by (H), it is a hidden property and does not appear in the object's Property dialog.
If a property name is followed by (R), you cannot set it with a macro command or link command; it is a read only property.
Vertical Scroller properties
Lets you specify the vertical scroller properties.
The following table lists properties and syntax for the Vertical Scroller object:
Property Syntax Description
Vertical Scroller (ScrollBar) [NBName]DialogName:ObjName.Property NBName is the name of the active notebook
DialogName is the name of the dialog box containing the object
ObjName is either the object ID number or the name of the object
Property is one of the strings listed in the Argument column of the dialog control property tables
Depend On Depend_On;Desktop, NoteWin, ChartWin, DiaWin, EditWin, ObjectsPage
Dimension Dimension see Dimension
Disabled Disabled;Yes | No
Enabled (H) Enabled;Yes | No
Grayed Grayed;Yes | No
Help Line Help_Line;HelpLine
Hidden Hidden;Yes | No
Name Name;Name
Object Help Object_Help;Title, Text, Context
Object ID (R) Object_ID;ObjectID
Parameters Parameters;Min, Max, Line, Page, Time
Position Adjust Position_Adjust;Depend, LeftRel, TopRel, RightRel, BottomRel, CenterHor, CenterVer
Process Value Process_Value;Yes | No
Show (H) Show;Yes | No
Tab Stop Tab_Stop;Yes | No
Value (H) Value;the numeric value for the position of the scroll thumb
If a property name is followed by (H), it is a hidden property and does not appear in the object's Property dialog.
If a property name is followed by (R), you cannot set it with a macro command or link command; it is a read only property.
Drawn Chart Object properties
Drawn objects in a chart are created by the Chart tools; see Fixed Chart Object Properties for a list of fixed chart objects. Note that some properties of a drawn object only appear in a property dialog when Quattro Pro is loaded with the /D command line switch.
To view properties, arguments, and syntax for the following chart annotation objects, choose from the following list:
Freehand Polygon
Freehand Polyline
Rounded Rectangle
Text Box
Arrow properties
Lets you specify the arrow properties.
The following table lists properties and syntax for the Arrow object:
Property Syntax Description
Arrow [NBName]ChartName:ObjName.Property NBName is the name of the active notebook
ChartName is the name of the chart containing the object
ObjName is either the object ID number or the name of the object
Property is one of the strings listed in the Argument column of the dialog control property tables
If a property name is followed by (H), it is a hidden property and does not appear in the object's Property dialog.
If a property name is followed by (R), you cannot set it with a macro command or link command; it is a read only property.
Fixed Chart Object properties
A fixed object in a chart is an object not created with the Chart toolbar. See Chart Window Properties and Chart Background Properties for chart properties. For a list of drawn chart objects (such as arrows), see Chart Annotation Object Properties.
To view properties, arguments, and syntax for the following fixed chart objects, choose from the following list:
Area Fill
Area Series
Axis Title
Bar Series
Bullet Series
Chart Background
Chart Legend
Chart Pane
Chart Subtitle
Chart Title Box
Chart Window
Column Chart
Float Series
Line Series
Map Legend
Map Properties
Pie Chart
Series Label
Fixed Chart Object Names
The following table lists the names for the objects in a fixed chart:
Property Description
G$Base Base of a 3-D chart
G$BulletSeries[n] nth level of bulleted text in a bullet chart;the first level is 1, the second is 2
G$Graph Background of the chart window
G$LeftWall Left wall of a 3-D chart grid
G$Legend Chart legend
G$Series[x,y] yth data point of the xth series in the chart
G$SeriesLabel Series labels
G$Title Title, subtitle, and title box of the chart
G$X1Axis x-axis
G$X1Title x-axis title
G$Y1Axis Primary y-axis
G$Y1Title Primary y-axis title
G$Y2Axis Secondary y-axis
G$Y2Title Secondary y-axis title
Area Fill properties
Lets you specify the area fill properties.
The following table lists properties and syntax for the Area Fill object:
Property Syntax Description
Area Fill [NBName]ChartName:ObjName.Property NBName is the name of the active notebook
ChartName is the name of the chart containing the object
ObjName is either the object ID number or the name of the object
Property is one of the strings listed in the Argument column of the dialog control property tables
The following table lists properties and syntax for the Area Series object:
Property Syntax Description
Area Series [NBName]Sheet:ObjName.Property NBName is the name of the active notebook
ChartName is the name of the chart containing the object
ObjName is either the object ID number or the name of the object
Property is one of the strings listed in the Argument column of the dialog control property tables
Analyze Analyze;None | Aggregration | Moving Average | Linear Fit | Exponential Fit,... Note: If Aggregration, other arguments are:...<Table>, Show in Legend?(0 | 1), Days | Weeks | Months | Quarters | Years, Weeks | Months | Quarters | Years, SUM | AVG | STD | STDS | MIN | MAX | VAR | VARS
Note: If Moving Average, other arguments are:...<Table>, Show in Legend?(0 | 1), Period, None | Standard
Note: If Linear Fit or Exponential Fit, other arguments are:...<Table>, Show in Legend?(0 | 1)
Fill Settings Fill_Settings see Common Chart Object properties
Series Options Series_Options;DataSeries, LabelSeries, Legend
Axis Title properties
Lets you specify the axis title properties.
The following table lists properties and syntax for the Axis Title object:
Property Syntax Description
Axis Title [NBName]Sheet:ObjName.Property NBName is the name of the active notebook
ChartName is the name of the chart containing the object
ObjName is either the object ID number or the name of the object
Property is one of the strings listed in the Argument column of the dialog control property tables
Text Font Text_Font see Font
Text Settings Text_Settings see Common Chart Object properties
Title Title;Title
{SelectObject G$Y1Axis}
{SetProperty Text_Font;"Arial;18;Yes;No;No;No"}
Bar Series properties
Lets you specify the bar series properties.
The following table lists properties and syntax for the Bar Series object:
Property Syntax Description
Bar Series [NBName]Sheet:ObjName.Property NBName is the name of the active notebook
ChartName is the name of the chart containing the object
ObjName is either the object ID number or the name of the object
Property is one of the strings listed in the Argument column of the dialog control property tables
Analyze None | Aggregration | Moving Average | Linear Fit | Exponential Fit,... Note: If Aggregration, other arguments are:...<Table>, Show in Legend?(0 | 1), Days | Weeks | Months | Quarters | Years, Weeks | Months | Quarters | Years, SUM | AVG | STD | STDS | MIN | MAX | VAR | VARS
Note: If Moving Average, other arguments are:...<Table>, Show in Legend?(0 | 1), Period, None|Standard
Note: If Linear Fit or Exponential Fit, other arguments are:...<Table>, Show in Legend?(0 | 1)
The following table lists properties and syntax for the Float Series object:
Property Syntax Description
Float Series [NBName]Sheet:ObjName.Property NBName is the name of the active notebook
ChartName is the name of the chart containing the object
ObjName is either the object ID number or the name of the object
Property is one of the strings listed in the Argument column of the dialog control property tables
Analyze None | Aggregration | Moving Average | Linear Fit | Exponential Fit,... Note: If Aggregration, other arguments are:...<Table>, Show in Legend?(0 | 1), Days | Weeks | Months | Quarters | Years, Weeks | Months | Quarters | Years, SUM | AVG | STD | STDS | MIN | MAX | VAR | VARS
Note: If Moving Average, other arguments are:...<Table>, Show in Legend?(0 | 1), Period, None|Standard
Note: If Linear Fit or Exponential Fit, other arguments are:...<Table>, Show in Legend?(0 | 1)
If a property name is followed by (H), it is a hidden property and does not appear in the object's Property dialog.
Line Series properties
Lets you specify the line series properties.
The following table lists properties and syntax for the Line Series object:
Property Syntax Description
Line Series [NBName]Sheet:ObjName.Property NBName is the name of the active notebook
ChartName is the name of the chart containing the object
ObjName is either the object ID number or the name of the object
Property is one of the strings listed in the Argument column of the dialog control property tables
Analyze Analyze;None | Aggregration | Moving Average | Linear Fit | Exponential Fit,... Note: If Aggregration, other arguments are:...<Table>, Show in Legend?(0 | 1), Days | Weeks | Months | Quarters | Years, Weeks | Months | Quarters | Years, SUM | AVG | STD | STDS | MIN | MAX | VAR | VARS
Note: If Moving Average, other arguments are:...<Table>, Show in Legend?(0 | 1), Period, None|Standard
Note: If Linear Fit or Exponential Fit, other arguments are:...<Table>, Show in Legend?(0 | 1)
Line Drawing Line_Drawing;Left, Top, Right, Bottom, Vert, Horiz, LeftColor, TopColor, RightColor, BottomColor, VertColor, HorizColor Note: The first six settings can take NoChange | Clear | Thin | Thick | Double;the last six settings can take 0-15;@PROPERTY and {GETPROPERTY} always return default Line Drawing property settings.
Number Value (H) Number_Value;the value in the cell
Numeric Format Numeric_Format;Format, Precision | Type
Fill Settings Fill_Settings see Common Chart Object properties
Object Name Object_Name;ObjName
Protection Protection;Yes | No
Text Box properties
Lets you specify the text box properties.
The following table lists properties and syntax for the Text Box object:
Property Syntax Description
Text Box [NBName]Sheet:ObjName.Property NBName is the name of the active notebook
Sheet is the name of the sheet containing the object
ObjName is either the object ID number or the name of the object
Property is one of the strings listed in the Argument column of the dialog control property tables
Alignment Alignment;Left | Right | Center, WordWrap, TabStops
Box Settings Box_Settings;No box | Single outline | Rounded corners | Double outline | Thick outline 1 | Thick rounded corners | Three dimensional | Thick outline 2 | Bevel out | Shadowed | Thick outline 3 | Bevel in, Red, Blue, Green
Fill Settings Fill_Settings see Common Chart Object properties
Object Name Object_Name;ObjName
Protection Protection;Yes | No
Text Font Text_Font see Font
Text Settings Text_Settings see Common Chart Object properties
Objects Sheet Icon Properties
Lets you specify the objects sheet icon properties. When the Objects sheet is active you can change the properties of icons on the Objects sheet instead of the objects they represent.
The following table lists properties and syntax for the Objects Sheet Icon object: