MsgCommandLineUsedToTag=Command Line used for Tagging :
MKVFileFound=Matroska input file found...
ExtractOnlyStreamsSupportedByMP4Box=Extracting only streams supported by MP4Box...
MsgSplitPart3=MB part...
MsgSplitPart7=at Chapter
MsgCommandLineUsedToSplit=Command Line used for the splitting :
MsgFrameRateDetected=Video Frame-Rate detected :
MsgEAC3toFound=EAC3to found...
TitleText=Advanced Settings
SubtitleText=Adjust Yamb, MP4Box or Tagger settings here.
OverwriteChBox=Overwrite an existing output file.
KeepAllMPEG4=Keep all MPEG-4 systems when using Concatenation or Creation Command.
FlatForStreaming=Store file with all media data first (useful for streaming).
ProcessPriority=Process Priority :
Language=Language :
OnFinishEvent=Enable OnFinish Event.
LogYambFolder=Save log file in Yamb folder.
LogOutputFolder=Save log file in output folder.
iTunesStyle=Enable Modern Style for the Lists.
VerboseMode=Verbose Mode.
Warning4AVC=Raise a Warning for raw AVC Streams during the mux process.
ForceConcatenation=Always force Concatenation.
TaggerOrNot=Use it also as a tagger.
OverwriteLogfile=Overwrite Log File.
EnableCommandLinePreview=Enable Command Line Preview.
RemoveFilesExtracted=Remove All Streams extracted from the input file.
MP4Box=- MP4Box, part of the GPAC Framework :
AP=- MKVExtract, part of MKVtoolnix :
MP4Tags=- EAC3to Official Website :
Yamb=- YAMB Official Website :
ThanksTo=Thanks to:
MediaInfo=- Zenitram and his great library MediaInfo :
JVCL=- The JVCL Components :
KDE=- KDE icons :
You=- you, of course...
TitleText=MP4 File Creation
TitleText2=3GPP File Creation
SubtitleText=Drop your files here and check the streams. Other settings can be changed via Properties.
VFRCreate=VFR Creation
lbSplitAt=Split at :
Compliance=Compliance :
Hint=Hint for Streaming.
TitleText=Running process
SubtitleText=Wait and Relax...This process can take a while. If you want you can abort and go back and change settings.
CurrentStatus=Current Status :
TimeRemain=Time Remaining :
ConvAborted=Conversion aborted.
ConvFailed=Conversion failed.
ConvSucceed=Conversion complete.
ExtractAborted=Extraction aborted.
ExtractFailed=Extraction failed.
ExtractSucceed=Extraction complete.
ConcatAborted=Concatenation aborted.
ConcatFailed=Concatenation failed.
ConcatSucceed=Concatenation complete.
CreateAborted=Creation aborted.
CreateFailed=Creation failed.
CreateSucceed=Creation complete.
SplitAborted=Splitting aborted.
SplitFailed=Splitting failed.
SplitSucceed=Splitting complete.
TagAborted=Tagging aborted.
TagFailed=Tagging failed.
TagSucceed=Tagging complete.
ImportAVIVideo=Importing AVI Video Stream...
ImportAVIAudio=Importing AVI Audio Stream...
ImportVobsubFile=Importing VobSub File...
ImportISOFile=Importing ISO File...
ImportSRTFile=Importing SRT File...
ImportTTXTFile=Importing TTXT File...
ImportAACFile=Importing AAC File...
ImportAC3File=Importing AC-3 File...
ImportImageFile=Importing Image File...
StoringFile=Storing split-file
ImportM4VFile=Importing M4V File...
ImportPSVideoFile=Importing MPEG-PS Video File...
ImportPSAudioFile=Importing MPEG-PS Audio File...
ImportTSFile=Importing MPEG-2 TS Stream...
ImportMP3File=Importing MP3 File...
ImportAVCFile=Importing AVC Stream...
ImportNHNTFile=Importing NHNT File...
ImportNHMLFile=Importing NHML File...
ImportAMRFile=Importing AMR File...
ImportEVRCFile=Importing EVRC File...
ImportSMVFile=Importing SMV File...
ImportAMRWBFile=Importing AMR-WB File...
ImportQCPFile=Importing QCP File...
ImportH263File=Importing H263 File...
ImportOGGVideo=Importing OGG Video File...
ImportOGGAudio=Importing OGG-Vorbis File...
ImportSAFFile=Importing SAF File...
ImportTeXMLFile=Importing TeXML File...
UnknownPID=Error : File has no selectable tracks.
InvalidUTF=Invalid UTF Data
MsgError=Error detected...check the logfile for more infos.
FileW=File Writing...
FileI=File Exporting...
FileS=File Splitting...
FileA=File Appending...
FileTag=File will be tagged...
AVCinAVIDetect=AVC Video Stream within AVI detected...
CmdUsedForExtract=Command Line used for Extraction
MsgNewTask=To create a new task choose No; Yes otherwise...
ClickToHide=Click to hide
ClickToSeeMore=Click to see more
TotalTimeElapsed=Total Time Elapsed...
ExtractionFromMKVDone=Extraction from the Matroska input file done...
TitleText=File Splitting
SubtitleText=Load your input file and select the appropriate button. Note that all metadata and tags will be removed.
VideoPreview=Enable Video Preview
SplitbySize=Split by Size :
SplitbyDuration=Split by Duration :
SplitFrom=Split from
SplitbyChapters=Split by Chapters # :
SplitbyAllChapters=Split All Chapters
Split10=With this, YAMB splits your file according to
Split11=the size specified. Keep in mind that for Video
Split12=Streams, MP4Box uses the nearest Key-Frame to
Split13=index the split point. That's why, you could have
Split14=sometimes a difference between the specified
Split15=filesize and filesize resultant.
Split20=With this, YAMB splits your file according to
Split21=the specified duration. Time can be given either
Split22=in hh:mm:ss.ccc timecode or as the number of
Split23=seconds. This GUI is able to differentiate both
Split30=Use this if you want to split partially your file.
Split31=YAMB will use the duration of the start and the end
Split32=points. Time can be given either in hh:mm:ss.ccc
Split33=timecode or as the number of seconds. YAMB is able
Split34=to differentiate both forms.
Split40=If your input file contains different Chapters/Tracks,
Split41=YAMB will split only the Chapter or Track Number specified.
Split50=If your input file contains different Chapters/Tracks, YAMB
Split51=will split your file according to the all Chapters/Tracks entries.
TitleText=File Extraction
SubtitleText=Open your file and select an item into the list to enable Extraction Settings.
ExtractToAVI=Extract to AVI.
ExtractToMP4=Extract to MP4.
ExtractToRAW=Extract to Raw Format.
ExtractToRawAll=Extract All streams to Raw Format.
ExtractVideoStream=Extract Video Stream.
ExtractAudioStream=Extract Audio Stream.
ExtractToSRT=Extract to SRT Format.
ExtractToTTXT=Extract to TTXT Format.
ExtractToOGM=Extract to OGM Text Format.
ExtractToCUE=Extract to CUESheet Format.
MsgExtractRawVideo=Extraction of Video Stream from
MsgExtractRawAudio=Extraction of Audio Stream from
MsgExtractVobSub=Extraction of VobSub Stream from
MsgExtractSubtitle=Extraction of Subtitle Stream from
MsgExtractChapters=Extraction of Chapters Metadata from
MsgToSRTFormat=to SRT Format...
MsgToTTXTFormat=to TTXT Format...
MsgToOGMTextFormat=to OGM Text Format...
MsgToCueSheetFormat=to CueSheet Format...
MsgEncapsulateVideoInMP4=Encapsulation of Video Stream into a new MP4 File...
MsgEncapsulateVideoInAVI=Encapsulation of Video Stream into AVI File...
MsgCmdUsedForExtraction=Command Line used for extraction
MsgFileSavedIn=File Saved in
TrackProp=Track Properties
gbSourceInfo=Source Information
chTagSupport=Enable Tags Support
PreviousTrackSelected=Select the previous Track...
NextTrackSelected=Select the next Track...
lbVideoStream=Video Stream
lbAudioStream=Audio Stream
lbSubStream=Subtitles Stream
TitleText=Concatenation of Files
SubtitleText=Drop your files here and check the streams you want to. Keep in mind that input files must have the same settings...
TitleText=One-Click Converter
SubtitleText=Browse Explorer to choose a subtitle or x264vfx AVI file and adjst the appropriate settings.
SubOptions=Subtitle Options
ConvSRT=Convert to SubRip Format (SRT)
ConvTTXT=Convert to GPAC Format (TTXT)
VideoOptions=Video Options
NoteForVideo=Note : YAMB is able to detect the Frame-Rate of your input file. By default, MP4Box will use this value during the conversion. If you want to change this, put the right Frame-Rate on the edit box available on the right. This could be useful to avoid playback issues.
MsgConversionOf=Conversion of
MsgConvertToTTXT=to ttxt format
MsgConverToSRT=to srt format
MsgExtractionOf=Extraction of
MsgExtractionToRawAVC=to raw h264
CmdUsedForConversion=Command Line used for the conversion :
MsgMuxAVItoMP4=to MP4
CmdUsedForMux=Command Line used for the mux :
MsgNotaSSAFile=is not a correct SSA/ASS subtitle file...