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% %
% Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Sampo Pyysalo, Sophie Aubin %
% See file "LICENSE" for information about commercial use of this system %
% %
% This file contains regular expressions that are used to match
% tokens not found in the dictionary. Each regex is given a name which
% determines the disjuncts assigned when the regex matches; this name
% must be defined in the dictionary along with the appropriate disjuncts.
% Note that the order of the regular expressions matters: matches will
% be attempted in the order in which the regexs appear in this file,
% and only the first match will be used.
% Numbers.
% XXX, we need to add utf8 U+00A0 "no-break space"
% The ":" is included here so we allow "10:30" to be a number
% This one matches the original LG rule.
% NUMBERS: /^[0-9][0-9:.,]+$/
% This allows more, e.g. "-5" and "5-10" and "9+/-6.5"
NUMBERS: /^[0-9:.,-]*[0-9]([0-9:.,-]|\+\/-[0-9:.,-])*$/
% "10(3)" exponent (used in PubMed)
NUMBERS: /^[0-9:.,-]*[0-9][0-9:.,-]*\([0-9:.,-]*[0-9][0-9:.,-]*\)$/
% Roman numerals
% The first expr has the potential(?) problem that it matches an empty
% string, this should be fixed.
ROMAN-NUMERAL-WORDS: /^M*(CM|D?C{0,3}|CD)(XC|L?X{0,3}|XL)(IX|V?I{0,3}|IV)$/
% ROMAN-NUMERAL-WORDS: /^M*(CM|D?C{0,3}|CD){1}(XC|L?X{0,3}|XL)(IX|V?I{0,3}|IV)$/
% ROMAN-NUMERAL-WORDS: /^M*(CM|D?C{0,3}|CD)(XC|L?X{0,3}|XL){1}(IX|V?I{0,3}|IV)$/
% ROMAN-NUMERAL-WORDS: /^M*(CM|D?C{0,3}|CD)(XC|L?X{0,3}|XL)(IX|V?I{0,3}|IV){1}$/
% Greek letters with numbers
GREEK-LETTER-AND-NUMBER: /^(alpha|beta|gamma|delta|epsilon|zeta|eta|theta|iota|kappa|lambda|mu|nu|xi|omicron|pi|rho|sigma|tau|upsilon|phi|chi|psi|omega)\-?[0-9]+$/
PL-GREEK-LETTER-AND-NUMBER: /^(alpha|beta|gamma|delta|epsilon|zeta|eta|theta|iota|kappa|lambda|mu|nu|xi|omicron|pi|rho|sigma|tau|upsilon|phi|chi|psi|omega)s\-?[0-9]+$/
% Some "safe" derived units. Simple units are in dictionary.
% The idea here is for the regex to match something that is almost
% certainly part of a derived unit, and allow the rest to be
% anything; this way we can capture difficult derived units such
% as "mg/kg/day" and even oddities such as "micrograms/mouse/day"
% without listing them explicitly.
% TODO: add more.
% Some (real) misses from these:
% micrograms.kg-1.h-1 microM-1 J/cm2 %/day mN/m cm/yr
% m/s days/week ml/s degrees/sec cm/sec cm/s mm/s N/mm (is that a unit?)
% cuts/minute clicks/s beats/minute x/week W/kg/W %/patient-year
% microIU/ml degrees/s counts/mm2 cells/mm3 tumors/mouse
% mm/sec ml/hr mJ/cm(2) m2/g amol/mm2 animals/group
% h-1 min-1 day-1 cm-1 mg-1 kg-1 mg.m-2.min-1 ms.cm-1 g-1
% sec-1 ms-1 ml.min.-1kg-1 ml.hr-1
% also, both kilometer and kilometers seem to be absent(!)
% remember "mm"!
UNITS: /^([npmk]|nano|pico|milli|micro|kilo)?(g|grams?)\// % grams/anything
UNITS: /^([fnmp]|femto|nano|micro|pico|mu)?mol(es)?\// % mol/anything
UNITS: /^[a-zA-Z\/.]+\/((m|micro)?[lLg]|kg|mol|min|day|h)$/ % common endings
% common endings, except in the style "mg.kg-1" instead of "mg/kg".
UNITS: /^[a-zA-Z\/.1-]+\.((m|micro)?[lLg]|kg|mol|min|day|h)(-1|\(-1\))$/
% combinations of numbers and units, e.g. "50-kDa", "1-2h"
% TODO: Clean up and check that these are up-to-date wrt the
% dictionary-recognized units; this is quite a mess currently.
% TODO: Extend the "number" part of the regex to allow anything
% that the NUMBER regex matches.
% One problem here is a failure to split up the expression ...
% e.g. "2hr" becomes 2 - ND - hr with the ND link. But 2-hr is treated
% as a single word ('I is a 2-hr wait')
NUMBER-AND-UNIT: /^[0-9.,-]+(msec|s|min|hour|h|hr|day|week|wk|month|year|yr|kDa|kilodalton|base|kilobase|base-pair|kD|kd|kDa|bp|nt|kb|mm|mg|cm|nm|g|Hz|ms|kg|ml|mL|km|microm|\%)$/
% fold-words. Matches NUMBER-fold, where NUMBER can be either numeric
% or a spelled-out number, and the hyphen is optional. Note that for
% spelled-out numbers, anything is allowed between the "initial" number
% and "fold" to catch e.g. "two-to-three fold" ("fourteen" etc. are absent
% as the prefix "four" is sufficient to match).
FOLD-WORDS: /^[0-9.,:-]*[0-9]([0-9.,:-]|\([0-9.,:-]*[0-9][0-9.,:-]*\)|\+\/-)*-?fold$/
FOLD-WORDS: /^(one|two|three|four|five|six|seven|eight|nine|ten|eleven|twelve|thirteen|fifteen|twenty|thirty|fifty|hundred|thousand|million).*fold$/
% Plural proper nouns.
PL-CAPITALIZED-WORDS: /^[[:upper:]].*[^iuoys]s$/
% Other proper nouns.
CAPITALIZED-WORDS: /^[[:upper:]]/
% Nouns ending -ation stubbed out in BioLG, stub out here ...
%ATION-WORDS: /..ation$/
ING-WORDS: /..ing$/
% plurals or verb-s.
S-WORDS: /[^iuoys]s$/
% Verbs ending -ed.
ED-WORDS: /..ed$/
% Advebs ending -ly.
LY-WORDS: /..ly$/
% Extension by LIPN 11/10/2005
% nouns -- typically seen in (bio-)chemistry texts
% synthetase, kinase
% 5-(hydroxymethyl)-2ΓÇÖ-deoxyuridine
% hydroxyethyl, hydroxymethyl
% septation, reguion
% isomaltotetraose, isomaltotriose
% glycosylphosphatidylinositol
% iodide, oligodeoxynucleotide
% chronicity, hypochromicity
MC-NOUN-WORDS: /..ase$/
MC-NOUN-WORDS: /..ine?$/
MC-NOUN-WORDS: /..yl$/
MC-NOUN-WORDS: /..ion$/
MC-NOUN-WORDS: /..ose$/
MC-NOUN-WORDS: /..ol$/
MC-NOUN-WORDS: /..ide$/
MC-NOUN-WORDS: /..ity$/
% replicon, intron
C-NOUN-WORDS: /..o[rn]$/
% adjectives
% exogenous, heterologous
% intermolecular, intramolecular
% glycolytic, ribonucleic, uronic
% ribosomal, ribsosomal
% nonpermissive, thermosensitive
% inducible, metastable
ADJ-WORDS: /..ous$/
ADJ-WORDS: /..ar$/
ADJ-WORDS: /..ic$/
ADJ-WORDS: /..al$/
ADJ-WORDS: /..ive$/
ADJ-WORDS: /..ble$/
% latin (postposed) adjectives
% influenzae, tarentolae
% pentosaceus, luteus, carnosus
LATIN-ADJ-WORDS: /..us$/ % must appear after -ous in this file
% latin (postposed) adjectives or latin plural noun
% brevis, israelensis
% japonicum, tabacum, xylinum
% Hyphenated words. In the original LG morpho-guessing system that
% predated the regex-based system, hyphenated words were detected
% before ING-WORDS, S-WORDS etc., causing e.g. "cross-linked" to be
% treated as a HYPHENATED-WORD (a generic adjective/noun), and
% never a verb. To return to this ordering, move this regex just
% after the CAPITALIZED-WORDS regex.
HYPHENATED-WORDS: /^[[:alpha:][:digit:],.][[:alpha:][:digit:],.-]*-[[:alpha:][:digit:],.-]*[[:alpha:][:digit:],.]$/
% proteins often end "ase", so we'll assume those things are names.
% removed, too many false positives.
% NAME: /ase$/