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- ; Post-processing knowledge file
- ; 6/96
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; This file contains the knowledge related to post-processing, in the
- ; form of lists and rules. This file is read by post-process.c at run-time.
- ; Syntax of file:
- ; line starting with ";" is a comment
- ; commas are field delimiters
- ; any token beginning with the character @ is expanded to the set
- ; of symbols it defined. e.g. one could write
- ; FOO: blah1 blah2 blah3
- ; thus defining a set FOO containing three strings. Then one could later write
- ; BAR: blah5 @FOO blah8
- ; which defines a set BAR containing 5 strings.
- ;
- ; Capitalized tokens are *required*, though if you feel like providing an
- ; empty list afterwards, that's your right.
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; The following links start a domain. Each must be given a name in the
- ; table below (STARTING_LINK_TYPE_TABLE)
- W Ce Cs Ca Cc Ci R* Rn Re RSe Mr QI#d Mv* Jr Mj Qd
- TOn TOi Mg* MVi Ss#d Bsd ER Z Ma#* SIs#g BIqx MX#p MX#a
- MX#r MX#j MV#o MV#p Eq COq CCq AFd PFc
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; The following links start a urfl domain. They are also included in the
- ; domain, as opposed to regular starter links (above), which are not. A
- ; urfl domain includes links accessible from the root word, tracing to
- ; the right (as well as everything accessible from the left end of the
- ; starter link).
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; The following start a urfl_only domain. These include _only_ links :
- ; reachable from the root word, tracing to the right. They aren't
- ; included in the domain
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Links which start a domain and are also part of the domain. This must be
- ; a sublist of the domain_starter_list
- Mg* Mx Bsd MX#a Ma#* Mv* MX#r Ss#d Ws Wq Qd Mj Wj
- Wi MX#j AFd PFc Jr Wd Mr
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; These links are not put in the word/link graph. They also cannot be the
- ; starter links for a domain. (These links may also only be used in cycles.)
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; These links may only be used in cycles.
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; These links are not traced further if they point back before the root word.
- ; The creation of Rw necessitated making B#m a restricted link, to
- ; prevent the (e) domain, started by Ce, from extending around through
- ; the Rw link.
- B#* D##w B#w B#d AFh MVt Xx HL SFsic AFd Bc CX EAh
- H HA PFc B#j Wd PF Z B#m
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; ---------------------- LINK TYPE TABLE-------------------------------
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; The following table associates a domain type with each possible
- ; starting link. It contains pairs: the first of each pair is a link
- ; type, and the second is the domain to which that link type belongs.
- Ce e
- R* r
- Rn r
- Re r
- W m
- RSe e
- Cs s
- Ca s
- Jr e
- Mr r
- Cc s
- Mv* e
- QI#d s
- BIqx s
- TOn e
- TOi e
- MVi e
- MV#o s
- MV#p s
- AFd s
- PFc s
- Mg* e
- Mj j
- Qd m
- MX#j j
- TOo x
- I#j x
- Pa##j x
- CP x
- COp d
- SFsx d
- Ss#g d
- SIs#g s
- Ss#d s
- Bsd s
- ER s
- Z s
- Ma#* e
- MX#p e
- Ci e
- MX#a e
- Eq e
- COq e
- CCq s
- MX#r r
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; ----------------------- LINK SETS ------------------------------------
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; (Not in use at present; see comment at beginning of file)
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; ----------------- RULES ----------------------------------------------
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Explanation of syntax: as usual, each stanza begins with a label
- ; terminated by a colon. The interpretation of the rule depends on
- ; the label, as specified in each stanza.
- ; The following rule asserts that the linkage must *still* be connected
- ; when the specified set(s) of links are removed from the linkage.
- @MUST_FORM_A_CYCLE_LINKS , "'must form a cycle' violation0"
- ; For the following rules, if a domain contains a link matching the 1st
- ; column, it must also contain a linkage matching one of the members of the
- ; set in the 2nd column. The individual rules are demarcated by semicolons and
- ; the fields within a rule are demarcated by commas.
- SI#* , Wq Qd CQ PFc , "Bad use of s-v inversion1" ,
- SI#x , Wq Qd CQ PFc , "Bad use of s-v inversion2" ,
- SFI##* , Wq Qd CQ PFc , "Bad use of s-v inversion3",
- SXI , Wq Qd CQ PFc , "Bad use of s-v inversion4" ,
- Ws , D##w S##w H , "S-V inversion required5",
- I#a , B#m B#w , "incorrect use of 'to'6" ,
- Wq , SI SFI SXI , "S-V inversion required7" ,
- Qd , SI SFI SXI , "S-V inversion required8" ,
- PFc , SI SFI SXI , "S-V inversion required9" ,
- Mj , Jw JQ , "Incorrect relative10" ,
- MX#j , Jw JQ , "Incorrect relative11" ,
- Wj , Jw JQ , "Misuse of preposition12" ,
- JQ , Mj Wj MX#j , "Misuse of preposition13" ,
- Jw , Mj Wj MX#j , "Misuse of preposition14" ,
- B#j , Jr , "Incorrect relative15" ,
- Jr , B#j , "Incorrect relative16" ,
- EAh , AF Bsm B*m Qe Ca AFm
- , "Incorrect use of 'how'17" ,
- EEh , AF Bsm B*m Qe Ca AFm
- , "Incorrect use of 'how'18" ,
- Qe , EEh , "Incorrect use of adverb19" ,
- THi , SFsi SFIsi OXi , "Complement requires 'it'20" ,
- TSi , SFsi SFIsi OXi , "Complement requires 'it'21" ,
- QIi , SFsi SFIsi OXi , "Complement requires 'it'22" ,
- TOi , SFsi SFIsi OXi , "Complement requires 'it'23" ,
- Ci , SFsi SFIsi OXi , "Complement requires 'it'24" ,
- COqi , SFsi SFIsi OXi , "Complement requires 'it'25" ,
- CPi , SFsi SFIsi OXi , "Complement requires 'it'26" ,
- Eqi , SFsi SFIsi OXi , "Complement requires 'it'27" ,
- LEi , SFsi SFIsi OXi , "Complement requires 'it'28" ,
- MVti , SFsi SFIsi OXi , "Complement requires 'it'29" ,
- AFdi , SFsi SFIsi OXi , "Complement requires 'it'30" ,
- O#i , SFsi SFIsi OXi , "Complement requires 'it'31" ,
- SFst , O*t Ost Omt Bs#t B*#t Bc#t
- , "Bad use of 'there'32" ,
- SFIst , O*t Ost Omt Bs#t B*#t Bc#t
- , "Bad use of 'there'33" ,
- SFp , Opt Omt O*t Bp#t B*#t Bc#t
- , "Bad use of 'there'34" ,
- SFIp , Opt Omt O*t Bp#t B*#t Bc#t
- , "Bad use of 'there'35" ,
- OXt , O#t B##t , "Bad use of 'there'36" ,
- SFsi* , TOi THi QIi TSi O#i Ci THb CPi
- COqi CPi Eqi AFdi BIh , "Bad use of 'it'37" ,
- SFIsi , TOi THi QIi TSi O#i Ci THb CPi
- COqi CPi Eqi AFdi BIh , "Bad use of 'it'38" ,
- OXi , TOi THi QIi TSi O#i Ci THb CPi
- COqi CPi Eqi AFdi BIh , "Bad use of 'it'39" ,
- THb , S##t SI##t SFsi SFIsi , "Bad use of predicate40" ,
- BIh , Ss#b SIs#b SFsi SFIsi , "Bad use of predicate41" ,
- BIq , S##q SI##q SFsi Ss#b SFIsi SIs#b
- , "Bad use of predicate42" ,
- MVt , Dm#m EAm EEm MVm Pam Pafm AFm EB#m MVb
- Om Mam Am Jm Ds*m MX#m , "Bad comparative43" ,
- MVz , D##y EAy EEy MVy EB#y , "Bad comparative44" ,
- MV#a , Pam Pafm EAm Ds*m EAy AFm Mam Am
- , "Bad comparative45" ,
- MV#i , Pam Pafm EAm Ds*m EAy AFm Mam Am
- , "Bad comparative46" ,
- MV#o , D##m D##y Om Oy Jm Jy Am MX#m
- , "Bad comparative47" ,
- MV#p , EEm MVb Dm#m EEy D##y MVm Om Oy
- Jm Jy Am MX#m
- , "Bad comparative48" ,
- Pafc , EB#m EB#y , "Bad comparative49" ,
- Pafc , Pa* Paf* , "Bad comparative50" ,
- MVat , MVm , "Bad comparative51" ,
- MVpt , MVm , "Bad comparative52" ,
- MVat , MVa MVp , "Bad comparative53" ,
- MVpt , MVa MVp , "Bad comparative54" ,
- U#t , D##m D##y Om Oy Jm Jy Am MX#m
- , "Bad comparative55" ,
- Cc , EEm EEy MVm MVb MVy
- , "Bad comparative56" ,
- Sp#c , Dmcm Dmcy Om Oy Jm Jy MX#m
- , "Bad comparative57" ,
- Ss#c , Dmum Dmuy Om Oy Jm Jy Ds*y MX#m
- , "Bad comparative58" ,
- S##c , Dm#m D##y Om Oy Jm Jy MX#m
- , "Bad comparative59" ,
- THc , TH , "Bad comparative60" ,
- TOc , TO** TOf* TOi* , "Bad comparative61" ,
- TOtc , TOt , "Bad comparative62" ,
- Ma** , TO TOf TH MVp TOt QI OF MVt MVz MVh Ytm Ya
- , "Bad use of adjective63" ,
- Mam , TO TOf TH MVp TOt QI OF MVt MVz MVh Ytm Ya
- , "Bad use of adjective64" ,
- MX#a , TO TOf TH MVp TOt QI OF MVt MVz MVh Ytm Ya
- , "Bad use of adjective65" ,
- ; There's no ZZZ connector, which means that Ixd and Oxn
- ; are prohibited from ever occuring. 4.0.batch covers this.
- Ixd , ZZZ , "Can't use 'do' with that verb" ,
- Oxn , ZZZ , "Bad use of pronoun66" ,
- MVh , EExk EAxk D##k , "Incorrect use of that67"
- ; The Rw link necessitated commenting out 68, because we had to make B#m
- ; a restricted link(see above)
- ; B#m , D##w H HA , "Bad use of gerund68"
- S , Spxi , "Bad n-v agreement69" ,
- SI , SIpxi , "Bad n-v agreement70" ,
- Ws , B#m Ca BT , "Question inversion violated71" ,
- SF , I* PP* TO* Pa* Pam Pg* Pv* LE* AFd* MVta
- , "Bad use of 'filler' subject72" ,
- SFI , I* PP* TO* Pa* Pam Pg* Pv* LE* AFd* MVta
- , "Bad use of 'filler' subject73" ,
- OX , I* PP* TO* Pa* Pam Pg* Pv* LE* AFd* MVta
- , "Bad use of 'filler' subject74" ,
- MXsr , Sp#w , "Bad n-v agreement75" ,
- MXpr , Ss#w S#iw , "Bad n-v agreement76" ,
- Mr , B#* , "Bad use of 'whose'77"
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; The following rule asserts that all specified domains must have the
- ; property that all of the words that touch a link in the domain are
- ; not to the left of the root word of the domain. These rules are
- ; different from the above in that the first field is a *domain name*,
- ; rather than a set of links.
- s , "Unbounded s domain78" ,
- r , "Unbounded r domain79"