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* atanks - obliterate each other with oversize weapons
* Copyright (C) 2003 Thomas Hudson
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* */
#include "environment.h"
#include "globaldata.h"
#include "explosion.h"
#include "missile.h"
#include "decor.h"
#include "tank.h"
_env->removeObject (this);
_global = NULL;
_env = NULL;
weap = NULL;
MISSILE::MISSILE (GLOBALDATA *global, ENVIRONMENT *env, double xpos, double ypos,
double xvel, double yvel,
int weaponType):PHYSICAL_OBJECT(),weap(NULL)
setEnvironment (env);
player = NULL;
_align = LEFT;
_global = global;
#ifdef NETWORK
char buffer[256];
sprintf(buffer, "MISSILE %d %d %lf %lf %d", (int)xpos, (int)ypos,
xvel, yvel, weaponType);
x = xpos;
y = ypos;
xv = xvel;
yv = yvel;
type = weaponType;
if (type < WEAPONS)
weap = &weapon[type];
weap = &naturals[type - WEAPONS];
mass = weap->mass;
drag = weap->drag;
sound = weap->sound;
expSize = weap->radius;
etime = weap->etime;
damage = weap->damage;
eframes = weap->eframes;
picpoint = weap->picpoint;
noimpact = weap->noimpact;
countdown = -1;
_bitmap = (BITMAP *)_global->missile[picpoint];
physics = 0;
age = 0;
destroy = FALSE;
if (type >= SML_METEOR && type <= LRG_METEOR)
angle = rand () % 360;
spin = rand () % 20 - 10;
angle = 0;
spin = 0;
// Napalm grows, others do not:
if (type == NAPALM_JELLY)
bIsGrowing = true;
iGrowRadius= 1;
bIsGrowing = false;
iGrowRadius= expSize;
if ( (type == FUNKY_BOMBLET) || (type == FUNKY_DEATHLET) )
int temp_number = rand() % 5;
switch (temp_number)
case 0: funky_colour = makecol(200, 0, 0); break;
case 1: funky_colour = makecol(0, 200, 0); break;
case 2: funky_colour = makecol(0, 0, 200); break;
case 3: funky_colour = makecol(200, 200, 0); break;
case 4: funky_colour = makecol(200, 0, 200); break;
void MISSILE::initialise ()
PHYSICAL_OBJECT::initialise ();
physics = 0;
age = 0;
if (type >= SML_METEOR && type <= LRG_METEOR)
angle = rand () % 360;
spin = rand () % 20 - 10;
angle = 0;
spin = 0;
int MISSILE::triggerTest ()
int quell = 1;
TANK *tank;
double old_delta_x = xv;
// Has it hit a tank?
for (int objCount = 0; (tank = (TANK*)_env->getNextOfClass (TANK_CLASS, &objCount)) && tank; objCount++)
if (x > tank->x - TANKWIDTH && x < tank->x + TANKWIDTH && y > tank->y && y < tank->y + TANKHEIGHT && tank->l > 0)
hitSomething = 1;
tank->requireUpdate ();
if (noimpact)
quell = 1;
else if ((y > 0) && (hitSomething || (y >= _global->screenHeight) || (getpixel (_env->terrain, (int)x, (int)y) != PINK)))
// else if ( (y > 0) && (hitSomething || (y >= _global->screenHeight) || (_env->surface[(int)x] <= y) ) )
quell = 0;
if (type >= SML_ROLLER && type <= DTH_ROLLER && !physics)
/* rollerupdate */
if (age > 1)
quell = 1;
physics = 1;
y -= 5;
if (x < 1)
x = 1;
if (x > (_global->screenWidth - 2))
x = (_global->screenWidth - 2);
if ( (y >= _env->surface[(int)x]) // y is surface or below
&& (y <= _env->surface[(int)x] + 2) ) // but not burried more than 2 px
y = _env->surface[(int)x] - 1;
yv = 0.0;
// if (xv > 0.0) yv = 1.0;
// if (xv < 0.0) yv =-1.0;
xv = 0.0;
if (x == 1)
else if (x == (_global->screenWidth - 2) )
int can_go_left = FALSE, can_go_right = FALSE;
if (getpixel (_env->terrain, (int)x + 1, (int)y + 1) == PINK)
can_go_right = TRUE;
if (getpixel (_env->terrain, (int)x - 1, (int)y + 1) == PINK)
can_go_left = TRUE;
if ( (can_go_left) && (!can_go_right) )
else if ( (! can_go_left) && (can_go_right) )
else if ( (can_go_left) && (can_go_right) )
xv = old_delta_x; // if both are open, continue on old course
if (xv == 0.0) // nothing worked, try something!
xv = yv;
yv = 0.0;
hitSomething = 0;
physics = 4;
else if (type == BURROWER || type == PENETRATOR)
if (physics == 1)
if (!hitSomething)
quell = 1;
if (!physics)
physics = 1;
xv *= 0.1;
yv *= 0.1;
quell = 1;
// our weapon has sub weapons
else if (weap->submunition >= 0)
WEAPON *submunition = &weapon[weap->submunition];
quell = 1;
if (weap->numSubmunitions > 0)
double divergenceStep = weap->divergence / (weap->numSubmunitions - 1);
int startPoint;
int randStart = rand () % 1000000;
int submunitionPhys = 0;
double inheritedXV = weap->impartVelocity * xv;
double inheritedYV = weap->impartVelocity * yv;
if (type == FUNKY_BOMB || type == FUNKY_DEATH)
submunitionPhys = 1;
if (divergenceStep < 0)
startPoint = 0;
startPoint = 180;
for (int spreadCount = 0; spreadCount < weap->numSubmunitions; spreadCount++)
MISSILE *newmis;
double launchSpeed;
int newmisCount;
int dAngle;
dAngle = (int) (startPoint - (weap->divergence / 2) + (divergenceStep * spreadCount));
if (weap->spreadVariation > 0)
double variation = Noise (randStart + 1054 + spreadCount) * weap->spreadVariation;
dAngle += (int)(weap->divergence * variation);
while (dAngle < 0)
dAngle += 360;
while (dAngle >= 360)
dAngle -= 360;
newmisCount = submunition->countdown;
if (submunition->countVariation > 0)
double variation = Noise (randStart + 78689 + spreadCount) * submunition->countVariation;
newmisCount += (int)(submunition->countdown * variation);
if (newmisCount <= 0)
newmisCount = 1;
launchSpeed = weap->launchSpeed;
if (weap->speedVariation > 0)
double variation = Noise (randStart + 124786 + spreadCount) * weap->speedVariation;
launchSpeed += weap->launchSpeed * variation;
newmis = new MISSILE (_global, _env, x, y - 20, _global->slope[dAngle][0] * launchSpeed * (100.0 / _global->frames_per_second) + inheritedXV, _global->slope[dAngle][1] * launchSpeed * (100.0 / _global->frames_per_second) + inheritedYV, weap->submunition);
if (newmis)
newmis->physics = submunitionPhys;
newmis->player = player;
newmis->countdown = newmisCount;
newmis->noimpact = weapon[weap->submunition].noimpact;
((int) newmis->x - 20,
(int) newmis->y - 20, 40, 40);
perror ( "missile.cc: Failed allocating memory for newmis in MISSILE::triggerTest (CLUSTER)");
destroy = TRUE;
if (countdown >= 0 && age >= countdown)
quell = 0;
if (type >= RIOT_CHARGE && type <= RIOT_BLAST)
quell = 0;
destroy = TRUE;
if (!quell)
trigger ();
return (!quell);
int MISSILE::applyPhysics ()
TANK *ltank;
int detonate = FALSE;
int max_age;
int above_ground;
// meteors live less time than regular missles
if ( (type >= SML_METEOR) && (type <= LRG_METEOR) )
max_age = MAX_METEOR_AGE;
max_age = MAX_MISSLE_AGE;
// Napalm grows first:
if (bIsGrowing)
if (age < max_age)
iGrowRadius = (int)round((double)expSize * ((double)age / (double)max_age));
if (iGrowRadius < 2)
iGrowRadius = 2;
bIsGrowing = false; // Finished growing!
if ( (age > max_age * _global->frames_per_second) || (y < -65535) )
detonate = 1;
if (!physics)
if (type >= SML_METEOR && type <= LRG_METEOR)
angle += spin;
angle = angle % 360;
angle = (int) (atan (yv / xv) * (180 / PI) * ACHANGE) - 64 + ((xv < 0) ? 128 : 0);
for (int objCount = 0; (ltank = (TANK*)_env->getNextOfClass (TANK_CLASS, &objCount)) && ltank; objCount++)
if (ltank->player != player)
double xaccel = 0, yaccel = 0;
ltank->repulse (x + xv, y + yv, &xaccel, &yaccel, type);
xv += xaccel;
yv += yaccel;
if ( PHYSICAL_OBJECT::applyPhysics () )
detonate = 1;
if (! detonate)
detonate = checkPixelsBetweenPrevAndNow ();
// mirvs trigger above ground
if ( (! detonate) && ( (type == SMALL_MIRV) || (type == CLUSTER_MIRV) ) )
above_ground = Height_Above_Ground();
if ( (above_ground > 0) && (above_ground < TIGGER_HEIGHT) &&
(yv > 0) )
detonate = 1;
// if (! detonate &&
if ( (type == BURROWER || type == PENETRATOR) )
hitSomething = 0;
if ( ( y >= _global->screenHeight) &&
( (_env->current_wallType == WALL_STEEL) || (_env->current_wallType == WALL_WRAP) ) )
detonate = TRUE;
hitSomething = 1;
y = _global->screenHeight;
yv = 0;
if (rand () % 5 == 0)
DECOR *decor;
decor = new DECOR (_global, _env, x, y, xv, yv, expSize / 20, DECOR_SMOKE);
if (!decor)
perror ( "missile.cc: Failed allocating memory for decor in MISSILE::applyPhysics (METEOR)");
// exit (1);
if (type >= SML_ROLLER && type <= DTH_ROLLER)
/* rollerupdate */
// check whether we have hit anything
if ( (x < 1)
||(x > (_global->screenWidth - 2))
||(y > (_global->screenHeight - 2))
||(getpixel(_env->terrain, (int)x, (int)y) != PINK))
detonate = 1;
// roll roller
float fSurfY = (float)_env->surface[(int)x] - 1;
if ((fSurfY > y) && (y < (_global->screenHeight - 5)))
if (fSurfY < (y + 5))
y = fSurfY;
if (xv > 0.0) angle += 3;
if (xv < 0.0) angle -= 3;
if (angle < 0) angle += 256;
if (angle > 255) angle -= 256;
if (xv > 0.0)
angle += 3;
angle -= 3;
if (angle < 0)
angle += 256;
if (angle > 255)
angle -= 256;
if (y >= MENUHEIGHT)
if (fSurfY > y)
else if (fSurfY >= (y - 2))
y = fSurfY - 1;
if (y > (_global->screenHeight - 5) && !detonate)
y = (_global->screenHeight - 5);
else if (type == FUNKY_BOMBLET || type == FUNKY_DEATHLET)
//double accel = (_env->wind - xv) / mass * drag;
if (x + xv < 1 || x + xv > (_global->screenWidth-1))
xv = -xv; //bounce on the border
x += xv;
// hit screen bottom then change the y velocity direction
if (y + yv >= _global->screenHeight)
// only bounce if the wall is rubber
if ( _env->current_wallType == WALL_RUBBER )
yv = -yv * 0.5;
xv *= 0.95;
// bounce back with more force
else if ( _env->current_wallType == WALL_SPRING )
yv = -yv * SPRING_CHANGE;
xv *= 1.05;
// steel or wrap floor, detonate
y = _global->screenHeight;
yv = 0;
detonate = TRUE;
else if (y+yv < 0) //hit screen top
yv = -yv * 0.5;
xv *= 0.95;
y += yv;
else if (type == BURROWER || type == PENETRATOR)
angle = (int) (atan (yv / xv) * (180 / PI) * ACHANGE) - 64 + ((xv < 0) ? 128 : 0);
for (int objCount = 0; (ltank = (TANK*)_env->getNextOfClass (TANK_CLASS, &objCount)) && ltank; objCount++)
if (ltank->player != player)
double xaccel = 0, yaccel = 0;
ltank->repulse (x + xv, y + yv, &xaccel, &yaccel, type);
xv += xaccel * 0.1;
yv += yaccel * 0.1;
if (x + xv < 1 || x + xv > (_global->screenWidth-1))
// if the wall is rubber, then bouce
if ( _env->current_wallType == WALL_RUBBER )
xv = -xv; //bounce on the border
// bounce with more force
else if ( _env->current_wallType == WALL_SPRING )
xv = -xv * SPRING_CHANGE;
// wall is steel, detonate
else if ( _env->current_wallType == WALL_STEEL )
detonate = TRUE;
// wrap around to other side of the screen
else if ( _env->current_wallType == WALL_WRAP )
if (xv < 0)
x = _global->screenWidth - 1;
x = 1;
if (y + yv >= _global->screenHeight)
yv = -yv * 0.5;
xv *= 0.95;
else if (y+yv < 0) //hit screen top
yv = -yv *0.5;
xv *= 0.95;
y += yv;
x += xv;
yv -= _env->gravity * 0.05 * (100.0 / _global->frames_per_second);
if (getpixel (_env->terrain, (int)x, (int)y) == PINK)
detonate = TRUE;
if (detonate)
hitSomething = 1;
if (y <= MENUHEIGHT)
else if ((y <= MENUHEIGHT) && _global->bIsBoxed)
detonate = 1;
hitSomething = 1; // Sorry, no more ceiling-drops for rollers!
return (detonate);
void MISSILE::trigger ()
EXPLOSION *explosion;
if (type >= TREMOR && type <= TECTONIC)
explosion = new EXPLOSION (_global, _env, x, y, xv, yv, type);
else if (type >= RIOT_CHARGE && type <= RIOT_BLAST)
explosion = new EXPLOSION (_global, _env, x, y, xv, yv, type);
explosion = new EXPLOSION (_global, _env, x, y, type);
if (!explosion)
perror ( "missile.cc: Failed allocating memory for explosion in MISSILE::trigger");
// exit (1);
explosion->player = player;
if ((_env->current_wallType == WALL_WRAP) && (type < WEAPONS))
EXPLOSION *cSecondExplo = NULL;
if (x < weapon[type].radius)
if ( (type >= TREMOR && type <= TECTONIC)
||(type >= RIOT_CHARGE && type <= RIOT_BLAST) )
cSecondExplo = new EXPLOSION (_global, _env, _global->screenWidth + x, y, xv, yv, type);
cSecondExplo = new EXPLOSION (_global, _env, _global->screenWidth + x, y, type);
if (!cSecondExplo)
perror ( "missile.cc: Failed allocating memory for cSecondExplo in MISSILE::trigger");
// exit (1);
if (x > (_global->screenWidth - weapon[type].radius))
if ( (type >= TREMOR && type <= TECTONIC)
||(type >= RIOT_CHARGE && type <= RIOT_BLAST) )
cSecondExplo = new EXPLOSION (_global, _env, x - _global->screenWidth, y, xv, yv, type);
cSecondExplo = new EXPLOSION (_global, _env, x - _global->screenWidth, y, type);
if (!cSecondExplo)
perror ( "missile.cc: Failed allocating memory for cSecondExplo in MISSILE::trigger");
// exit (1);
if (cSecondExplo)
cSecondExplo->player = player;
destroy = TRUE;
if ((type >= DIRT_BALL && type <= SMALL_DIRT_SPREAD) || (type >= RIOT_CHARGE && type <= RIOT_BLAST))
play_sample ((SAMPLE *) _global->sounds[9], 128 + (expSize / 2), 128, 1000 - (expSize * 2), 0);
else if (type == NAPALM_JELLY)
//play_sample ((SAMPLE *) _global->SOUND[9].dat, 128 + (expSize / 2), 128, 1000 - (expSize * 2), 0);
play_sample ((SAMPLE *) _global->sounds[WEAPONSOUNDS + sound], 255, 128, 1000, 0);
void MISSILE::draw (BITMAP *dest)
if (!destroy)
// draw missile if it is above the screen
BITMAP *bbitmap = _bitmap;
double by = y;
int bangle = angle;
_bitmap = (BITMAP*)_global->misc[3];
y = (double)MENUHEIGHT + (_bitmap->h / 2);
angle = 0;
VIRTUAL_OBJECT::draw (dest);
_bitmap = bbitmap;
y = by;
angle = bangle;
// draw missile on the screen
if (type == NAPALM_JELLY)
if (bIsGrowing)
circlefill (_env->db, (int)x, (int)y, iGrowRadius - 2, makecol (255, 0, 0));
circle(_env->db, (int)x, (int)y, iGrowRadius - 1, makecol(255, 150, 0));
circle(_env->db, (int)x, (int)y, iGrowRadius, makecol(255, 150, 0));
setUpdateArea ( (int)x - (iGrowRadius + 1),
(int)y - (iGrowRadius + 1),
(iGrowRadius + 1) * 2,
(iGrowRadius + 1) * 2);
circlefill (_env->db, (int)x, (int)y, expSize - 2, makecol (255, 0, 0));
circle(_env->db, (int)x, (int)y, expSize - 1, makecol(255, 150, 0));
circle(_env->db, (int)x, (int)y, expSize, makecol(255, 150, 0));
setUpdateArea ((int)x - (expSize + 1), (int)y - (expSize + 1), (expSize + 1) * 2, (expSize + 1) * 2);
requireUpdate ();
} // end of napalm
// try drawing a funky bomblet
else if ( ( type == FUNKY_BOMBLET) || (type == FUNKY_DEATHLET) )
circlefill(_env->db, (int) x, (int) y, 4, funky_colour );
circle(_env->db, (int) x, (int) y, 5, makecol(0, 0, 0) );
setUpdateArea( (int) x - 10, (int) y - 10, 20, 20);
// draw anything else, besides napalm
VIRTUAL_OBJECT::draw (dest);
void MISSILE::setEnvironment(ENVIRONMENT *env)
if (!_env || (_env != env))
_env = env;
_index = _env->addObject (this);
int MISSILE::isSubClass (int classNum)
if (classNum == MISSILE_CLASS)
return (TRUE);
return (FALSE);
//return (PHYSICAL_OBJECT::isSubClass (classNum));
// This function returns the distance above ground of
// the missile.
int MISSILE::Height_Above_Ground()
int height = (int)y + 1;
if (y < 0)
return height;
height = _env->surface[(int) x] - y;
return height;
// Check to see if any tanks have SDI defense. If they
// do, then see if this missile should be shot down.
// Returns the shooting tank if a shot is to be fired
// or NULL if no tank will shoot.
TANK *my_tank;
int index;
double distance;
int chance;
if (type == NAPALM_JELLY) // can't shoot jelly
return NULL;
for (index = 0; index < global->numPlayers; index++)
if ( ( global->players[index] ) && ( global->players[index]->tank) )
my_tank = global->players[index]->tank;
if ( (my_tank->player->ni[ITEM_SDI]) && (my_tank->player != this->player) )
distance = pow(x - my_tank->x, 2);
distance += pow(y - my_tank->y, 2);
distance = sqrt(distance);
// only fire if within range and above the tank
if ( ( distance < SDI_DISTANCE ) && (my_tank->y > y) )
chance = rand() % 5;
if (! chance)
return my_tank;
} // within range
} // we have SDI
} // end of we have a valid player/tank
} // finished going through all players
return NULL;